telegram-chat: get rid of '.txt' file extension

This commit is contained in:
Christian Hesse 2023-11-22 21:20:44 +01:00
parent d1abbede75
commit cae5f425a6

View file

@ -112,18 +112,18 @@ $WaitFullyConnected;
$MkDir "tmpfs/telegram-chat";
$LogPrintExit2 info $0 ("Running command from update " . $UpdateID . ": " . $Message->"text") false;
:execute script=(":do {\n" . $Message->"text" . "\n} on-error={ /file/add name=\"" . $File . ".failed\" };" . \
"/file/add name=\"" . $File . ".done\"") file=$File;
"/file/add name=\"" . $File . ".done\"") file=($File . "\00");
:if ([ $WaitForFile ($File . ".done") [ $EitherOr $TelegramChatRunTime 20s ] ] = false) do={
:set State "The command did not finish, still running in background.\n\n";
:if ([ :len [ /file/find where name=($File . ".failed") ] ] > 0) do={
:set State "The command failed with an error!\n\n";
:local Content [ /file/get ($File . ".txt") contents ];
:local Content [ /file/get $File contents ];
$SendTelegram2 ({ origin=$0; chatid=($Chat->"id"); silent=true; replyto=($Message->"message_id"); \
subject=([ $SymbolForNotification "speech-balloon" ] . "Telegram Chat"); \
message=("Command:\n" . $Message->"text" . "\n\n" . $State . [ $IfThenElse ([ :len $Content ] > 0) \
("Output:\n" . $Content) [ $IfThenElse ([ /file/get ($File . ".txt") size ] > 0) \
("Output:\n" . $Content) [ $IfThenElse ([ /file/get $File size ] > 0) \
("Output exceeds file read size.") ("No output.") ] ]) });
/file/remove "tmpfs/telegram-chat";
} else={