ON7LDS 3b62bd1666 New Nextion screen layout with better looking fonts
New parameter for selecting ON7LDS Nextion screen layout
The active ip address of the host is showed on main screen
Nextion DMR page:
* Talker alias (if available) will be decoded and displayed (in green to know it's the TA)
* Font will get smaller if TA is to long
GPS data will be decoded and logged
2017-11-13 21:48:47 +01:00

378 lines
12 KiB

* Copyright (C) 2015,2016,2017 by Jonathan Naylor G4KLX
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
#if !defined(CONF_H)
#define CONF_H
#include <string>
#include <vector>
class CConf
CConf(const std::string& file);
bool read();
// The General section
std::string getCallsign() const;
unsigned int getId() const;
unsigned int getTimeout() const;
bool getDuplex() const;
std::string getDisplay() const;
bool getDaemon() const;
// The Info section
unsigned int getRXFrequency() const;
unsigned int getTXFrequency() const;
unsigned int getPower() const;
float getLatitude() const;
float getLongitude() const;
int getHeight() const;
std::string getLocation() const;
std::string getDescription() const;
std::string getURL() const;
// The Log section
unsigned int getLogDisplayLevel() const;
unsigned int getLogFileLevel() const;
std::string getLogFilePath() const;
std::string getLogFileRoot() const;
// The CW ID section
bool getCWIdEnabled() const;
unsigned int getCWIdTime() const;
std::string getCWIdCallsign() const;
// The DMR Id section
std::string getDMRIdLookupFile() const;
unsigned int getDMRIdLookupTime() const;
// The Modem section
std::string getModemPort() const;
bool getModemRXInvert() const;
bool getModemTXInvert() const;
bool getModemPTTInvert() const;
unsigned int getModemTXDelay() const;
unsigned int getModemDMRDelay() const;
int getModemTXOffset() const;
int getModemRXOffset() const;
int getModemRXDCOffset() const;
int getModemTXDCOffset() const;
float getModemRXLevel() const;
float getModemCWIdTXLevel() const;
float getModemDStarTXLevel() const;
float getModemDMRTXLevel() const;
float getModemYSFTXLevel() const;
float getModemP25TXLevel() const;
std::string getModemRSSIMappingFile() const;
bool getModemTrace() const;
bool getModemDebug() const;
// The UMP section
bool getUMPEnabled() const;
std::string getUMPPort() const;
// The D-Star section
bool getDStarEnabled() const;
std::string getDStarModule() const;
bool getDStarSelfOnly() const;
std::vector<std::string> getDStarBlackList() const;
bool getDStarAckReply() const;
unsigned int getDStarAckTime() const;
bool getDStarErrorReply() const;
bool getDStarRemoteGateway() const;
unsigned int getDStarModeHang() const;
// The DMR section
bool getDMREnabled() const;
bool getDMRBeacons() const;
unsigned int getDMRId() const;
unsigned int getDMRColorCode() const;
bool getDMREmbeddedLCOnly() const;
bool getDMRDumpTAData() const;
bool getDMRSelfOnly() const;
std::vector<unsigned int> getDMRPrefixes() const;
std::vector<unsigned int> getDMRBlackList() const;
std::vector<unsigned int> getDMRWhiteList() const;
std::vector<unsigned int> getDMRSlot1TGWhiteList() const;
std::vector<unsigned int> getDMRSlot2TGWhiteList() const;
unsigned int getDMRCallHang() const;
unsigned int getDMRTXHang() const;
unsigned int getDMRModeHang() const;
// The System Fusion section
bool getFusionEnabled() const;
bool getFusionLowDeviation() const;
bool getFusionRemoteGateway() const;
