2637 lines
85 KiB
Executable file
2637 lines
85 KiB
Executable file
# This file is part of Scapy
# See http://www.secdev.org/projects/scapy for more information
# Copyright (C) Philippe Biondi <phil@secdev.org>
# Copyright (C) Mike Ryan <mikeryan@lacklustre.net>
# Copyright (C) Michael Farrell <micolous+git@gmail.com>
# This program is published under a GPLv2 license
Bluetooth layers, sockets and send/receive functions.
import ctypes
import functools
import socket
import struct
import select
from ctypes import sizeof
from scapy.config import conf
from scapy.packet import bind_layers, Packet
from scapy.fields import ByteEnumField, ByteField, Field, FieldLenField, \
FieldListField, FlagsField, BitEnumField, XIntField, IntField, LEShortEnumField, LEShortField, \
LenField, PacketListField, SignedByteField, StrField, StrFixedLenField, \
StrLenField, XByteField, BitField, BitFieldLenField, XStrFixedLenField, LEIntField, XLELongField, PadField, \
UUIDField, \
XStrLenField, ConditionalField
from scapy.supersocket import SuperSocket
from scapy.sendrecv import sndrcv
from scapy.data import MTU
from scapy.consts import WINDOWS
from scapy.error import warning
from scapy.utils import lhex, mac2str, str2mac
from scapy.volatile import RandMAC
from scapy.modules import six
# Fields #
class XLEShortField(LEShortField):
def i2repr(self, pkt, x):
return lhex(self.i2h(pkt, x))
class LEMACField(Field):
def __init__(self, name, default):
Field.__init__(self, name, default, "6s")
def i2m(self, pkt, x):
if x is None:
return b"\0\0\0\0\0\0"
return mac2str(x)[::-1]
def m2i(self, pkt, x):
return str2mac(x[::-1])
def any2i(self, pkt, x):
if isinstance(x, (six.binary_type, six.text_type)) and len(x) == 6:
x = self.m2i(pkt, x)
return x
def i2repr(self, pkt, x):
x = self.i2h(pkt, x)
if self in conf.resolve:
x = conf.manufdb._resolve_MAC(x)
return x
def randval(self):
return RandMAC()
class LERemoteMACField(Field):
def __init__(self, name, default):
Field.__init__(self, name, default, "4s")
def i2m(self, pkt, x):
if x is None:
return b"\0\0\0\0"
return mac2str(x)[::-1]
def m2i(self, pkt, x):
return str2mac(x[::-1])
def any2i(self, pkt, x):
if isinstance(x, (six.binary_type, six.text_type)) and len(x) == 4:
x = self.m2i(pkt, x)
return x
def i2repr(self, pkt, x):
x = self.i2h(pkt, x)
return x
# Layers #
# See bluez/lib/hci.h for details
# Transport layers
class HCI_PHDR_Hdr(Packet):
name = "HCI PHDR transport layer"
fields_desc = [IntField("direction", 0)]
# Real layers
_bluetooth_packet_types = {
0: "Acknowledgement",
1: "Command",
2: "ACL Data",
3: "Synchronous",
4: "Event",
5: "Reserve",
7: "Diag",
14: "Vendor",
15: "Link Control"
_bluetooth_error_codes = {
0x00: "Success",
0x01: "Unknown HCI Command",
0x02: "Unknown Connection Identifier",
0x03: "Hardware Failure",
0x04: "Page Timeout",
0x05: "Authentication Failure",
0x06: "PIN or Key Missing",
0x07: "Memory Capacity Exceeded",
0x08: "Connection Timeout",
0x09: "Connection Limit Exceeded",
0x0A: "Synchronous Connection Limit To A Device Exceeded",
0x0B: "Connection Already Exists",
0x0C: "Command Disallowed",
0x0D: "Connection Rejected due to Limited Resources",
0x0E: "Connection Rejected Due To Security Reasons",
0x0F: "Connection Rejected due to Unacceptable BD_ADDR",
0x10: "Connection Accept Timeout Exceeded",
0x11: "Unsupported Feature or Parameter Value",
0x12: "Invalid HCI Command Parameters",
0x13: "Remote User Terminated Connection",
0x14: "Remote Device Terminated Connection due to Low Resources",
0x15: "Remote Device Terminated Connection due to Power Off",
0x16: "Connection Terminated By Local Host",
0x17: "Repeated Attempts",
0x18: "Pairing Not Allowed",
0x19: "Unknown LMP PDU",
0x1A: "Unsupported Remote Feature / Unsupported LMP Feature",
0x1B: "SCO Offset Rejected",
0x1C: "SCO Interval Rejected",
0x1D: "SCO Air Mode Rejected",
0x1E: "Invalid LMP Parameters / Invalid LL Parameters",
0x1F: "Unspecified Error",
0x20: "Unsupported LMP Parameter Value / Unsupported LL Parameter Value",
0x21: "Role Change Not Allowed",
0x22: "LMP Response Timeout / LL Response Timeout",
0x23: "LMP Error Transaction Collision / LL Procedure Collision",
0x24: "LMP PDU Not Allowed",
0x25: "Encryption Mode Not Acceptable",
0x26: "Link Key cannot be Changed",
0x27: "Requested QoS Not Supported",
0x28: "Instant Passed",
0x29: "Pairing With Unit Key Not Supported",
0x2A: "Different Transaction Collision",
0x2B: "Reserved for future use",
0x2C: "QoS Unacceptable Parameter",
0x2D: "QoS Rejected",
0x2E: "Channel Classification Not Supported",
0x2F: "Insufficient Security",
0x30: "Parameter Out Of Mandatory Range",
0x31: "Reserved for future use",
0x32: "Role Switch Pending",
0x33: "Reserved for future use",
0x34: "Reserved Slot Violation",
0x35: "Role Switch Failed",
0x36: "Extended Inquiry Response Too Large",
0x37: "Secure Simple Pairing Not Supported By Host",
0x38: "Host Busy - Pairing",
0x39: "Connection Rejected due to No Suitable Channel Found",
0x3A: "Controller Busy",
0x3B: "Unacceptable Connection Parameters",
0x3C: "Advertising Timeout",
0x3D: "Connection Terminated due to MIC Failure",
0x3E: "Connection Failed to be Established / Synchronization Timeout",
0x3F: "MAC Connection Failed",
0x40: "Coarse Clock Adjustment Rejected but Will Try to Adjust Using Clock"
" Dragging",
0x41: "Type0 Submap Not Defined",
0x42: "Unknown Advertising Identifier",
0x43: "Limit Reached",
0x44: "Operation Cancelled by Host",
0x45: "Packet Too Long"
_att_error_codes = {
0x01: "invalid handle",
0x02: "read not permitted",
0x03: "write not permitted",
0x04: "invalid pdu",
0x05: "insufficient auth",
0x06: "unsupported req",
0x07: "invalid offset",
0x08: "insuficient author",
0x09: "prepare queue full",
0x0a: "attr not found",
0x0b: "attr not long",
0x0c: "insufficient key size",
0x0d: "invalid value size",
0x0e: "unlikely",
0x0f: "insufficiet encrypt",
0x10: "unsupported gpr type",
0x11: "insufficient resources",
_bluetooth_lmp_opcode = {
0: "LMP_Broadcom_BPCS",
1: "LMP_name_req",
2: "LMP_name_res",
3: "LMP_accepted",
4: "LMP_not_accepted",
5: "LMP_clkoffset_req",
6: "LMP_clkoffset_res",
7: "LMP_detach",
8: "LMP_in_rand",
9: "LMP_comb_key",
10: "LMP_unit_key",
11: "LMP_au_rand",
12: "LMP_sres",
13: "LMP_temp_rand",
14: "LMP_temp_key",
15: "LMP_encryption_mode_req",
16: "LMP_encryption_key_size_req",
17: "LMP_start_encryption_req",
18: "LMP_stop_encryption_req",
19: "LMP_switch_req",
20: "LMP_hold",
21: "LMP_hold_req",
23: "LMP_sniff_req",
24: "LMP_unsniff_req",
25: "LMP_park_req",
27: "LMP_set_broadcast_scan_window",
28: "LMP_modify_beacon",
29: "LMP_unpark_BD_ADDR_req",
30: "LMP_unpark_PM_ADDR_req",
31: "LMP_incr_power_req",
32: "LMP_decr_power_req",
33: "LMP_max_power",
34: "LMP_min_power",
35: "LMP_auto_rate",
36: "LMP_preferred_rate",
37: "LMP_version_req",
38: "LMP_version_res",
39: "LMP_features_req",
40: "LMP_features_res",
41: "LMP_quality_of_service",
42: "LMP_quality_of_service_req",
43: "LMP_SCO_link_req",
44: "LMP_remove_SCO_link_req",
45: "LMP_max_slot",
46: "LMP_max_slot_req",
47: "LMP_timing_accuracy_req",
48: "LMP_timing_accuracy_res",
49: "LMP_setup_complete",
50: "LMP_use_semi_permanent_key",
51: "LMP_host_connection_req",
52: "LMP_slot_offset",
53: "LMP_page_mode_req",
54: "LMP_page_scan_mode_req",
55: "LMP_supervision_timeout",
56: "LMP_test_activate",
57: "LMP_test_control",
58: "LMP_encryption_key_size_mask_req",
59: "LMP_encryption_key_size_mask_res",
60: "LMP_set_AFH",
61: "LMP_encapsulated_header",
62: "LMP_encapsulated_payload",
63: "LMP_Simple_Pairing_Confirm",
64: "LMP_Simple_Pairing_Number",
65: "LMP_DHkey_Check",
124: "Escape 1",
125: "Escape 2",
126: "Escape 3",
127: "Escape 4",
_bluetooth_lmp_ext_opcode = {
1: "LMP_accepted_ext",
2: "LMP_not_accepted_ext",
3: "LMP_features_req_ext",
4: "LMP_features_res_ext",
11: "LMP_packet_type_table_req",
12: "LMP_eSCO_link_req",
13: "LMP_remove_eSCO_link_req",
16: "LMP_channel_classification_req",
17: "LMP_channel_classification",
21: "LMP_sniff_subrating_req",
22: "LMP_sniff_subrating_res",
23: "LMP_pause_encryption_req",
24: "LMP_resume_encryption_req",
25: "LMP_IO_Capability_req",
26: "LMP_IO_Capability_res",
