Christian Hesse 02b447212d telegram-chat: ignore new messages after reboot
This script supports multiple devices, and sending offset to discard
messages is delayed to third fetch to make sure all devices get the

This can cause trouble, though: Sending a device a reboot command can
make that device reboot multiple times 🥴 or - even worse - make it
enter an infinite boot loop 😳 if it is the only device.

So let's ignore first messages after reboot.
2023-02-26 22:19:36 +01:00

151 lines
6.1 KiB

#!rsc by RouterOS
# RouterOS script: telegram-chat
# Copyright (c) 2023 Christian Hesse <>
# use Telegram to chat with your Router and send commands
:local 0 "telegram-chat";
:global GlobalFunctionsReady;
:while ($GlobalFunctionsReady != true) do={ :delay 500ms; }
:global Identity;
:global TelegramChatActive;
:global TelegramChatGroups;
:global TelegramChatId;
:global TelegramChatIdsTrusted;
:global TelegramChatOffset;
:global TelegramChatRunTime;
:global TelegramTokenId;
:global CertificateAvailable;
:global EitherOr;
:global EscapeForRegEx;
:global GetRandom20CharAlNum;
:global IfThenElse;
:global LogPrintExit2;
:global MkDir;
:global ScriptLock;
:global SendTelegram2;
:global SymbolForNotification;
:global ValidateSyntax;
:global WaitForFile;
:global WaitFullyConnected;
$ScriptLock $0;
:if ([ :typeof $TelegramChatOffset ] != "array") do={
:set TelegramChatOffset { 0; 0; 0 };
:if ([ $CertificateAvailable "Go Daddy Secure Certificate Authority - G2" ] = false) do={
$LogPrintExit2 warning $0 ("Downloading required certificate failed.") true;
:local JsonGetKey do={
:local Array [ :toarray $1 ];
:local Key [ :tostr $2 ];
:for I from=0 to=([ :len $Array ] - 1) do={
:if (($Array->$I) = $Key) do={
:if ($Array->($I + 1) = ":") do={
:return ($Array->($I + 2));
:return [ :pick ($Array->($I + 1)) 1 [ :len ($Array->($I + 1)) ] ];
:return false;
:local Data;
:do {
:set Data ([ /tool/fetch check-certificate=yes-without-crl output=user \
("" . $TelegramTokenId . "/getUpdates?offset=" . \
$TelegramChatOffset->0 . "&allowed_updates=%5B%22message%22%5D") as-value ]->"data");
:set Data [ :pick $Data ([ :find $Data "[" ] + 1) ([ :len $Data ] - 2) ];
} on-error={
$LogPrintExit2 debug $0 ("Failed getting updates from Telegram.") true;
:local UpdateID 0;
:foreach Update in=[ :toarray $Data ] do={
:set UpdateID [ $JsonGetKey $Update "update_id" ];
:if (($TelegramChatOffset->0 > 0 || [ /system/resource/get uptime ] > 5m) && \
$UpdateID >= $TelegramChatOffset->2) do={
:local Trusted false;
:local Message [ $JsonGetKey $Update "message" ];
:local MessageId [ $JsonGetKey $Message "message_id" ];
:local From [ $JsonGetKey $Message "from" ];
:local FromID [ $JsonGetKey $From "id" ];
:local FromUserName [ $JsonGetKey $From "username" ];
:local ChatID [ $JsonGetKey [ $JsonGetKey $Message "chat" ] "id" ];
:local Text [ $JsonGetKey $Message "text" ];
:foreach IdsTrusted in=($TelegramChatId, $TelegramChatIdsTrusted) do={
:if ($FromID = $IdsTrusted || $FromUserName = $IdsTrusted) do={
:set Trusted true;
:if ($Trusted = true) do={
:if ([ :pick $Text 0 1 ] = "!") do={
:if ($Text ~ ("^! *(" . [ $EscapeForRegEx $Identity ] . "|@" . $TelegramChatGroups . ")\$")) do={
:set TelegramChatActive true;
} else={
:set TelegramChatActive false;
$LogPrintExit2 info $0 ("Now " . [ $IfThenElse $TelegramChatActive "active" "passive" ] . \
" from update " . $UpdateID . "!") false;
} else={
:if ($TelegramChatActive = true && $Text != false && [ :len $Text ] > 0) do={
:if ([ $ValidateSyntax $Text ] = true) do={
:local State "";
:local File ("tmpfs/telegram-chat/" . [ $GetRandom20CharAlNum 6 ]);
$MkDir "tmpfs/telegram-chat";
$LogPrintExit2 info $0 ("Running command from update " . $UpdateID . ": " . $Text) false;
:exec script=(":do {\n" . $Text . "\n} on-error={ :execute script=\"/\" file=" . $File . ".failed };" . \
":execute script=\"/\" file=" . $File . ".done") file=$File;
:if ([ $WaitForFile ($File . ".done.txt") [ $EitherOr $TelegramChatRunTime 20s ] ] = false) do={
:set State "The command did not finish, still running in background.\n\n";
:if ([ :len [ /file/find where name=($File . ".failed.txt") ] ] > 0) do={
:set State "The command failed with an error!\n\n";
:local Content [ /file/get ($File . ".txt") contents ];
$SendTelegram2 ({ origin=$0; chatid=$ChatID; silent=false; replyto=$MessageId; \
subject=([ $SymbolForNotification "speech-balloon" ] . "Telegram Chat"); \
message=("Command:\n" . $Text . "\n\n" . $State . [ $IfThenElse ([ :len $Content ] > 0) \
("Output:\n" . $Content) [ $IfThenElse ([ /file/get ($File . ".txt") size ] > 0) \
("Output exceeds file read size.") ("No output.") ] ]) });
/file/remove "tmpfs/telegram-chat";
} else={
$LogPrintExit2 info $0 ("The command from update " . $UpdateID . " failed syntax validation!") false;
$SendTelegram2 ({ origin=$0; chatid=$ChatID; silent=false; replyto=$MessageId; \
subject=([ $SymbolForNotification "speech-balloon" ] . "Telegram Chat"); \
message=("Command:\n" . $Text . "\n\nThe command failed syntax validation!") });
} else={
:local Message ("Received a message from untrusted contact " . \
[ $IfThenElse ($FromUserName = false) "without username" ("'" . $FromUserName . "'") ] . \
" (ID " . $FromID . ") in update " . $UpdateID . "!");
:if ($Text ~ ("^! *" . [ $EscapeForRegEx $Identity ] . "\$")) do={
$LogPrintExit2 warning $0 $Message false;
$SendTelegram2 ({ origin=$0; chatid=$ChatID; silent=false; replyto=$MessageId; \
subject=([ $SymbolForNotification "speech-balloon" ] . "Telegram Chat"); \
message=("You are not trusted.") });
} else={
$LogPrintExit2 info $0 $Message false;
} else={
$LogPrintExit2 debug $0 ("Already handled update " . $UpdateID . ".") false;
:set TelegramChatOffset ([ :pick $TelegramChatOffset 1 3 ], \
[ $IfThenElse ($UpdateID >= $TelegramChatOffset->2) ($UpdateID + 1) ($TelegramChatOffset->2) ]);