
63 lines
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libzip uses [cmake](https://cmake.org) to build.
For running the tests, you need to have [perl](https://www.perl.org).
You'll need [zlib](http://www.zlib.net/) (at least version 1.1.2). It
comes with most operating systems.
For supporting bzip2-compressed zip archives, you need
For AES (encryption) support, you need one of these cryptographic libraries,
listed in order of preference:
- Apple's CommonCrypto (available on macOS and iOS)
- [GnuTLS](https://www.gnutls.org/)
- [mbed TLS](https://tls.mbed.org/)
- [OpenSSL](https://www.openssl.org/) >= 1.0.
- Microsoft Windows Cryptography Framework
If you don't want a library even if it is installed, you can
pass `-DENABLE_<LIBRARY>=OFF` to cmake, where `<LIBRARY>` is one of
The basic usage is
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make test
make install
Some useful parameters you can pass to `cmake` with `-Dparameter=value`:
- `BUILD_SHARED_LIBS`: set to `ON` or `OFF` to enable/disable building
of shared libraries, defaults to `ON`
- `CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX`: for setting the installation path
- `DOCUMENTATION_FORMAT`: choose one of 'man', 'mdoc', and 'html' for
the installed documentation (default: decided by cmake depending on
available tools)
If you want to compile with custom `CFLAGS`, set them in the environment
before running `cmake`:
If you are compiling on a system with a small stack size, add
If you are compiling on a system with rename() failing on existing
destination files, add
Note: in this case, your application also needs to take care of possibly
remaining backup files (pattern `*.bak.NNNNNN`) that need to be reinstalled
or removed manually. This may happen if the process gets killed or
disconnected from the storage medium during the writeback.
You can get verbose build output with by passing `VERBOSE=1` to
You can also check the [cmake FAQ](https://cmake.org/Wiki/CMake_FAQ).