27: "LMP_numeric_comparison_failed",
28: "LMP_passkey_failed",
29: "LMP_oob_failed",
30: "LMP_keypress_notification",
31: "LMP_power_control_req",
32: "LMP_power_control_res",
_bluetooth_lmp_error_code = {
0: "Success",
1: "Unknown HCI Command",
2: "Unknown Connection Identifier",
3: "Hardware Failure",
4: "Page Timeout",
5: "Authentication Failure",
6: "PIN or Key Missing",
7: "Memory Capacity Exceeded",
8: "Connection Timeout",
9: "Connection Limit Exceeded",
10: "Synchronous Connection Limit To A Device Exceeded",
11: "ACL Connection Already Exists",
12: "Command Disallowed",
13: "Connection Rejected due to Limited Resources",
14: "Connection Rejected Due To Security Reasons",
15: "Connection Rejected due to Unacceptable BD_ADDR",
16: "Connection Accept Timeout Exceeded",
17: "Unsupported Feature or Parameter Value",
18: "Invalid HCI Command Parameters",
19: "Remote User Terminated Connection",
20: "Remote Device Terminated Connection due to Low Resources",
21: "Remote Device Terminated Connection due to Power Off",
22: "Connection Terminated By Local Host",
23: "Repeated Attempts",
24: "Pairing Not Allowed",
25: "Unknown LMP PDU",
26: "Unsupported Remote Feature / Unsupported LMP Feature",
27: "SCO Offset Rejected",
28: "SCO Interval Rejected",
29: "SCO Air Mode Rejected",
30: "Invalid LMP Parameters",
31: "Unspecified Error",
32: "Unsupported LMP Parameter Value",
33: "Role Change Not Allowed",
34: "LMP Response Timeout",
35: "LMP Error Transaction Collision",
36: "LMP PDU Not Allowed",
37: "Encryption Mode Not Acceptable",
38: "Link Key Can Not be Changed",
39: "Requested QoS Not Supported",
40: "Instant Passed",
41: "Pairing With Unit Key Not Supported",
42: "Different Transaction Collision",
43: "Reserved",
44: "QoS Unacceptable Parameter",
45: "QoS Rejected",
46: "Channel Classification Not Supported",
47: "Insufficient Security",
48: "Parameter Out Of Mandatory Range",
49: "Reserved",
50: "Role Switch Pending",
51: "Reserved",
52: "Reserved Slot Violation",
53: "Role Switch Failed",
54: "Extended Inquiry Response Too Large",
55: "Secure Simple Pairing Not Supported By Host.",
56: "Host Busy - Pairing",
57: "Connection Rejected due to No Suitable Channel Found",
_bluetooth_lmp_versnr = {
0: "1.0b",
1: "1.1",
2: "1.2",
3: "2.0 + EDR",
4: "2.1 + EDR",
5: "3.0 + HS",
6: "4.0",
7: "4.1",
8: "4.2",
9: "5.0",
10: "5.1",
11: "5.2"
_bluetooth_lmp_features = [
"lstimche", "inqtxpwr", "enhpwr", "res5", "res6", "res7", "res8", "extfeat",
"extinqres", "simlebredr", "res3", "ssp", "enpdu", "edr", "nonflush", "res4",
"5slotenh", "sniffsubr", "pauseenc", "afhcapma", "afhclama", "esco2", "esco3", "3slotenhesco",
"ev4", "ev5", "res2", "afhcapsl", "afhclasl", "bredrnotsup", "lesup", "3slotenh",
"res1", "acl2", "acl3", "eninq", "intinq", "intpag", "rssiinq", "ev3",
"cvsd", "pagneg", "pwrctl", "transsync", "flowctl1", "flowctl2", "flowctl3", "bcenc",
"res0", "pwrctlreq", "cqddr", "sco", "hv2", "hv3", "mulaw", "alaw",
"3slot", "5slot", "enc", "slotoff", "timacc", "rolesw", "holdmo", "sniffmo", # First octet
_bluetooth_lmp_ext_features_1 = [
"un48", "un49", "un50", "un51", "un52", "un53", "un54", "un55",
"un56", "un57", "un58", "un59", "un60", "un61", "un62", "un63",
"un40", "un41", "un42", "un43", "un44", "un45", "un46", "un47",
"un32", "un33", "un34", "un35", "un36", "un37", "un38", "un39",
"un24", "un25", "un26", "un27", "un28", "un29", "un30", "un31",
"un16", "un17", "un18", "un19", "un20", "un21", "un22", "un23",
"un8", "un9", "un10", "un11", "un12", "un13", "un14", "un15",
"ssp", "lesup", "lebredr", "sch", "un4", "un5", "un6", "un7", # First octet
_bluetooth_lmp_ext_features_2 = [
"un48", "un49", "un50", "un51", "un52", "un53", "un54", "un55",
"un56", "un57", "un58", "un59", "un60", "un61", "un62", "un63",
"un40", "un41", "un42", "un43", "un44", "un45", "un46", "un47",
"un32", "un33", "un34", "un35", "un36", "un37", "un38", "un39",
"un24", "un25", "un26", "un27", "un28", "un29", "un30", "un31",
"un16", "un17", "un18", "un19", "un20", "un21", "un22", "un23",
"scc", "ping", "res1", "trnud", "sam", "un13", "un14", "un15",
"csbma", "csbsl", "syntr", "synsc", "inqresnote", "genintsc", "ccadj", "res0", # First octet
_bluetooth_lmp_features_unused = [
"un48", "un49", "un50", "un51", "un52", "un53", "un54", "un55",
"un56", "un57", "un58", "un59", "un60", "un61", "un62", "un63",
"un40", "un41", "un42", "un43", "un44", "un45", "un46", "un47",
"un32", "un33", "un34", "un35", "un36", "un37", "un38", "un39",
"un24", "un25", "un26", "un27", "un28", "un29", "un30", "un31",
"un16", "un17", "un18", "un19", "un20", "un21", "un22", "un23",
"un8", "un9", "un10", "un11", "un12", "un13", "un14", "un15",
"un0", "un1", "un2", "un3", "un4", "un5", "un6", "un7", # First octet
_bluetooth_lmp_power_adjustment_res = {
0: "not supported",
1: "changed one step (not min or max)",
2: "max power",
3: "min power"
_bluetooth_diag_types = {
0: "LM_SENT",
1: "LM_RECV",
4: "LE_SENT",
5: "LE_RECV",
class HCI_Hdr(Packet):
name = "HCI header"
fields_desc = [ByteEnumField("type", 2, _bluetooth_packet_types)]
def mysummary(self):
return self.sprintf("HCI %type%")
class HCI_ACL_Hdr(Packet):
name = "HCI ACL header"
# NOTE: the 2-bytes entity formed by the 2 flags + handle must be LE
# This means that we must reverse those two bytes manually (we don't have
# a field that can reverse a group of fields)
fields_desc = [BitField("BC", 0, 2), # ]
BitField("PB", 0, 2), # ]=> 2 bytes
BitField("handle", 0, 12), # ]
LEShortField("len", None), ]
def pre_dissect(self, s):
return s[:2][::-1] + s[2:] # Reverse the 2 first bytes
def post_dissect(self, s):
self.raw_packet_cache = None # Reset packet to allow post_build
return s
def post_build(self, p, pay):
p += pay
if self.len is None:
p = p[:2] + struct.pack("<H", len(pay)) + p[4:]
# Reverse, opposite of pre_dissect
return p[:2][::-1] + p[2:] # Reverse (again) the 2 first bytes
class L2CAP_Hdr(Packet):
name = "L2CAP header"
fields_desc = [LEShortField("len", None),
LEShortEnumField("cid", 0, {1: "control", 4: "attribute"}), ] # noqa: E501
def post_build(self, p, pay):
p += pay
if self.len is None:
p = struct.pack("<H", len(pay)) + p[2:]
return p
class L2CAP_CmdHdr(Packet):
name = "L2CAP command header"
fields_desc = [
ByteEnumField("code", 8, {1: "rej", 2: "conn_req", 3: "conn_resp",
4: "conf_req", 5: "conf_resp", 6: "disconn_req", # noqa: E501
7: "disconn_resp", 8: "echo_req", 9: "echo_resp", # noqa: E501
10: "info_req", 11: "info_resp", 18: "conn_param_update_req", # noqa: E501
19: "conn_param_update_resp"}),
ByteField("id", 0),
LEShortField("len", None)]
def post_build(self, p, pay):
p += pay
if self.len is None:
p = p[:2] + struct.pack("<H", len(pay)) + p[4:]
return p
def answers(self, other):
if other.id == self.id:
if self.code == 1:
return 1
if other.code in [2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 18] and self.code == other.code + 1: # noqa: E501
if other.code == 8:
return 1
return self.payload.answers(other.payload)
return 0
class L2CAP_ConnReq(Packet):
name = "L2CAP Conn Req"
fields_desc = [LEShortEnumField("psm", 0, {1: "SDP", 3: "RFCOMM", 5: "telephony control"}), # noqa: E501
LEShortField("scid", 0),
class L2CAP_ConnResp(Packet):
name = "L2CAP Conn Resp"
fields_desc = [LEShortField("dcid", 0),
LEShortField("scid", 0),
LEShortEnumField("result", 0,
["success", "pend", "cr_bad_psm", "cr_sec_block", "cr_no_mem", "reserved",
"cr_inval_scid", "cr_scid_in_use"]), # noqa: E501
LEShortEnumField("status", 0, ["no_info", "authen_pend", "author_pend", "reserved"]), # noqa: E501
def answers(self, other):
# dcid Resp == scid Req. Therefore compare SCIDs
return isinstance(other, L2CAP_ConnReq) and self.scid == other.scid
class L2CAP_CmdRej(Packet):
name = "L2CAP Command Rej"
fields_desc = [LEShortField("reason", 0),
class L2CAP_ConfReq(Packet):
name = "L2CAP Conf Req"
fields_desc = [LEShortField("dcid", 0),
LEShortField("flags", 0),
class L2CAP_ConfResp(Packet):
name = "L2CAP Conf Resp"
fields_desc = [LEShortField("scid", 0),
LEShortField("flags", 0),
LEShortEnumField("result", 0, ["success", "unaccept", "reject", "unknown"]), # noqa: E501
def answers(self, other):
