
1402 lines
37 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2021-01-15 21:49:01 +00:00
$(function() {
$(document).on('change', ':file', function() {
var input = $(this),
label = input.val().replace(/\\/g, '/').replace(/.*\//, '');
input.trigger('fileselect', [label]);
$(document).ready( function() {
$(':file').on('fileselect', function(event, label) {
var input = $(this).parents('.input-group').find(':text'),
log = label;
if( input.length ) {
minMireds: 153,
maxMireds: 370,
maxBrightness: 255
var UI_TABS = [ {
2021-01-16 23:47:21 +00:00
tag: "tab-ethernet",
friendly: "Ethernet",
}, {
2021-01-15 21:49:01 +00:00
tag: "tab-wifi",
friendly: "Wifi",
}, {
tag: "tab-setup",
2021-01-16 23:47:21 +00:00
friendly: "PINs",
2021-01-15 21:49:01 +00:00
}, {
tag: "tab-led",
friendly: "LED",
}, {
tag: "tab-radio",
2021-01-16 23:47:21 +00:00
friendly: "MiLight Radio",
2021-01-15 21:49:01 +00:00
}, {
tag: "tab-mqtt",
friendly: "MQTT"
}, {
tag: "tab-transitions",
friendly: "Transitions"
var UI_FIELDS = [ {
2021-01-16 23:47:21 +00:00
tag: "ethernet_enable",
friendly: "Switch ethernet on or off",
type: "option_buttons",
options: {
true: 'Enable',
false: 'Disable'
tab: "tab-ethernet"
}, {
tag: "ethernet_static_ip",
friendly: "Static IP Address",
help: "Static IP address",
type: "string",
tab: "tab-ethernet"
}, {
tag: "ethernet_static_ip_netmask",
friendly: "Static IP Netmask",
help: "Netmask to use with Static IP",
type: "string",
tab: "tab-ethernet"
}, {
tag: "ethernet_static_ip_gateway",
friendly: "Static IP Gateway Address",
help: "IP address to use as gateway when a Static IP is speicifed",
type: "string",
tab: "tab-ethernet"
}, {
2021-01-15 21:49:01 +00:00
tag: "admin_username",
friendly: "Admin username",
help: "Username for logging into this webpage",
type: "string",
tab: "tab-wifi"
}, {
tag: "admin_password",
friendly: "Password",
help: "Password for logging into this webpage",
type: "string",
tab: "tab-wifi"
}, {
tag: "hostname",
friendly: "Hostname",
help: "Self-reported hostname to send along with DCHP request",
type: "string",
tab: "tab-wifi"
}, {
tag: "wifi_static_ip",
friendly: "Static IP Address",
help: "Static IP address (leave blank to use DHCP)",
type: "string",
tab: "tab-wifi"
}, {
tag: "wifi_static_ip_netmask",
friendly: "Static IP Netmask",
help: "Netmask to use with Static IP",
type: "string",
tab: "tab-wifi"
}, {
tag: "wifi_static_ip_gateway",
friendly: "Static IP Gateway Address",
help: "IP address to use as gateway when a Static IP is speicifed",
type: "string",
tab: "tab-wifi"
}, {
tag: "wifi_mode",
friendly: "WiFi Mode",
help: "Try using G mode if you're having stability problems",
type: "option_buttons",
options: {
'b': 'B',
'g': 'G',
'n': 'N'
tab: "tab-wifi"
}, {
tag: "ce_pin",
friendly: "CE / PKT pin",
help: "Pin on ESP8266 used for 'CE' (for NRF24L01 interface) or 'PKT' (for 'PL1167/LT8900' interface)",
type: "string",
tab: "tab-setup"
}, {
tag: "csn_pin",
friendly: "CSN pin",
help: "Pin on ESP8266 used for 'CSN'",
type: "string",
tab: "tab-setup"
}, {
tag: "reset_pin",
friendly: "RESET pin",
help: "Pin on ESP8266 used for 'RESET'",
type: "string",
tab: "tab-setup"
}, {
tag: "led_pin",
friendly: "LED pin",
help: "Pin to use for LED status display (0=disabled); negative inverses signal (recommend -2 for on-board LED)",
type: "string",
tab: "tab-setup"
}, {
tag: "packet_repeats",
friendly: "Packet repeats",
help: "The number of times to repeat RF packets sent to bulbs",
type: "string",
tab: "tab-radio"
}, {
