Matheus Eduardo Garbelini 86890704fd initial commit
todo: add documentation & wireshark dissector
2021-08-31 19:51:03 +08:00

1144 lines
41 KiB
Executable file

# This file is part of Scapy
# See for more information
# Copyright (C) Philippe Biondi <>
# This program is published under a GPLv2 license
Functions to send and receive packets.
from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function
import itertools
from threading import Thread, Event
import os
import re
import subprocess
import time
import types
from scapy.compat import plain_str
from import ETH_P_ALL
from scapy.config import conf
from scapy.error import warning
from scapy.packet import Gen, Packet
from scapy.utils import get_temp_file, tcpdump, wrpcap, \
ContextManagerSubprocess, PcapReader
from scapy.plist import PacketList, SndRcvList
from scapy.error import log_runtime, log_interactive, Scapy_Exception
from scapy.base_classes import SetGen
from scapy.modules import six
from scapy.modules.six.moves import map
from scapy.sessions import DefaultSession
from scapy.supersocket import SuperSocket
if conf.route is None:
# unused import, only to initialize conf.route
import scapy.route # noqa: F401
# Debug class #
class debug:
recv = []
sent = []
match = []
crashed_on = None
# Send / Receive #
:param pks: SuperSocket instance to send/receive packets
:param pkt: the packet to send
:param rcv_pks: if set, will be used instead of pks to receive packets.
packets will still be sent through pks
:param nofilter: put 1 to avoid use of BPF filters
:param retry: if positive, how many times to resend unanswered packets
if negative, how many times to retry when no more packets
are answered
:param timeout: how much time to wait after the last packet has been sent
:param verbose: set verbosity level
:param multi: whether to accept multiple answers for the same stimulus
:param store_unanswered: whether to store not-answered packets or not.
setting it to False will increase speed, and will return
None as the unans list.
:param process: if specified, only result from process(pkt) will be stored.
the function should follow the following format:
``lambda sent, received: (func(sent), func2(received))``
if the packet is unanswered, `received` will be None.
if `store_unanswered` is False, the function won't be called on
un-answered packets.
:param prebuild: pre-build the packets before starting to send them.
Automatically enabled when a generator is passed as the packet
class SndRcvHandler(object):
Util to send/receive packets, used by sr*().
Do not use directly.
This matches the requests and answers.
- threaded mode: enabling threaded mode will likely
break packet timestamps, but might result in a speedup
when sending a big amount of packets. Disabled by default
- DEVS: store the outgoing timestamp right BEFORE sending the packet
to avoid races that could result in negative latency. We aren't Stadia
def __init__(self, pks, pkt,
timeout=None, inter=0, verbose=None,
retry=0, multi=False, rcv_pks=None,
prebuild=False, _flood=None,
# Instantiate all arguments
if verbose is None:
verbose = conf.verb
if conf.debug_match:
debug.recv = PacketList([], "Received")
debug.sent = PacketList([], "Sent")
debug.match = SndRcvList([], "Matched")
self.nbrecv = 0
self.ans = []
self.pks = pks
self.rcv_pks = rcv_pks or pks
self.inter = inter
self.verbose = verbose
self.chainCC = chainCC
self.multi = multi
self.timeout = timeout
self.session = session
# Instantiate packet holders
if _flood:
self.tobesent = pkt
self.notans = _flood[0]
if isinstance(pkt, types.GeneratorType) or prebuild:
self.tobesent = [p for p in pkt]
self.notans = len(self.tobesent)
self.tobesent = (
SetGen(pkt) if not isinstance(pkt, Gen) else pkt
self.notans = self.tobesent.__iterlen__()
if retry < 0:
autostop = retry = -retry
autostop = 0
if timeout is not None and timeout < 0:
self.timeout = None
while retry >= 0:
self.hsent = {}
if threaded or _flood:
