telegram-chat: retry on fetch failure...

... and exit with a warning.
This commit is contained in:
Christian Hesse 2023-10-17 21:22:51 +02:00
parent ab44377fb6
commit fffe0a3b50

View file

@ -47,13 +47,22 @@ $WaitFullyConnected;
$LogPrintExit2 warning $0 ("Downloading required certificate failed.") true;
:local Data;
:do {
:set Data ([ /tool/fetch check-certificate=yes-without-crl output=user \
("" . $TelegramTokenId . "/getUpdates?offset=" . \
$TelegramChatOffset->0 . "&allowed_updates=%5B%22message%22%5D") as-value ]->"data");
} on-error={
$LogPrintExit2 debug $0 ("Failed getting updates from Telegram.") true;
:local Data false;
:for I from=2 to=0 do={
:if ($Data = false) do={
:do {
:set Data ([ /tool/fetch check-certificate=yes-without-crl output=user \
("" . $TelegramTokenId . "/getUpdates?offset=" . \
$TelegramChatOffset->0 . "&allowed_updates=%5B%22message%22%5D") as-value ]->"data");
} on-error={
$LogPrintExit2 debug $0 ("Fetch failed, " . $I . " retries pending.") false;
:delay 2s;
:if ($Data = false) do={
$LogPrintExit2 warning $0 ("Failed getting updates from Telegram.") true;
:local UpdateID 0;