tag: "packet_repeats_per_loop",
friendly: "Packet repeats per loop",
help: "Number of repeats to send in a single go. Higher values mean more throughput, but less multitasking.",
type: "string",
tab: "tab-radio"
}, {
tag: "http_repeat_factor",
friendly: "HTTP repeat factor",
help: "Multiplicative factor on packet_repeats for requests initiated by the HTTP API. UDP API typically receives " +
"duplicate packets, so more repeats should be used for HTTP",
type: "string",
tab: "tab-wifi"
}, {
tag: "auto_restart_period",
friendly: "Auto-restart period",
help: "Automatically restart the device every number of minutes specified. Use 0 for disabled",
type: "string",
tab: "tab-setup"
}, {
tag: "discovery_port",
friendly: "Discovery port",
help: "UDP port to listen for discovery packets on. Defaults to the same port used by MiLight devices, 48899. Use 0 to disable",
type: "string",
tab: "tab-wifi"
}, {
tag: "mqtt_server",
friendly: "MQTT server",
help: "Domain or IP address of MQTT broker. Optionally specify a port with (example)",
type: "string",
tab: "tab-mqtt"
}, {
tag: "mqtt_topic_pattern",
friendly: "MQTT topic pattern",
help: "Pattern for MQTT topics to listen on. Example: lights/:device_id/:device_type/:group_id. See README for further details",
type: "string",
tab: "tab-mqtt"
}, {
tag: "mqtt_update_topic_pattern",
friendly: "MQTT update topic pattern",
help: "Pattern to publish MQTT updates. Packets that are received from other devices, and packets that are sent from this device will " +
"result in updates being sent",
type: "string",
tab: "tab-mqtt"
}, {
tag: "mqtt_state_topic_pattern",
friendly: "MQTT state topic pattern",
help: "Pattern for MQTT topic to publish state to. When a group changes state, the full known state of the group will be published to this topic pattern",
type: "string",
tab: "tab-mqtt"
}, {
tag: "mqtt_username",
friendly: "MQTT user name",
help: "User name to log in to MQTT server",
type: "string",
tab: "tab-mqtt"
}, {
tag: "mqtt_password",
friendly: "MQTT password",
help: "Password to log into MQTT server",
type: "string",
tab: "tab-mqtt"
}, {
tag: "mqtt_client_status_topic",
friendly: "MQTT Client Status Topic",
help: "Connection status messages will be published to this topic. This includes LWT and birth. See README for further detail.",
type: "string",
tab: "tab-mqtt"
}, {
tag: "mqtt_retain",
friendly: "Publish state messages with retain flag",
help: "If enabled, state messages will be published with the MQTT retain flag.",
type: "option_buttons",
options: {
true: "Enabled",
false: "Disabled"
tab: "tab-mqtt"
}, {
tag: "simple_mqtt_client_status",
friendly: "Client Status Messages Mode",
help: "In simple mode, only the strings 'connected' and 'disconnected' will be published. In detailed mode, data about the version, IP address, etc. will be included.",
type: "option_buttons",
options: {
true: "Simple",
false: "Detailed"
tab: "tab-mqtt"
}, {
tag: "home_assistant_discovery_prefix",
friendly: "HomeAssistant MQTT Discovery Prefix",
help: "If set, will enable integration with HomeAssistant's MQTT discovery functionality to allow saved aliases to be detected automatically",
type: "string",
tab: "tab-mqtt"
}, {
tag: "radio_interface_type",
friendly: "Radio interface type",
help: "2.4 GHz radio model. Only change this if you know you're not using an NRF24L01!",
type: "option_buttons",
options: {
'nRF24': 'nRF24',
'LT8900': 'PL1167/LT8900'
tab: "tab-radio"
}, {
tag: "rf24_power_level",
friendly: "nRF24 Power Level",
