Island fc3253163e component/ble_mesh: ESP BLE Mesh release
1. BLE Mesh Core

* Provisioning: Node Role
    * Advertising and GATT bearer
    * Authentication OOB

* Provisioning: Provisioner Role
    * Advertising and GATT bearer
    * Authentication OOB

* Networking
    * Relay
    * Segmentation and Reassembly
    * Key Refresh
    * IV Update

* Proxy Support

* Multiple Client Models Run Simultaneously
    * Support multiple client models send packets to different nodes simultaneously
    * No blocking between client model and server

* NVS Storage
    * Store Provisioning Data of BLE Mesh Nodes in Flash

2. BLE Mesh Applications

* BLE Mesh Node & Provisioner
    * Node Example
    * Provisioner Example
    * Node + Generic OnOff Client Example

* Fast Provisioning
    * Vendor Fast Prov Server Model
    * Vendor Fast Prov Client Model
    * Examples

* Wi-Fi & BLE Mesh Coexistence
    * Example

* BLE Mesh Console Commands
    * Example

3. BLE Mesh Models

* Foundation Models
    * Configuration Server Model
    * Configuration Client Model
    * Health Server Model
    * Health Client Model

* Generic Client Models
    * Generic OnOff Client
    * Generic Level Client
    * Generic Location Client
    * Generic Default Transition Timer Client
    * Generic Power OnOff Client
    * Generic Power Level Client
    * Generic Battery Client
    * Generic Property Client

* Generic Server Models
    * Generic OnOff Server (Example)

* Lighting Client Models
    * Light Lightness Client
    * Light CTL Client
    * Light HSL Client
    * Light xyL Client
    * Light LC Client

* Sensor Client Model
    * Sensor Client

* Time and Scenes Client Models
    * Time Client
    * Scene Client
    * Scheduler Client
2019-06-24 11:31:24 +08:00

5.1 KiB

Demo for ESP BLE Mesh Provisioner

1. Introduction

This demo shows how a BLE Mesh device can function as a Provisioner. If you are new to BLE Mesh, please start by checking Demo for ESP BLE Mesh Node.

2. Code Flow

2.1 Initialization

The code block below shows the initialization of BLE Mesh.

static int ble_mesh_init(void)
    uint8_t match[2] = {0xdd, 0xdd};
    int err = 0;

    prov_key.net_idx = ESP_BLE_MESH_KEY_PRIMARY;
    prov_key.app_idx = ESP_BLE_MESH_APP_IDX;
    memset(prov_key.app_key, APP_KEY_OCTET, sizeof(prov_key.app_key));

    memcpy(dev_uuid, esp_bt_dev_get_address(), ESP_BD_ADDR_LEN);


    esp_ble_mesh_provisioner_set_dev_uuid_match(match, sizeof(match), 0x0, false);

    err = esp_ble_mesh_init(&provision, &composition);
    if (err) {
        ESP_LOGE(TAG, "Initializing mesh failed (err %d)", err);
        return err;

    esp_ble_mesh_provisioner_prov_enable(ESP_BLE_MESH_PROV_ADV | ESP_BLE_MESH_PROV_GATT);

    esp_ble_mesh_provisioner_add_local_app_key(prov_key.app_key, prov_key.net_idx, prov_key.app_idx);

    ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Provisioner initialized");

    return err;

The following procedures are needed for the initialization with ble_mesh_init.

  1. ???: adds the device to the list of devices for provisioning. Once a device is added, BLE Mesh protocol stack automatically provisions this device.
  2. esp_ble_mesh_provisioner_prov_enable(ESP_BLE_MESH_PROV_ADV | ESP_BLE_MESH_PROV_GATT): call this API function to scan for the unprovisioned devices in the surrounding environment.

2.2 Set and Bind AppKey

While working as a Provisioner, a BLE Mesh device also needs to configure such parameters as AppKey, TTL, and Proxy after provisioning is finished. It is not required if a BLE Mesh device works as a node.

Please note that successful configuring of AppKeys is of vital importance. App can only send/receive data (set a state, get a state and publish) after an AppKey has been set and bound.

static esp_err_t prov_complete(int node_idx, const esp_ble_mesh_octet16_t uuid,
                               uint16_t unicast, uint8_t elem_num, uint16_t net_idx)
    esp_ble_mesh_client_common_param_t common = {0};
    esp_ble_mesh_cfg_client_get_state_t get_state = {0};
    esp_ble_mesh_node_info_t *node = NULL;
    char name[10];
    int err;

    ESP_LOGI(TAG, "node index: 0x%x, unicast address: 0x%02x, element num: %d, netkey index: 0x%02x",
             node_idx, unicast, elem_num, net_idx);
    ESP_LOGI(TAG, "device uuid: %s", bt_hex(uuid, 16));

    sprintf(name, "%s%d", "NODE-", node_idx);
    err = esp_ble_mesh_provisioner_set_node_name(node_idx, name);
    if (err) {
        ESP_LOGE(TAG, "%s: Set node name failed", __func__);
        return ESP_FAIL;

    err = esp_ble_mesh_store_node_info(uuid, unicast, elem_num, LED_OFF);
    if (err) {
        ESP_LOGE(TAG, "%s: Store node info failed", __func__);
        return ESP_FAIL;

    node = esp_ble_mesh_get_node_info(unicast);
    if (!node) {
        ESP_LOGE(TAG, "%s: Get node info failed", __func__);
        return ESP_FAIL;

    esp_ble_mesh_set_msg_common(&common, node, config_client.model, ESP_BLE_MESH_MODEL_OP_COMPOSITION_DATA_GET);
    get_state.comp_data_get.page = COMPOSITION_DATA_PAGE_0;
    err = esp_ble_mesh_config_client_get_state(&common, &get_state);
    if (err) {
        ESP_LOGE(TAG, "%s: Send config comp data get failed", __func__);
        return ESP_FAIL;

    return ESP_OK;

After provisioning is completed, the API function esp_ble_mesh_provisioner_add_local_app_key must be called to set and bind an AppKey. After that, the device can exchange model messages with peer devices.

Note: Set and bind AppKey is used to configure and bind an AppKey through the Configuration Client model. For this reason, a Provisioner must also register the Configuration Client model.

2.3 Register the Configuration Client Model

The process of registering the Configuration Client model is similar to registering other models, as can be seen below.

static esp_ble_mesh_client_t config_client;
static esp_ble_mesh_model_t root_models[] = {

The procedures to register the Configuration Client model include:

  1. static esp_ble_mesh_client_t config_client: defines a variable config_client of the type esp_ble_mesh_client_t
  2. ESP_BLE_MESH_MODEL_CFG_CLI(&config_client): use the macro ESP_BLE_MESH_MODEL_CFG_CLI to add the Configuration Client model to the root_models array.

After the definition is completed, the Configuration Client model can be registered simply by passing the pointer of element to the BLE Mesh protocol stack.