bool getFusionSelfOnly() const;
bool getFusionSQLEnabled() const;
unsigned char getFusionSQL() const;
unsigned int getFusionModeHang() const;
// The P25 section
bool getP25Enabled() const;
unsigned int getP25Id() const;
unsigned int getP25NAC() const;
bool getP25SelfOnly() const;
bool getP25OverrideUID() const;
bool getP25RemoteGateway() const;
unsigned int getP25ModeHang() const;
// The D-Star Network section
bool getDStarNetworkEnabled() const;
std::string getDStarGatewayAddress() const;
unsigned int getDStarGatewayPort() const;
unsigned int getDStarLocalPort() const;
unsigned int getDStarNetworkModeHang() const;
bool getDStarNetworkDebug() const;
// The DMR Network section
bool getDMRNetworkEnabled() const;
std::string getDMRNetworkAddress() const;
unsigned int getDMRNetworkPort() const;
unsigned int getDMRNetworkLocal() const;
std::string getDMRNetworkPassword() const;
std::string getDMRNetworkOptions() const;
bool getDMRNetworkDebug() const;
unsigned int getDMRNetworkJitter() const;
bool getDMRNetworkSlot1() const;
bool getDMRNetworkSlot2() const;
unsigned int getDMRNetworkModeHang() const;
// The System Fusion Network section
bool getFusionNetworkEnabled() const;
std::string getFusionNetworkMyAddress() const;
unsigned int getFusionNetworkMyPort() const;
std::string getFusionNetworkGatewayAddress() const;
unsigned int getFusionNetworkGatewayPort() const;
unsigned int getFusionNetworkModeHang() const;
bool getFusionNetworkDebug() const;
// The P25 Network section
bool getP25NetworkEnabled() const;
std::string getP25GatewayAddress() const;
unsigned int getP25GatewayPort() const;
unsigned int getP25LocalPort() const;
unsigned int getP25NetworkModeHang() const;
bool getP25NetworkDebug() const;
// The TFTSERIAL section
std::string getTFTSerialPort() const;
unsigned int getTFTSerialBrightness() const;
// The HD44780 section
unsigned int getHD44780Rows() const;
unsigned int getHD44780Columns() const;
std::vector<unsigned int> getHD44780Pins() const;
unsigned int getHD44780i2cAddress() const;
bool getHD44780PWM() const;
unsigned int getHD44780PWMPin() const;
unsigned int getHD44780PWMBright() const;
unsigned int getHD44780PWMDim() const;
bool getHD44780DisplayClock() const;
bool getHD44780UTC() const;
// The Nextion section
std::string getNextionPort() const;
unsigned int getNextionBrightness() const;
bool getNextionDisplayClock() const;
bool getNextionUTC() const;
unsigned int getNextionIdleBrightness() const;
unsigned int getNextionScreenLayout() const;
// The OLED section
unsigned char getOLEDType() const;
unsigned char getOLEDBrightness() const;
bool getOLEDInvert() const;
bool getOLEDScroll() const;
// The LCDproc section
std::string getLCDprocAddress() const;
unsigned int getLCDprocPort() const;
unsigned int getLCDprocLocalPort() const;
bool getLCDprocDisplayClock() const;
bool getLCDprocUTC() const;
bool getLCDprocDimOnIdle() const;
std::string m_file;
std::string m_callsign;
unsigned int m_id;
unsigned int m_timeout;
bool m_duplex;
std::string m_display;
bool m_daemon;
unsigned int m_rxFrequency;
unsigned int m_txFrequency;
unsigned int m_power;
float m_latitude;
float m_longitude;
int m_height;
std::string m_location;
std::string m_description;
std::string m_url;
unsigned int m_logDisplayLevel;
unsigned int m_logFileLevel;
std::string m_logFilePath;
std::string m_logFileRoot;
bool m_cwIdEnabled;
unsigned int m_cwIdTime;
