Merge branch 'netwatch' into next

This commit is contained in:
Christian Hesse 2022-07-06 11:42:47 +02:00
commit 99feceda38
9 changed files with 74 additions and 53 deletions

View file

@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ Tips & Tricks
Netwatch entries can be created to work with both - this script and
[netwatch-notify]( Just give options for both:
/tool/netwatch/add comment="doh, notify, hostname=cloudflare-dns" host=;
/tool/netwatch/add comment="doh, notify, name=cloudflare-dns" host=;
Also this allows to update host address, see option `resolve`.

View file

@ -159,10 +159,10 @@
id="tspan2281">Host ( is down since
id="tspan2281">The host '' ( is down
id="tspan2283">jun/08/2021 06:55:03.</tspan></text>
id="tspan2283">since jun/08/2021 06:55:03.</tspan></text>


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@ -159,11 +159,11 @@
id="tspan2246">Host ( is up since
id="tspan2246">The host '' ( is up
id="tspan2248">jun/08/2021 07:01:00.
id="tspan2248">since jun/08/2021 07:01:00.


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View file

@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ Configuration
The hosts to be checked have to be added to netwatch with specific comment:
/tool/netwatch/add comment="notify," host=[ :resolve "" ];
/tool/netwatch/add comment="notify," host=[ :resolve "" ];
### Hooks
@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ It is possible to run an up hook command (`up-hook`) or down hook command
(`down-hook`) when a notification is triggered. This has to be added in
comment, note that some characters need extra escaping:
/tool/netwatch/add comment=("notify, hostname=device, down-hook=/interface/ethernet \\{ disable \\\"en2\\\"; enable \\\"en2\\\"; \\}") host=;
/tool/netwatch/add comment=("notify, name=device, down-hook=/interface/ethernet \\{ disable \\\"en2\\\"; enable \\\"en2\\\"; \\}") host=;
Also there is a `pre-down-hook` that fires at two thirds of failed checks
required for the notification. The idea is to fix the issue before a
@ -54,15 +54,15 @@ notification is sent.
The count threshould (default is 5 checks) is configurable as well:
/tool/netwatch/add comment="notify,, count=10" host=;
/tool/netwatch/add comment="notify,, count=10" host=;
### Parents & dependencies
If the host is behind another checked host add a dependency, this will
suppress notification if the parent host is down:
/tool/netwatch/add comment="notify, hostname=gateway" host=;
/tool/netwatch/add comment="notify,, parent=gateway" host=;
/tool/netwatch/add comment="notify, name=gateway" host=;
/tool/netwatch/add comment="notify,, parent=gateway" host=;
Note that every configured parent in a chain increases the check count
threshould by one.
@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ threshould by one.
The host address can be updated dynamically. Give extra parameter `resolve`
with a resolvable name:
/tool/netwatch/add comment="notify,,";
/tool/netwatch/add comment="notify,,";
But be warned: Dynamic updates will probably cause issues if the name has
more than one record in dns - a high rate of configuration changes (and flash
@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ Also suppressing the notification on host down is possible with parameter
`no-down-notification`. This may be desired for devices that are usually
powered off, but accessibility is of interest.
/tool/netwatch/add comment="notify, hostname=printer, no-down-notification" host=;
/tool/netwatch/add comment="notify, name=printer, no-down-notification" host=;
Go and get your coffee ☕️ before sending the print job.
@ -99,10 +99,10 @@ Tips & Tricks
Sometimes it is sufficient if one of a number of hosts is available. You can
make `netwatch-notify` check for that by adding several items with same
`hostname`. Note that `count` has to be multiplied to keep the actual time.
`name`. Note that `count` has to be multiplied to keep the actual time.
/tool/netwatch/add comment="notify, hostname=service, count=10" host=;
/tool/netwatch/add comment="notify, hostname=service, count=10" host=;
/tool/netwatch/add comment="notify, name=service, count=10" host=;
/tool/netwatch/add comment="notify, name=service, count=10" host=;
### Checking internet connectivity
@ -112,11 +112,11 @@ check `` (Cloudflare DNS), `` (Quad-nine DNS), ``
(Google DNS) or any other reliable address that indicates internet
/tool/netwatch/add comment="notify, hostname=internet" host=;
/tool/netwatch/add comment="notify, name=internet" host=;
A target like this suits well to be parent for other checks.
/tool/netwatch/add comment="notify,, parent=internet" host=;
/tool/netwatch/add comment="notify,, parent=internet" host=;
### Checking specific ISP
@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ Create a route and firewall mangle rule.
Finally monitor the address with `netwatch-notify`.
/tool/netwatch/add comment="notify, hostname=quad-one via isp1" host=;
/tool/netwatch/add comment="notify, name=quad-one via isp1" host=;
Note that *all* traffic to the given address is routed that way. In case of
link failure this address is not available, so use something reliable but
@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ non-essential. In this example the address `` is used, the same service
Netwatch entries can be created to work with both - this script and
[netwatch-dns]( Just give options for both:
/tool/netwatch/add comment="doh, notify, hostname=cloudflare-dns" host=;
/tool/netwatch/add comment="doh, notify, name=cloudflare-dns" host=;
See also