# Req and Resp contain either the SCID or the DCID.
return isinstance(other, L2CAP_ConfReq)
class L2CAP_DisconnReq(Packet):
name = "L2CAP Disconn Req"
fields_desc = [LEShortField("dcid", 0),
LEShortField("scid", 0), ]
class L2CAP_DisconnResp(Packet):
name = "L2CAP Disconn Resp"
fields_desc = [LEShortField("dcid", 0),
LEShortField("scid", 0), ]
def answers(self, other):
return self.scid == other.scid
class L2CAP_InfoReq(Packet):
name = "L2CAP Info Req"
fields_desc = [LEShortEnumField("type", 0, {1: "CL_MTU", 2: "FEAT_MASK"}),
StrField("data", "")
class L2CAP_InfoResp(Packet):
name = "L2CAP Info Resp"
fields_desc = [LEShortField("type", 0),
LEShortEnumField("result", 0, ["success", "not_supp"]),
StrField("data", ""), ]
def answers(self, other):
return self.type == other.type
class L2CAP_Connection_Parameter_Update_Request(Packet):
name = "L2CAP Connection Parameter Update Request"
fields_desc = [LEShortField("min_interval", 0),
LEShortField("max_interval", 0),
LEShortField("slave_latency", 0),
LEShortField("timeout_mult", 0), ]
class L2CAP_Connection_Parameter_Update_Response(Packet):
name = "L2CAP Connection Parameter Update Response"
fields_desc = [LEShortField("move_result", 0), ]
class ATT_Hdr(Packet):
name = "ATT header"
fields_desc = [XByteField("opcode", None), ]
class ATT_Handle(Packet):
name = "ATT Short Handle"
fields_desc = [XLEShortField("handle", 0),
XLEShortField("value", 0)]
def extract_padding(self, s):
return b'', s
class ATT_Handle_UUID128(Packet):
name = "ATT Handle (UUID 128)"
fields_desc = [XLEShortField("handle", 0),
UUIDField("value", None, uuid_fmt=UUIDField.FORMAT_REV)]
def extract_padding(self, s):
return b'', s
class ATT_Error_Response(Packet):
name = "Error Response"
fields_desc = [XByteField("request", 0),
LEShortField("handle", 0),
ByteEnumField("ecode", 0, _att_error_codes), ]
class ATT_Exchange_MTU_Request(Packet):
name = "Exchange MTU Request"
fields_desc = [LEShortField("mtu", 0), ]
class ATT_Exchange_MTU_Response(Packet):
name = "Exchange MTU Response"
fields_desc = [LEShortField("mtu", 0), ]
class ATT_Find_Information_Request(Packet):
name = "Find Information Request"
fields_desc = [XLEShortField("start", 0x0000),
XLEShortField("end", 0xffff), ]
class ATT_Find_Information_Response(Packet):
name = "Find Information Response"
fields_desc = [
XByteField("format", 1),
"handles", [],
lambda pkt: pkt.format == 1
"handles", [],
lambda pkt: pkt.format == 2
class ATT_Find_By_Type_Value_Request(Packet):
name = "Find By Type Value Request"
fields_desc = [XLEShortField("start", 0x0001),
XLEShortField("end", 0xffff),
XLEShortField("uuid", None),
StrField("data", ""), ]
class ATT_Find_By_Type_Value_Response(Packet):
name = "Find By Type Value Response"
fields_desc = [PacketListField("handles", [], ATT_Handle)]
class ATT_Read_By_Type_Request_128bit(Packet):
name = "Read By Type Request"
fields_desc = [XLEShortField("start", 0x0001),
XLEShortField("end", 0xffff),
XLELongField("uuid1", None),
XLELongField("uuid2", None)]
def dispatch_hook(cls, _pkt=None, *args, **kargs):
if _pkt and len(_pkt) == 6:
return ATT_Read_By_Type_Request
return ATT_Read_By_Type_Request_128bit
class ATT_Read_By_Type_Request(Packet):
name = "Read By Type Request"
fields_desc = [XLEShortField("start", 0x0001),
XLEShortField("end", 0xffff),
XLEShortField("uuid", None)]
class ATT_Handle_Variable(Packet):
__slots__ = ["val_length"]
fields_desc = [XLEShortField("handle", 0),
"value", 0,
length_from=lambda pkt: pkt.val_length)]
def __init__(self, _pkt=b"", val_length=2, **kwargs):
self.val_length = val_length
Packet.__init__(self, _pkt, **kwargs)
def extract_padding(self, s):
return b"", s
class ATT_Read_By_Type_Response(Packet):
name = "Read By Type Response"
fields_desc = [ByteField("len", 4),
"handles", [],
next_cls_cb=lambda pkt, *args: (
pkt._next_cls_cb(pkt, *args)
def _next_cls_cb(cls, pkt, lst, p, remain):
if len(remain) >= pkt.len:
return functools.partial(
val_length=pkt.len - 2
return None
class ATT_Read_Request(Packet):
name = "Read Request"
fields_desc = [XLEShortField("gatt_handle", 0), ]
class ATT_Read_Response(Packet):
name = "Read Response"
fields_desc = [StrField("value", "")]
class ATT_Read_Multiple_Request(Packet):
name = "Read Multiple Request"
fields_desc = [FieldListField("handles", [], XLEShortField("", 0))]
class ATT_Read_Multiple_Response(Packet):
name = "Read Multiple Response"
fields_desc = [StrField("values", "")]
class ATT_Read_By_Group_Type_Request(Packet):
name = "Read By Group Type Request"
fields_desc = [XLEShortField("start", 0),
XLEShortField("end", 0xffff),
XLEShortField("uuid", 0), ]
class ATT_Read_By_Group_Type_Response(Packet):
name = "Read By Group Type Response"
fields_desc = [XByteField("length", 0),
StrField("data", ""), ]
class ATT_Write_Request(Packet):
name = "Write Request"
fields_desc = [XLEShortField("gatt_handle", 0),
StrField("data", ""), ]
class ATT_Write_Command(Packet):
name = "Write Request"
fields_desc = [XLEShortField("gatt_handle", 0),
StrField("data", ""), ]
class ATT_Write_Response(Packet):
name = "Write Response"
class ATT_Prepare_Write_Request(Packet):
name = "Prepare Write Request"
fields_desc = [
XLEShortField("gatt_handle", 0),
LEShortField("offset", 0),
StrField("data", "")
class ATT_Prepare_Write_Response(ATT_Prepare_Write_Request):
name = "Prepare Write Response"
class ATT_Handle_Value_Notification(Packet):
name = "Handle Value Notification"
fields_desc = [XLEShortField("gatt_handle", 0),
StrField("value", ""), ]
class ATT_Execute_Write_Request(Packet):
name = "Execute Write Request"
fields_desc = [
ByteEnumField("flags", 1, {
0: "Cancel all prepared writes",
1: "Immediately write all pending prepared values",
class ATT_Execute_Write_Response(Packet):
name = "Execute Write Response"
class ATT_Read_Blob_Request(Packet):
name = "Read Blob Request"
fields_desc = [
XLEShortField("gatt_handle", 0),
LEShortField("offset", 0)
class ATT_Read_Blob_Response(Packet):
name = "Read Blob Response"
fields_desc = [
StrField("value", "")
class ATT_Handle_Value_Indication(Packet):
name = "Handle Value Indication"
fields_desc = [
XLEShortField("gatt_handle", 0),
StrField("value", ""),
class SM_Hdr(Packet):
name = "SM header"
fields_desc = [ByteField("sm_command", None)]
class SM_Pairing_Request(Packet):
name = "Pairing Request"
fields_desc = [ByteEnumField("iocap", 3,
{0: "DisplayOnly", 1: "DisplayYesNo", 2: "KeyboardOnly", 3: "NoInputNoOutput",
4: "KeyboardDisplay"}), # noqa: E501
ByteEnumField("oob", 0, {0: "Not Present", 1: "Present (from remote device)"}), # noqa: E501
BitField("authentication", 0, 8),
ByteField("max_key_size", 16),
ByteField("initiator_key_distribution", 0),
ByteField("responder_key_distribution", 0), ]
class SM_Pairing_Response(Packet):
name = "Pairing Response"
fields_desc = [ByteEnumField("iocap", 3,
{0: "DisplayOnly", 1: "DisplayYesNo", 2: "KeyboardOnly", 3: "NoInputNoOutput",
4: "KeyboardDisplay"}), # noqa: E501
ByteEnumField("oob", 0, {0: "Not Present", 1: "Present (from remote device)"}), # noqa: E501
BitField("authentication", 0, 8),
ByteField("max_key_size", 16),
ByteField("initiator_key_distribution", 0),
ByteField("responder_key_distribution", 0), ]
class SM_Confirm(Packet):
name = "Pairing Confirm"
fields_desc = [StrFixedLenField("confirm", b'\x00' * 16, 16)]
class SM_Random(Packet):
name = "Pairing Random"
fields_desc = [StrFixedLenField("random", b'\x00' * 16, 16)]
class SM_Failed(Packet):
name = "Pairing Failed"
fields_desc = [XByteField("reason", 0)]
class SM_Encryption_Information(Packet):
name = "Encryption Information"
fields_desc = [StrFixedLenField("ltk", b"\x00" * 16, 16), ]
class SM_Master_Identification(Packet):
name = "Master Identification"
fields_desc = [XLEShortField("ediv", 0),
StrFixedLenField("rand", b'\x00' * 8, 8), ]
class SM_Identity_Information(Packet):
name = "Identity Information"
fields_desc = [StrFixedLenField("irk", b'\x00' * 16, 16), ]
class SM_Identity_Address_Information(Packet):
name = "Identity Address Information"
fields_desc = [ByteEnumField("atype", 0, {0: "public"}),
LEMACField("address", None), ]
class SM_Signing_Information(Packet):
name = "Signing Information"
fields_desc = [StrFixedLenField("csrk", b'\x00' * 16, 16), ]
class SM_Public_Key(Packet):
name = "Public Key"
fields_desc = [StrFixedLenField("key_x", b'\x00' * 32, 32),
StrFixedLenField("key_y", b'\x00' * 32, 32), ]
class SM_DHKey_Check(Packet):
name = "DHKey Check"
fields_desc = [StrFixedLenField("dhkey_check", b'\x00' * 16, 16), ]
class EIR_Hdr(Packet):
name = "EIR Header"
fields_desc = [
LenField("len", None, fmt="B", adjust=lambda x: x + 1), # Add bytes mark # noqa: E501
# https://www.bluetooth.com/specifications/assigned-numbers/generic-access-profile
ByteEnumField("type", 0, {
0x01: "flags",
0x02: "incomplete_list_16_bit_svc_uuids",
0x03: "complete_list_16_bit_svc_uuids",
0x04: "incomplete_list_32_bit_svc_uuids",
0x05: "complete_list_32_bit_svc_uuids",
0x06: "incomplete_list_128_bit_svc_uuids",
0x07: "complete_list_128_bit_svc_uuids",
0x08: "shortened_local_name",
0x09: "complete_local_name",
0x0a: "tx_power_level",
0x0d: "class_of_device",
0x0e: "simple_pairing_hash",
0x0f: "simple_pairing_rand",
0x10: "sec_mgr_tk",
0x11: "sec_mgr_oob_flags",
0x12: "slave_conn_intvl_range",
0x14: "list_16_bit_svc_sollication_uuids",
0x15: "list_128_bit_svc_sollication_uuids",
0x16: "svc_data_16_bit_uuid",
0x17: "pub_target_addr",
0x18: "rand_target_addr",
0x19: "appearance",
0x1a: "adv_intvl",
0x1b: "le_addr",
0x1c: "le_role",
0x1d: "simple_pairing_hash_256",
0x1e: "simple_pairing_rand_256",
0x1f: "list_32_bit_svc_sollication_uuids",
0x20: "svc_data_32_bit_uuid",
0x21: "svc_data_128_bit_uuid",
0x22: "sec_conn_confirm",
0x23: "sec_conn_rand",
0x24: "uri",
0x25: "indoor_positioning",
0x26: "transport_discovery",
0x27: "le_supported_features",
0x28: "channel_map_update",
0x29: "mesh_pb_adv",
0x2a: "mesh_message",
0x2b: "mesh_beacon",
0x3d: "3d_information",
0xff: "mfg_specific_data",
def mysummary(self):
return self.sprintf("EIR %type%")
class EIR_Element(Packet):
name = "EIR Element"
def extract_padding(self, s):