help: "Power level for nRF24L01",
type: "option_buttons",
options: {
'MIN': 'Min',
'LOW': 'Low',
'HIGH': 'High',
'MAX': 'Max'
tab: "tab-radio"
}, {
tag: "rf24_listen_channel",
friendly: "nRF24 Listen Channel",
help: "Which channels to listen for messages on the nRF24",
type: "option_buttons",
options: {
'LOW': 'Min',
'MID': 'Mid',
'HIGH': 'High'
tab: "tab-radio"
}, {
tag: "rf24_channels",
friendly: "nRF24 Send Channels",
help: "Which channels to send messages on for the nRF24. Using fewer channels speeds up sends.",
type: "option_buttons",
settings: {
multiple: true,
options: {
'LOW': 'Min',
'MID': 'Mid',
'HIGH': 'High'
tab: "tab-radio"
}, {
tag: "listen_repeats",
friendly: "Listen repeats",
help: "Increasing this increases the amount of time spent listening for " +
"packets. Set to 0 to disable listening. Default is 3.",
type: "string",
tab: "tab-wifi"
}, {
tag: "state_flush_interval",
friendly: "State flush interval",
help: "Minimum number of milliseconds between flushing state to flash. " +
"Set to 0 to disable delay and immediately persist state to flash",
type: "string",
tab: "tab-setup"
}, {
tag: "mqtt_state_rate_limit",
friendly: "MQTT state rate limit",
help: "Minimum number of milliseconds between MQTT updates of bulb state (defaults to 500)",
type: "string",
tab: "tab-mqtt"
}, {
tag: "mqtt_debounce_delay",
friendly: "MQTT debounce delay",
help: "Minimum number of milliseconds delay for MQTT state updates after change (defaults to 500)",
type: "string",
tab: "tab-mqtt"
}, {
tag: "packet_repeat_throttle_threshold",
friendly: "Packet repeat throttle threshold",
help: "Controls how packet repeats are throttled. Packets sent " +
"with less time between them than this value (in milliseconds) will cause " +
"packet repeats to be throttled down. More than this value will unthrottle " +
"up. Defaults to 200ms",
type: "string",
tab: "tab-radio"
}, {
tag: "packet_repeat_throttle_sensitivity",
friendly: "Packet repeat throttle sensitivity",
help: "Controls how packet repeats are throttled. " +
"Higher values cause packets to be throttled up and down faster " +
"(defaults to 0, maximum value 1000, 0 disables)",
type: "string",
tab: "tab-radio"
}, {
tag: "packet_repeat_minimum",
friendly: "Packet repeat minimum",
help: "Controls how far throttling can decrease the number " +
"of repeated packets (defaults to 3)",
type: "string",
tab: "tab-radio"
}, {
tag: "group_state_fields",
friendly: "Group state fields",
help: "Selects which fields should be included in MQTT state updates and REST responses for bulb state",
type: "group_state_fields",
tab: "tab-mqtt"
}, {
tag: "enable_automatic_mode_switching",
friendly: "Switch to previous mode after saturation/color commands",
help: "For RGBWW bulbs (using RGB+CCT or FUT089), commands that adjust color saturation or white temperature "
+ "will switch into the appropriate mode, make the change, and switch back to previous mode. WARNING: this "
+ "feature is not compatible with 'color' commands.",
type: "option_buttons",
options: {
true: 'Enable',
false: 'Disable'
tab: "tab-radio"
}, {
tag: "led_mode_wifi_config",
friendly: "LED mode during wifi config",
help: "LED mode when the device is in Access Point mode waiting to configure Wifi",
type: "led_mode",
tab: "tab-led"
}, {
tag: "led_mode_wifi_failed",
friendly: "LED mode when wifi failed to connect",
help: "LED mode when the device has failed to connect to the wifi network",
type: "led_mode",
tab: "tab-led"
}, {
tag: "led_mode_operating",
