As DMRGateway, it reports connection status.
Command sent: "status" to port: 7642
dstar:n/a dmr:conn ysf:n/a p25:n/a nxdn:n/a fm:n/a
RemoveCommand has been slighlty modified, as using Log on a read-only filesystem simply forbids the strings to be displayed.
Another solution would be to set LogInitialisse's filePath to "/tmp/" for *nix systems.
simply merged upstream code.
following files are conflicted, all fixed
GPSD.h, MobileGPS.cpp, NXDNNetwork.cpp, NXDNNetwork.h, UDPSocket.h
NXDNIcomNetwork and NXDNKenwoodNetwork is still original code,
not support IPv6-UDPSocket yet.