todo: add documentation & wireshark dissector
2088 lines
67 KiB
Executable file
2088 lines
67 KiB
Executable file
# This file is part of Scapy
# See http://www.secdev.org/projects/scapy for more information
# Copyright (C) Philippe Biondi <phil@secdev.org>
# This program is published under a GPLv2 license
General utility functions.
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import print_function
from decimal import Decimal
import os
import sys
import socket
import collections
import random
import time
import gzip
import re
import struct
import array
import subprocess
import tempfile
import threading
import scapy.modules.six as six
from scapy.modules.six.moves import range, input
from scapy.config import conf
from scapy.consts import DARWIN, WINDOWS, WINDOWS_XP, OPENBSD
from scapy.data import MTU, DLT_EN10MB
from scapy.compat import orb, raw, plain_str, chb, bytes_base64, \
base64_bytes, hex_bytes, lambda_tuple_converter, bytes_encode
from scapy.error import log_runtime, Scapy_Exception, warning
from scapy.pton_ntop import inet_pton
# Tools #
def issubtype(x, t):
"""issubtype(C, B) -> bool
Return whether C is a class and if it is a subclass of class B.
When using a tuple as the second argument issubtype(X, (A, B, ...)),
is a shortcut for issubtype(X, A) or issubtype(X, B) or ... (etc.).
if isinstance(t, str):
return t in (z.__name__ for z in x.__bases__)
if isinstance(x, type) and issubclass(x, t):
return True
return False
class EDecimal(Decimal):
"""Extended Decimal
This implements arithmetic and comparison with float for
backward compatibility
def __add__(self, other, **kwargs):
return EDecimal(Decimal.__add__(self, Decimal(other), **kwargs))
def __radd__(self, other, **kwargs):
return EDecimal(Decimal.__add__(self, Decimal(other), **kwargs))
def __sub__(self, other, **kwargs):
return EDecimal(Decimal.__sub__(self, Decimal(other), **kwargs))
def __rsub__(self, other, **kwargs):
return EDecimal(Decimal.__rsub__(self, Decimal(other), **kwargs))
def __mul__(self, other, **kwargs):
return EDecimal(Decimal.__mul__(self, Decimal(other), **kwargs))
def __rmul__(self, other, **kwargs):
return EDecimal(Decimal.__mul__(self, Decimal(other), **kwargs))
def __truediv__(self, other, **kwargs):
return EDecimal(Decimal.__truediv__(self, Decimal(other), **kwargs))
def __floordiv__(self, other, **kwargs):
return EDecimal(Decimal.__floordiv__(self, Decimal(other), **kwargs))
def __div__(self, other, **kwargs):
return EDecimal(Decimal.__div__(self, Decimal(other), **kwargs))
def __rdiv__(self, other, **kwargs):
return EDecimal(Decimal.__rdiv__(self, Decimal(other), **kwargs))
def __mod__(self, other, **kwargs):
return EDecimal(Decimal.__mod__(self, Decimal(other), **kwargs))
def __rmod__(self, other, **kwargs):
return EDecimal(Decimal.__rmod__(self, Decimal(other), **kwargs))
def __divmod__(self, other, **kwargs):
return EDecimal(Decimal.__divmod__(self, Decimal(other), **kwargs))
def __rdivmod__(self, other, **kwargs):
return EDecimal(Decimal.__rdivmod__(self, Decimal(other), **kwargs))
def __pow__(self, other, **kwargs):
return EDecimal(Decimal.__pow__(self, Decimal(other), **kwargs))
def __rpow__(self, other, **kwargs):
return EDecimal(Decimal.__rpow__(self, Decimal(other), **kwargs))
def __eq__(self, other, **kwargs):
return super(EDecimal, self).__eq__(other) or float(self) == other
def get_temp_file(keep=False, autoext="", fd=False):
"""Creates a temporary file.
:param keep: If False, automatically delete the file when Scapy exits.
:param autoext: Suffix to add to the generated file name.
:param fd: If True, this returns a file-like object with the temporary
file opened. If False (default), this returns a file path.
f = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(prefix="scapy", suffix=autoext,
if not keep:
if fd:
return f
# Close the file so something else can take it.
return f.name
def get_temp_dir(keep=False):
"""Creates a temporary file, and returns its name.
:param keep: If False (default), the directory will be recursively
deleted when Scapy exits.