# Send packets in thread.
snd_thread = Thread(
# Start routine with callback
# Ended. Let's close gracefully
if _flood:
# Flood: stop send thread
if multi:
remain = [
p for p in itertools.chain(*six.itervalues(self.hsent))
if not hasattr(p, '_answered')
remain = list(itertools.chain(*six.itervalues(self.hsent)))
if autostop and len(remain) > 0 and \
len(remain) != len(self.tobesent):
retry = autostop
self.tobesent = remain
if len(self.tobesent) == 0:
retry -= 1
if conf.debug_match:
debug.sent = PacketList(remain[:], "Sent")
debug.match = SndRcvList(self.ans[:])
# Clean the ans list to delete the field _answered
if multi:
for snd, _ in self.ans:
if hasattr(snd, '_answered'):
del snd._answered
if verbose:
"\nReceived %i packets, got %i answers, "
"remaining %i packets" % (
self.nbrecv + len(self.ans), len(self.ans), self.notans
self.ans_result = SndRcvList(self.ans)
self.unans_result = PacketList(remain, "Unanswered")
def results(self):
return self.ans_result, self.unans_result
def _sndrcv_snd(self):
"""Function used in the sending thread of sndrcv()"""
if self.verbose:
print("Begin emission:")
i = 0
for p in self.tobesent:
# Populate the dictionary of _sndrcv_rcv
# _sndrcv_rcv won't miss the answer of a packet that
# has not been sent
self.hsent.setdefault(p.hashret(), []).append(p)
# Send packet
i += 1
if self.verbose:
print("Finished sending %i packets." % i)
except SystemExit:
except Exception:
log_runtime.exception("--- Error sending packets")
def _process_packet(self, r):
"""Internal function used to process each packet."""
if r is None:
ok = False
h = r.hashret()
if h in self.hsent:
hlst = self.hsent[h]
for i, sentpkt in enumerate(hlst):
if r.answers(sentpkt):
self.ans.append((sentpkt, r))
if self.verbose > 1:
os.write(1, b"*")
ok = True
if not self.multi:
del hlst[i]
self.notans -= 1
if not hasattr(sentpkt, '_answered'):
self.notans -= 1
sentpkt._answered = 1
if self.notans <= 0 and not self.multi:
if not ok:
if self.verbose > 1:
os.write(1, b".")
self.nbrecv += 1
if conf.debug_match:
def _sndrcv_rcv(self, callback):
"""Function used to receive packets and check their hashret"""
self.sniffer = None
self.sniffer = AsyncSniffer()
except KeyboardInterrupt:
if self.chainCC:
def sndrcv(*args, **kwargs):
"""Scapy raw function to send a packet and receive its answer.
WARNING: This is an internal function. Using sr/srp/sr1/srp is
more appropriate in many cases.
sndrcver = SndRcvHandler(*args, **kwargs)
return sndrcver.results()
def __gen_send(s, x, inter=0, loop=0, count=None, verbose=None, realtime=None, return_packets=False, *args, **kargs): # noqa: E501
if isinstance(x, str):
x = conf.raw_layer(load=x)
if not isinstance(x, Gen):
x = SetGen(x)
if verbose is None:
verbose = conf.verb
n = 0
if count is not None:
loop = -count
elif not loop:
loop = -1
if return_packets:
sent_packets = PacketList()
while loop:
dt0 = None
for p in x:
if realtime:
ct = time.time()
if dt0:
st = dt0 + float(p.time) - ct
if st > 0:
dt0 = ct - float(p.time)
if return_packets:
n += 1
if verbose:
os.write(1, b".")
if loop < 0:
loop += 1
except KeyboardInterrupt:
if verbose:
print("\nSent %i packets." % n)
if return_packets:
return sent_packets
def send(x, inter=0, loop=0, count=None, verbose=None, realtime=None,
return_packets=False, socket=None, iface=None, *args, **kargs):
Send packets at layer 3
:param x: the packets
:param inter: time (in s) between two packets (default 0)
:param loop: send packet indefinetly (default 0)
:param count: number of packets to send (default None=1)
:param verbose: verbose mode (default None=conf.verbose)
:param realtime: check that a packet was sent before sending the next one
:param return_packets: return the sent packets
:param socket: the socket to use (default is conf.L3socket(kargs))
:param iface: the interface to send the packets on
:param monitor: (not on linux) send in monitor mode
:returns: None
need_closing = socket is None
kargs["iface"] = _interface_selection(iface, x)
