Find and remove access list duplicates ====================================== [◀ Go back to main README](../ Description ----------- This script is supposed to run interactively to find and remove duplicate entries in wireless access list. Requirements and installation ----------------------------- Depending on whether you use CAPsMAN (`/ caps-man`) or local wireless interface (`/ interface wireless`) you need to install a different script. For CAPsMAN: $ScriptInstallUpdate accesslist-duplicates.capsman; For local interface: $ScriptInstallUpdate accesslist-duplicates.local; Usage and invocation -------------------- Run this script from a terminal: [admin@kalyke] > / system script run accesslist-duplicates.local Flags: X - disabled 0 ;;; First entry with identical mac address... mac-address=00:11:22:33:44:55 interface=any signal-range=-120..120 allow-signal-out-of-range=10s authentication=yes forwarding=yes ap-tx-limit=0 client-tx-limit=0 private-algo=none private-key="" private-pre-shared-key="" management-protection-key="" vlan-mode=default vlan-id=1 1 ;;; Second entry with identical mac address... mac-address=00:11:22:33:44:55 interface=any signal-range=-120..120 allow-signal-out-of-range=10s authentication=yes forwarding=yes ap-tx-limit=0 client-tx-limit=0 private-algo=none private-key="" private-pre-shared-key="" management-protection-key="" vlan-mode=default vlan-id=1 Numeric id to remove, any key to skip! Removing numeric id 1... See also -------- * [Collect MAC addresses in wireless access list]( --- [◀ Go back to main README](../ [▲ Go back to top](#top)