:return: A full path to a temporary directory.
dname = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="scapy")
if not keep:
return dname
def sane_color(x):
r = ""
for i in x:
j = orb(i)
if (j < 32) or (j >= 127):
r += conf.color_theme.not_printable(".")
r += chr(j)
return r
def sane(x):
r = ""
for i in x:
j = orb(i)
if (j < 32) or (j >= 127):
r += "."
r += chr(j)
return r
def restart():
"""Restarts scapy"""
if not conf.interactive or not os.path.isfile(sys.argv[0]):
raise OSError("Scapy was not started from console")
res_code = subprocess.call([sys.executable] + sys.argv)
except KeyboardInterrupt:
res_code = 1
os.execv(sys.executable, [sys.executable] + sys.argv)
def lhex(x):
from scapy.volatile import VolatileValue
if isinstance(x, VolatileValue):
return repr(x)
if type(x) in six.integer_types:
return hex(x)
elif isinstance(x, tuple):
return "(%s)" % ", ".join(map(lhex, x))
elif isinstance(x, list):
return "[%s]" % ", ".join(map(lhex, x))
return x
def hexdump(x, dump=False):
"""Build a tcpdump like hexadecimal view
:param x: a Packet
:param dump: define if the result must be printed or returned in a variable
:return: a String only when dump=True
s = ""
x = bytes_encode(x)
x_len = len(x)
i = 0
while i < x_len:
s += "%04x " % i
for j in range(16):
if i + j < x_len:
s += "%02X " % orb(x[i + j])
s += " "
s += " %s\n" % sane_color(x[i:i + 16])
i += 16
# remove trailing \n
s = s[:-1] if s.endswith("\n") else s
if dump:
return s
def linehexdump(x, onlyasc=0, onlyhex=0, dump=False):
"""Build an equivalent view of hexdump() on a single line
Note that setting both onlyasc and onlyhex to 1 results in a empty output
:param x: a Packet
:param onlyasc: 1 to display only the ascii view
:param onlyhex: 1 to display only the hexadecimal view
:param dump: print the view if False
:return: a String only when dump=True
s = ""
s = hexstr(x, onlyasc=onlyasc, onlyhex=onlyhex, color=not dump)
if dump:
return s
def chexdump(x, dump=False):
"""Build a per byte hexadecimal representation
>>> chexdump(IP())
0x45, 0x00, 0x00, 0x14, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x40, 0x00, 0x7c, 0xe7, 0x7f, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x7f, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01 # noqa: E501
:param x: a Packet
:param dump: print the view if False
:return: a String only if dump=True
x = bytes_encode(x)
s = ", ".join("%#04x" % orb(x) for x in x)
if dump:
return s
def hexstr(x, onlyasc=0, onlyhex=0, color=False):
"""Build a fancy tcpdump like hex from bytes."""
x = bytes_encode(x)
_sane_func = sane_color if color else sane
s = []
if not onlyasc:
s.append(" ".join("%02X" % orb(b) for b in x))
if not onlyhex:
return " ".join(s)
def repr_hex(s):
""" Convert provided bitstring to a simple string of hex digits """
return "".join("%02x" % orb(x) for x in s)
def hexdiff(x, y):
"""Show differences between 2 binary strings"""
x = bytes_encode(x)[::-1]
y = bytes_encode(y)[::-1]
d = {(-1, -1): (0, (-1, -1))}
for j in range(len(y)):
d[-1, j] = d[-1, j - 1][0] + INSERT, (-1, j - 1)
for i in range(len(x)):
d[i, -1] = d[i - 1, -1][0] + INSERT, (i - 1, -1)
for j in range(len(y)):
for i in range(len(x)):
d[i, j] = min((d[i - 1, j - 1][0] + SUBST * (x[i] != y[j]), (i - 1, j - 1)), # noqa: E501
(d[i - 1, j][0] + INSERT, (i - 1, j)),
(d[i, j - 1][0] + INSERT, (i, j - 1)))
backtrackx = []
backtracky = []
i = len(x) - 1
j = len(y) - 1
while not (i == j == -1):
i2, j2 = d[i, j][1]
backtrackx.append(x[i2 + 1:i + 1])
backtracky.append(y[j2 + 1:j + 1])
i, j = i2, j2
x = y = i = 0
colorize = {0: lambda x: x,
-1: conf.color_theme.left,
1: conf.color_theme.right}
dox = 1
doy = 0
btx_len = len(backtrackx)
while i < btx_len:
linex = backtrackx[i:i + 16]
liney = backtracky[i:i + 16]
xx = sum(len(k) for k in linex)
yy = sum(len(k) for k in liney)
if dox and not xx:
dox = 0
doy = 1
if dox and linex == liney:
doy = 1
if dox:
xd = y
j = 0
while not linex[j]:
j += 1
xd -= 1
print(colorize[doy - dox]("%04x" % xd), end=' ')
x += xx
line = linex
print(" ", end=' ')
if doy:
yd = y
j = 0
while not liney[j]:
j += 1
yd -= 1
print(colorize[doy - dox]("%04x" % yd), end=' ')
y += yy
line = liney
print(" ", end=' ')
print(" ", end=' ')
cl = ""
for j in range(16):
if i + j < btx_len:
if line[j]:
col = colorize[(linex[j] != liney[j]) * (doy - dox)]
print(col("%02X" % orb(line[j])), end=' ')
if linex[j] == liney[j]:
cl += sane_color(line[j])
cl += col(sane(line[j]))
print(" ", end=' ')
cl += " "
print(" ", end=' ')
if j == 7:
print("", end=' ')
print(" ", cl)
if doy or not yy:
doy = 0
dox = 1
i += 16
if yy:
dox = 0
doy = 1
i += 16
if struct.pack("H", 1) == b"\x00\x01": # big endian
checksum_endian_transform = lambda chk: chk
checksum_endian_transform = lambda chk: ((chk >> 8) & 0xff) | chk << 8
def checksum(pkt):
if len(pkt) % 2 == 1:
pkt += b"\0"
s = sum(array.array("H", pkt))
s = (s >> 16) + (s & 0xffff)
s += s >> 16
s = ~s
return checksum_endian_transform(s) & 0xffff
def _fletcher16(charbuf):
# This is based on the GPLed C implementation in Zebra <http://www.zebra.org/> # noqa: E501
c0 = c1 = 0
for char in charbuf:
c0 += orb(char)
c1 += c0
c0 %= 255
c1 %= 255
return (c0, c1)
def fletcher16_checksum(binbuf):
"""Calculates Fletcher-16 checksum of the given buffer.