socket = socket or conf.L3socket(*args, **kargs)
results = __gen_send(socket, x, inter=inter, loop=loop,
count=count, verbose=verbose,
realtime=realtime, return_packets=return_packets)
if need_closing:
return results
def sendp(x, inter=0, loop=0, iface=None, iface_hint=None, count=None,
verbose=None, realtime=None,
return_packets=False, socket=None, *args, **kargs):
Send packets at layer 2
:param x: the packets
:param inter: time (in s) between two packets (default 0)
:param loop: send packet indefinetly (default 0)
:param count: number of packets to send (default None=1)
:param verbose: verbose mode (default None=conf.verbose)
:param realtime: check that a packet was sent before sending the next one
:param return_packets: return the sent packets
:param socket: the socket to use (default is conf.L3socket(kargs))
:param iface: the interface to send the packets on
:param monitor: (not on linux) send in monitor mode
:returns: None
if iface is None and iface_hint is not None and socket is None:
iface = conf.route.route(iface_hint)[0]
need_closing = socket is None
socket = socket or conf.L2socket(iface=iface, *args, **kargs)
results = __gen_send(socket, x, inter=inter, loop=loop,
count=count, verbose=verbose,
realtime=realtime, return_packets=return_packets)
if need_closing:
return results
def sendpfast(x, pps=None, mbps=None, realtime=None, loop=0, file_cache=False, iface=None, replay_args=None, # noqa: E501
"""Send packets at layer 2 using tcpreplay for performance
:param pps: packets per second
:param mpbs: MBits per second
:param realtime: use packet's timestamp, bending time with real-time value
:param loop: number of times to process the packet list
:param file_cache: cache packets in RAM instead of reading from
disk at each iteration
:param iface: output interface
:param replay_args: List of additional tcpreplay args (List[str])
:param parse_results: Return a dictionary of information
outputted by tcpreplay (default=False)
:returns: stdout, stderr, command used
if iface is None:
iface = conf.iface
argv = [conf.prog.tcpreplay, "--intf1=%s" % iface]
if pps is not None:
argv.append("--pps=%i" % pps)
elif mbps is not None:
argv.append("--mbps=%f" % mbps)
elif realtime is not None:
argv.append("--multiplier=%f" % realtime)
if loop:
argv.append("--loop=%i" % loop)
if file_cache:
# Check for any additional args we didn't cover.
if replay_args is not None:
f = get_temp_file()
wrpcap(f, x)
results = None
with ContextManagerSubprocess(conf.prog.tcpreplay):
cmd = subprocess.Popen(argv, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
except KeyboardInterrupt:"Interrupted by user")
except Exception:
stdout, stderr = cmd.communicate()
if stderr:
if parse_results:
results = _parse_tcpreplay_result(stdout, stderr, argv)
elif conf.verb > 2:
return results
def _parse_tcpreplay_result(stdout, stderr, argv):
Parse the output of tcpreplay and modify the results_dict to populate output information. # noqa: E501
Tested with tcpreplay v3.4.4
Tested with tcpreplay v4.1.2
:param stdout: stdout of tcpreplay subprocess call
:param stderr: stderr of tcpreplay subprocess call
:param argv: the command used in the subprocess call
:return: dictionary containing the results
results = {}
stdout = plain_str(stdout).lower()
stderr = plain_str(stderr).strip().split("\n")
elements = {
"actual": (int, int, float),
"rated": (float, float, float),
"flows": (int, float, int, int),
"attempted": (int,),
"successful": (int,),
"failed": (int,),
"truncated": (int,),
"retried packets (eno": (int,),
"retried packets (eag": (int,),
multi = {
"actual": ("packets", "bytes", "time"),
"rated": ("bps", "mbps", "pps"),
"flows": ("flows", "fps", "flow_packets", "non_flow"),
"retried packets (eno": ("retried_enobufs",),
"retried packets (eag": ("retried_eagain",),
float_reg = r"([0-9]*\.[0-9]+|[0-9]+)"
int_reg = r"([0-9]+)"
any_reg = r"[^0-9]*"
r_types = {int: int_reg, float: float_reg}
for line in stdout.split("\n"):
