Christian Hesse 92ca31a41d netwatch-notify: be more verbose on host downtime
Signed-off-by: Christian Hesse <>
2020-08-24 14:26:55 +02:00

66 lines
2.8 KiB

# RouterOS script: netwatch-notify
# Copyright (c) 2020 Christian Hesse <>
# monitor netwatch and send notifications
:global NetwatchNotify;
:global IfThenElse;
:global LogPrintExit;
:global ParseKeyValueStore;
:global SendNotification;
:global SymbolForNotification;
:if ([ :typeof $NetwatchNotify ] = "nothing") do={
:set NetwatchNotify [ :toarray "" ];
:foreach Host in=[ / tool netwatch find where comment~"^notify," disabled=no ] do={
:local HostVal [ / tool netwatch get $Host ];
:local HostInfo [ $ParseKeyValueStore ($HostVal->"comment") ];
:local HostName ($HostInfo->"hostname");
:local Metric { "count"=0; "notified"=false };
:if ([ :typeof ($NetwatchNotify->$HostName) ] = "array") do={
:set $Metric ($NetwatchNotify->$HostName);
:if ($HostVal->"status" = "up") do={
$LogPrintExit debug ("Host " . $HostName . " (" . $HostVal->"host" . ") is up.") false;
:local Count ($Metric->"count");
:set ($Metric->"count") 0;
:if ($Metric->"notified" = true) do={
$SendNotification ([ $SymbolForNotification "white-heavy-check-mark" ] . "Netwatch Notify: " . $HostName . " up") \
("Host " . $HostName . " (" . $HostVal->"host" . ") is up since " . $HostVal->"since" . ".\n" . \
"It was down for " . $Count . " checks since " . ($Metric->"since") . ".");
:if ([ :typeof ($HostInfo->"up-hook") ] = "str") do={
$LogPrintExit info ("Running hook on host " . $HostName . " up: " . ($HostInfo->"up-hook")) false;
[ :parse ($HostInfo->"up-hook") ];
:set ($Metric->"notified") false;
:set ($Metric->"since");
} else={
:set ($Metric->"count") ($Metric->"count" + 1);
:set ($Metric->"since") ($HostVal->"since");
$LogPrintExit info ("Host " . $HostName . " (" . $HostVal->"host" . ") is down for " . \
$Metric->"count" . " checks.") false;
:if ($Metric->"count" >= [ $IfThenElse ([ :typeof ($HostVal->"count") ] != "nothing") ($HostVal->"count") 5 ] && \
$Metric->"notified" != true) do={
$SendNotification ([ $SymbolForNotification "cross-mark" ] . "Netwatch Notify: " . $HostName . " down") \
("Host " . $HostName . " (" . $HostVal->"host" . ") is down since " . $HostVal->"since" . ".");
:set ($Metric->"notified") true;
:if ([ :typeof ($HostInfo->"down-hook") ] = "str") do={
$LogPrintExit info ("Running hook on host " . $HostName . " down: " . ($HostInfo->"down-hook")) false;
[ :parse ($HostInfo->"down-hook") ];
:set ($NetwatchNotify->$HostName) {
"since"=($Metric->"since") };