If the buffer contains the two checkbytes derived from the Fletcher-16 checksum # noqa: E501
the result of this function has to be 0. Otherwise the buffer has been corrupted. # noqa: E501
(c0, c1) = _fletcher16(binbuf)
return (c1 << 8) | c0
def fletcher16_checkbytes(binbuf, offset):
"""Calculates the Fletcher-16 checkbytes returned as 2 byte binary-string.
Including the bytes into the buffer (at the position marked by offset) the # noqa: E501
global Fletcher-16 checksum of the buffer will be 0. Thus it is easy to verify # noqa: E501
the integrity of the buffer on the receiver side.
For details on the algorithm, see RFC 2328 chapter 12.1.7 and RFC 905 Annex B. # noqa: E501
# This is based on the GPLed C implementation in Zebra <http://www.zebra.org/> # noqa: E501
if len(binbuf) < offset:
raise Exception("Packet too short for checkbytes %d" % len(binbuf))
binbuf = binbuf[:offset] + b"\x00\x00" + binbuf[offset + 2:]
(c0, c1) = _fletcher16(binbuf)
x = ((len(binbuf) - offset - 1) * c0 - c1) % 255
if (x <= 0):
x += 255
y = 510 - c0 - x
if (y > 255):
y -= 255
return chb(x) + chb(y)
def mac2str(mac):
return b"".join(chb(int(x, 16)) for x in plain_str(mac).split(':'))
def valid_mac(mac):
return len(mac2str(mac)) == 6
except ValueError:
return False
def str2mac(s):
if isinstance(s, str):
return ("%02x:" * 6)[:-1] % tuple(map(ord, s))
return ("%02x:" * 6)[:-1] % tuple(s)
def randstring(l):
Returns a random string of length l (l >= 0)
return b"".join(struct.pack('B', random.randint(0, 255)) for _ in range(l))
def zerofree_randstring(l):
Returns a random string of length l (l >= 0) without zero in it.
return b"".join(struct.pack('B', random.randint(1, 255)) for _ in range(l))
def strxor(s1, s2):
Returns the binary XOR of the 2 provided strings s1 and s2. s1 and s2
must be of same length.
return b"".join(map(lambda x, y: chb(orb(x) ^ orb(y)), s1, s2))
def strand(s1, s2):
Returns the binary AND of the 2 provided strings s1 and s2. s1 and s2
must be of same length.
return b"".join(map(lambda x, y: chb(orb(x) & orb(y)), s1, s2))
# Workaround bug 643005 : https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&atid=105470&aid=643005&group_id=5470 # noqa: E501
except socket.error:
def inet_aton(x):
if x == "":
return b"\xff" * 4
return socket.inet_aton(x)
inet_aton = socket.inet_aton
inet_ntoa = socket.inet_ntoa
def atol(x):
ip = inet_aton(x)
except socket.error:
ip = inet_aton(socket.gethostbyname(x))
return struct.unpack("!I", ip)[0]
def valid_ip(addr):
addr = plain_str(addr)
except UnicodeDecodeError:
return False
except (OSError, ValueError, socket.error):
return False
return True
def valid_net(addr):
addr = plain_str(addr)
except UnicodeDecodeError:
return False
if '/' in addr:
ip, mask = addr.split('/', 1)
return valid_ip(ip) and mask.isdigit() and 0 <= int(mask) <= 32
return valid_ip(addr)
def valid_ip6(addr):
addr = plain_str(addr)
except UnicodeDecodeError:
return False
inet_pton(socket.AF_INET6, addr)
except socket.error:
socket.getaddrinfo(addr, None, socket.AF_INET6)[0][4][0]
except socket.error:
return False
return True
def valid_net6(addr):
addr = plain_str(addr)
except UnicodeDecodeError:
return False
if '/' in addr:
ip, mask = addr.split('/', 1)
return valid_ip6(ip) and mask.isdigit() and 0 <= int(mask) <= 128
return valid_ip6(addr)
# That is a hell of compatibility :(
def ltoa(x):
return inet_ntoa(struct.pack("<I", x & 0xffffffff))
def ltoa(x):
return inet_ntoa(struct.pack("!I", x & 0xffffffff))
def itom(x):
return (0xffffffff00000000 >> x) & 0xffffffff
class ContextManagerSubprocess(object):
Context manager that eases checking for unknown command, without
>>> with ContextManagerSubprocess("tcpdump"):
>>> subprocess.Popen(["tcpdump", "--version"])
ERROR: Could not execute tcpdump, is it installed?