line = line.strip()
for elt, _types in elements.items():
if line.startswith(elt):
regex = any_reg.join([r_types[x] for x in _types])
matches =, line)
for i, typ in enumerate(_types):
name = multi.get(elt, [elt])[i]
results[name] = typ( + 1))
results["command"] = " ".join(argv)
results["warnings"] = stderr[:-1]
return results
except Exception as parse_exception:
if not conf.interactive:
log_runtime.error("Error parsing output: " + str(parse_exception))
return {}
def sr(x, promisc=None, filter=None, iface=None, nofilter=0, *args, **kargs):
Send and receive packets at layer 3
s = conf.L3socket(promisc=promisc, filter=filter,
iface=iface, nofilter=nofilter)
result = sndrcv(s, x, *args, **kargs)
return result
def _interface_selection(iface, packet):
Select the network interface according to the layer 3 destination
if iface is None:
iff = packet.route()[0]
except AttributeError:
iff = None
return iff or conf.iface
return iface
def sr1(x, promisc=None, filter=None, iface=None, nofilter=0, *args, **kargs):
Send packets at layer 3 and return only the first answer
iface = _interface_selection(iface, x)
s = conf.L3socket(promisc=promisc, filter=filter,
nofilter=nofilter, iface=iface)
ans, _ = sndrcv(s, x, *args, **kargs)
if len(ans) > 0:
return ans[0][1]
def srp(x, promisc=None, iface=None, iface_hint=None, filter=None,
nofilter=0, type=ETH_P_ALL, *args, **kargs):
Send and receive packets at layer 2
if iface is None and iface_hint is not None:
iface = conf.route.route(iface_hint)[0]
s = conf.L2socket(promisc=promisc, iface=iface,
filter=filter, nofilter=nofilter, type=type)
result = sndrcv(s, x, *args, **kargs)
return result
def srp1(*args, **kargs):
Send and receive packets at layer 2 and return only the first answer
ans, _ = srp(*args, **kargs)
if len(ans) > 0:
return ans[0][1]
# Append doc
for sr_func in [srp, srp1, sr, sr1]:
if sr_func.__doc__ is not None:
sr_func.__doc__ += _DOC_SNDRCV_PARAMS
def __sr_loop(srfunc, pkts, prn=lambda x: x[1].summary(),
prnfail=lambda x: x.summary(),
inter=1, timeout=None, count=None, verbose=None, store=1,
*args, **kargs):
n = 0
r = 0
ct = conf.color_theme
if verbose is None:
verbose = conf.verb
parity = 0
ans = []
unans = []
if timeout is None:
timeout = min(2 * inter, 5)
while True:
parity ^= 1
col = [ct.even, ct.odd][parity]
if count is not None:
if count == 0:
count -= 1
start = time.time()
if verbose > 1:
print("\rsend...\r", end=' ')
res = srfunc(pkts, timeout=timeout, verbose=0, chainCC=True, *args, **kargs) # noqa: E501
n += len(res[0]) + len(res[1])
r += len(res[0])
if verbose > 1 and prn and len(res[0]) > 0:
msg = "RECV %i:" % len(res[0])
print("\r" + ct.success(msg), end=' ')
for p in res[0]:
print(" " * len(msg), end=' ')
if verbose > 1 and prnfail and len(res[1]) > 0:
msg = "fail %i:" % len(res[1])
print("\r" +, end=' ')
for p in res[1]:
print(" " * len(msg), end=' ')
if verbose > 1 and not (prn or prnfail):
print("recv:%i fail:%i" % tuple(map(len, res[:2])))
if store:
ans += res[0]
unans += res[1]
end = time.time()
if end - start < inter:
time.sleep(inter + start - end)
except KeyboardInterrupt:
if verbose and n > 0:
print(ct.normal("\nSent %i packets, received %i packets. %3.1f%% hits." % (n, r, 100.0 * r / n))) # noqa: E501
return SndRcvList(ans), PacketList(unans)
def srloop(pkts, *args, **kargs):
"""Send a packet at layer 3 in loop and print the answer each time
srloop(pkts, [prn], [inter], [count], ...) --> None"""
return __sr_loop(sr, pkts, *args, **kargs)
def srploop(pkts, *args, **kargs):
"""Send a packet at layer 2 in loop and print the answer each time
srloop(pkts, [prn], [inter], [count], ...) --> None"""
return __sr_loop(srp, pkts, *args, **kargs)
def sndrcvflood(pks, pkt, inter=0, verbose=None, chainCC=False, timeout=None):
"""sndrcv equivalent for flooding."""
stopevent = Event()
def send_in_loop(tobesent, stopevent):
"""Infinite generator that produces the same
packet until stopevent is triggered."""
