todo: add documentation & wireshark dissector
695 lines
27 KiB
Executable file
695 lines
27 KiB
Executable file
# This file is part of Scapy
# Scapy is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
# any later version.
# Scapy is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Scapy. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# scapy.contrib.description = LoRa PHY to WAN Layer
# scapy.contrib.status = loads
Copyright (C) 2020 Sebastien Dudek (@FlUxIuS @PentHertz)
from __future__ import absolute_import
from scapy.packet import Packet
from scapy.fields import BitField, ByteEnumField, ByteField, \
ConditionalField, IntField, LEShortField, PacketListField, \
StrFixedLenField, X3BytesField, XByteField, XIntField, \
XShortField, BitFieldLenField, LEX3BytesField, XBitField, \
BitEnumField, XLEIntField, StrField, PacketField
class FCtrl_DownLink(Packet):
name = "FCtrl_DownLink"
fields_desc = [BitField("ADR", 0, 1),
BitField("ADRACKReq", 0, 1),
BitField("ACK", 0, 1),
BitField("FPending", 0, 1),
BitFieldLenField("FOptsLen", 0, 4)]
# pylint: disable=R0201
def extract_padding(self, p):
return "", p
class FCtrl_UpLink(Packet):
name = "FCtrl_UpLink"
fields_desc = [BitField("ADR", 0, 1),
BitField("ADRACKReq", 0, 1),
BitField("ACK", 0, 1),
BitField("ClassB", 0, 1),
BitFieldLenField("FOptsLen", 0, 4)]
# pylint: disable=R0201
def extract_padding(self, p):
return "", p
class DevAddrElem(Packet):
name = "DevAddrElem"
fields_desc = [XByteField("NwkID", 0x0),
LEX3BytesField("NwkAddr", b"\x00" * 3)]
CIDs_up = {0x01: "ResetInd",
0x02: "LinkCheckReq",
0x03: "LinkADRReq",
0x04: "DutyCycleReq",
0x05: "RXParamSetupReq",
0x06: "DevStatusReq",
0x07: "NewChannelReq",
0x08: "RXTimingSetupReq",
0x09: "TxParamSetupReq", # LoRa 1.1 specs
0x0A: "DlChannelReq",
0x0B: "RekeyInd",
0x0C: "ADRParamSetupReq",
0x0D: "DeviceTimeReq",
0x0E: "ForceRejoinReq",
0x0F: "RejoinParamSetupReq"} # end of LoRa 1.1 specs
CIDs_down = {0x01: "ResetConf",
0x02: "LinkCheckAns",
0x03: "LinkADRAns",
0x04: "DutyCycleAns",
0x05: "RXParamSetupAns",
0x06: "DevStatusAns",
0x07: "NewChannelAns",
0x08: "RXTimingSetupAns",
0x09: "TxParamSetupAns", # LoRa 1.1 specs here
0x0A: "DlChannelAns",
0x0B: "RekeyConf",
0x0C: "ADRParamSetupAns",
0x0D: "DeviceTimeAns",
0x0F: "RejoinParamSetupAns"} # end of LoRa 1.1 specs
class ResetInd(Packet):
name = "ResetInd"
fields_desc = [ByteField("Dev_version", 0)]
class ResetConf(Packet):
name = "ResetConf"
fields_desc = [ByteField("Serv_version", 0)]
class LinkCheckReq(Packet):
name = "LinkCheckReq"
class LinkCheckAns(Packet):
name = "LinkCheckAns"
fields_desc = [ByteField("Margin", 0),
ByteField("GwCnt", 0)]
class DataRate_TXPower(Packet):
name = "DataRate_TXPower"
fields_desc = [XBitField("DataRate", 0, 4),
XBitField("TXPower", 0, 4)]
class Redundancy(Packet):
name = "Redundancy"
fields_desc = [XBitField("RFU", 0, 1),
XBitField("ChMaskCntl", 0, 3),
XBitField("NbTrans", 0, 4)]
class LinkADRReq(Packet):
name = "LinkADRReq"
fields_desc = [DataRate_TXPower,
XShortField("ChMask", 0),
class LinkADRAns_Status(Packet):
name = "LinkADRAns_Status"
fields_desc = [BitField("RFU", 0, 5),
BitField("PowerACK", 0, 1),
BitField("DataRate", 0, 1),
BitField("ChannelMaskACK", 0, 1)]