def __init__(self, prog, suppress=True):
self.prog = prog
self.suppress = suppress
def __enter__(self):
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):
if exc_value is None:
# Errored
if isinstance(exc_value, EnvironmentError):
msg = "Could not execute %s, is it installed?" % self.prog
msg = "%s: execution failed (%s)" % (
if not self.suppress:
raise exc_type(msg)
log_runtime.error(msg, exc_info=True)
return True # Suppress the exception
class ContextManagerCaptureOutput(object):
Context manager that intercept the console's output.
>>> with ContextManagerCaptureOutput() as cmco:
... print("hey")
... assert cmco.get_output() == "hey"
def __init__(self):
self.result_export_object = ""
import mock # noqa: F401
except Exception:
raise ImportError("The mock module needs to be installed !")
def __enter__(self):
import mock
def write(s, decorator=self):
decorator.result_export_object += s
mock_stdout = mock.Mock()
mock_stdout.write = write
self.bck_stdout = sys.stdout
sys.stdout = mock_stdout
return self
def __exit__(self, *exc):
sys.stdout = self.bck_stdout
return False
def get_output(self, eval_bytes=False):
if self.result_export_object.startswith("b'") and eval_bytes:
return plain_str(eval(self.result_export_object))
return self.result_export_object
def do_graph(graph, prog=None, format=None, target=None, type=None,
string=None, options=None):
"""Processes graph description using an external software.
This method is used to convert a graphviz format to an image.
:param graph: GraphViz graph description
:param prog: which graphviz program to use
:param format: output type (svg, ps, gif, jpg, etc.), passed to dot's "-T"
:param string: if not None, simply return the graph string
:param target: filename or redirect. Defaults pipe to Imagemagick's
display program
:param options: options to be passed to prog
if format is None:
format = "svg"
if string:
return graph
if type is not None:
warning("type is deprecated, and was renamed format")
format = type
if prog is None:
prog = conf.prog.dot
start_viewer = False
if target is None:
target = get_temp_file(autoext="." + format)
start_viewer = True
with ContextManagerSubprocess(conf.prog.display):
target = subprocess.Popen([conf.prog.display],
if format is not None:
format = "-T%s" % format
if isinstance(target, str):
if target.startswith('|'):
target = subprocess.Popen(target[1:].lstrip(), shell=True,
elif target.startswith('>'):
target = open(target[1:].lstrip(), "wb")
target = open(os.path.abspath(target), "wb")
proc = subprocess.Popen(
"\"%s\" %s %s" % (prog, options or "", format or ""),
shell=True, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=target,
_, stderr = proc.communicate(bytes_encode(graph))
if proc.returncode != 0:
raise OSError(
"GraphViz call failed (is it installed?):\n" +
except Exception:
if start_viewer:
# Workaround for file not found error: We wait until tempfile is written. # noqa: E501
waiting_start = time.time()
while not os.path.exists(target.name):
if time.time() - waiting_start > 3:
warning("Temporary file '%s' could not be written. Graphic will not be displayed.",
tempfile) # noqa: E501
if conf.prog.display == conf.prog._default:
with ContextManagerSubprocess(conf.prog.display):
subprocess.Popen([conf.prog.display, target.name])
_TEX_TR = {
"{": "{\\tt\\char123}",
"}": "{\\tt\\char125}",
"\\": "{\\tt\\char92}",
"^": "\\^{}",
"$": "\\$",
"#": "\\#",
"_": "\\_",
"&": "\\&",
"%": "\\%",
"|": "{\\tt\\char124}",
"~": "{\\tt\\char126}",
"<": "{\\tt\\char60}",
">": "{\\tt\\char62}",
def tex_escape(x):
s = ""
for c in x:
s += _TEX_TR.get(c, c)
return s
def colgen(*lstcol, **kargs):
"""Returns a generator that mixes provided quantities forever
trans: a function to convert the three arguments into a color. lambda x,y,z:(x,y,z) by default""" # noqa: E501
if len(lstcol) < 2:
lstcol *= 2
trans = kargs.get("trans", lambda x, y, z: (x, y, z))
while True:
for i in range(len(lstcol)):
for j in range(len(lstcol)):
for k in range(len(lstcol)):
if i != j or j != k or k != i:
yield trans(lstcol[(i + j) % len(lstcol)], lstcol[(j + k) % len(lstcol)],
lstcol[(k + i) % len(lstcol)]) # noqa: E501
def incremental_label(label="tag%05i", start=0):
while True:
yield label % start
start += 1
def binrepr(val):