View file

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
# Make sure all configuration properties are up to date and this
# value is in sync with value in script 'global-functions'!
:global GlobalConfigVersion 81;
:global GlobalConfigVersion 82;
# This is used for DNS and backup file.
:global Domain "";

View file

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
# Make sure all configuration properties are up to date and this
# value is in sync with value in script 'global-functions'!
# Comment or remove to disable news and change notifications.
:global GlobalConfigVersion 81;
:global GlobalConfigVersion 82;
# Copy configuration from global-config here and modify it.

View file

@ -90,6 +90,7 @@
79="Introduced new script 'backup-partition' to save configuration to fallback partition.";
80="The 'routeros-v7' branch will now freeze, and vanish any time in future. You already switched to 'main' branch, well done!";
81="Dropped script 'rotate-ntp', as the limitation does no longer exist.";
82="Renamed the comment parameter 'hostname' to just 'name' for 'netwatch-notify'.";
# Migration steps to be applied on script updates
@ -103,4 +104,5 @@
67=":global ScriptInstallUpdate; :global CharacterReplace; :foreach Script in=[ /system/script/find where name~\"^global-functions.d/\" ] do={ /system/script/set name=[ \$CharacterReplace [ /system/script/get \$Script name ] \"global-functions.d/\" \"mod/\" ] \$Script; }; \$ScriptInstallUpdate;";
73=":global ScriptInstallUpdate; :global CharacterReplace; :foreach Old,New in={ \"cloud-backup\"=\"backup-cloud\"; \"email-backup\"=\"backup-email\"; \"upload-backup\"=\"backup-upload\" } do={ /system/script/set name=\$New [ find where name=\$Old ]; :foreach Scheduler in=[ /system/scheduler/find where on-event~\$Old ] do={ /system/scheduler/set \$Scheduler name=[ \$CharacterReplace [ get \$Scheduler name ] \$Old \$New ] on-event=[ \$CharacterReplace [ get \$Scheduler on-event ] \$Old \$New ]; }; }; \$ScriptInstallUpdate;";
81=":global NtpPool; :if ([ :len [ /system/script/find where name=\"rotate-ntp\" ] ] > 0) do={ /system/script/remove [ find where name=\"rotate-ntp\" ]; /system/scheduler/remove [ find where name=\"rotate-ntp\" ]; /system/ntp/client/set servers=\$NtpPool; };";
82=":global CharacterReplace; :foreach Netwatch in=[ /tool/netwatch/find where comment~\"notify\" !disabled ] do={ /tool/netwatch/set \$Netwatch comment=[ \$CharacterReplace [ get \$Netwatch comment ] \"hostname=\" \"name=\" ]; };";

View file

@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
:local 0 "global-functions";
# expected configuration version
:global ExpectedConfigVersion 81;
:global ExpectedConfigVersion 82;
# global variables not to be changed by user
:global GlobalFunctionsReady false;