# Needed to end each EIR_Element packet and make PacketListField work.
return b'', s
def length_from(pkt):
if not pkt.underlayer:
warning("Missing an upper-layer")
return 0
# 'type' byte is included in the length, so subtract 1:
return pkt.underlayer.len - 1
class EIR_Raw(EIR_Element):
name = "EIR Raw"
fields_desc = [
StrLenField("data", "", length_from=EIR_Element.length_from)
class EIR_Flags(EIR_Element):
name = "Flags"
fields_desc = [
FlagsField("flags", 0x2, 8,
["limited_disc_mode", "general_disc_mode",
"br_edr_not_supported", "simul_le_br_edr_ctrl",
"simul_le_br_edr_host"] + 3 * ["reserved"])
class EIR_CompleteList16BitServiceUUIDs(EIR_Element):
name = "Complete list of 16-bit service UUIDs"
fields_desc = [
# https://www.bluetooth.com/specifications/assigned-numbers/16-bit-uuids-for-members
FieldListField("svc_uuids", None, XLEShortField("uuid", 0),
class EIR_IncompleteList16BitServiceUUIDs(EIR_CompleteList16BitServiceUUIDs):
name = "Incomplete list of 16-bit service UUIDs"
class EIR_CompleteList128BitServiceUUIDs(EIR_Element):
name = "Complete list of 128-bit service UUIDs"
fields_desc = [
FieldListField("svc_uuids", None,
UUIDField("uuid", None, uuid_fmt=UUIDField.FORMAT_REV),
class EIR_IncompleteList128BitServiceUUIDs(EIR_CompleteList128BitServiceUUIDs):
name = "Incomplete list of 128-bit service UUIDs"
class EIR_CompleteLocalName(EIR_Element):
name = "Complete Local Name"
fields_desc = [
StrLenField("local_name", "", length_from=EIR_Element.length_from)
class EIR_ShortenedLocalName(EIR_CompleteLocalName):
name = "Shortened Local Name"
class EIR_TX_Power_Level(EIR_Element):
name = "TX Power Level"
fields_desc = [SignedByteField("level", 0)]
class EIR_Manufacturer_Specific_Data(EIR_Element):
name = "EIR Manufacturer Specific Data"
fields_desc = [
# https://www.bluetooth.com/specifications/assigned-numbers/company-identifiers
XLEShortField("company_id", None),
registered_magic_payloads = {}
def register_magic_payload(cls, payload_cls, magic_check=None):
Registers a payload type that uses magic data.
Traditional payloads require registration of a Bluetooth Company ID
(requires company membership of the Bluetooth SIG), or a Bluetooth
Short UUID (requires a once-off payment).
There are alternatives which don't require registration (such as
128-bit UUIDs), but the biggest consumer of energy in a beacon is the
radio -- so the energy consumption of a beacon is proportional to the
number of bytes in a beacon frame.
Some beacon formats side-step this issue by using the Company ID of
their beacon hardware manufacturer, and adding a "magic data sequence"
at the start of the Manufacturer Specific Data field.
Examples of this are AltBeacon and GeoBeacon.
For an example of this method in use, see ``scapy.contrib.altbeacon``.
:param Type[scapy.packet.Packet] payload_cls:
A reference to a Packet subclass to register as a payload.
:param Callable[[bytes], bool] magic_check:
(optional) callable to use to if a payload should be associated
with this type. If not supplied, ``payload_cls.magic_check`` is
used instead.
:raises TypeError: If ``magic_check`` is not specified,
and ``payload_cls.magic_check`` is not implemented.
if magic_check is None:
if hasattr(payload_cls, "magic_check"):
magic_check = payload_cls.magic_check
raise TypeError("magic_check not specified, and {} has no "
"attribute magic_check".format(payload_cls))
cls.registered_magic_payloads[payload_cls] = magic_check
def default_payload_class(self, payload):
for cls, check in six.iteritems(
if check(payload):
return cls
return Packet.default_payload_class(self, payload)
def extract_padding(self, s):
# Needed to end each EIR_Element packet and make PacketListField work.
plen = EIR_Element.length_from(self) - 2
return s[:plen], s[plen:]
class EIR_Device_ID(EIR_Element):
name = "Device ID"
fields_desc = [
XLEShortField("vendor_id_source", 0),
XLEShortField("vendor_id", 0),
XLEShortField("product_id", 0),
XLEShortField("version", 0),
class EIR_ServiceData16BitUUID(EIR_Element):
name = "EIR Service Data - 16-bit UUID"
fields_desc = [
# https://www.bluetooth.com/specifications/assigned-numbers/16-bit-uuids-for-members
XLEShortField("svc_uuid", None),
def extract_padding(self, s):
# Needed to end each EIR_Element packet and make PacketListField work.
plen = EIR_Element.length_from(self) - 2
return s[:plen], s[plen:]
class BT_LMP(Packet):
name = "Bluetooth Link Manager Protocol"
fields_desc = [
BitEnumField("opcode", 0, 7, _bluetooth_lmp_opcode),
BitField("tid", None, 1),
ConditionalField(ByteEnumField("ext_opcode", 3, _bluetooth_lmp_ext_opcode),
lambda pkt: pkt.opcode == 127),
# Override default dissection function to include empty packet types
def do_dissect_payload(self, s):
cls = self.guess_payload_class(s)
if s or not cls.fields_desc:
p = cls(s, _internal=1, _underlayer=self)
class LMP_features_req(Packet):
name = "LMP_features_req"
fields_desc = [FlagsField(
"features", 0x8f7bffdbfecffebf, 64, _bluetooth_lmp_features)]
def post_dissect(self, s):
# Truncate padding
return ""
class LMP_features_res(LMP_features_req):
name = "LMP_features_res"
class LMP_version_req(Packet):
name = "LMP_version_req"
fields_desc = [
# Version 4.2 by default
ByteEnumField("version", 8, _bluetooth_lmp_versnr),
LEShortField("company_id", 15), # Broadcom
LEShortField("subversion", 24841)
def post_dissect(self, s):
# Truncate padding
return ""
class LMP_version_res(LMP_version_req):
name = "LMP_version_res"
class LMP_features_req_ext(Packet):
name = "LMP_features_req_ext"
fields_desc = [ByteEnumField("fpage", 1, {0: "standard features",
1: "extended features 64-67",
2: "extended features 128-140"}),
ByteField("max_page", 2),
ConditionalField(FlagsField("features0", 0, 64, _bluetooth_lmp_features),
lambda pkt: pkt.fpage == 0),
ConditionalField(FlagsField("features1", 0, 64, _bluetooth_lmp_ext_features_1),
lambda pkt: pkt.fpage == 1),
ConditionalField(FlagsField("features2", 0, 64, _bluetooth_lmp_ext_features_2),
lambda pkt: pkt.fpage == 2),
ConditionalField(FlagsField("features", 0, 64, _bluetooth_lmp_ext_features_2),
lambda pkt: pkt.fpage > 2),
def post_dissect(self, s):
# Truncate padding
return ""
class LMP_features_res_ext(LMP_features_req_ext):
name = "LMP_features_res_ext"
class LMP_name_req(Packet):
name = "LMP_name_req"
fields_desc = [ByteField("name_offset", 0)]
def post_dissect(self, s):
# Truncate padding
return ""
class LMP_name_res(Packet):
name = "LMP_name_res"
fields_desc = [
ByteField("name_offset", 0),
FieldLenField("name_len", None, length_of="name_frag", fmt="B"),
StrLenField("name_frag", "", length_from=lambda pkt: pkt.name_len),
def post_dissect(self, s):
# Truncate padding
return ""
class LMP_detach(Packet):
name = "LMP_detach"
fields_desc = [ByteEnumField(
"error_code", 0x13, _bluetooth_lmp_error_code)]
def post_dissect(self, s):
# Truncate padding
return ""
class LMP_host_connection_req(Packet):
name = "LMP_host_connection_req"
def post_dissect(self, s):
# Truncate padding
return ""
class LMP_accepted(Packet):
name = "LMP_accepted"
fields_desc = [
BitField("unused", 0, 1),
BitEnumField("code", 51, 7, _bluetooth_lmp_opcode),
def post_dissect(self, s):
# Truncate padding
return ""
class LMP_not_accepted(Packet):
name = "LMP_not_accepted"
fields_desc = [
BitField("unused", 0, 1),
BitEnumField("code", 51, 7, _bluetooth_lmp_opcode),
ByteEnumField("error_code", 6, _bluetooth_lmp_error_code)
def post_dissect(self, s):
# Truncate padding
return ""
class LMP_au_rand(Packet):
name = "LMP_au_rand"
fields_desc = [
StrFixedLenField("rand", b"\x00" * 16, 16)
def post_dissect(self, s):
# Truncate padding
return ""
class LMP_encapsulated_header(Packet):
name = "LMP_encapsulated_header"
fields_desc = [
ByteField("major_type", 1),
ByteField("minor_type", 1),
ByteField("enc_len", 48),
def post_dissect(self, s):
# Truncate padding
return ""
class LMP_encapsulated_payload(Packet):
name = "LMP_encapsulated_payload"
fields_desc = [
StrFixedLenField("data", b"\x00" * 16, 16)
def post_dissect(self, s):
# Truncate padding
return ""
class LMP_Simple_Pairing_Confirm(Packet):
name = "LMP_Simple_Pairing_Confirm"
fields_desc = [
StrFixedLenField("commit", b"\x00" * 16, 16)
def post_dissect(self, s):
# Truncate padding
return ""
class LMP_Simple_Pairing_Number(Packet):
name = "LMP_Simple_Pairing_Number"
fields_desc = [
StrFixedLenField("nonce", b"\x00" * 16, 16)
def post_dissect(self, s):
# Truncate padding
return ""
class LMP_DHkey_Check(Packet):
name = "LMP_DHkey_Check"
fields_desc = [
StrFixedLenField("confirm", b"\x00" * 16, 16)
def post_dissect(self, s):
# Truncate padding
return ""
class LMP_sres(Packet):
