require 'chroma' module TransitionHelpers module Defaults PERIOD = 500 NUM_PERIODS = 20 DURATION = PERIOD * NUM_PERIODS end def highlight_value(a, highlight_ix) str = a .each_with_index .map do |x, i| i == highlight_ix ? ">>#{x}<<" : x end .join(', ') "[#{str}]" end def color_transitions_are_equal(expected:, seen:) %i(hue saturation).each do |label| e = { |x| x[label] } s = { |x| x[label] } transitions_are_equal(expected: e, seen: s, label: label, allowed_variation: label == :saturation ? 5 : 20) end end def transitions_are_equal(expected:, seen:, allowed_variation: 0, label: nil) generate_msg = ->(a, b, i) do s = "Transition step value" if !label.nil? s << " for #{label} " end s << "at index #{i} " s << if allowed_variation == 0 "should be equal to expected value. Expected: #{a}, saw: #{b}." else "should be within #{allowed_variation} of expected value. Expected: #{a}, saw: #{b}." end s << " Steps:\n" s << " Expected : #{highlight_value(expected, i)},\n" s << " Seen : #{highlight_value(seen, i)}" end expect(expected.length).to eq(seen.length), "Transition was a different length than expected.\n" << " Expected : #{expected}\n" << " Seen : #{seen}" do |x, i| a, b = x diff = (a - b).abs expect(diff).to be <= allowed_variation,, b, i) end end def rgb_to_hs(*color) if color.length > 1 r, g, b = color else r, g, b = coerce_color(color.first) end hsv = Chroma::Converters::HsvConverter.convert_rgb(, g, b)) { hue: hsv.h.round, saturation: (100*hsv.s).round } end def coerce_color(c) c.split(',').map(&:to_i) unless c.is_a?(Array) end def calculate_color_transition_steps(start_color:, end_color:, duration: nil, period: nil, num_periods: Defaults::NUM_PERIODS) start_color = coerce_color(start_color) end_color = coerce_color(end_color) part_transitions = do |c| s, e = c calculate_transition_steps(start_value: s, end_value: e, duration: duration, period: period, num_periods: num_periods) end # If some colors don't transition, they'll stay at the same value while others move. # Turn this: [[1,2,3], [0], [4,5,6]] # Into this: [[1,2,3], [0,0,0], [4,5,6]] longest = part_transitions.max_by { |x| x.length }.length! { |x| x + [x.last]*(longest-x.length) } # Zip individual parts into 3-tuples # Turn this: [[1,2,3], [0,0,0], [4,5,6]] # Into this: [[1,0,4], [2,0,5], [3,0,6]] transition_colors =*part_transitions[1..part_transitions.length]) # Undergo the RGB -> HSV w/ value = 100 do |x| r, g, b = x rgb_to_hs(r, g, b) end end def calculate_transition_steps(start_value:, end_value:, duration: nil, period: nil, num_periods: Defaults::NUM_PERIODS) if !duration.nil? || !period.nil? period ||= Defaults::PERIOD duration ||= Defaults::DURATION num_periods = [1, (duration / period.to_f).ceil].max end diff = end_value - start_value step_size = [1, (diff.abs / num_periods.to_f).ceil].max step_size = -step_size if end_value < start_value steps = [] val = start_value while val != end_value steps << val if (end_value - val).abs < step_size.abs val += (end_value - val) else val += step_size end end steps << end_value steps end end