return bin(val)[2:]
def long_converter(s):
return int(s.replace('\n', '').replace(' ', ''), 16)
# Enum management #
class EnumElement:
_value = None
def __init__(self, key, value):
self._key = key
self._value = value
def __repr__(self):
return "<%s %s[%r]>" % (
self.__dict__.get("_name", self.__class__.__name__), self._key, self._value) # noqa: E501
def __getattr__(self, attr):
return getattr(self._value, attr)
def __str__(self):
return self._key
def __bytes__(self):
return bytes_encode(self.__str__())
def __hash__(self):
return self._value
def __int__(self):
return int(self._value)
def __eq__(self, other):
return self._value == int(other)
def __neq__(self, other):
return not self.__eq__(other)
class Enum_metaclass(type):
element_class = EnumElement
def __new__(cls, name, bases, dct):
rdict = {}
for k, v in six.iteritems(dct):
if isinstance(v, int):
v = cls.element_class(k, v)
dct[k] = v
rdict[v] = k
dct["__rdict__"] = rdict
return super(Enum_metaclass, cls).__new__(cls, name, bases, dct)
def __getitem__(self, attr):
return self.__rdict__[attr]
def __contains__(self, val):
return val in self.__rdict__
def get(self, attr, val=None):
return self.__rdict__.get(attr, val)
def __repr__(self):
return "<%s>" % self.__dict__.get("name", self.__name__)
# Object saving #
def export_object(obj):
print(bytes_base64(gzip.zlib.compress(six.moves.cPickle.dumps(obj, 2), 9)))
def import_object(obj=None):
if obj is None:
obj = sys.stdin.read()
return six.moves.cPickle.loads(gzip.zlib.decompress(base64_bytes(obj.strip()))) # noqa: E501
def save_object(fname, obj):
"""Pickle a Python object"""
fd = gzip.open(fname, "wb")
six.moves.cPickle.dump(obj, fd)
def load_object(fname):
"""unpickle a Python object"""
return six.moves.cPickle.load(gzip.open(fname, "rb"))
def corrupt_bytes(s, p=0.01, n=None):
"""Corrupt a given percentage or number of bytes from a string"""
s = array.array("B", bytes_encode(s))
s_len = len(s)
if n is None:
n = max(1, int(s_len * p))
for i in random.sample(range(s_len), n):
s[i] = (s[i] + random.randint(1, 255)) % 256
return s.tostring() if six.PY2 else s.tobytes()
def corrupt_bits(s, p=0.01, n=None):
"""Flip a given percentage or number of bits from a string"""
s = array.array("B", bytes_encode(s))
s_len = len(s) * 8
if n is None:
n = max(1, int(s_len * p))
for i in random.sample(range(s_len), n):
s[i // 8] ^= 1 << (i % 8)
return s.tostring() if six.PY2 else s.tobytes()
# pcap capture file stuff #
def wrpcap(filename, pkt, *args, **kargs):
"""Write a list of packets to a pcap file
:param filename: the name of the file to write packets to, or an open,
writable file-like object. The file descriptor will be
closed at the end of the call, so do not use an object you
do not want to close (e.g., running wrpcap(sys.stdout, [])
in interactive mode will crash Scapy).
:param gz: set to 1 to save a gzipped capture
:param linktype: force linktype value
:param endianness: "<" or ">", force endianness
:param sync: do not bufferize writes to the capture file
with PcapWriter(filename, *args, **kargs) as fdesc:
def rdpcap(filename, count=-1):
"""Read a pcap or pcapng file and return a packet list
:param count: read only <count> packets
with PcapReader(filename) as fdesc:
return fdesc.read_all(count=count)
class PcapReader_metaclass(type):
"""Metaclass for (Raw)Pcap(Ng)Readers"""
def __new__(cls, name, bases, dct):
"""The `alternative` class attribute is declared in the PcapNg
variant, and set here to the Pcap variant.
newcls = super(PcapReader_metaclass, cls).__new__(cls, name, bases, dct) # noqa: E501
if 'alternative' in dct:
dct['alternative'].alternative = newcls
return newcls
def __call__(cls, filename):
"""Creates a cls instance, use the `alternative` if that
i = cls.__new__(cls, cls.__name__, cls.__bases__, cls.__dict__)
filename, fdesc, magic = cls.open(filename)
i.__init__(filename, fdesc, magic)
except Scapy_Exception:
if "alternative" in cls.__dict__:
cls = cls.__dict__["alternative"]
i = cls.__new__(cls, cls.__name__, cls.__bases__, cls.__dict__)
i.__init__(filename, fdesc, magic)
except Scapy_Exception:
i.f.seek(-4, 1)
except Exception:
raise Scapy_Exception("Not a supported capture file")
return i
def open(filename):
"""Open (if necessary) filename, and read the magic."""
