Mode botton with multiple presses ================================= [◀ Go back to main README](../ Description ----------- These scripts extend the functionality of mode button. Instead of just one you can trigger several actions by pressing the mode button several times. The hardware needs to have a mode button, see `/ system routerboard mode-button`. Requirements and installation ----------------------------- Just install the scripts: $ScriptInstallUpdate mode-button-event,mode-button-scheduler; Then configure the mode-button to run `mode-button-event`: / system routerboard mode-button set enabled=yes on-event="/ system script run mode-button-event;"; Configuration ------------- The configuration goes to `global-config-overlay`, the only parameter is: * `ModeButton`: an array with defined actions Usage and invocation -------------------- Press the mode button. :) --- [◀ Go back to main README](../ [▲ Go back to top](#top)