name = "LMP_sres"
fields_desc = [
StrFixedLenField("authres", b"\x00" * 4, 4)
def post_dissect(self, s):
# Truncate padding
return ""
class LMP_encryption_mode_req(Packet):
name = "LMP_encryption_mode_req"
fields_desc = [
ByteEnumField("mode", 1, {
0: "no encryption",
1: "encryption",
2: "previously used",
def post_dissect(self, s):
# Truncate padding
return ""
class LMP_encryption_key_size_req(Packet):
name = "LMP_encryption_key_size_req"
fields_desc = [ByteField("keysize", 16)]
def post_dissect(self, s):
# Truncate padding
return ""
class LMP_start_encryption_req(Packet):
name = "LMP_start_encryption_req"
fields_desc = [
StrFixedLenField("rand", b"\x00" * 16, 16)
def post_dissect(self, s):
# Truncate padding
return ""
class LMP_stop_encryption_req(Packet):
name = "LMP_stop_encryption_req"
def post_dissect(self, s):
# Truncate padding
return ""
class LMP_setup_complete(Packet):
name = "LMP_setup_complete"
def post_dissect(self, s):
# Truncate padding
return ""
class LMP_packet_type_table_req(Packet):
name = "LMP_packet_type_table_req"
fields_desc = [ByteEnumField("pkt_type_table", 1, {
0: "1 Mbps only",
1: "2/3 Mbps",
def post_dissect(self, s):
# Truncate padding
return ""
class LMP_accepted_ext(Packet):
name = "LMP_accepted_ext"
fields_desc = [
BitField("unused", 0, 1),
BitEnumField("code1", 127, 7, _bluetooth_lmp_opcode),
ByteEnumField("code2", 11, _bluetooth_lmp_ext_opcode)
def post_dissect(self, s):
# Truncate padding
return ""
class LMP_not_accepted_ext(Packet):
name = "LMP_accepted_ext"
fields_desc = [
BitField("unused", 0, 1),
BitEnumField("code1", 127, 7, _bluetooth_lmp_opcode),
ByteEnumField("code2", 11, _bluetooth_lmp_ext_opcode),
ByteEnumField("error_code", 6, _bluetooth_lmp_error_code),
def post_dissect(self, s):
# Truncate padding
return ""
class LMP_set_AFH(Packet):
name = "LMP_set_AFH"
fields_desc = [
LEIntField("instant", 0x00011cee),
ByteEnumField("mode", 1, {
0: "disabled",
1: "enabled"
"chM", b'\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\x7f', 10),
def post_dissect(self, s):
# Truncate padding
return ""
class LMP_channel_classification_req(Packet):
name = "LMP_channel_classification_req"
fields_desc = [
ByteEnumField("mode", 1, {
0: "AFH reporting disabled",
1: "AFH reporting enabled"
LEShortField("min_interval", 0x0640),
LEShortField("max_interval", 0xbb80),
def post_dissect(self, s):
# Truncate padding
return ""
class LMP_channel_classification(Packet):
name = "LMP_channel_classification"
fields_desc = [XStrFixedLenField(
"class", b'\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\x7f', 10)]
def post_dissect(self, s):
# Truncate padding
return ""
class LMP_max_slot_req(Packet):
name = "LMP_max_slot_req"
fields_desc = [ByteField("max_slots", 5)]
def post_dissect(self, s):
# Truncate padding
return ""
class LMP_max_slot(LMP_max_slot_req):
name = "LMP_max_slot"
class LMP_clkoffset_req(Packet):
name = "LMP_clkoffset_req"
def post_dissect(self, s):
# Truncate padding
return ""
class LMP_clkoffset_res(Packet):
name = "LMP_clkoffset_res"
fields_desc = [LEShortField("offset", 9450)]
def post_dissect(self, s):
# Truncate padding
return ""
class LMP_sniff_req(Packet):
name = "LMP_sniff_req"
fields_desc = [
FlagsField("timectr", 0x02, 8, [
"change", "init", "accwin", "un3", "un4", "un5", "un6", "un7"]),
LEShortField("dsniff", 0),
LEShortField("tsniff", 0x31e),
LEShortField("sniff_attempt", 4),
LEShortField("sniff_timeout", 1),
def post_dissect(self, s):
# Truncate padding
return ""
class LMP_unsniff_req(Packet):
name = "LMP_unsniff_req"
def post_dissect(self, s):
# Truncate padding
return ""
class LMP_max_power(Packet):
name = "LMP_max_power"
def post_dissect(self, s):
# Truncate padding
return ""
class LMP_min_power(Packet):
name = "LMP_min_power"
def post_dissect(self, s):
# Truncate padding
return ""
class LMP_power_control_req(Packet):
name = "LMP_power_control_req"
fields_desc = [ByteEnumField("poweradj", 0, {
0: "decrement power one step",
1: "increment power one step",
2: "increase to maximum power"
def post_dissect(self, s):
# Truncate padding
return ""
class LMP_power_control_res(Packet):
name = "LMP_power_control_res"
fields_desc = [
BitField("unused", 0, 2),
BitEnumField("p_8dpsk", 1, 2, _bluetooth_lmp_power_adjustment_res),
BitEnumField("p_dqpsk", 1, 2, _bluetooth_lmp_power_adjustment_res),
BitEnumField("p_gfsk", 1, 2, _bluetooth_lmp_power_adjustment_res),
def post_dissect(self, s):
# Truncate padding
return ""
class LMP_auto_rate(Packet):
name = "LMP_auto_rate"
def post_dissect(self, s):
# Truncate padding
return ""
class LMP_preferred_rate(Packet):
name = "LMP_preferred_rate"
fields_desc = [
BitField("rfu", 0, 1),
BitEnumField("edrsize", 0, 2, {
0: "not available",
1: "1-slot packets",
2: "3-slot packets",
3: "5-slot packets",
BitEnumField("type", 0, 2, {
0: "DM1 packets",
1: "2MBs packets",
2: "3MBs packets",
3: "rfu",
BitEnumField("size", 0, 2, {
0: "not available",
1: "1-slot packets",
2: "3-slot packets",
3: "5-slot packets",
BitEnumField("fec", 0, 1, {
0: "use FEC",
1: "do not use FEC"
def post_dissect(self, s):
# Truncate padding
return ""
class LMP_timing_accuracy_req(Packet):
name = "LMP_timing_accuracy_req"
def post_dissect(self, s):
# Truncate padding
return ""
class LMP_timing_accuracy_res(Packet):
name = "LMP_timing_accuracy_res"
fields_desc = [
ByteField("drift", 45),
ByteField("jitter", 10)
def post_dissect(self, s):
# Truncate padding
return ""
class LMP_page_scan_mode_req(Packet):
name = "LMP_page_scan_mode_req"
fields_desc = [
ByteEnumField("scheme", 45, {0: "mandatory"}),
ByteEnumField("settings", 10, {
0: "R0",
1: "R1",
2: "R2"
def post_dissect(self, s):
# Truncate padding
return ""
class LMP_page_mode_req(Packet):
name = "LMP_page_mode_req"
fields_desc = [
ByteEnumField("scheme", 45, {0: "mandatory"}),
ByteEnumField("settings", 10, {
0: "R0",
1: "R1",
2: "R2"
def post_dissect(self, s):
# Truncate padding
return ""
class LMP_supervision_timeout(Packet):
name = "LMP_supervision_timeout"
fields_desc = [
LEShortField("timeout", 8000)
def post_dissect(self, s):
# Truncate padding
return ""
class LMP_sniff_subrating_req(Packet):
name = "LMP_sniff_subrating_req"
fields_desc = [
ByteField("max_sniff_subrate", 1),
LEShortField("min_sniff_timeout", 2),
LEShortField("subrating_instant", 42432),
def post_dissect(self, s):
# Truncate padding
return ""
class LMP_sniff_subrating_res(LMP_sniff_subrating_req):
name = "LMP_sniff_subrating_res"
class LMP_pause_encryption_req(Packet):
name = "LMP_pause_encryption_req"
def post_dissect(self, s):
# Truncate padding
return ""
class LMP_resume_encryption_req(Packet):
name = "LMP_resume_encryption_req"
def post_dissect(self, s):
# Truncate padding
return ""
class LMP_IO_Capability_req(Packet):
name = "LMP_IO_Capability_req"
fields_desc = [
ByteEnumField("io_cap", 0x03, {
0: "DisplayOnly",
1: "DisplayYesNo",
2: "KeyboardOnly",
3: "NoInputNoOutput"
ByteEnumField("oob", 0x00, {
0: "not present",
1: "P-192",
2: "P-256",
3: "P-192 and P-256"
ByteEnumField("auth", 0x03, {
0: "MITM Protection Not Required - No Bonding",
1: "MITM Protection Required - No Bonding",
2: "MITM Protection Not Required - Dedicated Bonding",
3: "MITM Protection Required - Dedicated Bonding",
4: "MITM Protection Not Required - General Bonding",
5: "MITM Protection Required - General Bonding"
def post_dissect(self, s):
# Truncate padding
return ""
class LMP_IO_Capability_res(LMP_IO_Capability_req):
name = "LMP_IO_Capability_res"
class LMP_numeric_comparison_failed(Packet):
name = "LMP_IO_Capability_res"
def post_dissect(self, s):
# Truncate padding
return ""
class LMP_passkey_failed(Packet):
name = "LMP_passkey_failed"
def post_dissect(self, s):
# Truncate padding
return ""
class LMP_oob_failed(Packet):
name = "LMP_oob_failed"
def post_dissect(self, s):
# Truncate padding
return ""
class LMP_ping_req(Packet):
name = "LMP_ping_req"
def post_dissect(self, s):
# Truncate padding
return ""
class LMP_ping_res(Packet):
name = "LMP_ping_res"
def post_dissect(self, s):
# Truncate padding
return ""
class ESP32_BREDR(Packet):
name = "ESP32_BREDR"
fields_desc = [
LEIntField("clk", 0),
ByteField("channel", 0),
BitField("is_eir", 0, 1),
BitField("rx_enc", 0, 1),
BitField("tx_enc", 0, 1),
BitField("rfu", 0, 3),
BitEnumField("role", 0, 1, {0x00: 'Master', 0x01: 'Slave'}),
BitField("is_edr", 0, 1),
class BT_Baseband(Packet):
name = "BT_Baseband"
fields_desc = [
BitField("flow", 0, 1),
BitEnumField("type", 0, 4, {0x00: 'NULL', 0x01: 'POLL',
0x2: "FHS", 0x03: "DM1", 0x04: "DH1/2-DH1", 0x08: "DV/3-DH1"}),
BitField("lt_addr", 0, 3),
