Christian Hesse 819c7294c6 introduce telegram-chat
Druvis from Mikrotik produced a video "MikroTik Telegram bot - Chat with
your Router?". He shows his script to chat with a Router via Telegram
bot to send it commands:

This script is kind of limited and has several issues... 🥴

Let's make it robust, usable, multi-device capable and just fun! 😁

(Sadly Mikrotik has a policy to not allow links in Youtube comments.
Thus my comment with several hints was removed immediately. If anybody
is in contact with Druvis... Please tell him about this script!)
2023-01-31 17:26:51 +01:00

218 lines
8.1 KiB

#!rsc by RouterOS
# RouterOS script: global-config
# Copyright (c) 2013-2023 Christian Hesse <>
# global configuration
# Set this to 'true' to disable news and change notifications.
:global NoNewsAndChangesNotification false;
# Add extra text (or emojis) in notification tags.
:global IdentityExtra "";
# This is used for DNS and backup file.
:global Domain "";
:global HostNameInZone true;
:global PrefixInZone true;
:global ServerNameInZone false;
# You can send e-mail notifications. Configure the system's mail settings
# (/tool/e-mail), then install the module:
# $ScriptInstallUpdate mod/notification-email
# The to-address needs to be filled; cc-address can be empty, one address
# or a comma separated list of addresses.
:global EmailGeneralTo "";
:global EmailGeneralCc "";
#:global EmailGeneralTo "";
#:global EmailGeneralCc ",";
# You can send Telegram notifications. Register a bot
# and add the token and chat ids here, then install the module:
# $ScriptInstallUpdate mod/notification-telegram
:global TelegramTokenId "";
:global TelegramChatId "";
#:global TelegramTokenId "123456:ABCDEF-GHI";
#:global TelegramChatId "12345678";
# Using telegram-chat you have to define trusted chat ids (not group ids!)
# or user names. Groups allow to chat with devices simultaneously.
#:global TelegramChatIdsTrusted {
# "12345678";
# "example_user";
:global TelegramChatGroups "(all)";
#:global TelegramChatGroups "(all|home|office)";
# This is whether or not to send Telegram messages with fixed-width font.
:global TelegramFixedWidthFont true;
# You can send Matrix notifications. Configure these settings and
# install the module:
# $ScriptInstallUpdate mod/notification-matrix
:global MatrixHomeServer "";
:global MatrixAccessToken "";
:global MatrixRoom "";
#:global MatrixHomeServer "";
#:global MatrixAccessToken "123456ABCDEFGHI...";
#:global MatrixRoom "!";
# It is possible to override e-mail, Telegram and Matrix setting for every
# script. This is done in arrays, where 'Override' is appended to the
# variable name, like this:
#:global EmailGeneralToOverride {
# "check-certificates"="";
# "backup-email"="";
# Toggle this to disable symbols in notifications.
:global NotificationsWithSymbols true;
# Toggle this to disable color output in terminal/cli.
:global TerminalColorOutput true;
# This defines what backups to generate and what password to use.
:global BackupSendBinary false;
:global BackupSendExport true;
:global BackupPassword "v3ry-s3cr3t";
:global BackupRandomDelay 0;
# These credentials are used to upload backup and config export files.
# SFTP authentication is tricky, you may have to limit authentication
# methods for your SSH server.
:global BackupUploadUrl "s";
:global BackupUploadUser "mikrotik";
:global BackupUploadPass "v3ry-s3cr3t";
# This defines what log messages to filter or include by topic or message
# text. Regular expressions are supported. Do *NOT* set an empty string,
# that will filter or include everything!
# These are filters, so excluding messages from forwarding.
:global LogForwardFilter "(debug|info)";
:global LogForwardFilterMessage [];
#:global LogForwardFilterMessage "message text";
#:global LogForwardFilterMessage "(message text|another text|...)";