while True:
for p in tobesent:
if stopevent.is_set():
yield p
infinite_gen = send_in_loop(pkt, stopevent)
_flood_len = pkt.__iterlen__() if isinstance(pkt, Gen) else len(pkt)
_flood = [_flood_len, stopevent.set]
return sndrcv(
pks, infinite_gen,
inter=inter, verbose=verbose,
chainCC=chainCC, timeout=None,
def srflood(x, promisc=None, filter=None, iface=None, nofilter=None, *args, **kargs): # noqa: E501
"""Flood and receive packets at layer 3
:param prn: function applied to packets received
:param unique: only consider packets whose print
:param nofilter: put 1 to avoid use of BPF filters
:param filter: provide a BPF filter
:param iface: listen answers only on the given interface
s = conf.L3socket(promisc=promisc, filter=filter, iface=iface, nofilter=nofilter) # noqa: E501
r = sndrcvflood(s, x, *args, **kargs)
return r
def sr1flood(x, promisc=None, filter=None, iface=None, nofilter=0, *args, **kargs): # noqa: E501
"""Flood and receive packets at layer 3 and return only the first answer
:param prn: function applied to packets received
:param verbose: set verbosity level
:param nofilter: put 1 to avoid use of BPF filters
:param filter: provide a BPF filter
:param iface: listen answers only on the given interface
s = conf.L3socket(promisc=promisc, filter=filter, nofilter=nofilter, iface=iface) # noqa: E501
ans, _ = sndrcvflood(s, x, *args, **kargs)
if len(ans) > 0:
return ans[0][1]
def srpflood(x, promisc=None, filter=None, iface=None, iface_hint=None, nofilter=None, *args, **kargs): # noqa: E501
"""Flood and receive packets at layer 2
:param prn: function applied to packets received
:param unique: only consider packets whose print
:param nofilter: put 1 to avoid use of BPF filters
:param filter: provide a BPF filter
:param iface: listen answers only on the given interface
if iface is None and iface_hint is not None:
iface = conf.route.route(iface_hint)[0]
s = conf.L2socket(promisc=promisc, filter=filter, iface=iface, nofilter=nofilter) # noqa: E501
r = sndrcvflood(s, x, *args, **kargs)
return r
def srp1flood(x, promisc=None, filter=None, iface=None, nofilter=0, *args, **kargs): # noqa: E501
"""Flood and receive packets at layer 2 and return only the first answer
:param prn: function applied to packets received
:param verbose: set verbosity level
:param nofilter: put 1 to avoid use of BPF filters
:param filter: provide a BPF filter
:param iface: listen answers only on the given interface
s = conf.L2socket(promisc=promisc, filter=filter, nofilter=nofilter, iface=iface) # noqa: E501
ans, _ = sndrcvflood(s, x, *args, **kargs)
if len(ans) > 0:
return ans[0][1]
class AsyncSniffer(object):
Sniff packets and return a list of packets.
count: number of packets to capture. 0 means infinity.
store: whether to store sniffed packets or discard them
prn: function to apply to each packet. If something is returned, it
is displayed.
--Ex: prn = lambda x: x.summary()
session: a session = a flow decoder used to handle stream of packets.
e.g: IPSession (to defragment on-the-flow) or NetflowSession
filter: BPF filter to apply.
lfilter: Python function applied to each packet to determine if
further action may be done.
--Ex: lfilter = lambda x: x.haslayer(Padding)
offline: PCAP file (or list of PCAP files) to read packets from,
instead of sniffing them
timeout: stop sniffing after a given time (default: None).
L2socket: use the provided L2socket (default: use conf.L2listen).
opened_socket: provide an object (or a list of objects) ready to use
.recv() on.
stop_filter: Python function applied to each packet to determine if
we have to stop the capture after this packet.
--Ex: stop_filter = lambda x: x.haslayer(TCP)
iface: interface or list of interfaces (default: None for sniffing
on all interfaces).
monitor: use monitor mode. May not be available on all OS
started_callback: called as soon as the sniffer starts sniffing
(default: None).
The iface, offline and opened_socket parameters can be either an
element, a list of elements, or a dict object mapping an element to a
label (see examples below).
