... even if a filter matches to exclude them. Let's have an example:
:global LogForwardFilter "(debug|info)";
:global LogForwardInclude "account";
This will forward everything about topic *account* (login, logout,
failed login, ...) - even with topic *info*.
Matrix is an open network for secure, decentralized communication - and
it has a web api.
A warning on message type: Using 'm.notice' breaks rendering on Element
for Android (no fixed width font) and does not pop up desktop
notification. Thus we use 'm.text'. Should be safe as we do not send the
messages in response to other messages.
This allows to add notification functions without overloading functions.
Just add it into the array:
:set ($NotificationFunctions->"fancy-messager") do={
# notification magic here...
Adding functions $SendFancyMessager and/or $SendFancyMessager2 may be
useful. Optionally a function to flush a queue may be required.
A BIG FAT WARNING about function parameters:
Calling a function from array results in $0 for the function name being
skipped. That's why we have to add the function name manually!
Drop 'DST Root CA X3', use 'ISRG Root X1' instead. The migration code
makes sure that...
* the intermediate certificate 'R3' is signed by 'ISRG Root X1'
* 'ISRG Root X1' is self-signed, not cross-signed by 'DST Root CA X3'
* 'DST Root CA X3' is finally gone
Let's Encrypt planned the transition to ISRG's root certificate ("ISRG Root
X1") on July 8, 2019, but postponed several times.
Finally they found another solution: A certificate 'ISRG Root X1', but
cross-signed with 'DST Root CA X3' and with a livetime that exceeds that
of the root CA. This is said to work for most operating system where root
certificate authorities are just 'trust anchors'.
I doubt this is true for RouterOS, where certificates are just imported
into the certificate store. So let's migrate to 'ISRG Root X1' now.
This drops $EmailBackupTo & $EmailBackupCc from settings! Use settings
overwrite if required:
:global EmailGeneralToOverride {
We can not check the status for a *specific* mail, so running simultaneously
is a problem. Let's increase the interval to the number of queue items -
and hope it helps. Decrease when done.