/* * MiLightRadioPL1167_LT89000.cpp * * Created on: 31 March 2017 * Author: WoodsterDK * * Very inspired by: * https://github.com/pmoscetta/authometion-milight/tree/master/Authometion-MiLight * https://bitbucket.org/robvanderveer/lt8900lib */ #include "LT8900MiLightRadio.h" #include /**************************************************************************/ // Constructor /**************************************************************************/ LT8900MiLightRadio::LT8900MiLightRadio(byte byCSPin, byte byResetPin, byte byPktFlag, const MiLightRadioConfig& config) : _config(config), _channel(0), _currentPacketLen(0), _currentPacketPos(0) { _csPin = byCSPin; _pin_pktflag = byPktFlag; pinMode(_pin_pktflag, INPUT); if (byResetPin > 0) // If zero then bypass hardware reset { pinMode(byResetPin, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(byResetPin, LOW); delay(200); digitalWrite(byResetPin, HIGH); delay(200); } pinMode(_csPin, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(_csPin, HIGH); SPIClass spiSD(HSPI); SPI.begin(); SPI.setDataMode(SPI_MODE1); // The following speed settings depends upon the wiring and PCB //SPI.setFrequency(8000000); SPI.setFrequency(4000000); SPI.setBitOrder(MSBFIRST); //Initialize transceiver with correct settings vInitRadioModule(); delay(50); // Check if HW is connected _bConnected = bCheckRadioConnection(); //Reset SPI MODE to default SPI.setDataMode(SPI_MODE0); _waiting = false; } /**************************************************************************/ // Checks the connection to the radio module by verifying a register setting /**************************************************************************/ bool LT8900MiLightRadio::bCheckRadioConnection(void) { bool bRetValue = false; uint16_t value_0 = uiReadRegister(0); uint16_t value_1 = uiReadRegister(1); if ((value_0 == 0x6fe0) && (value_1 == 0x5681)) { #ifdef DEBUG_PRINTF Serial.println(F("Radio module running correctly...")); #endif bRetValue = true; } else { #ifdef DEBUG_PRINTF Serial.println(F("Failed initializing the radio module...")); #endif } return bRetValue; } /**************************************************************************/ // Initialize radio module /**************************************************************************/ void LT8900MiLightRadio::vInitRadioModule() { bool bWriteDefaultDefault = true; // Is it okay to use the default power up values, without setting them regWrite16(0x00, 0x6F, 0xE0, 7); // Recommended value by PMmicro regWrite16(0x02, 0x66, 0x17, 7); // Recommended value by PMmicro regWrite16(0x04, 0x9C, 0xC9, 7); // Recommended value by PMmicro regWrite16(0x05, 0x66, 0x37, 7); // Recommended value by PMmicro regWrite16(0x07, 0x00, 0x4C, 7); // PL1167's TX/RX Enable and Channel Register, Default channel 76 regWrite16(0x08, 0x6C, 0x90, 7); // Recommended value by PMmicro regWrite16(0x09, 0x48, 0x00, 7); // PA Control register regWrite16(0x0B, 0x00, 0x08, 7); // Recommended value by PMmicro regWrite16(0x0D, 0x48, 0xBD, 7); // Recommended value by PMmicro regWrite16(0x16, 0x00, 0xFF, 7); // Recommended value by PMmicro regWrite16(0x18, 0x00, 0x67, 7); // Recommended value by PMmicro regWrite16(0x1A, 0x19, 0xE0, 7); // Recommended value by PMmicro regWrite16(0x1B, 0x13, 0x00, 7); // Recommended value by PMmicro regWrite16(0x20, 0x48, 0x00, 7); // Recommended value by PMmicro regWrite16(0x21, 0x3F, 0xC7, 7); // Recommended value by PMmicro regWrite16(0x22, 0x20, 0x00, 7); // Recommended value by PMmicro regWrite16(0x23, 0x03, 0x00, 7); // Recommended value by PMmicro regWrite16(0x24, 0x72, 0x36, 7); // Sync R0 regWrite16(0x27, 0x18, 0x09, 7); // Sync R3 regWrite16(0x28, 0x44, 0x02, 7); // Recommended value by PMmicro regWrite16(0x29, 0xB0, 0x00, 7); // Recommended value by PMmicro regWrite16(0x2A, 0xFD, 0xB0, 7); // Recommended value by PMmicro if (bWriteDefaultDefault == true) { regWrite16(0x01, 0x56, 0x81, 7); // Recommended value by PMmicro regWrite16(0x0A, 0x7F, 0xFD, 7); // Recommended value by PMmicro regWrite16(0x0C, 0x00, 0x00, 7); // Recommended value by PMmicro regWrite16(0x17, 0x80, 0x05, 7); // Recommended value by PMmicro regWrite16(0x19, 0x16, 0x59, 7); // Recommended value by PMmicro regWrite16(0x1C, 0x18, 0x00, 7); // Recommended value by PMmicro regWrite16(0x25, 0x00, 0x00, 7); // Recommended value by PMmicro regWrite16(0x26, 0x00, 0x00, 7); // Recommended value by PMmicro regWrite16(0x2B, 