Examples: synchronous
>>> sniff(filter="arp")
>>> sniff(filter="tcp",
... session=IPSession, # defragment on-the-flow
... prn=lambda x: x.summary())
>>> sniff(lfilter=lambda pkt: ARP in pkt)
>>> sniff(iface="eth0", prn=Packet.summary)
>>> sniff(iface=["eth0", "mon0"],
... prn=lambda pkt: "%s: %s" % (pkt.sniffed_on,
... pkt.summary()))
>>> sniff(iface={"eth0": "Ethernet", "mon0": "Wifi"},
... prn=lambda pkt: "%s: %s" % (pkt.sniffed_on,
... pkt.summary()))
Examples: asynchronous
>>> t = AsyncSniffer(iface="enp0s3")
>>> t.start()
>>> time.sleep(1)
>>> print("nice weather today")
>>> t.stop()
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
# Store keyword arguments
self.args = args
self.kwargs = kwargs
self.running = False
self.thread = None
self.results = None
def _setup_thread(self):
# Prepare sniffing thread
self.thread = Thread(
def _run(self,
count=0, store=True, offline=None,
prn=None, lfilter=None,
L2socket=None, timeout=None, opened_socket=None,
stop_filter=None, iface=None, started_callback=None,
session=None, session_args=[], session_kwargs={},
*arg, **karg):
self.running = True
# Start main thread
# instantiate session
if not isinstance(session, DefaultSession):
session = session or DefaultSession
session = session(prn, store, *session_args, **session_kwargs)
session.prn = prn = store
# sniff_sockets follows: {socket: label}
sniff_sockets = {}
if opened_socket is not None:
if isinstance(opened_socket, list):
(s, "socket%d" % i)
for i, s in enumerate(opened_socket)
elif isinstance(opened_socket, dict):
(s, label)
for s, label in six.iteritems(opened_socket)
sniff_sockets[opened_socket] = "socket0"
if offline is not None:
flt = karg.get('filter')
if isinstance(offline, list) and \
all(isinstance(elt, str) for elt in offline):
fname if flt is None else
tcpdump(fname, args=["-w", "-", flt], getfd=True)
), fname) for fname in offline)
elif isinstance(offline, dict):
fname if flt is None else
tcpdump(fname, args=["-w", "-", flt], getfd=True)
), label) for fname, label in six.iteritems(offline))
# Write Scapy Packet objects to a pcap file
def _write_to_pcap(packets_list):
filename = get_temp_file(autoext=".pcap")
wrpcap(filename, offline)
return filename, filename
if isinstance(offline, Packet):
tempfile_written, offline = _write_to_pcap([offline])
elif isinstance(offline, list) and \
all(isinstance(elt, Packet) for elt in offline):
tempfile_written, offline = _write_to_pcap(offline)
offline if flt is None else
tcpdump(offline, args=["-w", "-", flt], getfd=True)
)] = offline
if not sniff_sockets or iface is not None:
if L2socket is None:
L2socket = conf.L2listen
if isinstance(iface, list):
(L2socket(type=ETH_P_ALL, iface=ifname, *arg, **karg),
for ifname in iface
elif isinstance(iface, dict):
(L2socket(type=ETH_P_ALL, iface=ifname, *arg, **karg),
for ifname, iflabel in six.iteritems(iface)
sniff_sockets[L2socket(type=ETH_P_ALL, iface=iface,
*arg, **karg)] = iface
# Get select information from the sockets
_main_socket = next(iter(sniff_sockets))
read_allowed_exceptions = _main_socket.read_allowed_exceptions
select_func =
_backup_read_func = _main_socket.__class__.recv
nonblocking_socket = _main_socket.nonblocking_socket
# We check that all sockets use the same select(), or raise a warning
if not all(select_func == for sock in sniff_sockets):
warning("Warning: inconsistent socket types ! "
"The used select function "
"will be the one of the first socket")
# Fill if empty
if not read_allowed_exceptions:
read_allowed_exceptions = (IOError,)
if nonblocking_socket:
# select is non blocking
def stop_cb():
self.continue_sniff = False
self.stop_cb = stop_cb
close_pipe = None
# select is blocking: Add special control socket
from scapy.automaton import ObjectPipe
close_pipe = ObjectPipe()
sniff_sockets[close_pipe] = "control_socket"
def stop_cb():
if self.running:
self.continue_sniff = False
self.stop_cb = stop_cb
if started_callback:
self.continue_sniff = True
# Start timeout
if timeout is not None:
stoptime = time.time() + timeout
remain = None
while sniff_sockets and self.continue_sniff:
if timeout is not None:
remain = stoptime - time.time()
if remain <= 0:
sockets, read_func = select_func(sniff_sockets, remain)
read_func = read_func or _backup_read_func
dead_sockets = []
for s in sockets:
if s is close_pipe:
p = read_func(s)
except EOFError:
# End of stream
except Exception:
except read_allowed_exceptions:
except Exception as ex:
msg = " It was closed."