friendly: "LED mode when operating",
help: "LED mode when the device is in successfully running",
type: "led_mode",
tab: "tab-led"
}, {
tag: "led_mode_packet",
friendly: "LED mode on packets",
help: "LED mode when the device is sending or receiving packets",
type: "led_mode",
tab: "tab-led"
}, {
tag: "led_mode_packet_count",
friendly: "Flash count on packets",
help: "Number of times the LED will flash when packets are changing",
type: "string",
tab: "tab-led"
}, {
tag: "default_transition_period",
friendly: "Default transition period (milliseconds)",
help: "Controls how many milliseconds pass between transition packets. "+
"For more granular transitions, set this lower.",
type: "string",
tab: "tab-transitions"
// TODO: sync this with GroupStateField.h
var LED_MODES = [
"Slow toggle",
"Fast toggle",
"Slow blip",
"Fast blip",
var selectize;
var aliasesSelectize;
var sniffing = false;
var loadingSettings = false;
// When true, will not attempt to load group parameters
var updatingGroupId = false;
// When true, will not attempt to update group parameters
var updatingAlias = false;
// don't attempt websocket if we are debugging locally
if (location.hostname != "") {
var webSocket = new WebSocket("ws://" + location.hostname + ":81");
webSocket.onmessage = function(e) {
if (sniffing) {
var message =;
$('#sniffed-traffic').prepend('<pre>' + message + '</pre>');
var toHex = function(v) {
return "0x" + (v).toString(16).toUpperCase();
var updateGroupId = function(params) {
updatingGroupId = true;
updatingGroupId = false;
var setGroupId = function(value) {
$('#groupId input[data-value="' + value + '"]').click();
var setMode = function(value) {
$('#mode li[data-value="' + value + '"]').click();
var getCurrentDeviceId = function() {
// return $('#deviceId option:selected').val();
return parseInt(selectize.getValue());
var getCurrentGroupId = function() {
return $('#groupId .active input').data('value');
var findAndSelectAlias = function() {
if (!updatingGroupId) {
var params = {
deviceType: getCurrentMode(),
deviceId: getCurrentDeviceId(),
groupId: getCurrentGroupId()
var foundAlias = Object.entries(aliasesSelectize.options).filter(function(x) {
return _.isEqual(x[1].savedGroupParams, params);
updatingAlias = true;
if (foundAlias.length > 0) {
} else {
updatingAlias = false;
var activeUrl = function() {
var deviceId = getCurrentDeviceId()
, groupId = getCurrentGroupId()
, mode = getCurrentMode();
if (deviceId == "") {
throw "Must enter device ID";
if (! $('#group-option').data('for').split(',').includes(mode)) {
groupId = 0;
if (typeof groupId === "undefined") {
throw "Must enter group ID";
return "/gateways/" + deviceId + "/" + mode + "/" + groupId;
var refreshGroupState = function() {
if (! updatingGroupId) {
function(e) {
var getCurrentMode = function() {
return $('#mode').data('value');
var updateGroup = _.throttle(
function(params) {
try {
url: activeUrl() + "?blockOnQueue=true",
method: 'PUT',
data: JSON.stringify(params),
contentType: 'application/json',
success: function(e) {
} catch (e) {
var sendCommand = _.throttle(
function(params) {
method: 'POST',
data: JSON.stringify(params),
contentType: 'application/json'
var gatewayServerRow = function(deviceId, port, version) {
var elmt = '<tr>';
elmt += '<td>';
elmt += '<input name="deviceIds[]" class="form-control" value="' + deviceId + '"/>';
elmt += '</td>';
elmt += '<td>'
elmt += '<input name="ports[]" class="form-control" value="' + port + '"/>';;
elmt += '</td>';
