Christian Hesse 870f00bb36 global: variable names are CamelCase
___  _         ___     __
           / _ )(_)__ _   / _/__ _/ /_
          / _  / / _ `/  / _/ _ `/ __/
         /____/_/\_, /  /_/ \_,_/\__/
 _       __     /___/       _             __
| |     / /___ __________  (_)___  ____ _/ /
| | /| / / __ `/ ___/ __ \/ / __ \/ __ `/ /
| |/ |/ / /_/ / /  / / / / / / / / /_/ /_/
|__/|__/\__,_/_/  /_/ /_/_/_/ /_/\__, (_)

RouterOS has some odd behavior when it comes to variable names. Let's
have a look at the interfaces:

[admin@MikroTik] > / interface print where name=en1
Flags: D - dynamic, X - disabled, R - running, S - slave
 #     NAME                                TYPE       ACTUAL-MTU L2MTU
 0  RS en1                                 ether            1500  1598

That looks ok. Now we use a script:

{ :local interface "en1";
  / interface print where name=$interface; }

And the result...

[admin@MikroTik] > { :local interface "en1";
{...   / interface print where name=$interface; }
Flags: D - dynamic, X - disabled, R - running, S - slave
 #     NAME                                TYPE       ACTUAL-MTU L2MTU
 0  RS en1                                 ether            1500  1598

... still looks ok.
We make a little modification to the script:

{ :local name "en1";
  / interface print where name=$name; }

And the result:

[admin@MikroTik] > { :local name "en1";
{...   / interface print where name=$name; }
Flags: D - dynamic, X - disabled, R - running, S - slave
 #     NAME                                TYPE       ACTUAL-MTU L2MTU
 0  RS en1                                 ether            1500  1598
 1   S en2                                 ether            1500  1598
 2   S en3                                 ether            1500  1598
 3   S en4                                 ether            1500  1598
 4   S en5                                 ether            1500  1598
 5  R  br-local                            bridge           1500  1598

Ups! The filter has no effect!
That happens whenever the variable name ($name) matches the property
name (name=).

And another modification:

{ :local type "en1";
  / interface print where name=$type; }

And the result:

[admin@MikroTik] > { :local type "en1";
{...   / interface print where name=$type; }
Flags: D - dynamic, X - disabled, R - running, S - slave
 #     NAME                                TYPE       ACTUAL-MTU L2MTU

Ups! Nothing?
Even if the variable name ($type) matches whatever property name (type=)
things go wrong.

The answer from MikroTik support (in Ticket#2019010222000454):

> This is how scripting works in RouterOS and we will not fix it.

To get around this we use variable names in CamelCase. Let's hope
Mikrotik never ever introduces property names in CamelCase...

*fingers crossed*
2019-01-04 12:35:34 +01:00

107 lines
3.8 KiB

# RouterOS script: global-config
# Copyright (c) 2013-2019 Christian Hesse <>
# global configuration
# Make sure all configuration properties are up to date and this
# value is in sync with value in script 'global-functions'!
:global GlobalConfigVersion 2;
# This is used for DNS and backup file.
:global Domain "";
:global HostNameInZone true;
# These addresses are used to send e-mails to. The to-addresses need
# to be filled, cc-addresses can be empty, one address or a comma
# separated list of addresses.
:global EmailGeneralTo "";
:global EmailGeneralCc "";
:global EmailBackupTo "";
:global EmailBackupCc "";
# You can send Telegram notifications. Register a bot
# and add the token and chat ids here.
:global TelegramTokenId "";
:global TelegramChatId "";
#:global TelegramTokenId "123456:ABCDEF-GHI";
#:global TelegramChatId "12345678";
# This defines what backups to generate and what password to use.
:global BackupSendBinary false;
:global BackupSendExport true;
:global BackupCloud false;
:global BackupPassword "v3ry-s3cr3t";
# Specify an address to enable auto update to version assumed safe.
# The configured channel (bugfix, current, release-candidate) is appended.
:global SafeUpdateUrl "";
#:global SafeUpdateUrl "";
# This controls what configuration is activated by bridge-port-to-default.
:global BridgePortTo "default";
# Access-list entries matching this comment are updated
# with daily pseudo-random PSK.
:global DailyPskMatchComment "Daily PSK";
:global DailyPskSecrets {
{ "Abusive"; "Aggressive"; "Bored"; "Chemical"; "Cold";
"Cruel"; "Curved"; "Delightful"; "Discreet"; "Elite";
"Evasive"; "Faded"; "Flat"; "Future"; "Grandiose";
"Hanging"; "Humorous"; "Interesting"; "Magenta";
"Magnificent"; "Numerous"; "Optimal"; "Pathetic";
"Possessive"; "Remarkable"; "Rightful"; "Ruthless";
"Stale"; "Unusual"; "Useless"; "Various" };
{ "Adhesive"; "Amusing"; "Astonishing"; "Frantic";
"Kindhearted"; "Limping"; "Roasted"; "Robust";
"Staking"; "Thundering"; "Ultra"; "Unusual" };
{ "Belief"; "Button"; "Curtain"; "Edge"; "Jewel";
"String"; "Whistle" }
# Run different commands with multiple mode-button presses.
:global ModeButton {
1="/ system script run leds-toggle-mode;";
2=":global SendNotification; :global Identity; \$SendNotification (\"Hello...\") (\"Hello world, \" . \$Identity . \" calling!\");";
3="/ system shutdown;";
4="/ system reboot;";
5="/ system script run bridge-port-toggle;";
# add more here...
# Run commands on SMS action.
:global SmsAction {
bridge-port-toggle="/ system script run bridge-port-toggle;";
reboot="/ system reboot;";
shutdown="/ system shutdown;";
# add more here...
# This address should resolve ntp servers and is used to update
# ntp settings. A pool can rotate servers.
:global NtpPool "";
# This is the address used to send gps data to.
:global GpsTrackUrl "";
# Enable this to fetch scripts from given url.
:global ScriptUpdatesFetch true;
:global ScriptUpdatesBaseUrl "";
#:global ScriptUpdatesBaseUrl "";
#:global ScriptUpdatesBaseUrl "";
:global ScriptUpdatesUrlSuffix "";
:global ScriptUpdatesIgnore {
# Use this for certificate auto-renew
:global CertRenewUrl "";
#:global CertRenewUrl "";
:global CertRenewPass "v3ry-s3cr3t";
# Configuration for update-tunnelbroker
#:global TunnelUrl "";
#:global TunnelUser "user";
#:global TunnelPass "v3ry-s3cr3t";
#:global TunnelId "";
#:global TunnelInt "tunnelbroker";