class LinkADRAns(Packet):
name = "LinkADRAns"
fields_desc = [PacketField("status",
class DutyCyclePL(Packet):
name = "DutyCyclePL"
fields_desc = [BitField("MaxDCycle", 0, 4)]
class DutyCycleReq(Packet):
name = "DutyCycleReq"
fields_desc = [DutyCyclePL]
class DutyCycleAns(Packet):
name = "DutyCycleAns"
fields_desc = []
class DLsettings(Packet):
name = "DLsettings"
fields_desc = [BitField("OptNeg", 0, 1),
XBitField("RX1DRoffset", 0, 3),
XBitField("RX2_Data_rate", 0, 4)]
class RXParamSetupReq(Packet):
name = "RXParamSetupReq"
fields_desc = [DLsettings,
X3BytesField("Frequency", 0)]
class RXParamSetupAns_Status(Packet):
name = "RXParamSetupAns_Status"
fields_desc = [XBitField("RFU", 0, 5),
BitField("RX1DRoffsetACK", 0, 1),
BitField("RX2DatarateACK", 0, 1),
BitField("ChannelACK", 0, 1)]
class RXParamSetupAns(Packet):
name = "RXParamSetupAns"
fields_desc = [RXParamSetupAns_Status]
Battery_state = {0: "End-device connected to external source",
255: "Battery level unknown"}
class DevStatusReq(Packet):
name = "DevStatusReq"
fields_desc = [ByteEnumField("Battery", 0, Battery_state),
ByteField("Margin", 0)]
class DevStatusAns_Status(Packet):
name = "DevStatusAns_Status"
fields_desc = [XBitField("RFU", 0, 2),
XBitField("Margin", 0, 6)]
class DevStatusAns(Packet):
name = "DevStatusAns"
fields_desc = [DevStatusAns_Status]
class DrRange(Packet):
name = "DrRange"
fields_desc = [XBitField("MaxDR", 0, 4),
XBitField("MinDR", 0, 4)]
class NewChannelReq(Packet):
name = "NewChannelReq"
fields_desc = [ByteField("ChIndex", 0),
X3BytesField("Freq", 0),
class NewChannelAns_Status(Packet):
name = "NewChannelAns_Status"
fields_desc = [XBitField("RFU", 0, 6),
BitField("Dataraterangeok", 0, 1),
BitField("Channelfrequencyok", 0, 1)]
class NewChannelAns(Packet):
name = "NewChannelAns"
fields_desc = [NewChannelAns_Status]
class RXTimingSetupReq_Settings(Packet):
name = "RXTimingSetupReq_Settings"
fields_desc = [XBitField("RFU", 0, 4),
XBitField("Del", 0, 4)]
class RXTimingSetupReq(Packet):
name = "RXTimingSetupReq"
fields_desc = [RXTimingSetupReq_Settings]
class RXTimingSetupAns(Packet):
name = "RXTimingSetupAns"
fields_desc = []
# Specific commands for LoRa 1.1 here
MaxEIRPs = {0: "8 dbm",
1: "10 dbm",
2: "12 dbm",
3: "13 dbm",
4: "14 dbm",
5: "16 dbm",
6: "18 dbm",
7: "20 dbm",
8: "21 dbm",
9: "24 dbm",
10: "26 dbm",
11: "27 dbm",
12: "29 dbm",
13: "30 dbm",
14: "33 dbm",
15: "36 dbm"}
DwellTimes = {0: "No limit",
1: "400 ms"}
class EIRP_DwellTime(Packet):
name = "EIRP_DwellTime"
fields_desc = [BitField("RFU", 0b0, 2),
BitEnumField("DownlinkDwellTime", 0b0, 1, DwellTimes),
BitEnumField("UplinkDwellTime", 0b0, 1, DwellTimes),
BitEnumField("MaxEIRP", 0b0000, 4, MaxEIRPs)]
class TxParamSetupReq(Packet):
name = "TxParamSetupReq"
fields_desc = [EIRP_DwellTime]
class TxParamSetupAns(Packet):
name = "TxParamSetupAns"
fields_desc = []
class DlChannelReq(Packet):
name = "DlChannelReq"
fields_desc = [ByteField("ChIndex", 0),
X3BytesField("Freq", 0)]
class DlChannelAns(Packet):
name = "DlChannelAns"
fields_desc = [ByteField("Status", 0)]
class DevLoraWANversion(Packet):
name = "DevLoraWANversion"
fields_desc = [BitField("RFU", 0b0000, 4),
BitField("Minor", 0b0001, 4)]