# BitField("lt_addr", 0, 3),
# BitEnumField("type", 0, 4, {0x00: 'NULL', 0x01: 'POLL',
# 0x2: "FHS", 0x03: "DM1", 0x04: "DH1/2-DH1", 0x08: "DV/3-DH1"}),
# BitField("flow", 0, 1),
BitField("arqn", 0, 1),
BitField("seqn", 0, 1),
BitField("hec", 0, 6),
def guess_payload_class(self, payload):
if self.type == 0x04 or self.type == 0x08:
return BT_ACL_Hdr
return Packet.guess_payload_class(self, payload)
class BT_ACL_Hdr(Packet):
name = "BT ACL Header"
fields_desc = [
# BitField("rfu", 0, 3),
BitFieldLenField("len", None, 5),
BitEnumField("flow", 0, 1, {0: False, 1: True}),
BitEnumField("llid", 0, 2, {0x00: 'undefined',
0x01: 'Continuation fragment of an L2CAP message',
0x02: 'Start of an L2CAP message or no fragmentation',
0x03: 'LMP'}),
ByteField('dummy', 0)
class HCI_Command_Hdr(Packet):
name = "HCI Command header"
fields_desc = [XLEShortField("opcode", 0),
LenField("len", None, fmt="B"), ]
def answers(self, other):
return False
def post_build(self, p, pay):
p += pay
if self.len is None:
p = p[:2] + struct.pack("B", len(pay)) + p[3:]
return p
class HCI_Cmd_Reset(Packet):
name = "Reset"
class HCI_Cmd_Set_Event_Filter(Packet):
name = "Set Event Filter"
fields_desc = [ByteEnumField("type", 0, {0: "clear"}), ]
class HCI_Cmd_Connect_Accept_Timeout(Packet):
name = "Connection Attempt Timeout"
fields_desc = [LEShortField("timeout", 32000)] # 32000 slots is 20000 msec
class HCI_Cmd_LE_Host_Supported(Packet):
name = "LE Host Supported"
fields_desc = [ByteField("supported", 1),
ByteField("simultaneous", 1), ]
class HCI_Cmd_Set_Event_Mask(Packet):
name = "Set Event Mask"
fields_desc = [StrFixedLenField("mask", b"\xff\xff\xfb\xff\x07\xf8\xbf\x3d", 8)] # noqa: E501
class HCI_Cmd_Read_BD_Addr(Packet):
name = "Read BD Addr"
class HCI_Cmd_Write_Local_Name(Packet):
name = "Write Local Name"
fields_desc = [StrField("name", "")]
class HCI_Cmd_Write_Extended_Inquiry_Response(Packet):
name = "Write Extended Inquiry Response"
fields_desc = [ByteField("fec_required", 0),
PacketListField("eir_data", [], EIR_Hdr,
length_from=lambda pkt: pkt.len)]
class HCI_Cmd_LE_Set_Scan_Parameters(Packet):
name = "LE Set Scan Parameters"
fields_desc = [ByteEnumField("type", 1, {1: "active"}),
XLEShortField("interval", 16),
XLEShortField("window", 16),
ByteEnumField("atype", 0, {0: "public"}),
ByteEnumField("policy", 0, {0: "all", 1: "whitelist"})]
class HCI_Cmd_LE_Set_Scan_Enable(Packet):
name = "LE Set Scan Enable"
fields_desc = [ByteField("enable", 1),
ByteField("filter_dups", 1), ]
class HCI_Cmd_Disconnect(Packet):
name = "Disconnect"
fields_desc = [XLEShortField("handle", 0),
ByteField("reason", 0x13), ]
class HCI_Cmd_LE_Create_Connection(Packet):
name = "LE Create Connection"
fields_desc = [LEShortField("interval", 96),
LEShortField("window", 48),
ByteEnumField("filter", 0, {0: "address"}),
ByteEnumField("patype", 0, {0: "public", 1: "random"}),
LEMACField("paddr", None),
ByteEnumField("atype", 0, {0: "public", 1: "random"}),
LEShortField("min_interval", 40),
LEShortField("max_interval", 56),
LEShortField("latency", 0),
LEShortField("timeout", 42),
LEShortField("min_ce", 0),
LEShortField("max_ce", 0), ]
class HCI_Cmd_LE_Create_Connection_Cancel(Packet):
name = "LE Create Connection Cancel"
class HCI_Cmd_LE_Read_White_List_Size(Packet):
name = "LE Read White List Size"
class HCI_Cmd_LE_Clear_White_List(Packet):
name = "LE Clear White List"
class HCI_Cmd_LE_Add_Device_To_White_List(Packet):
name = "LE Add Device to White List"
fields_desc = [ByteEnumField("atype", 0, {0: "public", 1: "random"}),
LEMACField("address", None)]
class HCI_Cmd_LE_Remove_Device_From_White_List(HCI_Cmd_LE_Add_Device_To_White_List): # noqa: E501
name = "LE Remove Device from White List"
class HCI_Cmd_LE_Connection_Update(Packet):
name = "LE Connection Update"
fields_desc = [XLEShortField("handle", 0),
XLEShortField("min_interval", 0),
XLEShortField("max_interval", 0),
XLEShortField("latency", 0),
XLEShortField("timeout", 0),
LEShortField("min_ce", 0),
LEShortField("max_ce", 0xffff), ]
class HCI_Cmd_LE_Read_Buffer_Size(Packet):
name = "LE Read Buffer Size"
class HCI_Cmd_LE_Read_Remote_Used_Features(Packet):
name = "LE Read Remote Used Features"
fields_desc = [LEShortField("handle", 64)]
class HCI_Cmd_LE_Set_Random_Address(Packet):
name = "LE Set Random Address"
fields_desc = [LEMACField("address", None)]
class HCI_Cmd_LE_Set_Advertising_Parameters(Packet):
name = "LE Set Advertising Parameters"
fields_desc = [LEShortField("interval_min", 0x0800),
LEShortField("interval_max", 0x0800),
ByteEnumField("adv_type", 0,
4: "ADV_DIRECT_IND_LOW"}), # noqa: E501
ByteEnumField("oatype", 0, {0: "public", 1: "random"}),
ByteEnumField("datype", 0, {0: "public", 1: "random"}),
LEMACField("daddr", None),
ByteField("channel_map", 7),
ByteEnumField("filter_policy", 0,
{0: "all:all", 1: "connect:all scan:whitelist", 2: "connect:whitelist scan:all",
3: "all:whitelist"}), ] # noqa: E501
class HCI_Cmd_LE_Set_Advertising_Data(Packet):
name = "LE Set Advertising Data"
fields_desc = [FieldLenField("len", None, length_of="data", fmt="B"),
PacketListField("data", [], EIR_Hdr,
length_from=lambda pkt: pkt.len),
align=31, padwith=b"\0"), ]
class HCI_Cmd_LE_Set_Scan_Response_Data(Packet):
name = "LE Set Scan Response Data"
fields_desc = [FieldLenField("len", None, length_of="data", fmt="B"),
StrLenField("data", "", length_from=lambda pkt: pkt.len), ]
class HCI_Cmd_LE_Set_Advertise_Enable(Packet):
name = "LE Set Advertise Enable"
fields_desc = [ByteField("enable", 0)]
class HCI_Cmd_LE_Start_Encryption_Request(Packet):
name = "LE Start Encryption"
fields_desc = [LEShortField("handle", 0),
StrFixedLenField("rand", None, 8),
XLEShortField("ediv", 0),
StrFixedLenField("ltk", b'\x00' * 16, 16), ]
class HCI_Cmd_LE_Long_Term_Key_Request_Negative_Reply(Packet):
name = "LE Long Term Key Request Negative Reply"
fields_desc = [LEShortField("handle", 0), ]
class HCI_Cmd_LE_Long_Term_Key_Request_Reply(Packet):
name = "LE Long Term Key Request Reply"
fields_desc = [LEShortField("handle", 0),
StrFixedLenField("ltk", b'\x00' * 16, 16), ]
class HCI_Event_Hdr(Packet):
name = "HCI Event header"
fields_desc = [XByteField("code", 0),
LenField("len", None, fmt="B"), ]
def answers(self, other):
if HCI_Command_Hdr not in other:
return False
# Delegate answers to event types
return self.payload.answers(other)
class HCI_Event_Disconnection_Complete(Packet):
name = "Disconnection Complete"
fields_desc = [ByteEnumField("status", 0, {0: "success"}),
LEShortField("handle", 0),
XByteField("reason", 0), ]
class HCI_Event_Encryption_Change(Packet):
name = "Encryption Change"
fields_desc = [ByteEnumField("status", 0, {0: "change has occurred"}),
LEShortField("handle", 0),
ByteEnumField("enabled", 0, {0: "OFF", 1: "ON (LE)", 2: "ON (BR/EDR)"}), ] # noqa: E501
class HCI_Event_Command_Complete(Packet):
name = "Command Complete"
fields_desc = [ByteField("number", 0),
XLEShortField("opcode", 0),
ByteEnumField("status", 0, _bluetooth_error_codes)]
def answers(self, other):
if HCI_Command_Hdr not in other:
return False
return other[HCI_Command_Hdr].opcode == self.opcode
class HCI_Cmd_Complete_Read_BD_Addr(Packet):
name = "Read BD Addr"
fields_desc = [LEMACField("addr", None), ]
class HCI_Cmd_Complete_LE_Read_White_List_Size(Packet):
name = "LE Read White List Size"
fields_desc = [ByteField("status", 0),
ByteField("size", 0), ]
class HCI_Event_Command_Status(Packet):
name = "Command Status"
fields_desc = [ByteEnumField("status", 0, {0: "pending"}),
ByteField("number", 0),
XLEShortField("opcode", None), ]
def answers(self, other):
if HCI_Command_Hdr not in other:
return False
return other[HCI_Command_Hdr].opcode == self.opcode
class HCI_Event_Number_Of_Completed_Packets(Packet):
name = "Number Of Completed Packets"
fields_desc = [ByteField("number", 0)]
class HCI_Event_LE_Meta(Packet):
name = "LE Meta"
fields_desc = [ByteEnumField("event", 0, {
1: "connection_complete",
2: "advertising_report",
3: "connection_update_complete",
5: "long_term_key_request",
}), ]
def answers(self, other):
if not self.payload:
return False
# Delegate answers to payload
return self.payload.answers(other)
class HCI_LE_Meta_Connection_Complete(Packet):
name = "Connection Complete"
fields_desc = [ByteEnumField("status", 0, {0: "success"}),
LEShortField("handle", 0),
ByteEnumField("role", 0, {0: "master"}),
ByteEnumField("patype", 0, {0: "public", 1: "random"}),
LEMACField("paddr", None),
LEShortField("interval", 54),
LEShortField("latency", 0),
LEShortField("supervision", 42),
XByteField("clock_latency", 5), ]
def answers(self, other):
if HCI_Cmd_LE_Create_Connection not in other:
return False
return (other[HCI_Cmd_LE_Create_Connection].patype == self.patype and