std::string m_cwIdCallsign;
std::string m_dmrIdLookupFile;
unsigned int m_dmrIdLookupTime;
std::string m_modemPort;
bool m_modemRXInvert;
bool m_modemTXInvert;
bool m_modemPTTInvert;
unsigned int m_modemTXDelay;
unsigned int m_modemDMRDelay;
int m_modemTXOffset;
int m_modemRXOffset;
int m_modemRXDCOffset;
int m_modemTXDCOffset;
float m_modemRXLevel;
float m_modemCWIdTXLevel;
float m_modemDStarTXLevel;
float m_modemDMRTXLevel;
float m_modemYSFTXLevel;
float m_modemP25TXLevel;
std::string m_modemRSSIMappingFile;
bool m_modemTrace;
bool m_modemDebug;
bool m_umpEnabled;
std::string m_umpPort;
bool m_dstarEnabled;
std::string m_dstarModule;
bool m_dstarSelfOnly;
std::vector<std::string> m_dstarBlackList;
bool m_dstarAckReply;
unsigned int m_dstarAckTime;
bool m_dstarErrorReply;
bool m_dstarRemoteGateway;
unsigned int m_dstarModeHang;
bool m_dmrEnabled;
bool m_dmrBeacons;
unsigned int m_dmrId;
unsigned int m_dmrColorCode;
bool m_dmrSelfOnly;
bool m_dmrEmbeddedLCOnly;
bool m_dmrDumpTAData;
std::vector<unsigned int> m_dmrPrefixes;
std::vector<unsigned int> m_dmrBlackList;
std::vector<unsigned int> m_dmrWhiteList;
std::vector<unsigned int> m_dmrSlot1TGWhiteList;
std::vector<unsigned int> m_dmrSlot2TGWhiteList;
unsigned int m_dmrCallHang;
unsigned int m_dmrTXHang;
unsigned int m_dmrModeHang;
bool m_fusionEnabled;
bool m_fusionLowDeviation;
bool m_fusionRemoteGateway;
bool m_fusionSelfOnly;
bool m_fusionSQLEnabled;
unsigned char m_fusionSQL;
unsigned int m_fusionModeHang;
bool m_p25Enabled;
unsigned int m_p25Id;
unsigned int m_p25NAC;
bool m_p25SelfOnly;
bool m_p25OverrideUID;
bool m_p25RemoteGateway;
unsigned int m_p25ModeHang;
bool m_dstarNetworkEnabled;
std::string m_dstarGatewayAddress;
unsigned int m_dstarGatewayPort;
unsigned int m_dstarLocalPort;
unsigned int m_dstarNetworkModeHang;
bool m_dstarNetworkDebug;
bool m_dmrNetworkEnabled;
std::string m_dmrNetworkAddress;
unsigned int m_dmrNetworkPort;
unsigned int m_dmrNetworkLocal;
std::string m_dmrNetworkPassword;
std::string m_dmrNetworkOptions;
bool m_dmrNetworkDebug;
unsigned int m_dmrNetworkJitter;
bool m_dmrNetworkSlot1;
bool m_dmrNetworkSlot2;
unsigned int m_dmrNetworkModeHang;
bool m_fusionNetworkEnabled;
std::string m_fusionNetworkMyAddress;
unsigned int m_fusionNetworkMyPort;
std::string m_fusionNetworkGatewayAddress;
unsigned int m_fusionNetworkGatewayPort;
unsigned int m_fusionNetworkModeHang;
bool m_fusionNetworkDebug;
bool m_p25NetworkEnabled;
std::string m_p25GatewayAddress;
unsigned int m_p25GatewayPort;
unsigned int m_p25LocalPort;
unsigned int m_p25NetworkModeHang;
bool m_p25NetworkDebug;
std::string m_tftSerialPort;
unsigned int m_tftSerialBrightness;
unsigned int m_hd44780Rows;
unsigned int m_hd44780Columns;
std::vector<unsigned int> m_hd44780Pins;
unsigned int m_hd44780i2cAddress;
bool m_hd44780PWM;
unsigned int m_hd44780PWMPin;
unsigned int m_hd44780PWMBright;
unsigned int m_hd44780PWMDim;
bool m_hd44780DisplayClock;
bool m_hd44780UTC;
std::string m_nextionPort;
unsigned int m_nextionBrightness;
bool m_nextionDisplayClock;
bool m_nextionUTC;
unsigned int m_nextionIdleBrightness;
unsigned int m_nextionScreenLayout;
unsigned char m_oledType;
unsigned char m_oledBrightness;
bool m_oledInvert;
bool m_oledScroll;
std::string m_lcdprocAddress;
unsigned int m_lcdprocPort;
unsigned int m_lcdprocLocalPort;
bool m_lcdprocDisplayClock;
bool m_lcdprocUTC;
bool m_lcdprocDimOnIdle;