# Make sure it's closed
except Exception as ex:
msg = " close() failed with '%s'" % ex
"Socket %s failed with '%s'." % (s, ex) + msg
if conf.debug_dissector >= 2:
if p is None:
if lfilter and not lfilter(p):
p.sniffed_on = sniff_sockets[s]
# on_packet_received handles the prn/storage
# check
if (stop_filter and stop_filter(p)) or \
(0 < count <= session.count):
self.continue_sniff = False
# Removed dead sockets
for s in dead_sockets:
del sniff_sockets[s]
except KeyboardInterrupt:
self.running = False
if opened_socket is None:
for s in sniff_sockets:
elif close_pipe:
self.results = session.toPacketList()
def start(self):
"""Starts AsyncSniffer in async mode"""
def stop(self, join=True):
"""Stops AsyncSniffer if not in async mode"""
if self.running:
except AttributeError:
raise Scapy_Exception(
"Unsupported (offline or unsupported socket)"
if join:
return self.results
raise Scapy_Exception("Not started !")
def join(self, *args, **kwargs):
if self.thread:
self.thread.join(*args, **kwargs)
def sniff(*args, **kwargs):
sniffer = AsyncSniffer()
sniffer._run(*args, **kwargs)
return sniffer.results
sniff.__doc__ = AsyncSniffer.__doc__
def bridge_and_sniff(if1, if2, xfrm12=None, xfrm21=None, prn=None, L2socket=None, # noqa: E501
*args, **kargs):
"""Forward traffic between interfaces if1 and if2, sniff and return
the exchanged packets.
if1, if2: the interfaces to use (interface names or opened sockets).
xfrm12: a function to call when forwarding a packet from if1 to
if2. If it returns True, the packet is forwarded as it. If it
returns False or None, the packet is discarded. If it returns a
packet, this packet is forwarded instead of the original packet
xfrm21: same as xfrm12 for packets forwarded from if2 to if1.
The other arguments are the same than for the function sniff(),
except for offline, opened_socket and iface that are ignored.
See help(sniff) for more.
for arg in ['opened_socket', 'offline', 'iface']:
if arg in kargs:
log_runtime.warning("Argument %s cannot be used in "
"bridge_and_sniff() -- ignoring it.", arg)
del kargs[arg]
def _init_socket(iface, count):
if isinstance(iface, SuperSocket):
return iface, "iface%d" % count
return (L2socket or conf.L2socket)(iface=iface), iface
sckt1, if1 = _init_socket(if1, 1)
sckt2, if2 = _init_socket(if2, 2)
peers = {if1: sckt2, if2: sckt1}
xfrms = {}
if xfrm12 is not None:
xfrms[if1] = xfrm12
if xfrm21 is not None:
xfrms[if2] = xfrm21
def prn_send(pkt):
sendsock = peers[pkt.sniffed_on]
except KeyError:
if pkt.sniffed_on in xfrms:
newpkt = xfrms[pkt.sniffed_on](pkt)
except Exception:
'Exception in transformation function for packet [%s] '
'received on %s -- dropping',
pkt.summary(), pkt.sniffed_on, exc_info=True
if newpkt is True:
newpkt = pkt.original
elif not newpkt:
newpkt = pkt.original
except Exception:
log_runtime.warning('Cannot forward packet [%s] received on %s',
pkt.summary(), pkt.sniffed_on, exc_info=True)
if prn is None:
prn = prn_send
prn_orig = prn
def prn(pkt):
return prn_orig(pkt)
return sniff(opened_socket={sckt1: if1, sckt2: if2}, prn=prn,
*args, **kargs)
def tshark(*args, **kargs):
"""Sniff packets and print them calling pkt.summary().
This tries to replicate what text-wireshark (tshark) would look like"""
if 'iface' in kargs:
iface = kargs.get('iface')
elif 'opened_socket' in kargs:
iface = kargs.get('opened_socket').iface
iface = conf.iface
print("Capturing on '%s'" % iface)
# This should be a nonlocal variable, using a mutable object
# for Python 2 compatibility
i = [0]
def _cb(pkt):
print("%5d\t%s" % (i[0], pkt.summary()))
i[0] += 1
sniff(prn=_cb, store=False, *args, **kargs)
print("\n%d packet%s captured" % (i[0], 's' if i[0] > 1 else ''))