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924 B

# Example build configurations
Example wolfSSL configuration file templates for use when autoconf is not available, such as building with a custom IDE.
## Files
* `user_settings_all.h`: This is wolfSSL with all features enabled. Equivalent to `./configure --enable-all`.
* `user_settings_min_ecc.h`: This is ECC and SHA-256 only. For ECC verify only add `BUILD_VERIFY_ONLY`.
* `user_settings_wolfboot_keytools.h`: This from wolfBoot tools/keytools and is ECC, RSA, ED25519 and ChaCha20.
## Usage
1. Copy to your local project and rename to `user_settings.h`.
2. Add pre-processor macro `WOLFSSL_USER_SETTINGS` to your project.
3. Make sure and include `#include <wolfssl/wolfcrypt/settings.h>` prior to any other wolfSSL headers in your application.
## Testing with Autoconf
To use these with autoconf:
1. Copy file to root as `user_settings.h`.
2. Run `./configure --enable-usersettings --disable-examples && make`