IP address calculation ====================== [⬅️ Go back to main README](../../README.md) > ℹ️️ **Info**: This module can not be used on its own but requires the base > installation. See [main README](../../README.md) for details. Description ----------- This module adds functions for IP address calculation. Requirements and installation ----------------------------- Just install the module: $ScriptInstallUpdate mod/ipcalc; Usage and invocation -------------------- ### IPCalc The function `$IPCalc` prints information to terminal, including: * address * netmask * network in CIDR notation * minimum host address * maximum host address * broadcast address It expects an IP address in CIDR notation as argument. $IPCalc; ![IPCalc](ipcalc.d/ipcalc.avif) ### IPCalcReturn The function `$IPCalcReturn` expects an IP address in CIDR notation as argument as well. But it does not print to terminal, instead it returns the information in a named array. :put ([ $IPCalcReturn ]->"broadcast"); ![IPCalcReturn](ipcalc.d/ipcalcreturn.avif) --- [⬅️ Go back to main README](../../README.md) [⬆️ Go back to top](#top)