
977 B

Limitations and known issues

  • When the CleanSession is set to false, the implementation is not spec compliant. The following is not honored:

Must be kept in memory:

  • All messages in a QoS 1 or 2 flow, which are not confirmed by the broker
  • All received QoS 2 messages, which are not yet confirmed to the broker

This means retransmission is not honored in case of a failure.

  • You cannot send payload larger that what can fit on RAM.

SSL limitations

  • SSL requires use of esp8266/Arduino 2.4.0, which is not yet released (platform = espressif8266_stage in PlatformIO).
  • SSL requires the build flag -DASYNC_TCP_SSL_ENABLED=1
  • SSL only supports fingerprints for server validation.
  • If you do not specify one or more acceptable server fingerprints, the SSL connection will be vulnerable to man-in-the-middle attacks.
  • Some server certificate signature algorithms do not work. SHA1, SHA224, SHA256, and MD5 are working. SHA384, and SHA512 will cause a crash.