other[HCI_Cmd_LE_Create_Connection].paddr == self.paddr)
class HCI_LE_Meta_Connection_Update_Complete(Packet):
name = "Connection Update Complete"
fields_desc = [ByteEnumField("status", 0, {0: "success"}),
LEShortField("handle", 0),
LEShortField("interval", 54),
LEShortField("latency", 0),
LEShortField("timeout", 42), ]
class HCI_LE_Meta_Advertising_Report(Packet):
name = "Advertising Report"
fields_desc = [ByteEnumField("type", 0, {0: "conn_und", 4: "scan_rsp"}),
ByteEnumField("atype", 0, {0: "public", 1: "random"}),
LEMACField("addr", None),
FieldLenField("len", None, length_of="data", fmt="B"),
PacketListField("data", [], EIR_Hdr,
length_from=lambda pkt: pkt.len),
SignedByteField("rssi", 0)]
def extract_padding(self, s):
return '', s
class HCI_LE_Meta_Advertising_Reports(Packet):
name = "Advertising Reports"
fields_desc = [FieldLenField("len", None, count_of="reports", fmt="B"),
PacketListField("reports", None,
count_from=lambda pkt: pkt.len)]
class HCI_LE_Meta_Long_Term_Key_Request(Packet):
name = "Long Term Key Request"
fields_desc = [LEShortField("handle", 0),
StrFixedLenField("rand", None, 8),
XLEShortField("ediv", 0), ]
bind_layers(HCI_PHDR_Hdr, HCI_Hdr)
bind_layers(HCI_Hdr, HCI_Command_Hdr, type=1)
bind_layers(HCI_Hdr, HCI_ACL_Hdr, type=2)
bind_layers(HCI_Hdr, HCI_Event_Hdr, type=4)
bind_layers(HCI_Hdr, BT_ACL_Hdr, type=8)
bind_layers(HCI_Hdr, ESP32_BREDR, type=9)
bind_layers(HCI_Hdr, conf.raw_layer, )
conf.l2types.register(DLT_BLUETOOTH_HCI_H4, HCI_Hdr)
conf.l2types.register(DLT_BLUETOOTH_HCI_H4_WITH_PHDR, HCI_PHDR_Hdr)
bind_layers(ESP32_BREDR, BT_Baseband)
bind_layers(BT_Baseband, BT_ACL_Hdr, type=0x08)
bind_layers(BT_Baseband, BT_ACL_Hdr, type=0x04)
bind_layers(BT_Baseband, BT_ACL_Hdr, type=0x03)
bind_layers(BT_ACL_Hdr, BT_LMP, llid=0x03)
bind_layers(BT_ACL_Hdr, L2CAP_Hdr, llid=0x02)
bind_layers(BT_LMP, LMP_name_req, opcode=1)
bind_layers(BT_LMP, LMP_name_res, opcode=2)
bind_layers(BT_LMP, LMP_accepted, opcode=3)
bind_layers(BT_LMP, LMP_not_accepted, opcode=4)
bind_layers(BT_LMP, LMP_clkoffset_req, opcode=5)
bind_layers(BT_LMP, LMP_clkoffset_res, opcode=6)
bind_layers(BT_LMP, LMP_detach, opcode=7)
bind_layers(BT_LMP, LMP_sniff_req, opcode=23)
bind_layers(BT_LMP, LMP_unsniff_req, opcode=24)
bind_layers(BT_LMP, LMP_max_power, opcode=33)
bind_layers(BT_LMP, LMP_min_power, opcode=34)
bind_layers(BT_LMP, LMP_auto_rate, opcode=35)
bind_layers(BT_LMP, LMP_preferred_rate, opcode=36)
bind_layers(BT_LMP, LMP_version_req, opcode=37)
bind_layers(BT_LMP, LMP_version_res, opcode=38)
bind_layers(BT_LMP, LMP_features_req, opcode=39)
bind_layers(BT_LMP, LMP_features_res, opcode=40)
bind_layers(BT_LMP, LMP_max_slot, opcode=45)
bind_layers(BT_LMP, LMP_max_slot_req, opcode=46)
bind_layers(BT_LMP, LMP_timing_accuracy_req, opcode=47)
bind_layers(BT_LMP, LMP_timing_accuracy_res, opcode=48)
bind_layers(BT_LMP, LMP_setup_complete, opcode=49)
bind_layers(BT_LMP, LMP_host_connection_req, opcode=51)
bind_layers(BT_LMP, LMP_page_mode_req, opcode=53)
bind_layers(BT_LMP, LMP_page_scan_mode_req, opcode=54)
bind_layers(BT_LMP, LMP_supervision_timeout, opcode=55)
bind_layers(BT_LMP, LMP_set_AFH, opcode=60)
bind_layers(BT_LMP, LMP_encapsulated_header, opcode=61)
bind_layers(BT_LMP, LMP_encapsulated_payload, opcode=62)
bind_layers(BT_LMP, LMP_Simple_Pairing_Confirm, opcode=63)
bind_layers(BT_LMP, LMP_Simple_Pairing_Number, opcode=64)
bind_layers(BT_LMP, LMP_DHkey_Check, opcode=65)
bind_layers(BT_LMP, LMP_au_rand, opcode=11)
bind_layers(BT_LMP, LMP_sres, opcode=12)
bind_layers(BT_LMP, LMP_encryption_mode_req, opcode=15)
bind_layers(BT_LMP, LMP_encryption_key_size_req, opcode=16)
bind_layers(BT_LMP, LMP_start_encryption_req, opcode=17)
bind_layers(BT_LMP, LMP_stop_encryption_req, opcode=18)
bind_layers(BT_LMP, LMP_accepted_ext, ext_opcode=1)
bind_layers(BT_LMP, LMP_not_accepted_ext, ext_opcode=2)
bind_layers(BT_LMP, LMP_features_req_ext, ext_opcode=3)
bind_layers(BT_LMP, LMP_features_res_ext, ext_opcode=4)
bind_layers(BT_LMP, LMP_packet_type_table_req, ext_opcode=11)
bind_layers(BT_LMP, LMP_channel_classification_req, ext_opcode=16)
bind_layers(BT_LMP, LMP_channel_classification, ext_opcode=17)
bind_layers(BT_LMP, LMP_sniff_subrating_req, ext_opcode=21)
bind_layers(BT_LMP, LMP_sniff_subrating_res, ext_opcode=22)
bind_layers(BT_LMP, LMP_pause_encryption_req, ext_opcode=23)
bind_layers(BT_LMP, LMP_resume_encryption_req, ext_opcode=24)
bind_layers(BT_LMP, LMP_IO_Capability_req, ext_opcode=25)
bind_layers(BT_LMP, LMP_IO_Capability_res, ext_opcode=26)
bind_layers(BT_LMP, LMP_numeric_comparison_failed, ext_opcode=27)
bind_layers(BT_LMP, LMP_passkey_failed, ext_opcode=28)
bind_layers(BT_LMP, LMP_oob_failed, ext_opcode=29)
bind_layers(BT_LMP, LMP_power_control_req, ext_opcode=31)
bind_layers(BT_LMP, LMP_power_control_res, ext_opcode=32)
bind_layers(BT_LMP, LMP_ping_req, ext_opcode=33)
bind_layers(BT_LMP, LMP_ping_res, ext_opcode=34)
bind_layers(HCI_Command_Hdr, HCI_Cmd_Reset, opcode=0x0c03)
bind_layers(HCI_Command_Hdr, HCI_Cmd_Set_Event_Mask, opcode=0x0c01)
bind_layers(HCI_Command_Hdr, HCI_Cmd_Set_Event_Filter, opcode=0x0c05)
bind_layers(HCI_Command_Hdr, HCI_Cmd_Connect_Accept_Timeout, opcode=0x0c16)
bind_layers(HCI_Command_Hdr, HCI_Cmd_LE_Host_Supported, opcode=0x0c6d)
bind_layers(HCI_Command_Hdr, HCI_Cmd_Write_Extended_Inquiry_Response, opcode=0x0c52) # noqa: E501
bind_layers(HCI_Command_Hdr, HCI_Cmd_Read_BD_Addr, opcode=0x1009)
bind_layers(HCI_Command_Hdr, HCI_Cmd_Write_Local_Name, opcode=0x0c13)
bind_layers(HCI_Command_Hdr, HCI_Cmd_LE_Read_Buffer_Size, opcode=0x2002)
bind_layers(HCI_Command_Hdr, HCI_Cmd_LE_Set_Random_Address, opcode=0x2005)
bind_layers(HCI_Command_Hdr, HCI_Cmd_LE_Set_Advertising_Parameters, opcode=0x2006) # noqa: E501
bind_layers(HCI_Command_Hdr, HCI_Cmd_LE_Set_Advertising_Data, opcode=0x2008)
bind_layers(HCI_Command_Hdr, HCI_Cmd_LE_Set_Scan_Response_Data, opcode=0x2009)
bind_layers(HCI_Command_Hdr, HCI_Cmd_LE_Set_Advertise_Enable, opcode=0x200a)
bind_layers(HCI_Command_Hdr, HCI_Cmd_LE_Set_Scan_Parameters, opcode=0x200b)
bind_layers(HCI_Command_Hdr, HCI_Cmd_LE_Set_Scan_Enable, opcode=0x200c)
bind_layers(HCI_Command_Hdr, HCI_Cmd_Disconnect, opcode=0x406)
bind_layers(HCI_Command_Hdr, HCI_Cmd_LE_Create_Connection, opcode=0x200d)
bind_layers(HCI_Command_Hdr, HCI_Cmd_LE_Create_Connection_Cancel, opcode=0x200e) # noqa: E501
bind_layers(HCI_Command_Hdr, HCI_Cmd_LE_Read_White_List_Size, opcode=0x200f)
bind_layers(HCI_Command_Hdr, HCI_Cmd_LE_Clear_White_List, opcode=0x2010)
bind_layers(HCI_Command_Hdr, HCI_Cmd_LE_Add_Device_To_White_List, opcode=0x2011) # noqa: E501
bind_layers(HCI_Command_Hdr, HCI_Cmd_LE_Remove_Device_From_White_List, opcode=0x2012) # noqa: E501
bind_layers(HCI_Command_Hdr, HCI_Cmd_LE_Connection_Update, opcode=0x2013)
bind_layers(HCI_Command_Hdr, HCI_Cmd_LE_Read_Remote_Used_Features, opcode=0x2016) # noqa: E501
bind_layers(HCI_Command_Hdr, HCI_Cmd_LE_Start_Encryption_Request, opcode=0x2019) # noqa: E501
bind_layers(HCI_Command_Hdr, HCI_Cmd_LE_Start_Encryption_Request, opcode=0x2019) # noqa: E501
bind_layers(HCI_Command_Hdr, HCI_Cmd_LE_Long_Term_Key_Request_Reply, opcode=0x201a) # noqa: E501
bind_layers(HCI_Command_Hdr, HCI_Cmd_LE_Long_Term_Key_Request_Negative_Reply, opcode=0x201b) # noqa: E501
bind_layers(HCI_Event_Hdr, HCI_Event_Disconnection_Complete, code=0x5)
bind_layers(HCI_Event_Hdr, HCI_Event_Encryption_Change, code=0x8)
bind_layers(HCI_Event_Hdr, HCI_Event_Command_Complete, code=0xe)
bind_layers(HCI_Event_Hdr, HCI_Event_Command_Status, code=0xf)
bind_layers(HCI_Event_Hdr, HCI_Event_Number_Of_Completed_Packets, code=0x13)
bind_layers(HCI_Event_Hdr, HCI_Event_LE_Meta, code=0x3e)
bind_layers(HCI_Event_Command_Complete, HCI_Cmd_Complete_Read_BD_Addr, opcode=0x1009) # noqa: E501
bind_layers(HCI_Event_Command_Complete, HCI_Cmd_Complete_LE_Read_White_List_Size, opcode=0x200f) # noqa: E501
bind_layers(HCI_Event_LE_Meta, HCI_LE_Meta_Connection_Complete, event=1)
bind_layers(HCI_Event_LE_Meta, HCI_LE_Meta_Advertising_Reports, event=2)
bind_layers(HCI_Event_LE_Meta, HCI_LE_Meta_Connection_Update_Complete, event=3)
bind_layers(HCI_Event_LE_Meta, HCI_LE_Meta_Long_Term_Key_Request, event=5)
bind_layers(EIR_Hdr, EIR_Flags, type=0x01)
bind_layers(EIR_Hdr, EIR_IncompleteList16BitServiceUUIDs, type=0x02)
bind_layers(EIR_Hdr, EIR_CompleteList16BitServiceUUIDs, type=0x03)
bind_layers(EIR_Hdr, EIR_IncompleteList128BitServiceUUIDs, type=0x06)
bind_layers(EIR_Hdr, EIR_CompleteList128BitServiceUUIDs, type=0x07)
bind_layers(EIR_Hdr, EIR_ShortenedLocalName, type=0x08)
bind_layers(EIR_Hdr, EIR_CompleteLocalName, type=0x09)
bind_layers(EIR_Hdr, EIR_Device_ID, type=0x10)