if isinstance(filename, six.string_types):
fdesc = gzip.open(filename, "rb")
magic = fdesc.read(4)
except IOError:
fdesc = open(filename, "rb")
magic = fdesc.read(4)
fdesc = filename
filename = getattr(fdesc, "name", "No name")
magic = fdesc.read(4)
return filename, fdesc, magic
class RawPcapReader(six.with_metaclass(PcapReader_metaclass)):
"""A stateful pcap reader. Each packet is returned as a string"""
read_allowed_exceptions = () # emulate SuperSocket
nonblocking_socket = True
PacketMetadata = collections.namedtuple("PacketMetadata",
["sec", "usec", "wirelen", "caplen"]) # noqa: E501
def __init__(self, filename, fdesc, magic):
self.filename = filename
self.f = fdesc
if magic == b"\xa1\xb2\xc3\xd4": # big endian
self.endian = ">"
self.nano = False
elif magic == b"\xd4\xc3\xb2\xa1": # little endian
self.endian = "<"
self.nano = False
elif magic == b"\xa1\xb2\x3c\x4d": # big endian, nanosecond-precision
self.endian = ">"
self.nano = True
elif magic == b"\x4d\x3c\xb2\xa1": # little endian, nanosecond-precision # noqa: E501
self.endian = "<"
self.nano = True
raise Scapy_Exception(
"Not a pcap capture file (bad magic: %r)" % magic
hdr = self.f.read(20)
if len(hdr) < 20:
raise Scapy_Exception("Invalid pcap file (too short)")
vermaj, vermin, tz, sig, snaplen, linktype = struct.unpack(
self.endian + "HHIIII", hdr
self.linktype = linktype
self.snaplen = snaplen
def __iter__(self):
return self
def next(self):
"""implement the iterator protocol on a set of packets in a pcap file
pkt is a tuple (pkt_data, pkt_metadata) as defined in
return self.read_packet()
except EOFError:
raise StopIteration
__next__ = next
def read_packet(self, size=MTU):
"""return a single packet read from the file as a tuple containing
(pkt_data, pkt_metadata)
raise EOFError when no more packets are available
hdr = self.f.read(16)
if len(hdr) < 16:
raise EOFError
sec, usec, caplen, wirelen = struct.unpack(self.endian + "IIII", hdr)
return (self.f.read(caplen)[:size],
RawPcapReader.PacketMetadata(sec=sec, usec=usec,
wirelen=wirelen, caplen=caplen))
def dispatch(self, callback):
"""call the specified callback routine for each packet read
This is just a convenience function for the main loop
that allows for easy launching of packet processing in a
for p in self:
def read_all(self, count=-1):
"""return a list of all packets in the pcap file
res = []
while count != 0:
count -= 1
p = self.read_packet()
except EOFError:
return res
def recv(self, size=MTU):
""" Emulate a socket
return self.read_packet(size=size)[0]
def fileno(self):
return self.f.fileno()
def close(self):
return self.f.close()
def __enter__(self):
return self
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, tracback):
# emulate SuperSocket
def select(sockets, remain=None):
return sockets, None
class PcapReader(RawPcapReader):
def __init__(self, filename, fdesc, magic):
RawPcapReader.__init__(self, filename, fdesc, magic)
self.LLcls = conf.l2types[self.linktype]
except KeyError:
warning("PcapReader: unknown LL type [%i]/[%#x]. Using Raw packets" % (
self.linktype, self.linktype)) # noqa: E501
self.LLcls = conf.raw_layer
def read_packet(self, size=MTU):
rp = super(PcapReader, self).read_packet(size=size)
if rp is None:
raise EOFError
s, pkt_info = rp
p = self.LLcls(s)
except KeyboardInterrupt:
except Exception:
if conf.debug_dissector:
from scapy.sendrecv import debug
debug.crashed_on = (self.LLcls, s)
p = conf.raw_layer(s)
power = Decimal(10) ** Decimal(-9 if self.nano else -6)
p.time = EDecimal(pkt_info.sec + power * pkt_info.usec)
p.wirelen = pkt_info.wirelen
return p
def read_all(self, count=-1):
res = RawPcapReader.read_all(self, count)
from scapy import plist
return plist.PacketList(res, name=os.path.basename(self.filename))
def recv(self, size=MTU):
return self.read_packet(size=size)
class RawPcapNgReader(RawPcapReader):
"""A stateful pcapng reader. Each packet is returned as
alternative = RawPcapReader
PacketMetadata = collections.namedtuple("PacketMetadata",
["linktype", "tsresol",
"tshigh", "tslow", "wirelen"])
def __init__(self, filename, fdesc, magic):
