
976 B

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Question Get help on how to use this library

Describe Your Goal What are you trying to achieve?

What Does Your Project Look Like Provide a description of your project structure, other libraries that you use, ...

If you can boil your question down to a minimal working example, please do so and share the code here:

// some code

ESP32 Module Please provide specifications of your module

  • Flash Size:
  • Other special properties:

Software (please complete the following information if applicable)

  • IDE and Version: [e.g. Arduino 1.8.7, Sloeber 4.3, PlatformIO 3.6.2]
  • OS: [e.g. Debian stretch]
  • Client used to access the server: [e.g. Chrome 70.0, curl 7.55.1 - if possible, please try to reproduce the bug with a tool like curl -v to have most control on what's happening]

Additional context Add any other context about the problem here.