uint32_trxfifo_full:1;/*This interrupt raw bit turns to high level when receiver receives more data than (rx_flow_thrhd_h3 rx_flow_thrhd).*/
uint32_ttxfifo_empty:1;/*This interrupt raw bit turns to high level when the amount of data in transmitter's fifo is less than ((tx_mem_cnttxfifo_cnt) .*/
uint32_tparity_err:1;/*This interrupt raw bit turns to high level when receiver detects the parity error of data.*/
uint32_tfrm_err:1;/*This interrupt raw bit turns to high level when receiver detects data's frame error .*/
uint32_trxfifo_ovf:1;/*This interrupt raw bit turns to high level when receiver receives more data than the fifo can store.*/
uint32_tdsr_chg:1;/*This interrupt raw bit turns to high level when receiver detects the edge change of dsrn signal.*/
uint32_tcts_chg:1;/*This interrupt raw bit turns to high level when receiver detects the edge change of ctsn signal.*/
uint32_tbrk_det:1;/*This interrupt raw bit turns to high level when receiver detects the 0 after the stop bit.*/
uint32_trxfifo_tout:1;/*This interrupt raw bit turns to high level when receiver takes more time than rx_tout_thrhd to receive a byte.*/
uint32_tsw_xon:1;/*This interrupt raw bit turns to high level when receiver receives xoff char with uart_sw_flow_con_en is set to 1.*/
uint32_tsw_xoff:1;/*This interrupt raw bit turns to high level when receiver receives xon char with uart_sw_flow_con_en is set to 1.*/
uint32_tglitch_det:1;/*This interrupt raw bit turns to high level when receiver detects the start bit.*/
uint32_ttx_brk_done:1;/*This interrupt raw bit turns to high level when transmitter completes sending 0 after all the data in transmitter's fifo are send.*/
uint32_ttx_brk_idle_done:1;/*This interrupt raw bit turns to high level when transmitter has kept the shortest duration after the last data has been send.*/
uint32_ttx_done:1;/*This interrupt raw bit turns to high level when transmitter has send all the data in fifo.*/
uint32_trs485_parity_err:1;/*This interrupt raw bit turns to high level when rs485 detects the parity error.*/
uint32_trs485_frm_err:1;/*This interrupt raw bit turns to high level when rs485 detects the data frame error.*/
uint32_trs485_clash:1;/*This interrupt raw bit turns to high level when rs485 detects the clash between transmitter and receiver.*/
uint32_tat_cmd_char_det:1;/*This interrupt raw bit turns to high level when receiver detects the configured at_cmd chars.*/
uint32_trxfifo_cnt:8;/*(rx_mem_cnt rxfifo_cnt) stores the byte number of valid data in receiver's fifo. rx_mem_cnt register stores the 3 most significant bits rxfifo_cnt stores the 8 least significant bits.*/
uint32_tst_urx_out:4;/*This register stores the value of receiver's finite state machine. 0:RX_IDLE 1:RX_STRT 2:RX_DAT0 3:RX_DAT1 4:RX_DAT2 5:RX_DAT3 6:RX_DAT4 7:RX_DAT5 8:RX_DAT6 9:RX_DAT7 10:RX_PRTY 11:RX_STP1 12:RX_STP2 13:RX_DL1*/
uint32_tdsrn:1;/*This register stores the level value of the internal uart dsr signal.*/
uint32_tctsn:1;/*This register stores the level value of the internal uart cts signal.*/
uint32_trxd:1;/*This register stores the level value of the internal uart rxd signal.*/
uint32_ttxfifo_cnt:8;/*(tx_mem_cnt txfifo_cnt) stores the byte number of valid data in transmitter's fifo.tx_mem_cnt stores the 3 most significant bits txfifo_cnt stores the 8 least significant bits.*/
uint32_tst_utx_out:4;/*This register stores the value of transmitter's finite state machine. 0:TX_IDLE 1:TX_STRT 2:TX_DAT0 3:TX_DAT1 4:TX_DAT2 5:TX_DAT3 6:TX_DAT4 7:TX_DAT5 8:TX_DAT6 9:TX_DAT7 10:TX_PRTY 11:TX_STP1 12:TX_STP2 13:TX_DL0 14:TX_DL1*/
uint32_tdtrn:1;/*The register represent the level value of the internal uart dsr signal.*/
uint32_trtsn:1;/*This register represent the level value of the internal uart cts signal.*/
uint32_ttxd:1;/*This register represent the level value of the internal uart rxd signal.*/
uint32_trxfifo_full_thrhd:7;/*When receiver receives more data than its threshold value,receiver will produce rxfifo_full_int_raw interrupt.the threshold value is (rx_flow_thrhd_h3 rxfifo_full_thrhd).*/
uint32_ttxfifo_empty_thrhd:7;/*when the data amount in transmitter fifo is less than its threshold value, it will produce txfifo_empty_int_raw interrupt. the threshold value is (tx_mem_empty_thrhd txfifo_empty_thrhd)*/
uint32_trx_flow_thrhd:7;/*when receiver receives more data than its threshold value, receiver produce signal to tell the transmitter stop transferring data. the threshold value is (rx_flow_thrhd_h3 rx_flow_thrhd).*/
uint32_trx_flow_en:1;/*This is the flow enable bit for uart receiver. 1:choose software flow control with configuring sw_rts signal*/
uint32_trx_tout_thrhd:7;/*This register is used to configure the timeout value for uart receiver receiving a byte.*/
uint32_trx_tout_en:1;/*This is the enable bit for uart receiver's timeout function.*/
uint32_txon_threshold:8;/*when the data amount in receiver's fifo is more than this register value, it will send a xoff char with uart_sw_flow_con_en set to 1.*/
uint32_txoff_threshold:8;/*When the data amount in receiver's fifo is less than this register value, it will send a xon char with uart_sw_flow_con_en set to 1.*/
uint32_txon_char:8;/*This register stores the xon flow control char.*/
uint32_txoff_char:8;/*This register stores the xoff flow control char.*/
uint32_trx_idle_thrhd:10;/*when receiver takes more time than this register value to receive a byte data, it will produce frame end signal for uhci to stop receiving data.*/
uint32_ttx_idle_num:10;/*This register is used to configure the duration time between transfers.*/
uint32_ttx_brk_num:8;/*This register is used to configure the number of 0 send after the process of sending data is done. it is active when txd_brk is set to 1.*/
uint32_ttx_rx_en:1;/*Set this bit to enable loop-back transmitter's output data signal to receiver's input data signal.*/
uint32_trx_busy_tx_en:1;/*1: enable rs485's transmitter to send data when rs485's receiver is busy. 0:rs485's transmitter should not send data when its receiver is busy.*/
uint32_trx_dly_num:1;/*This register is used to delay the receiver's internal data signal.*/
uint32_ttx_dly_num:4;/*This register is used to delay the transmitter's internal data signal.*/
uint32_tpre_idle_num:24;/*This register is used to configure the idle duration time before the first at_cmd is received by receiver, when the the duration is less than this register value it will not take the next data received as at_cmd char.*/
uint32_tpost_idle_num:24;/*This register is used to configure the duration time between the last at_cmd and the next data, when the duration is less than this register value it will not take the previous data as at_cmd char.*/
uint32_trx_gap_tout:24;/*This register is used to configure the duration time between the at_cmd chars, when the duration time is less than this register value it will not take the data as continous at_cmd chars.*/