elmt += '<td>';
elmt += '<div class="btn-group" data-toggle="buttons">';
for (var i = 0; i < UDP_PROTOCOL_VERSIONS.length; i++) {
, selected = (version == val || (val == DEFAULT_UDP_PROTOCL_VERSION && !UDP_PROTOCOL_VERSIONS.includes(version)));
elmt += '<label class="btn btn-secondary' + (selected ? ' active' : '') + '">';
elmt += '<input type="radio" name="versions[]" autocomplete="off" data-value="' + val + '" '
+ (selected ? 'checked' : '') +'> ' + val;
elmt += '</label>';
elmt += '</div></td>';
elmt += '<td>';
elmt += '<button class="btn btn-danger remove-gateway-server">';
elmt += '<i class="glyphicon glyphicon-remove"></i>';
elmt += '</button>';
elmt += '</td>';
elmt += '</tr>';
return elmt;
var loadSettings = function() {
if (location.hostname == "") {
// if deugging locally, don't try get settings
$.getJSON('/settings', function(val) {
loadingSettings = true;
Object.keys(val).forEach(function(k) {
var field = $('#settings input[name="' + k + '"]');
var selectVal = function(selectVal) {
field.filter('[value="' + selectVal + '"]').click();
if (field.length > 0) {
if (field.attr('type') === 'radio' || field.attr('type') === 'checkbox') {
if (Array.isArray(val[k])) {
val[k].forEach(function(x) {
} else {
} else {
if (val.hostname) {
var title = "MiLight Hub: " + val.hostname;
document.title = title;
if (val.group_id_aliases) {
Object.entries(val.group_id_aliases).forEach(function(entry) {
var label = entry[0]
, groupParams = entry[1]
, savedParams = {
deviceType: groupParams[0],
deviceId: groupParams[1],
groupId: groupParams[2]
text: label,
value: label,
savedGroupParams: savedParams
if (val.device_ids) {
val.device_ids.forEach(function(v) {
selectize.addOption({text: toHex(v), value: v});
if (val.group_state_fields) {
var elmt = $('select[name="group_state_fields"]');
elmt.selectpicker('val', val.group_state_fields);
if (val.led_mode_wifi_config) {
var elmt = $('select[name="led_mode_wifi_config"]');
elmt.selectpicker('val', val.led_mode_wifi_config);
if (val.led_mode_wifi_failed) {
var elmt = $('select[name="led_mode_wifi_failed"]');
elmt.selectpicker('val', val.led_mode_wifi_failed);
if (val.led_mode_operating) {
var elmt = $('select[name="led_mode_operating"]');
elmt.selectpicker('val', val.led_mode_operating);
if (val.led_mode_packet) {
var elmt = $('select[name="led_mode_packet"]');
elmt.selectpicker('val', val.led_mode_packet);
var gatewayForm = $('#gateway-server-configs').html('');
if (val.gateway_configs) {
val.gateway_configs.forEach(function(v) {
gatewayForm.append(gatewayServerRow(toHex(v[0]), v[1], v[2]));
loadingSettings = false;
var saveGatewayConfigs = function() {
var form = $('#tab-udp-gateways')
, errors = false;
$('input', form).removeClass('error');
var deviceIds = $('input[name="deviceIds[]"]', form).map(function(i, v) {
var val = $(v).val();
if (isNaN(val)) {
errors = true;
return null;
} else {
return val;
var ports = $('input[name="ports[]"]', form).map(function(i, v) {
var val = $(v).val();
if (isNaN(val)) {
errors = true;
return null;
} else {
return val;
var versions = $('.active input[name="versions[]"]', form).map(function(i, v) {
return $(v).data('value');
if (!errors) {
var data = [];
for (var i = 0; i < deviceIds.length; i++) {
data[i] = [deviceIds[i], ports[i], versions[i]];
method: 'put',
contentType: 'application/json',
data: JSON.stringify({gateway_configs: data})
var patchSettings = function(patch) {
if (!loadingSettings) {
method: 'put',
contentType: 'application/json',
data: JSON.stringify(patch)