0x00, 0x0F, 7); // Recommended value by PMmicro } } /**************************************************************************/ // Set sync word /**************************************************************************/ void LT8900MiLightRadio::vSetSyncWord(uint16_t syncWord3, uint16_t syncWord2, uint16_t syncWord1, uint16_t syncWord0) { uiWriteRegister(R_SYNCWORD1, syncWord0); uiWriteRegister(R_SYNCWORD2, syncWord1); uiWriteRegister(R_SYNCWORD3, syncWord1); uiWriteRegister(R_SYNCWORD4, syncWord3); } /**************************************************************************/ // Low level register write with delay /**************************************************************************/ void LT8900MiLightRadio::regWrite16(byte ADDR, byte V1, byte V2, byte WAIT) { digitalWrite(_csPin, LOW); SPI.transfer(ADDR); SPI.transfer(V1); SPI.transfer(V2); digitalWrite(_csPin, HIGH); delayMicroseconds(WAIT); } /**************************************************************************/ // Low level register read /**************************************************************************/ uint16_t LT8900MiLightRadio::uiReadRegister(uint8_t reg) { SPI.setDataMode(SPI_MODE1); digitalWrite(_csPin, LOW); SPI.transfer(REGISTER_READ | (REGISTER_MASK & reg)); uint8_t high = SPI.transfer(0x00); uint8_t low = SPI.transfer(0x00); digitalWrite(_csPin, HIGH); SPI.setDataMode(SPI_MODE0); return (high << 8 | low); } /**************************************************************************/ // Low level 16bit register write /**************************************************************************/ uint8_t LT8900MiLightRadio::uiWriteRegister(uint8_t reg, uint16_t data) { uint8_t high = data >> 8; uint8_t low = data & 0xFF; digitalWrite(_csPin, LOW); uint8_t result = SPI.transfer(REGISTER_WRITE | (REGISTER_MASK & reg)); SPI.transfer(high); SPI.transfer(low); digitalWrite(_csPin, HIGH); return result; } /**************************************************************************/ // Start listening on specified channel and syncword /**************************************************************************/ void LT8900MiLightRadio::vStartListening(uint uiChannelToListenTo) { _dupes_received = 0; vSetSyncWord(_config.syncword3, 0,0,_config.syncword0); //vSetChannel(uiChannelToListenTo); _channel = uiChannelToListenTo; vResumeRX(); delay(5); } /**************************************************************************/ // Resume listening - without changing the channel and syncword /**************************************************************************/ void LT8900MiLightRadio::vResumeRX(void) { _dupes_received = 0; uiWriteRegister(R_CHANNEL, _channel & CHANNEL_MASK); //turn off rx/tx delay(3); uiWriteRegister(R_FIFO_CONTROL, 0x0080); //flush rx uiWriteRegister(R_CHANNEL, (_channel & CHANNEL_MASK) | _BV(CHANNEL_RX_BIT)); //enable RX } /**************************************************************************/ // Check if data is available using the hardware pin PKT_FLAG /**************************************************************************/ bool LT8900MiLightRadio::bAvailablePin() { return digitalRead(_pin_pktflag) > 0; } /**************************************************************************/ // Check if data is available using the PKT_FLAG state in the status register /**************************************************************************/ bool LT8900MiLightRadio::bAvailableRegister() { //read the PKT_FLAG state; this can also be done with a hard wire. uint16_t value = uiReadRegister(R_STATUS); if (bitRead(value, STATUS_CRC_BIT) != 0) { #ifdef DEBUG_PRINTF Serial.println(F("LT8900: CRC failed")); #endif vResumeRX(); return false; } return (value & STATUS_PKT_BIT_MASK) > 0; } /**************************************************************************/ // Read the RX buffer /**************************************************************************/ int LT8900MiLightRadio::iReadRXBuffer(uint8_t *buffer, size_t maxBuffer) { size_t bufferIx = 0; uint16_t data; if (_currentPacketLen == 0) { if (! available()) { return -1; } data = uiReadRegister(R_FIFO); _currentPacketLen = (data >> 8); _currentPacketPos = 1; buffer[bufferIx++] = (data & 0xFF); } while (_currentPacketPos < _currentPacketLen && (bufferIx+1) < maxBuffer) { data = uiReadRegister(R_FIFO); buffer[bufferIx++] = data >> 8; buffer[bufferIx++] = data & 0xFF; _currentPacketPos += 2; } #ifdef DEBUG_PRINTF printf_P( PSTR("Read %d/%d bytes in RX, read %d bytes into buffer\n"), _currentPacketPos, _currentPacketLen, bufferIx ); #endif if (_currentPacketPos >= _currentPacketLen) { _currentPacketPos = 0; _currentPacketLen = 0; } return bufferIx; } /**************************************************************************/ // Set the active channel for the radio module /**************************************************************************/ void LT8900MiLightRadio::vSetChannel(uint8_t channel) { _channel = channel; uiWriteRegister(R_CHANNEL, (_channel & CHANNEL_MASK)); } /**************************************************************************/ // Startup /**************************************************************************/ int LT8900MiLightRadio::begin() { vSetChannel(_config.channels[0]); configure(); available(); return 0; } /**************************************************************************/ // Configure the module according to type, and start listening /**************************************************************************/ int LT8900MiLightRadio::configure() { vInitRadioModule(); vSetSyncWord(_config.syncword3, 0,0,_config.syncword0); vStartListening(_config.channels[0]); return 0; } /**************************************************************************/ // Check if data is available /**************************************************************************/ bool LT8900MiLightRadio::available() { if (_currentPacketPos < _currentPacketLen) { return true; } return bAvailablePin() && bAvailableRegister(); } /**************************************************************************/ // Read received data from buffer to upper layer /**************************************************************************/ int LT8900MiLightRadio::read(uint8_t frame[], size_t &frame_length) { if (!available()) { frame_length = 0; return -1; } #ifdef DEBUG_PRINTF Serial.println(F("LT8900: Radio was available, reading packet...")); #endif uint8_t buf[MILIGHT_MAX_PACKET_LENGTH]; int packetSize = iReadRXBuffer(buf, MILIGHT_MAX_PACKET_LENGTH); if (packetSize > 0) { frame_length = packetSize; memcpy(frame, buf, packetSize); } vResumeRX(); return packetSize; } /**************************************************************************/ // Write data /**************************************************************************/ int LT8900MiLightRadio::write(uint8_t frame[], size_t frame_length) { if (frame_length > sizeof(_out_packet) - 1) { return -1; } memcpy(_out_packet + 1, frame, frame_length); _out_packet[0] = frame_length; SPI.setDataMode(SPI_MODE1); int retval = resend(); yield(); SPI.setDataMode(SPI_MODE0); if (retval < 0) { return retval; } return frame_length; } /**************************************************************************/ // Handle the transmission to regarding to freq diversity and repeats /**************************************************************************/ int LT8900MiLightRadio::resend() { byte Length = _out_packet[0]; for (size_t i = 0; i < MiLightRadioConfig::NUM_CHANNELS; i++) { sendPacket(_out_packet, Length, _config.channels[i]); delayMicroseconds(DEFAULT_TIME_BETWEEN_RETRANSMISSIONS_uS); } return 0; } /**************************************************************************/ // The actual transmit happens here /**************************************************************************/ bool LT8900MiLightRadio::sendPacket(uint8_t *data, size_t packetSize, byte byChannel) { if(_bConnected) // Must be connected to module otherwise it might lookup waiting for _pin_pktflag { if (packetSize < 1 || packetSize > 255) { return false; } uiWriteRegister(R_CHANNEL, 0x0000); uiWriteRegister(R_FIFO_CONTROL, 0x8080); //flush tx and RX digitalWrite(_csPin, LOW); // Enable PL1167 SPI transmission SPI.transfer(R_FIFO); // Start writing PL1167's FIFO Data register SPI.transfer(packetSize); // Length of data buffer: x bytes for (byte iCounter = 0; iCounter < packetSize; iCounter++) { SPI.transfer((data[1+iCounter])); } digitalWrite(_csPin, HIGH); // Disable PL1167 SPI transmission delayMicroseconds(10); uiWriteRegister(R_CHANNEL, (byChannel & CHANNEL_MASK) | _BV(CHANNEL_TX_BIT)); //enable RX //Wait until the packet is sent. while (digitalRead(_pin_pktflag) == 0) { //do nothing. } return true; } return false; } const MiLightRadioConfig& LT8900MiLightRadio::config() { return _config; }