global-functions: $FetchHuge: control check-certificate with parameter

This commit is contained in:
Christian Hesse 2024-03-27 23:35:01 +01:00
parent ab6fd88558
commit 2edf983698

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@ -392,15 +392,19 @@
# fetch huge data to file, read in chunks
:set FetchHuge do={
:local ScriptName [ :tostr $1 ];
:local Url [ :tostr $2 ];
:local ScriptName [ :tostr $1 ];
:local Url [ :tostr $2 ];
:local CheckCert [ :tobool $3 ];
:global FetchUserAgentStr;
:global GetRandom20CharAlNum;
:global IfThenElse;
:global LogPrint;
:global MkDir;
:global WaitForFile;
:set CheckCert [ $IfThenElse ($CheckCert = false) "no" "yes-without-crl" ];
:if ([ $MkDir "tmpfs/" . $ScriptName ] = false) do={
$LogPrint error $0 ("Failed creating directory!");
:return false;
@ -409,7 +413,7 @@
:local FileName ("tmpfs/" . $ScriptName . "/" . $0 . "-" . [ $GetRandom20CharAlNum ]);
:do {
/tool/fetch check-certificate=yes-without-crl $Url dst-path=$FileName \
/tool/fetch check-certificate=$CheckCert $Url dst-path=$FileName \
http-header-field=({ [ $FetchUserAgentStr $ScriptName ] }) as-value;
} on-error={
$LogPrint debug $0 ("Failed downloading from: " . $Url);