var saveDeviceIds = function() {
if (!loadingSettings) {
var deviceIds =
function(option) {
return option.value;
patchSettings({device_ids: deviceIds});
var saveDeviceAliases = function() {
if (!loadingSettings) {
var deviceAliases = Object.entries(aliasesSelectize.options).reduce(
function(aggregate, x) {
var params = x[1].savedGroupParams;
aggregate[x[0]] = [
return aggregate;
patchSettings({group_id_aliases: deviceAliases});
var deleteDeviceId = function() {
var deleteDeviceAlias = function() {
var deviceIdError = function(v) {
if (!v) {
} else {
$('#device-id-label .error-info').html(v);
var updateModeOptions = function() {
var currentMode = getCurrentMode()
, modeLabel = $('#mode li[data-value="' + currentMode + '"] a').html();
$('label', $('#mode').closest('.dropdown')).html(modeLabel);
$('.mode-option').map(function() {
if ($(this).data('for').split(',').includes(currentMode)) {
} else {
// De-select unselectable group
var parseVersion = function(v) {
var matches = v.match(/(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)(-(.*))?/);
return {
major: matches[1],
minor: matches[2],
patch: matches[3],
revision: matches[5],
parts: [matches[1], matches[2], matches[3], matches[5]]
var isNewerVersion = function(a, b) {
var va = parseVersion(a)
, vb = parseVersion(b);
return >;
var handleCheckForUpdates = function() {
var currentVersion = null
, latestRelease = null;
var handleReceiveData = function() {
if (currentVersion != null) {
$('#current-version').html(currentVersion.version + " (" + currentVersion.variant + ")");
if (latestRelease != null) {
$('#latest-version .info-key').each(function() {
var value = latestRelease[$(this).data('key')];
var prop = $(this).data('prop');
if (prop) {
$(this).prop(prop, value);
} else {
if (currentVersion != null && latestRelease != null) {
$('#latest-version .status').html('');
var summary;
if (isNewerVersion(latestRelease.tag_name, currentVersion.version)) {
summary = "New version available!";
} else {
summary = "You're on the most recent version.";
var releaseAsset = latestRelease.assets.filter(function(x) {
return != -1;
if (releaseAsset.length > 0) {
$('#firmware-link').prop('href', releaseAsset[0].browser_download_url);
var handleError = function(e, d) {
$('#current-version,#latest-version .status').html('<i class="spinning glyphicon glyphicon-refresh"></i>');
success: function(data) {
currentVersion = data;
failure: handleError
success: function(data) {
latestRelease = data;
failure: handleError
var handleStateUpdate = function(state) {
if (state.state) {
// Set without firing an event
.prop('checked', state.state == 'ON')
if (state.color) {
// Browsers don't support HSV, but saturation from HSL doesn't match
// saturation from bulb state.
var hsl = rgbToHsl(state.color.r, state.color.g, state.color.b);
var hsv = RGBtoHSV(state.color.r, state.color.g, state.color.b);
$('input[name="saturation"]').slider('setValue', hsv.s*100);
if (state.color_temp) {
var scaledTemp
= 100*(state.color_temp - UNIT_PARAMS.minMireds) / (UNIT_PARAMS.maxMireds - UNIT_PARAMS.minMireds);
$('input[name="temperature"]').slider('setValue', scaledTemp);
if (state.brightness) {
var scaledBrightness = state.brightness * (100 / UNIT_PARAMS.maxBrightness);
$('input[name="level"]').slider('setValue', scaledBrightness);
var updatePreviewColor = function(hue, saturation, lightness) {
if (! saturation) {
saturation = 100;
if (! lightness) {
lightness = 50;
backgroundColor: "hsl(" + hue + "," + saturation + "%," + lightness + "%)"
