1.3 KiB
Enable I2C and SPI modules directly with raspi-config tool, issue a
sudo raspi-config
Then go to menu Advanced Option, select SPI and under question ” Would you like the SPI kernel module to be loaded by default ?”, select Yes, Do the same thing for I2C Advanced Option.
As I don’t use monitor or TV connected to Pi, I decreased dedicated video memory, always in raspi-config, go to Advanced Options then Memory Split, then type 16 Mo (the minimal) used for GPU, then select Finish, and select Yes when asked to reboot.
To be able to compile you will need the compiler and some others tools, issue a :
sudo apt-get install build-essential git-core libi2c-dev i2c-tools lm-sensors wiringpi
italic Sometimes I2C and SPI modules are not started and thus he cannot start the sample code. The solution to start the modules at startup by adding the two following lines into the file /etc/modules
Reboot, then you MUST see SPI and I2C devices with the following command
root@raspberrypi:~# ls /dev/i2c*
root@raspberrypi:~# ls /dev/spi*
/dev/spidev0.0 /dev/spidev0.1
Building MMDVMHost
make -f Makefile.Pi.OLED
The initial guide is written by Charles