The load is defined as something different...
So let's update the wording and use 'utilization' instead.
---- ✂️ ----
🧮️📈️ Health warning: CPU utilization
The average CPU utilization on MikroTik is at 76%!
---- ✂️ ----
🧮️📉️ Health recovery: CPU utilization
The average CPU utilization on MikroTik decreased to 64%.
---- ✂️ ----
Druvis from Mikrotik produced a video "MikroTik Telegram bot - Chat with
your Router?". He shows his script to chat with a Router via Telegram
bot to send it commands:
This script is kind of limited and has several issues... 🥴
Let's make it robust, usable, multi-device capable and just fun! 😁
(Sadly Mikrotik has a policy to not allow links in Youtube comments.
Thus my comment with several hints was removed immediately. If anybody
is in contact with Druvis... Please tell him about this script!)
---- ✂️ ----
🗃️📉️ Health warning: free RAM
The available free RAM on MikroTik is at 18% (47MiB)!
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🗃️📈️ Health recovery: free RAM
The available free RAM on MikroTik increased to 65% (168MiB).
---- ✂️ ----
---- ✂️ ----
🧮️📈️ Health warning: CPU load
The average CPU load on MikroTik is at 76%!
---- ✂️ ----
🧮️📉️ Health recovery: CPU load
The average CPU load on MikroTik decreased to 64%.
---- ✂️ ----
---- ✂️ ----
📨 SMS Forwarding from 7277
Received this message by MikroTik from 7277:
On oct/17/2022 13:44:10 GMT -0 type class-0:
Welcome to our network!
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---- ✂️ ----
❌ Netwatch Notify: down
The host '' ( is down since oct/19/2022 16:27:03.
---- ✂️ ----
✅ Netwatch Notify: up
The host '' ( is up since oct/19/2022 17:03:00.
It was down for 6 checks since oct/19/2022 16:27:03.
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---- ✂️ ----
⚠️ Log Forwarding
The log on MikroTik contains these 3 messages after 6d23:55:18 uptime.
● 13:24:02 script;error backup-cloud: Failed uploading backup for MikroTik to cloud!
● 13:24:17 system;info;account user admin logged in from via ssh
● 13:24:57 system;info;account user admin logged out from via ssh
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---- ✂️ ----
✨ LTE firmware upgrade
A new firmware version R11e-LTE6_V033 is available for LTE interface lte on MikroTik.
Interface: MikroTik R11e-LTE6
Installed: R11e-LTE6_V027
Available: R11e-LTE6_V033
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⚡📉 Health warning: voltage
The voltage on MikroTik jumped more than 10%.
old value: 16.2V
new value: 12.4V
---- ✂️ ----
🔥 Health warning: temperature
The temperature on MikroTik is above threshold: 51°C
---- ✂️ ----
✅ Health recovery: temperature
The temperature on MikroTik dropped below threshold: 47°C
---- ✂️ ----
❌ Health warning: psu1-state
The power supply unit 'psu1-state' on MikroTik failed!
---- ✂️ ----
✅ Health recovery: psu1-state
The power supply unit 'psu1-state' on MikroTik recovered!
---- ✂️ ----
To filter in firewall you should use something like this:
/ip/firewall/filter/add action=reject chain=output out-interface-list=WAN port=514 protocol=udp reject-with=icmp-admin-prohibited;
/ip/firewall/filter/add action=reject chain=forward out-interface-list=WAN port=514 protocol=udp reject-with=icmp-admin-prohibited;
Starting with RouterOS 7.4 the netwatch tool has been extended, it can
now do tcp and http probes. Rename the parameter for reasonable naming
with services.