var stopSniffing = function() {
var elmt = $('#sniff');
sniffing = false;
$('i', elmt)
$('span', elmt).html('Start Sniffing');
var startSniffing = function() {
var elmt = $('#sniff');
sniffing = true;
$('i', elmt)
$('span', elmt).html('Stop Sniffing');
var generateDropdownField = function(fieldName, options, settings) {
var s = '<div class="btn-group" id="' + fieldName + '" data-toggle="buttons">';
var inputType = settings.multiple ? 'checkbox' : 'radio';
Object.keys(options).forEach(function(optionValue) {
var optionLabel = options[optionValue];
s += '<label class="btn btn-secondary">' +
'<input type="' + inputType + '" id="' + fieldName + '" name="' + fieldName + '" autocomplete="off" value="' + optionValue + '" /> ' + optionLabel +
s += '</div>';
return s;
$(function() {
$('.radio-option').click(function() {
$(this).prev().prop('checked', true);
var hueDragging = false;
var colorUpdated = function(e) {
var x = e.pageX - $(this).offset().left
, pct = x/(1.0*$(this).width())
, hue = Math.round(360*pct)
updateGroup({hue: hue});
.mousedown(function(e) {
hueDragging = true;, e);
.mouseup(function(e) {
hueDragging = false;
.mouseout(function(e) {
hueDragging = false;
.mousemove(function(e) {
if (hueDragging) {, e);
$('.raw-update').change(function() {
var data = {}
, val = $(this).attr('type') == 'checkbox' ? ($(this).is(':checked') ? 'on' : 'off') : $(this).val()
data[$(this).attr('name')] = val;
$('.command-btn').click(function() {
updateGroup({command: $(this).data('command')});
$('.system-btn').click(function() {
sendCommand({command: $(this).data('command')});
$('#sniff').click(function(e) {
if (sniffing) {
} else {
$('#traffic-sniff-close').click(function() {
$('body').on('click', '#add-server-btn', function(e) {
$('#gateway-server-configs').append(gatewayServerRow('', ''));
$('#mode li').click(function(e) {
$('li', $(this).parent()).removeClass('active');
$('body').on('click', '.remove-gateway-server', function() {
for (var i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
$('.mode-dropdown').append('<li><a href="#" data-mode-value="' + i + '">' + i + '</a></li>');
$('body').on('click', '.mode-dropdown li a', function(e) {
updateGroup({mode: $(this).data('mode-value')});
return false;
var onGroupParamsChange = function(e) {
try {
} catch (e) {
// Skip
$('#mode li').click(onGroupParamsChange);
aliasesSelectize = $('#deviceAliases').selectize({
create: true,
allowEmptyOption: true,
openOnFocus: true,
createOnBlur: true,
render: {
option: function(data, escape) {
// Mousedown selects an option -- prevent event from bubbling up to select option
// when delete button is clicked.
var deleteBtn = $('<span class="selectize-delete"><a href="#"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-trash"></i></a></span>')
.mousedown(function(e) {
return false;
.click(function(e) {$(this).closest('.c-selectize-item'));
return false;
var elmt = $('<div class="c-selectize-item"></div>');
elmt.append('<span>' + data.text + '</span>');
return elmt;
onOptionAdd: function(v, item) {
if (!item.savedGroupParams) {
item.savedGroupParams = {
deviceId: getCurrentDeviceId(),
groupId: getCurrentGroupId(),
deviceType: getCurrentMode()
selectize = $('#deviceId').selectize({
create: true,
sortField: 'value',
allowEmptyOption: true,
createOnBlur: true,
render: {
option: function(data, escape) {
// Mousedown selects an option -- prevent event from bubbling up to select option
// when delete button is clicked.