View file

@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
:global NetwatchNotify;
:global EitherOr;
:global IfThenElse;
:global IsDNSResolving;
:global LogPrintExit2;
@ -21,9 +22,10 @@
:global SymbolForNotification;
:local NetwatchNotifyHook do={
:local Name [ :tostr $1 ];
:local Type [ :tostr $2 ];
:local Hook [ :tostr $3 ];
:local Name [ :tostr $1 ];
:local Type [ :tostr $2 ];
:local State [ :tostr $3 ];
:local Hook [ :tostr $4 ];
:global LogPrintExit2;
:global ValidateSyntax;
@ -32,15 +34,18 @@
:do {
[ :parse $Hook ];
} on-error={
$LogPrintExit2 warning $0 ("The " . $Type . "-hook for host " . $Name . " failed to run.") false;
$LogPrintExit2 warning $0 ("The " . $State . "-hook for " . $Type . " '" . $Name . \
"' failed to run.") false;
:return ("The hook failed to run.");
} else={
$LogPrintExit2 warning $0 ("The " . $Type . "-hook for host " . $Name . " failed syntax validation.") false;
$LogPrintExit2 warning $0 ("The " . $State . "-hook for " . $Type . " '" . $Name . \
"' failed syntax validation.") false;
:return ("The hook failed syntax validation.");
$LogPrintExit2 info $0 ("Ran hook on host " . $Name . " " . $Type . ": " . $Hook) false;
$LogPrintExit2 info $0 ("Ran hook on " . $Type . " '" . $Name . "' " . $State . ": " . \
$Hook) false;
:return ("Ran hook:\n" . $Hook);
@ -54,16 +59,17 @@ $ScriptLock $0;
:set NetwatchNotify [ :toarray "" ];
:foreach Host in=[ /tool/netwatch/find where comment~"notify" disabled=no ] do={
:foreach Host in=[ /tool/netwatch/find where comment~"notify" !disabled ] do={
:local HostVal [ /tool/netwatch/get $Host ];
:local Type [ $IfThenElse ($HostVal->"type" ~ "^(http-get|tcp-conn)\$") "service" "host" ];
:local HostInfo [ $ParseKeyValueStore ($HostVal->"comment") ];
:if ($HostInfo->"notify" = true && $HostInfo->"disabled" != true) do={
:local HostName ($HostInfo->"hostname");
:local Name [ $EitherOr ($HostInfo->"name") ($HostVal->"name") ];
:local Metric { "count"=0; "notified"=false };
:if ([ :typeof ($NetwatchNotify->$HostName) ] = "array") do={
:set $Metric ($NetwatchNotify->$HostName);
:if ([ :typeof ($NetwatchNotify->$Name) ] = "array") do={
:set $Metric ($NetwatchNotify->$Name);
:if ([ :typeof ($HostInfo->"resolve") ] = "str") do={
@ -71,16 +77,18 @@ $ScriptLock $0;
:do {
:local Resolve [ :resolve ($HostInfo->"resolve") ];
:if ($Resolve != $HostVal->"host") do={
$LogPrintExit2 info $0 ("Name '" . $HostInfo->"resolve" . [ $IfThenElse ($HostInfo->"resolve" != \
$HostInfo->"hostname") ("' for host '" . $HostInfo->"hostname") "" ] . \
"' resolves to different address " . $Resolve . ", updating.") false;
$LogPrintExit2 info $0 ("Name '" . $HostInfo->"resolve" . [ $IfThenElse \
($HostInfo->"resolve" != $HostInfo->"name") ("' for " . $Type . " '" . \
$HostInfo->"name") "" ] . "' resolves to different address " . $Resolve . \
", updating.") false;
/tool/netwatch/set host=$Resolve $Host;
:set ($Metric->"resolve-failed") false;
} on-error={
:if ($Metric->"resolve-failed" != true) do={
$LogPrintExit2 warning $0 ("Resolving name '" . $HostInfo->"resolve" . [ $IfThenElse ($HostInfo->"resolve" != \
$HostInfo->"hostname") ("' for host '" . $HostInfo->"hostname") "" ] . "' failed.") false;
$LogPrintExit2 warning $0 ("Resolving name '" . $HostInfo->"resolve" . [ $IfThenElse \
($HostInfo->"resolve" != $HostInfo->"name") ("' for " . $Type . " '" . \
$HostInfo->"name") "" ] . "' failed.") false;
:set ($Metric->"resolve-failed") true;
@ -90,17 +98,21 @@ $ScriptLock $0;
:if ($HostVal->"status" = "up") do={
:local Count ($Metric->"count");
:if ($Count > 0) do={
$LogPrintExit2 info $0 ("Host " . $HostName . " (" . $HostVal->"host" . ") is up.") false;
$LogPrintExit2 info $0 ("The " . $Type . " '" . $Name . "' (" . $HostVal->"host" . \