# ... and another setting with reverse logic. This includes messages even
# if filtered above.
:global LogForwardInclude [];
:global LogForwardIncludeMessage [];
#:global LogForwardInclude "account";
#:global LogForwardIncludeMessage "message text";
# Specify an address to enable auto update to version assumed safe.
# The configured channel (bugfix, current, release-candidate) is appended.
:global SafeUpdateUrl "";
#:global SafeUpdateUrl "";
# Allow to install patch updates automatically.
:global SafeUpdatePatch false;
# Allow to install updates automatically if seen in neighbor list.
:global SafeUpdateNeighbor false;
# Allow to install updates even if device is managed by CAPsMAN.
:global SafeUpdateOnCap false;
# These thresholds control when to send health notification
# on temperature and voltage.
:global CheckHealthTemperature {
# This is deviation on recovery threshold against notification flooding.
:global CheckHealthTemperatureDeviation 3;
:global CheckHealthVoltageLow 115;
:global CheckHealthVoltagePercent 10;
# Access-list entries matching this comment are updated
# with daily pseudo-random PSK.
:global DailyPskMatchComment "Daily PSK";
:global DailyPskSecrets {
{ "Abusive"; "Aggressive"; "Bored"; "Chemical"; "Cold";
"Cruel"; "Curved"; "Delightful"; "Discreet"; "Elite";
"Evasive"; "Faded"; "Flat"; "Future"; "Grandiose";
"Hanging"; "Humorous"; "Interesting"; "Magenta";
"Magnificent"; "Numerous"; "Optimal"; "Pathetic";
"Possessive"; "Remarkable"; "Rightful"; "Ruthless";
"Stale"; "Unusual"; "Useless"; "Various" };
{ "Adhesive"; "Amusing"; "Astonishing"; "Frantic";
"Kindhearted"; "Limping"; "Roasted"; "Robust";
"Staking"; "Thundering"; "Ultra"; "Unreal" };
{ "Belief"; "Button"; "Curtain"; "Edge"; "Jewel";
"String"; "Whistle" }
# Run different commands with multiple mode-button presses.
:global ModeButton {
1="/system/script/run leds-toggle-mode;";
2=":global Identity; :global SendNotification; :global SymbolForNotification; \$SendNotification ([ \$SymbolForNotification \"earth\" ] . \"Hello...\") (\"Hello world, \" . \$Identity . \" calling!\");";
5=":global BridgePortVlan; \$BridgePortVlan alt;";
# add more here...
# This led gives visual feedback if type is 'on' or 'off'.
:global ModeButtonLED "user-led";
# Run commands on SMS action.
:global SmsAction {
bridge-port-vlan-alt=":global BridgePortVlan; \$BridgePortVlan alt;";
# add more here...
# Run commands by hooking into SMS forward.
:global SmsForwardHooks {
{ match="magic string";
command="/system/script/run ..." };
# add more here...
# This is the address used to send gps data to.
:global GpsTrackUrl "";
# Enable this to fetch scripts from given url.
:global ScriptUpdatesFetch true;
:global ScriptUpdatesBaseUrl "";
# alternative urls - main: stable code - next: currently in development
#:global ScriptUpdatesBaseUrl "";
#:global ScriptUpdatesBaseUrl "";
#:global ScriptUpdatesBaseUrl "";
#:global ScriptUpdatesBaseUrl "";
:global ScriptUpdatesUrlSuffix "";
# use next branch with default url (
#:global ScriptUpdatesUrlSuffix "\?h=next";
# Use this for defaults with $ScriptRunOnce
# Install module with:
# $ScriptInstallUpdate mod/scriptrunonce
:global ScriptRunOnceBaseUrl "";
:global ScriptRunOnceUrlSuffix "";
# This project is developed in private spare time and usage is free of charge
# for you. If you like the scripts and think this is of value for you or your
# business please consider a donation:
# Enable this to silence donation hint.
:global IDonate false;
# Use this for certificate auto-renew
:global CertRenewUrl "";
#:global CertRenewUrl "";
:global CertRenewTime 3w;
:global CertRenewPass {
:global CertWarnTime 2w;
:global CertIssuedExportPass {
# load custom settings from overlay
# Warning: Do *NOT* copy this code to overlay!
:do {
/system/script/run global-config-overlay;
} on-error={
:log error ("Loading configuration from overlay failed!");