bind_layers(EIR_Hdr, EIR_TX_Power_Level, type=0x0a)
bind_layers(EIR_Hdr, EIR_ServiceData16BitUUID, type=0x16)
bind_layers(EIR_Hdr, EIR_Manufacturer_Specific_Data, type=0xff)
bind_layers(EIR_Hdr, EIR_Raw)
bind_layers(HCI_ACL_Hdr, L2CAP_Hdr, )
bind_layers(L2CAP_Hdr, L2CAP_CmdHdr, cid=1)
bind_layers(L2CAP_Hdr, L2CAP_CmdHdr, cid=5) # LE L2CAP Signaling Channel
bind_layers(L2CAP_CmdHdr, L2CAP_CmdRej, code=1)
bind_layers(L2CAP_CmdHdr, L2CAP_ConnReq, code=2)
bind_layers(L2CAP_CmdHdr, L2CAP_ConnResp, code=3)
bind_layers(L2CAP_CmdHdr, L2CAP_ConfReq, code=4)
bind_layers(L2CAP_CmdHdr, L2CAP_ConfResp, code=5)
bind_layers(L2CAP_CmdHdr, L2CAP_DisconnReq, code=6)
bind_layers(L2CAP_CmdHdr, L2CAP_DisconnResp, code=7)
bind_layers(L2CAP_CmdHdr, L2CAP_InfoReq, code=10)
bind_layers(L2CAP_CmdHdr, L2CAP_InfoResp, code=11)
bind_layers(L2CAP_CmdHdr, L2CAP_Connection_Parameter_Update_Request, code=18)
bind_layers(L2CAP_CmdHdr, L2CAP_Connection_Parameter_Update_Response, code=19)
bind_layers(L2CAP_Hdr, ATT_Hdr, cid=4)
bind_layers(ATT_Hdr, ATT_Error_Response, opcode=0x1)
bind_layers(ATT_Hdr, ATT_Exchange_MTU_Request, opcode=0x2)
bind_layers(ATT_Hdr, ATT_Exchange_MTU_Response, opcode=0x3)
bind_layers(ATT_Hdr, ATT_Find_Information_Request, opcode=0x4)
bind_layers(ATT_Hdr, ATT_Find_Information_Response, opcode=0x5)
bind_layers(ATT_Hdr, ATT_Find_By_Type_Value_Request, opcode=0x6)
bind_layers(ATT_Hdr, ATT_Find_By_Type_Value_Response, opcode=0x7)
bind_layers(ATT_Hdr, ATT_Read_By_Type_Request_128bit, opcode=0x8)
bind_layers(ATT_Hdr, ATT_Read_By_Type_Request, opcode=0x8)
bind_layers(ATT_Hdr, ATT_Read_By_Type_Response, opcode=0x9)
bind_layers(ATT_Hdr, ATT_Read_Request, opcode=0xa)
bind_layers(ATT_Hdr, ATT_Read_Response, opcode=0xb)
bind_layers(ATT_Hdr, ATT_Read_Blob_Request, opcode=0xc)
bind_layers(ATT_Hdr, ATT_Read_Blob_Response, opcode=0xd)
bind_layers(ATT_Hdr, ATT_Read_Multiple_Request, opcode=0xe)
bind_layers(ATT_Hdr, ATT_Read_Multiple_Response, opcode=0xf)
bind_layers(ATT_Hdr, ATT_Read_By_Group_Type_Request, opcode=0x10)
bind_layers(ATT_Hdr, ATT_Read_By_Group_Type_Response, opcode=0x11)
bind_layers(ATT_Hdr, ATT_Write_Request, opcode=0x12)
bind_layers(ATT_Hdr, ATT_Write_Response, opcode=0x13)
bind_layers(ATT_Hdr, ATT_Prepare_Write_Request, opcode=0x16)
bind_layers(ATT_Hdr, ATT_Prepare_Write_Response, opcode=0x17)
bind_layers(ATT_Hdr, ATT_Execute_Write_Request, opcode=0x18)
bind_layers(ATT_Hdr, ATT_Execute_Write_Response, opcode=0x19)
bind_layers(ATT_Hdr, ATT_Write_Command, opcode=0x52)
bind_layers(ATT_Hdr, ATT_Handle_Value_Notification, opcode=0x1b)
bind_layers(ATT_Hdr, ATT_Handle_Value_Indication, opcode=0x1d)
bind_layers(L2CAP_Hdr, SM_Hdr, cid=6)
bind_layers(SM_Hdr, SM_Pairing_Request, sm_command=1)
bind_layers(SM_Hdr, SM_Pairing_Response, sm_command=2)
bind_layers(SM_Hdr, SM_Confirm, sm_command=3)
bind_layers(SM_Hdr, SM_Random, sm_command=4)
bind_layers(SM_Hdr, SM_Failed, sm_command=5)
bind_layers(SM_Hdr, SM_Encryption_Information, sm_command=6)
bind_layers(SM_Hdr, SM_Master_Identification, sm_command=7)
bind_layers(SM_Hdr, SM_Identity_Information, sm_command=8)
bind_layers(SM_Hdr, SM_Identity_Address_Information, sm_command=9)
bind_layers(SM_Hdr, SM_Signing_Information, sm_command=0x0a)
bind_layers(SM_Hdr, SM_Public_Key, sm_command=0x0c)
bind_layers(SM_Hdr, SM_DHKey_Check, sm_command=0x0d)
# Helpers #
class LowEnergyBeaconHelper:
Helpers for building packets for Bluetooth Low Energy Beacons.
Implementors provide a :meth:`build_eir` implementation.
This is designed to be used as a mix-in -- see
``scapy.contrib.eddystone`` and ``scapy.contrib.ibeacon`` for examples.
# Basic flags that should be used by most beacons.
base_eir = [EIR_Hdr() / EIR_Flags(flags=[
"general_disc_mode", "br_edr_not_supported"]), ]
def build_eir(self):
Builds a list of EIR messages to wrap this frame.
Users of this helper must implement this method.
:return: List of HCI_Hdr with payloads that describe this beacon type
:rtype: list[scapy.bluetooth.HCI_Hdr]
raise NotImplementedError("build_eir")
def build_advertising_report(self):
Builds a HCI_LE_Meta_Advertising_Report containing this frame.
:rtype: scapy.bluetooth.HCI_LE_Meta_Advertising_Report
return HCI_LE_Meta_Advertising_Report(
type=0, # Undirected
atype=1, # Random address
def build_set_advertising_data(self):
"""Builds a HCI_Cmd_LE_Set_Advertising_Data containing this frame.
This includes the :class:`HCI_Hdr` and :class:`HCI_Command_Hdr` layers.
:rtype: scapy.bluetooth.HCI_Hdr
return HCI_Hdr() / HCI_Command_Hdr() / HCI_Cmd_LE_Set_Advertising_Data(
# Sockets #
class BluetoothSocketError(BaseException):
class BluetoothCommandError(BaseException):
class BluetoothL2CAPSocket(SuperSocket):
desc = "read/write packets on a connected L2CAP socket"
def __init__(self, bt_address):
warning("Not available on Windows")
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_BLUETOOTH, socket.SOCK_RAW,
s.connect((bt_address, 0))
self.ins = self.outs = s
def recv(self, x=MTU):
return L2CAP_CmdHdr(self.ins.recv(x))
class BluetoothRFCommSocket(BluetoothL2CAPSocket):
"""read/write packets on a connected RFCOMM socket"""
def __init__(self, bt_address, port=0):
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_BLUETOOTH, socket.SOCK_RAW,
s.connect((bt_address, port))
self.ins = self.outs = s
class BluetoothHCISocket(SuperSocket):
desc = "read/write on a BlueTooth HCI socket"
def __init__(self, iface=0x10000, type=None):
warning("Not available on Windows")
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_BLUETOOTH, socket.SOCK_RAW, socket.BTPROTO_HCI) # noqa: E501
s.setsockopt(socket.SOL_HCI, socket.HCI_DATA_DIR, 1)
s.setsockopt(socket.SOL_HCI, socket.HCI_TIME_STAMP, 1)
s.setsockopt(socket.SOL_HCI, socket.HCI_FILTER, struct.pack("IIIh2x", 0xffffffff, 0xffffffff, 0xffffffff,
0)) # type mask, event mask, event mask, opcode # noqa: E501
self.ins = self.outs = s
# s.connect((peer,0))
def recv(self, x=MTU):
return HCI_Hdr(self.ins.recv(x))
class sockaddr_hci(ctypes.Structure):
_fields_ = [
("sin_family", ctypes.c_ushort),
("hci_dev", ctypes.c_ushort),
("hci_channel", ctypes.c_ushort),
class BluetoothUserSocket(SuperSocket):
desc = "read/write H4 over a Bluetooth user channel"
def __init__(self, adapter_index=0):
warning("Not available on Windows")
# s = socket.socket(socket.AF_BLUETOOTH, socket.SOCK_RAW, socket.BTPROTO_HCI) # noqa: E501
# s.bind((0,1))
# yeah, if only
# thanks to Python's weak ass socket and bind implementations, we have
# to call down into libc with ctypes
sockaddr_hcip = ctypes.POINTER(sockaddr_hci)
libc = ctypes.CDLL("libc.so.6")
socket_c = libc.socket
socket_c.argtypes = (ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_int)
socket_c.restype = ctypes.c_int
bind = libc.bind
bind.argtypes = (ctypes.c_int,
bind.restype = ctypes.c_int
# actual code
s = socket_c(31, 3, 1) # (AF_BLUETOOTH, SOCK_RAW, HCI_CHANNEL_USER)
if s < 0:
raise BluetoothSocketError("Unable to open PF_BLUETOOTH socket")
sa = sockaddr_hci()
sa.sin_family = 31 # AF_BLUETOOTH
sa.hci_dev = adapter_index # adapter index
sa.hci_channel = 1 # HCI_USER_CHANNEL
r = bind(s, sockaddr_hcip(sa), sizeof(sa))
if r != 0:
raise BluetoothSocketError("Unable to bind")
self.ins = self.outs = socket.fromfd(s, 31, 3, 1)
def send_command(self, cmd):
opcode = cmd.opcode
while True:
r = self.recv()
if r.type == 0x04 and r.code == 0xe and r.opcode == opcode:
if r.status != 0:
raise BluetoothCommandError("Command %x failed with %x" % (opcode, r.status)) # noqa: E501
return r
def recv(self, x=MTU):
return HCI_Hdr(self.ins.recv(x))
def readable(self, timeout=0):
(ins, outs, foo) = select.select([self.ins], [], [], timeout)
return len(ins) > 0
def flush(self):
while self.readable():
def close(self):
if self.closed:
# Properly close socket so we can free the device
libc = ctypes.CDLL("libc.so.6")
close = libc.close
close.restype = ctypes.c_int
self.closed = True
if hasattr(self, "outs"):
if not hasattr(self, "ins") or self.ins != self.outs:
if self.outs and (WINDOWS or self.outs.fileno() != -1):
if hasattr(self, "ins"):
if self.ins and (WINDOWS or self.ins.fileno() != -1):
conf.BTsocket = BluetoothRFCommSocket
# Bluetooth
def srbt(bt_address, pkts, inter=0.1, *args, **kargs):
"""send and receive using a bluetooth socket"""
if "port" in kargs:
s = conf.BTsocket(bt_address=bt_address, port=kargs.pop("port"))
s = conf.BTsocket(bt_address=bt_address)
a, b = sndrcv(s, pkts, inter=inter, *args, **kargs)
return a, b
def srbt1(bt_address, pkts, *args, **kargs):
"""send and receive 1 packet using a bluetooth socket"""
a, b = srbt(bt_address, pkts, *args, **kargs)
if len(a) > 0:
return a[0][1]