Send notification with early errors =================================== [◀ Go back to main README](../ Description ----------- RouterOS supports sending log messages via e-mail or to a syslog server. However this does not work early after boot if network connectivity is not yet established. For example log messages about reboot without proper shutdown may be missed: > router rebooted without proper shutdown, probably power outage The script collects log messages with severity `error` and sends a notification. Requirements and installation ----------------------------- Just install this script and [global-wait]( $ScriptInstallUpdate early-errors,global-wait; ... and add a scheduler: / system scheduler add name=early-erros on-event=":global WaitFullyConnected; / system script { run global-wait; \$WaitFullyConnected; run early-errors; }" start-time=startup; Configuration ------------- The notifications just require notification settings for e-mail and telegram. See also -------- * [Wait for configuration und functions]( --- [◀ Go back to main README](../ [▲ Go back to top](#top)