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#include <Arduino.h>
#include <CAN.h>
#define TX_DELAY 3 // Delay between messages
byte sndStat; // Status of the sent message (global variable)
// Struct to hold CAN packet information
struct CanPacket {
unsigned long id;
char data[24];
// Array of CAN packets to be sent
const CanPacket packets[] PROGMEM = {
{0x418, "30 07 00 03 28 28 F8 A0"},
{0x46B, "01 00 A3 00 01 00 00 C0"},
{0x47C, "64 7D 42 01 91 00 70 04"},
{0x47D, "04 C1 77 95 60 01 20 C4"},
{0x47F, "34 0C 96 00 EA 72 44 00"},
{0x25B, "04 46 00 FF FF C0"},
{0x69F, "75 01 33 6F"}, //Anti-Theft protection, VIN encoding unknown
// Function to send a CAN message
void sendCanMessage(unsigned long canId, const char* hexString) {
int len = strlen(hexString) / 3 + 1; // Determine the length of the data in bytes
byte data[len]; // Create an array to store the data bytes
// Convert hex string to bytes
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
unsigned int byteData;
sscanf(&hexString[i * 3], "%x", &byteData);
data[i] = (byte)byteData;
CAN.write(data, len);
Serial.print("Message Sent: ID = ");
Serial.print(canId, HEX);
Serial.print(", Data = ");
void setup() {
Serial.println("CAN_Waker starting up...");
// start the CAN bus at 500 kbps
if (!CAN.begin(500E3)) {
Serial.println("Starting CAN failed!");
while (1);
void loop() {
// Replay all the CAN packets
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < sizeof(packets) / sizeof(packets[0]); i++) {
CanPacket packet;
memcpy_P(&packet, &packets[i], sizeof(CanPacket)); // Copy packet from PROGMEM to SRAM
sendCanMessage(packet.id, packet.data); // packet.data is now a char array
delay(TX_DELAY); // Wait for the specified delay between messages