Manage DNS and DoH servers from netwatch ======================================== [◀ Go back to main README](../ 🛈 This script can not be used on its own but requires the base installation. See [main README](../ for details. Description ----------- This script reads server state from netwatch and manages used DNS and DoH (DNS over HTTPS) servers. Requirements and installation ----------------------------- Just install the script: $ScriptInstallUpdate netwatch-dns; Then add a scheduler to run it periodically: / system scheduler add interval=1m name=netwatch-dns on-event="/ system script run netwatch-dns;" start-time=startup; Configuration ------------- The DNS and DoH servers to be checked have to be added to netwatch with specific comment: / tool netwatch add comment="doh, hostname=cloudflare-dns" host=; / tool netwatch add comment="dns, hostname=google-dns" host=; / tool netwatch add comment="doh, dns, hostname=quad-nine" host=; This will configure *cloudflare-dns* for DoH (``), and *google-dns* and *quad-nine* for regular DNS (`,`) if up. If *cloudflare-dns* is down the script will fall back to *quad-nine* for DoH. Giving a specific query url for DoH is possible: / tool netwatch add comment="doh, hostname=nextdns, doh-url=" host=; Note that using a name in DoH url may introduce a chicken-and-egg issue! Sometimes using just one specific (possibly internal) DNS server may be desired, with fallback in case it fails. This is possible as well: / tool netwatch add comment="dns, hostname=pi-hole" host=; / tool netwatch add comment="dns-fallback, hostname=cloudflare-dns" host=; Tips & Tricks ------------- ### Use in combination with notifications Netwatch entries can be created to work with both - this script and [netwatch-notify]( Just give options for both: / tool netwatch add comment="doh, notify, hostname=cloudflare-dns" host=; Also this allows to update host address, see option `resolve`. See also -------- * [Notify on host up and down]( --- [◀ Go back to main README](../ [▲ Go back to top](#top)