class RekeyInd(Packet):
name = "RekeyInd"
fields_desc = [PacketListField("LoRaWANversion", b"",
DevLoraWANversion, length_from=lambda pkt:1)]
class RekeyConf(Packet):
name = "RekeyConf"
fields_desc = [ByteField("ServerVersion", 0)]
class ADRparam(Packet):
name = "ADRparam"
fields_desc = [BitField("Limit_exp", 0b0000, 4),
BitField("Delay_exp", 0b0000, 4)]
class ADRParamSetupReq(Packet):
name = "ADRParamSetupReq"
fields_desc = [ADRparam]
class ADRParamSetupAns(Packet):
name = "ADRParamSetupReq"
fields_desc = []
class DeviceTimeReq(Packet):
name = "DeviceTimeReq"
fields_desc = []
class DeviceTimeAns(Packet):
name = "DeviceTimeAns"
fields_desc = [IntField("SecondsSinceEpoch", 0),
ByteField("FracSecond", 0x00)]
class ForceRejoinReq(Packet):
name = "ForceRejoinReq"
fields_desc = [BitField("RFU", 0, 2),
BitField("Period", 0, 3),
BitField("Max_Retries", 0, 3),
BitField("RFU", 0, 1),
BitField("RejoinType", 0, 3),
BitField("DR", 0, 4)]
class RejoinParamSetupReq(Packet):
name = "RejoinParamSetupReq"
fields_desc = [BitField("MaxTimeN", 0, 4),
BitField("MaxCountN", 0, 4)]
class RejoinParamSetupAns(Packet):
name = "RejoinParamSetupAns"
fields_desc = [BitField("RFU", 0, 7),
BitField("TimeOK", 0, 1)]
# End of specific 1.1 commands
class MACCommand_up(Packet):
name = "MACCommand_up"
fields_desc = [ByteEnumField("CID", 0, CIDs_up),
ConditionalField(PacketListField("Reset", b"",
length_from=lambda pkt:1),
lambda pkt:(pkt.CID == 0x01)),
ConditionalField(PacketListField("LinkCheck", b"",
length_from=lambda pkt:0),
lambda pkt:(pkt.CID == 0x02)),
ConditionalField(PacketListField("LinkADR", b"",
length_from=lambda pkt:4),
lambda pkt:(pkt.CID == 0x03)),
ConditionalField(PacketListField("DutyCycle", b"",
length_from=lambda pkt:4),
lambda pkt:(pkt.CID == 0x04)),
ConditionalField(PacketListField("RXParamSetup", b"",
length_from=lambda pkt:4),
lambda pkt:(pkt.CID == 0x05)),
ConditionalField(PacketListField("DevStatus", b"",
length_from=lambda pkt:2),
lambda pkt:(pkt.CID == 0x06)),
ConditionalField(PacketListField("NewChannel", b"",
length_from=lambda pkt:5),
lambda pkt:(pkt.CID == 0x07)),
ConditionalField(PacketListField("RXTimingSetup", b"",
length_from=lambda pkt:1),
lambda pkt:(pkt.CID == 0x08)),
# specific to 1.1 from here
ConditionalField(PacketListField("TxParamSetup", b"",
length_from=lambda pkt:1),
lambda pkt:(pkt.CID == 0x09)),
ConditionalField(PacketListField("DlChannel", b"",
length_from=lambda pkt:4),
lambda pkt:(pkt.CID == 0x0A)),
ConditionalField(PacketListField("Rekey", b"",
length_from=lambda pkt:1),
lambda pkt:(pkt.CID == 0x0B)),
ConditionalField(PacketListField("ADRParamSetup", b"",
length_from=lambda pkt:1),
lambda pkt:(pkt.CID == 0x0C)),
ConditionalField(PacketListField("DeviceTime", b"",
length_from=lambda pkt:0),
lambda pkt:(pkt.CID == 0x0D)),
ConditionalField(PacketListField("ForceRejoin", b"",
length_from=lambda pkt:2),
lambda pkt:(pkt.CID == 0x0E)),
ConditionalField(PacketListField("RejoinParamSetup", b"",
length_from=lambda pkt:1),
lambda pkt:(pkt.CID == 0x0F))]
# pylint: disable=R0201
def extract_padding(self, p):
return "", p
class MACCommand_down(Packet):
name = "MACCommand_down"
fields_desc = [ByteEnumField("CID", 0, CIDs_up),