var deleteBtn = $('<span class="selectize-delete"><a href="#"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-trash"></i></a></span>')
.mousedown(function(e) {
return false;
.click(function(e) {$(this).closest('.c-selectize-item'));
return false;
var elmt = $('<div class="c-selectize-item"></div>');
elmt.append('<span>' + data.text + '</span>');
return elmt;
onOptionAdd: function(v, item) {
var unparsedValue = item.value;
item.value = parseInt(unparsedValue);
selectize.updateOption(unparsedValue, item);
createFilter: function(v) {
if (! v.match(/^(0x[a-fA-F0-9]{1,4}|[0-9]{1,5})$/)) {
deviceIdError("Must be an integer between 0x0000 and 0xFFFF");
return false;
var value = parseInt(v);
if (! (0 <= v && v <= 0xFFFF)) {
deviceIdError("Must be an integer between 0x0000 and 0xFFFF");
return false;
return true;
selectize = selectize[0].selectize;
var settings = '<ul class="nav nav-tabs" id="setupTabs">';
var tabClass = 'active';
UI_TABS.forEach(function(t) {
settings += '<li class="' + tabClass + '"><a href="#' + t.tag + '" data-toggle="tab">' + t.friendly + '</a></li>';
tabClass = '';
settings += '<li><a href="#tab-udp-gateways" data-toggle="tab">UDP</a></li>';
settings += "</ul>";
settings += '<div class="tab-content">';
tabClass = 'active in';
UI_TABS.forEach(function(t) {
settings += '<div class="tab-pane fade ' + tabClass + '" id="' + t.tag + '">';
tabClass = '';
UI_FIELDS.forEach(function(k) {
if ( == t.tag) {
var elmt = '<div class="form-entry">';
elmt += '<div>';
elmt += '<label for="' + k.tag + '">' + k.friendly + '</label>';
if ( {
elmt += '<div class="field-help" data-help-text="' + + '"></div>';
elmt += '</div>';
if (k.type == 'group_state_fields') {
elmt += '<select class="selectpicker select-init" name="group_state_fields" multiple>';
GROUP_STATE_KEYS.forEach(function(stateKey) {
elmt += '<option>' + stateKey + '</option>';
elmt += '</select>';
} else if (k.type == 'led_mode') {
elmt += '<select class="selectpicker select-init" name="' + k.tag + '">';
LED_MODES.forEach(function(stateKey) {
elmt += '<option>' + stateKey + '</option>';
elmt += '</select>';
} else if (k.type == 'option_buttons') {
elmt += generateDropdownField(k.tag, k.options, k.settings || {});
} else {
elmt += '<input type="text" class="form-control" name="' + k.tag + '"/>';
elmt += '</div>';
settings += elmt;
settings += "</div>";
// UDP gateways tab
settings += '<div class="tab-pane fade ' + tabClass + '" id="tab-udp-gateways">';
settings += $('#gateway-servers-modal .modal-body').remove().html();
settings += '</div>';
settings += "</div>";
function saveSettings(settingsEntries) {
var entries = settingsEntries.slice(0)
function saveBatch() {
if (entries.length > 0) {
var batch = Object.fromEntries(entries.splice(0, 30))
method: "PUT",
contentType: "application/json",
data: JSON.stringify(batch)
$('#settings').submit(function(e) {
// Save UDP settings separately from the rest of the stuff since input is handled differently
if ($('#tab-udp-gateways').hasClass('active')) {
} else {
var obj = $('#settings').serializeArray();
obj = obj
.reduce(function(a, x) {
var val = a[];
if (! val) {
a[] = x.value;
} else if (! Array.isArray(val)) {
a[] = [val, x.value];
} else {
return a;
// Make sure the value is always an array, even if a single item is selected
rf24_channels: []
// Make sure we're submitting a value for group_state_fields (will be empty
// if no values were selected).
obj = $.extend({group_state_fields: []}, obj);
return false;
$('#gateway-server-form').submit(function(e) {
return false;
$('.field-help').each(function() {
var elmt = $('<i></i>')
.addClass('glyphicon glyphicon-question-sign')
placement: 'top',
title: $(this).data('help-text'),
container: 'body'
$(function() {
$(document).on('change', ':file', function() {
var input = $(this),
label = input.val().replace(/\\/g, '/').replace(/.*\//, '');
input.trigger('fileselect', [label]);
$(document).on('change', '#deviceAliases', function() {
var selectedValue = aliasesSelectize.getValue()
, selectizeItem = aliasesSelectize.options[selectedValue]
if (selectizeItem && !updatingAlias) {
$(document).ready( function() {
$(':file').on('fileselect', function(event, label) {
var input = $(this).parents('.input-group').find(':text'),
log = label;
if( input.length ) {