self.filename = filename
self.f = fdesc
# A list of (linktype, snaplen, tsresol); will be populated by IDBs.
self.interfaces = []
self.default_options = {
"tsresol": 1000000
self.blocktypes = {
1: self.read_block_idb,
2: self.read_block_pkt,
3: self.read_block_spb,
6: self.read_block_epb,
if magic != b"\x0a\x0d\x0d\x0a": # PcapNg:
raise Scapy_Exception(
"Not a pcapng capture file (bad magic: %r)" % magic
# see https://github.com/pcapng/pcapng
blocklen, magic = self.f.read(4), self.f.read(4) # noqa: F841
if magic == b"\x1a\x2b\x3c\x4d":
self.endian = ">"
elif magic == b"\x4d\x3c\x2b\x1a":
self.endian = "<"
raise Scapy_Exception("Not a pcapng capture file (bad magic)")
blocklen = struct.unpack("!I", blocklen)[0]
# Read default options
self.default_options = self.read_options(
self.f.read(blocklen - 24)
except Exception:
def read_packet(self, size=MTU):
"""Read blocks until it reaches either EOF or a packet, and
returns None or (packet, (linktype, sec, usec, wirelen)),
where packet is a string.
while True:
blocktype, blocklen = struct.unpack(self.endian + "2I",
except struct.error:
raise EOFError
block = self.f.read(blocklen - 12)
if blocklen % 4:
pad = self.f.read(4 - (blocklen % 4))
warning("PcapNg: bad blocklen %d (MUST be a multiple of 4. "
"Ignored padding %r" % (blocklen, pad))
if (blocklen,) != struct.unpack(self.endian + 'I',
warning("PcapNg: Invalid pcapng block (bad blocklen)")
except struct.error:
raise EOFError
res = self.blocktypes.get(blocktype,
lambda block, size: None)(block, size)
if res is not None:
return res
def read_options(self, options):
"""Section Header Block"""
opts = self.default_options.copy()
while len(options) >= 4:
code, length = struct.unpack(self.endian + "HH", options[:4])
# PCAP Next Generation (pcapng) Capture File Format
# 4.2. - Interface Description Block
# http://xml2rfc.tools.ietf.org/cgi-bin/xml2rfc.cgi?url=https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pcapng/pcapng/master/draft-tuexen-opsawg-pcapng.xml&modeAsFormat=html/ascii&type=ascii#rfc.section.4.2
if code == 9 and length == 1 and len(options) >= 5:
tsresol = orb(options[4])
opts["tsresol"] = (2 if tsresol & 128 else 10) ** (
tsresol & 127
if code == 0:
if length != 0:
warning("PcapNg: invalid option length %d for end-of-option" % length) # noqa: E501
if length % 4:
length += (4 - (length % 4))
options = options[4 + length:]
return opts
def read_block_idb(self, block, _):
"""Interface Description Block"""
options = self.read_options(block[16:])
self.interfaces.append(struct.unpack(self.endian + "HxxI", block[:8]) +
def read_block_epb(self, block, size):
"""Enhanced Packet Block"""
intid, tshigh, tslow, caplen, wirelen = struct.unpack(
self.endian + "5I",
return (block[20:20 + caplen][:size],
RawPcapNgReader.PacketMetadata(linktype=self.interfaces[intid][0], # noqa: E501
tsresol=self.interfaces[intid][2], # noqa: E501
def read_block_spb(self, block, size):
"""Simple Packet Block"""
# "it MUST be assumed that all the Simple Packet Blocks have
# been captured on the interface previously specified in the
# first Interface Description Block."
intid = 0
wirelen, = struct.unpack(self.endian + "I", block[:4])
caplen = min(wirelen, self.interfaces[intid][1])
return (block[4:4 + caplen][:size],
RawPcapNgReader.PacketMetadata(linktype=self.interfaces[intid][0], # noqa: E501
tsresol=self.interfaces[intid][2], # noqa: E501
def read_block_pkt(self, block, size):
"""(Obsolete) Packet Block"""
intid, drops, tshigh, tslow, caplen, wirelen = struct.unpack(
self.endian + "HH4I",
return (block[20:20 + caplen][:size],
RawPcapNgReader.PacketMetadata(linktype=self.interfaces[intid][0], # noqa: E501
tsresol=self.interfaces[intid][2], # noqa: E501
class PcapNgReader(RawPcapNgReader):
alternative = PcapReader
def __init__(self, filename, fdesc, magic):
RawPcapNgReader.__init__(self, filename, fdesc, magic)
def read_packet(self, size=MTU):
rp = super(PcapNgReader, self).read_packet(size=size)
if rp is None:
raise EOFError
s, (linktype, tsresol, tshigh, tslow, wirelen) = rp
p = conf.l2types[linktype](s)
except KeyboardInterrupt:
except Exception:
if conf.debug_dissector:
p = conf.raw_layer(s)
if tshigh is not None:
p.time = EDecimal((tshigh << 32) + tslow) / tsresol
p.wirelen = wirelen
return p
def read_all(self, count=-1):
res = RawPcapNgReader.read_all(self, count)
from scapy import plist
return plist.PacketList(res, name=os.path.basename(self.filename))
def recv(self, size=MTU):
return self.read_packet()
class RawPcapWriter:
"""A stream PCAP writer with more control than wrpcap()"""
def __init__(self, filename, linktype=None, gz=False, endianness="",
append=False, sync=False, nano=False, snaplen=MTU):
:param filename: the name of the file to write packets to, or an open,
writable file-like object.