ConditionalField(PacketListField("Reset", b"",
length_from=lambda pkt:1),
lambda pkt:(pkt.CID == 0x01)),
ConditionalField(PacketListField("LinkCheck", b"",
length_from=lambda pkt:2),
lambda pkt:(pkt.CID == 0x02)),
ConditionalField(PacketListField("LinkADR", b"",
length_from=lambda pkt:0),
lambda pkt:(pkt.CID == 0x03)),
ConditionalField(PacketListField("DutyCycle", b"",
length_from=lambda pkt:4),
lambda pkt:(pkt.CID == 0x04)),
ConditionalField(PacketListField("RXParamSetup", b"",
length_from=lambda pkt:1),
lambda pkt:(pkt.CID == 0x05)),
ConditionalField(PacketListField("DevStatusAns", b"",
length_from=lambda pkt:1),
lambda pkt:(pkt.CID == 0x06)),
ConditionalField(PacketListField("NewChannel", b"",
length_from=lambda pkt:1),
lambda pkt:(pkt.CID == 0x07)),
ConditionalField(PacketListField("RXTimingSetup", b"",
length_from=lambda pkt:0),
lambda pkt:(pkt.CID == 0x08)),
ConditionalField(PacketListField("TxParamSetup", b"",
length_from=lambda pkt:0),
lambda pkt:(pkt.CID == 0x09)),
ConditionalField(PacketListField("DlChannel", b"",
length_from=lambda pkt:1),
lambda pkt:(pkt.CID == 0x0A)),
ConditionalField(PacketListField("Rekey", b"",
length_from=lambda pkt:1),
lambda pkt:(pkt.CID == 0x0B)),
ConditionalField(PacketListField("ADRParamSetup", b"",
length_from=lambda pkt:0),
lambda pkt:(pkt.CID == 0x0C)),
ConditionalField(PacketListField("DeviceTime", b"",
length_from=lambda pkt:5),
lambda pkt:(pkt.CID == 0x0D)),
ConditionalField(PacketListField("RejoinParamSetup", b"",
length_from=lambda pkt:1),
lambda pkt:(pkt.CID == 0x0F))]
class FOpts(Packet):
name = "FOpts"
fields_desc = [ConditionalField(PacketListField("FOpts_up", b"",
# UL piggy MAC Command
length_from=lambda pkt:pkt.FCtrl[0].FOptsLen), # noqa: E501
lambda pkt:(pkt.FCtrl[0].FOptsLen > 0 and
pkt.MType & 0b1 == 0 and
pkt.MType >= 0b010)),
ConditionalField(PacketListField("FOpts_down", b"",
# DL piggy MAC Command
length_from=lambda pkt:pkt.FCtrl[0].FOptsLen), # noqa: E501
lambda pkt:(pkt.FCtrl[0].FOptsLen > 0 and
pkt.MType & 0b1 == 1 and
pkt.MType <= 0b101))]
def FOptsDownShow(pkt):
if pkt.FCtrl[0].FOptsLen > 0 and pkt.MType & 0b1 == 1 and pkt.MType <= 0b101: # noqa: E501
return True
return False
except Exception:
return False
def FOptsUpShow(pkt):
if pkt.FCtrl[0].FOptsLen > 0 and pkt.MType & 0b1 == 0 and pkt.MType >= 0b010: # noqa: E501
return True
return False
except Exception:
return False
class FHDR(Packet):
name = "FHDR"
fields_desc = [ConditionalField(PacketListField("DevAddr", b"", DevAddrElem, # noqa: E501
length_from=lambda pkt:4),
lambda pkt:(pkt.MType >= 0b010 and
pkt.MType <= 0b101)),
ConditionalField(PacketListField("FCtrl", b"",
length_from=lambda pkt:1),
lambda pkt:(pkt.MType & 0b1 == 1 and
pkt.MType <= 0b101)),
ConditionalField(PacketListField("FCtrl", b"",
length_from=lambda pkt:1),
lambda pkt:(pkt.MType & 0b1 == 0 and
pkt.MType >= 0b010)),
ConditionalField(LEShortField("FCnt", 0),
lambda pkt:(pkt.MType >= 0b010 and
pkt.MType <= 0b101)),
ConditionalField(PacketListField("FOpts_up", b"",
length_from=lambda pkt:pkt.FCtrl[0].FOptsLen), # noqa: E501
ConditionalField(PacketListField("FOpts_down", b"",
length_from=lambda pkt:pkt.FCtrl[0].FOptsLen), # noqa: E501
FPorts = {0: "NwkSKey"} # anything else is AppSKey
