Renew certificates and notify on expiration =========================================== [◀ Go back to main README](../ > ℹ️ **Info**: This script can not be used on its own but requires the base > installation. See [main README](../ for details. Description ----------- This script tries to download and renew certificates, then notifies about certificates that are still about to expire. ### Sample notification ![check-certificates notification](check-certificates.d/notification.svg) Requirements and installation ----------------------------- Just install the script: $ScriptInstallUpdate check-certificates; Configuration ------------- The expiry notifications just require notification settings for e-mail, [matrix](mod/ and/or [telegram](mod/ For automatic download and renewal of certificates you need configuration in `global-config-overlay`, these are the parameters: * `CertRenewPass`: an array of passphrases to try * `CertRenewUrl`: the url to download certificates from Certificates on the web server should be named `CN.pem` (`PEM` format) or `CN.p12` (`PKCS#12` format). Usage and invocation -------------------- Just run the script: / system script run check-certificates; ... or create a scheduler for periodic execution: / system scheduler add interval=1d name=check-certificates on-event="/ system script run check-certificates;" start-time=startup; Alternatively running on startup may be desired: / system scheduler add name=check-certificates-startup on-event="/ system script run check-certificates;" start-time=startup; See also -------- * [Renew locally issued certificates]( --- [◀ Go back to main README](../ [▲ Go back to top](#top)