Install LTE firmware upgrade ============================ [◀ Go back to main README](../ Description ----------- This script upgrades LTE firmware on compatible devices: * R11e-LTE * R11e-LTE-US * R11e-4G * R11e-LTE6 A temporary scheduler is created to be independent from terminal. Thus starting the upgrade process over the broadband connection is supported. Requirements and installation ----------------------------- Just install the script: $ScriptInstallUpdate unattended-lte-firmware-upgrade; Usage and invocation -------------------- Run the script if an upgrade for your LTE hardware is available: / system script run unattended-lte-firmware-upgrade; Then be patient, go for a coffee and wait for the upgrade process to finish. See also -------- * [Notify on LTE firmware upgrade]( --- [◀ Go back to main README](../ [▲ Go back to top](#top)