JoinReqTypes = {0xFF: "Join-request",
0x00: "Rejoin-request type 0",
0x01: "Rejoin-request type 1",
0x02: "Rejoin-request type 2"}
class Join_Request(Packet):
name = "Join_Request"
fields_desc = [StrFixedLenField("AppEUI", b"\x00" * 8, 8),
StrFixedLenField("DevEUI", b"\00" * 8, 8),
LEShortField("DevNonce", 0x0000)]
class Join_Accept(Packet):
name = "Join_Accept"
dcflist = False
fields_desc = [LEX3BytesField("JoinAppNonce", 0),
LEX3BytesField("NetID", 0),
XLEIntField("DevAddr", 0),
XByteField("RxDelay", 0),
ConditionalField(StrFixedLenField("CFList", b"\x00" * 16, 16), # noqa: E501
lambda pkt:(Join_Accept.dcflist is True))]
# pylint: disable=R0201
def extract_padding(self, p):
return "", p
def __init__(self, packet=""): # CFList calculated with rest of packet len
if len(packet) > 18:
Join_Accept.dcflist = True
super(Join_Accept, self).__init__(packet)
RejoinType = {0: "NetID+DevEUI",
1: "JoinEUI+DevEUI",
2: "NetID+DevEUI"}
class RejoinReq(Packet): # LoRa 1.1 specs
name = "RejoinReq"
fields_desc = [ByteField("Type", 0),
X3BytesField("NetID", 0),
StrFixedLenField("DevEUI", b"\x00" * 8),
XShortField("RJcount0", 0)]
class FRMPayload(Packet):
name = "FRMPayload"
fields_desc = [ConditionalField(StrField("DataPayload", "", remain=4), # Downlink # noqa: E501
lambda pkt:(pkt.MType == 0b101 or
pkt.MType == 0b011)),
ConditionalField(StrField("DataPayload", "", remain=6), # Uplink # noqa: E501
lambda pkt:(pkt.MType == 0b100 or
pkt.MType == 0b010)),
ConditionalField(PacketListField("Join_Request_Field", b"",
length_from=lambda pkt:18),
lambda pkt:(pkt.MType == 0b000)),
ConditionalField(PacketListField("Join_Accept_Field", b"",
count_from=lambda pkt:1),
lambda pkt:(pkt.MType == 0b001 and
LoRa.encrypted is False)),
ConditionalField(StrField("Join_Accept_Encrypted", 0),
lambda pkt:(pkt.MType == 0b001 and LoRa.encrypted is True)), # noqa: E501
ConditionalField(PacketListField("ReJoin_Request_Field", b"", # noqa: E501
length_from=lambda pkt:14),
lambda pkt:(pkt.MType == 0b111))]
class MACPayload(Packet):
name = "MACPayload"
eFPort = False
fields_desc = [FHDR,
ConditionalField(ByteEnumField("FPort", 0, FPorts),
lambda pkt:(pkt.MType >= 0b010 and
pkt.MType <= 0b101 and
pkt.FCtrl[0].FOptsLen == 0)),
MTypes = {0b000: "Join-request",
0b001: "Join-accept",
0b010: "Unconfirmed Data Up",
0b011: "Unconfirmed Data Down",
0b100: "Confirmed Data Up",
0b101: "Confirmed Data Down",
0b110: "Rejoin-request", # Only in LoRa 1.1 specs
0b111: "Proprietary"}
class MHDR(Packet): # Same for 1.0 as for 1.1
name = "MHDR"
fields_desc = [BitEnumField("MType", 0b000, 3, MTypes),
BitField("RFU", 0b000, 3),
BitField("Major", 0b00, 2)]
class PHYPayload(Packet):
name = "PHYPayload"
fields_desc = [MHDR,
ConditionalField(XIntField("MIC", 0),
lambda pkt:(pkt.MType != 0b001 or
LoRa.encrypted is False))]
class LoRa(Packet): # default frame (unclear specs => taken from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5677147/) # noqa: E501
name = "LoRa"
version = "1.1" # default version to parse
encrypted = True
fields_desc = [XBitField("Preamble", 0, 4),
XBitField("PHDR", 0, 16),
XBitField("PHDR_CRC", 0, 4),
ConditionalField(XShortField("CRC", 0),
lambda pkt:(pkt.MType & 0b1 == 0))]