") is up.") false;
:set ($Metric->"count") 0;
:if ($Metric->"notified" = true) do={
:local Message ("Host " . $HostName . " (" . $HostVal->"host" . ") is up since " . $HostVal->"since" . ".\n" . \
"It was down for " . $Count . " checks since " . ($Metric->"since") . ".");
:local Message ("The " . $Type . " '" . $Name . "' (" . $HostVal->"host" . \
") is up since " . $HostVal->"since" . ".\n" . \
"It was down for " . $Count . " checks since " . ($Metric->"since") . ".");
:if ([ :typeof ($HostInfo->"up-hook") ] = "str") do={
:set Message ($Message . "\n\n" . [ $NetwatchNotifyHook $HostName "up" ($HostInfo->"up-hook") ]);
:set Message ($Message . "\n\n" . [ $NetwatchNotifyHook $Name $Type "up" \
($HostInfo->"up-hook") ]);
$SendNotification2 ({ origin=$0; \
subject=([ $SymbolForNotification "white-heavy-check-mark" ] . "Netwatch Notify: " . $HostName . " up"); \
subject=([ $SymbolForNotification "white-heavy-check-mark" ] . "Netwatch Notify: " . \
$Name . " up"); \
message=$Message });
:set ($Metric->"notified") false;
@ -119,32 +131,39 @@ $ScriptLock $0;
:set Parent ($HostInfo->"parent");
:local ParentNotified false;
:while ($ParentNotified = false && [ :len $Parent ] > 0) do={
:set ParentNotified [ $IfThenElse (($NetwatchNotify->$Parent->"notified") = true) true false ];
:set ParentNotified [ $IfThenElse (($NetwatchNotify->$Parent->"notified") = true) \
true false ];
:if ($ParentNotified = false) do={
:set Parent ($NetwatchNotify->$Parent->"parent");
$LogPrintExit2 [ $IfThenElse ($HostInfo->"no-down-notification" != true) info debug ] $0 \
("Host " . $HostName . " (" . $HostVal->"host" . ") is down for " . $Metric->"count" . " checks, " . \
[ $IfThenElse ($ParentNotified = false) [ $IfThenElse ($Metric->"notified" = true) ("already notified.") \
($Count - $Metric->"count" . " to go.") ] ("parent host " . $Parent . " is down.") ]) false;
:if ((($Count * 2) - ($Metric->"count" * 3)) / 2 = 0 && [ :typeof ($HostInfo->"pre-down-hook") ] = "str") do={
$NetwatchNotifyHook $HostName "pre-down" ($HostInfo->"pre-down-hook");
("The " . $Type . " '" . $Name . "' (" . $HostVal->"host" . ") is down for " . \
$Metric->"count" . " checks, " . [ $IfThenElse ($ParentNotified = false) [ $IfThenElse \
($Metric->"notified" = true) ("already notified.") ($Count - $Metric->"count" . \
" to go.") ] ("parent " . $Type . " " . $Parent . " is down.") ]) false;
:if ((($Count * 2) - ($Metric->"count" * 3)) / 2 = 0 && \
[ :typeof ($HostInfo->"pre-down-hook") ] = "str") do={
$NetwatchNotifyHook $Name $Type "pre-down" ($HostInfo->"pre-down-hook");
:if ($ParentNotified = false && $Metric->"count" >= $Count && $Metric->"notified" != true) do={
:local Message ("Host " . $HostName . " (" . $HostVal->"host" . ") is down since " . $HostVal->"since" . ".");
:if ($ParentNotified = false && $Metric->"count" >= $Count && \
$Metric->"notified" != true) do={
:local Message ("The " . $Type . " '" . $Name . "' (" . $HostVal->"host" . \
") is down since " . $HostVal->"since" . ".");
:if ([ :typeof ($HostInfo->"down-hook") ] = "str") do={
:set Message ($Message . "\n\n" . [ $NetwatchNotifyHook $HostName "down" ($HostInfo->"down-hook") ]);
:set Message ($Message . "\n\n" . [ $NetwatchNotifyHook $Name $Type "down" \
($HostInfo->"down-hook") ]);
:if ($HostInfo->"no-down-notification" != true) do={
$SendNotification2 ({ origin=$0; \
subject=([ $SymbolForNotification "cross-mark" ] . "Netwatch Notify: " . $HostName . " down"); \
subject=([ $SymbolForNotification "cross-mark" ] . "Netwatch Notify: " . \
$Name . " down"); \
message=$Message });
:set ($Metric->"notified") true;
:set ($NetwatchNotify->$HostName) {
:set ($NetwatchNotify->$Name) {