dhcp-to-dns: use 'active-' properties from lease

Turns out that address for static leases can be an address pool. Of
course that breaks the script as an ip address is expected. Use
'active-address'  instead.

Also let's do the same for 'active-mac-address'...

Fixes GH-43
This commit is contained in:
Christian Hesse 2023-06-08 21:33:49 +02:00
parent 0b04f173c8
commit 9bfa303038

View file

@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ $ScriptLock $0 false 10;
:foreach DnsRecord in=[ /ip/dns/static/find where comment~("^" . $CommentPrefix) (!type or type=A) ] do={
:local DnsRecordVal [ /ip/dns/static/get $DnsRecord ];
:local MacAddress [ $CharacterReplace ($DnsRecordVal->"comment") $CommentPrefix "" ];
:if ([ :len [ /ip/dhcp-server/lease/find where mac-address=$MacAddress address=($DnsRecordVal->"address") status=bound ] ] > 0) do={
:if ([ :len [ /ip/dhcp-server/lease/find where active-mac-address=$MacAddress active-address=($DnsRecordVal->"address") status=bound ] ] > 0) do={
$LogPrintExit2 debug $0 ("Lease for " . $MacAddress . " (" . $DnsRecordVal->"name" . ") still exists. Not deleting DNS entry.") false;
} else={
:local Found false;
@ -51,20 +51,20 @@ $ScriptLock $0 false 10;
:local LeaseVal;
:do {
:set LeaseVal [ /ip/dhcp-server/lease/get $Lease ];
:local DupMacLeases [ /ip/dhcp-server/lease/find where mac-address=($LeaseVal->"mac-address") status=bound ];
:local DupMacLeases [ /ip/dhcp-server/lease/find where active-mac-address=($LeaseVal->"active-mac-address") status=bound ];
:if ([ :len $DupMacLeases ] > 1) do={
$LogPrintExit2 debug $0 ("Multiple bound leases found for mac-address " . ($LeaseVal->"mac-address") . ", using last one.") false;
$LogPrintExit2 debug $0 ("Multiple bound leases found for mac-address " . ($LeaseVal->"active-mac-address") . ", using last one.") false;
:set LeaseVal [ /ip/dhcp-server/lease/get ($DupMacLeases->([ :len $DupMacLeases ] - 1)) ];
} on-error={
$LogPrintExit2 debug $0 ("A lease just vanished, ignoring.") false;
:if ([ :len ($LeaseVal->"address") ] > 0) do={
:local Comment ($CommentPrefix . $LeaseVal->"mac-address");
:local MacDash [ $CharacterReplace ($LeaseVal->"mac-address") ":" "-" ];
:if ([ :len ($LeaseVal->"active-address") ] > 0) do={
:local Comment ($CommentPrefix . $LeaseVal->"active-mac-address");
:local MacDash [ $CharacterReplace ($LeaseVal->"active-mac-address") ":" "-" ];
:local HostName [ $CharacterReplace [ $EitherOr ([ $ParseKeyValueStore ($LeaseVal->"comment") ]->"hostname") ($LeaseVal->"host-name") ] " " "" ];
:local Network [ /ip/dhcp-server/network/find where ($LeaseVal->"address") in address ];
:local Network [ /ip/dhcp-server/network/find where ($LeaseVal->"active-address") in address ];
:local NetworkVal;
:if ([ :len $Network ] > 0) do={
:set NetworkVal [ /ip/dhcp-server/network/get ($Network->0) ];
@ -77,11 +77,11 @@ $ScriptLock $0 false 10;
:if ([ :len $DnsRecord ] > 0) do={
:local DnsRecordVal [ /ip/dns/static/get $DnsRecord ];
:if ($DnsRecordVal->"address" = $LeaseVal->"address" && $DnsRecordVal->"name" = ($MacDash . "." . $NetDomain)) do={
$LogPrintExit2 debug $0 ("DNS entry for " . $LeaseVal->"mac-address" . " does not need updating.") false;
:if ($DnsRecordVal->"address" = $LeaseVal->"active-address" && $DnsRecordVal->"name" = ($MacDash . "." . $NetDomain)) do={
$LogPrintExit2 debug $0 ("DNS entry for " . $LeaseVal->"active-mac-address" . " does not need updating.") false;
} else={
$LogPrintExit2 info $0 ("Replacing DNS entry for " . $LeaseVal->"mac-address" . " (" . ($MacDash . "." . $NetDomain) . " -> " . $LeaseVal->"address" . ").") false;
/ip/dns/static/set address=($LeaseVal->"address") name=($MacDash . "." . $NetDomain) $DnsRecord;
$LogPrintExit2 info $0 ("Replacing DNS entry for " . $LeaseVal->"active-mac-address" . " (" . ($MacDash . "." . $NetDomain) . " -> " . $LeaseVal->"active-address" . ").") false;
/ip/dns/static/set address=($LeaseVal->"active-address") name=($MacDash . "." . $NetDomain) $DnsRecord;
:local Cname [ /ip/dns/static/find where comment=$Comment type=CNAME ];
@ -94,8 +94,8 @@ $ScriptLock $0 false 10;
/ip/dns/static/set name=($HostName . "." . $NetDomain) cname=($MacDash . "." . $NetDomain) $Cname;
} else={
$LogPrintExit2 info $0 ("Adding new DNS entry for " . $LeaseVal->"mac-address" . " (" . ($MacDash . "." . $NetDomain) . " -> " . $LeaseVal->"address" . ").") false;
/ip/dns/static/add name=($MacDash . "." . $NetDomain) type=A address=($LeaseVal->"address") ttl=$Ttl comment=$Comment place-before=$PlaceBefore;
$LogPrintExit2 info $0 ("Adding new DNS entry for " . $LeaseVal->"active-mac-address" . " (" . ($MacDash . "." . $NetDomain) . " -> " . $LeaseVal->"active-address" . ").") false;
/ip/dns/static/add name=($MacDash . "." . $NetDomain) type=A address=($LeaseVal->"active-address") ttl=$Ttl comment=$Comment place-before=$PlaceBefore;
:if ([ :len $HostName ] > 0) do={
$LogPrintExit2 info $0 ("Adding new CNAME (" . ($HostName . "." . $NetDomain) . " -> " . ($MacDash . "." . $NetDomain) . ").") false;
/ip/dns/static/add name=($HostName . "." . $NetDomain) type=CNAME cname=($MacDash . "." . $NetDomain) ttl=$Ttl comment=$Comment place-before=$PlaceBefore;