Upload backup to Mikrotik cloud =============================== [◀ Go back to main README](../README.md) 🛈 This script can not be used on its own but requires the base installation. See [main README](../README.md) for details. Description ----------- This script uploads [binary backup to Mikrotik cloud](https://wiki.mikrotik.com/wiki/Manual:IP/Cloud#Backup). ### Sample notification ![backup-cloud notification](backup-cloud.d/notification.svg) Requirements and installation ----------------------------- Just install the script: $ScriptInstallUpdate backup-cloud; Configuration ------------- The configuration goes to `global-config-overlay`, these are the parameters: * `BackupPassword`: password to encrypt the backup with * `BackupRandomDelay`: delay up to amount of seconds when run from scheduler Also notification settings are required for e-mail, matrix and/or telegram. Usage and invocation -------------------- Just run the script: / system script run backup-cloud; Creating a scheduler may be an option: / system scheduler add interval=1w name=backup-cloud on-event="/ system script run backup-cloud;" start-time=09:20:00; See also -------- * [Send backup via e-mail](backup-email.md) * [Upload backup to server](backup-upload.md) --- [◀ Go back to main README](../README.md) [▲ Go back to top](#top)