Manage remote logging ===================== [◀ Go back to main README](../ Description ----------- RouterOS supports sending log messages via network to a remote syslog server. If the server is not available no log messages (with potentially sensitive information) should be sent. This script disables remote logging by availability. Requirements and installation ----------------------------- Let's assume there is a remote log action and associated logging rule: / system logging action set remote= [ find where name="remote" ]; / system logging add action=remote topics=info; Just install the script: $ScriptInstallUpdate netwatch-syslog; ... and create a netwatch matching the IP address from logging action above: / tool netwatch add down-script=netwatch-syslog host= up-script=netwatch-syslog; All logging rules are disabled when host is down. --- [◀ Go back to main README](../ [▲ Go back to top](#top)