:param linktype: force linktype to a given value. If None, linktype is
taken from the first writer packet
:param gz: compress the capture on the fly
:param endianness: force an endianness (little:"<", big:">").
Default is native
:param append: append packets to the capture file instead of
truncating it
:param sync: do not bufferize writes to the capture file
:param nano: use nanosecond-precision (requires libpcap >= 1.5.0)
self.linktype = linktype
self.snaplen = snaplen
self.header_present = 0
self.append = append
self.gz = gz
self.endian = endianness
self.sync = sync
self.nano = nano
bufsz = 4096
if sync:
bufsz = 0
if isinstance(filename, six.string_types):
self.filename = filename
self.f = [open, gzip.open][gz](filename, append and "ab" or "wb", gz and 9 or bufsz) # noqa: E501
self.f = filename
self.filename = getattr(filename, "name", "No name")
def fileno(self):
return self.f.fileno()
def _write_header(self, pkt):
self.header_present = 1
if self.append:
# Even if prone to race conditions, this seems to be
# safest way to tell whether the header is already present
# because we have to handle compressed streams that
# are not as flexible as basic files
g = [open, gzip.open][self.gz](self.filename, "rb")
if g.read(16):
self.f.write(struct.pack(self.endian + "IHHIIII", 0xa1b23c4d if self.nano else 0xa1b2c3d4, # noqa: E501
2, 4, 0, 0, self.snaplen, self.linktype))
def write(self, pkt):
Writes a Packet, a SndRcvList object, or bytes to a pcap file.
:param pkt: Packet(s) to write (one record for each Packet), or raw
bytes to write (as one record).
:type pkt: iterable[scapy.packet.Packet], scapy.packet.Packet or bytes
if isinstance(pkt, bytes):
if not self.header_present:
# Import here to avoid a circular dependency
from scapy.plist import SndRcvList
if isinstance(pkt, SndRcvList):
pkt = (p for t in pkt for p in t)
pkt = pkt.__iter__()
for p in pkt:
if not self.header_present:
if self.linktype != conf.l2types.get(type(p), None):
warning("Inconsistent linktypes detected!"
" The resulting PCAP file might contain"
" invalid packets."
def _write_packet(self, packet, sec=None, usec=None, caplen=None,
Writes a single packet to the pcap file.
:param packet: bytes for a single packet
:type packet: bytes
:param sec: time the packet was captured, in seconds since epoch. If
not supplied, defaults to now.
:type sec: int or long
:param usec: If ``nano=True``, then number of nanoseconds after the
second that the packet was captured. If ``nano=False``,
then the number of microseconds after the second the
packet was captured
:type usec: int or long
:param caplen: The length of the packet in the capture file. If not
specified, uses ``len(packet)``.
:type caplen: int
:param wirelen: The length of the packet on the wire. If not
specified, uses ``caplen``.
:type wirelen: int
:return: None
:rtype: None
if caplen is None:
caplen = len(packet)
if wirelen is None:
wirelen = caplen
if sec is None or usec is None:
t = time.time()
it = int(t)
if sec is None:
sec = it
usec = int(round((t - it) *
(1000000000 if self.nano else 1000000)))
elif usec is None:
usec = 0
self.f.write(struct.pack(self.endian + "IIII",
sec, usec, caplen, wirelen))
if self.sync:
def flush(self):
return self.f.flush()
def close(self):
if not self.header_present:
return self.f.close()
def __enter__(self):
return self
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, tracback):
class PcapWriter(RawPcapWriter):
"""A stream PCAP writer with more control than wrpcap()"""
def _write_header(self, pkt):
if self.linktype is None:
self.linktype = conf.l2types[pkt.__class__]
# Import here to prevent import loops
from scapy.layers.inet import IP
from scapy.layers.inet6 import IPv6
if OPENBSD and isinstance(pkt, (IP, IPv6)):
self.linktype = 14 # DLT_RAW
except KeyError:
warning("PcapWriter: unknown LL type for %s. Using type 1 (Ethernet)",
pkt.__class__.__name__) # noqa: E501
self.linktype = DLT_EN10MB
RawPcapWriter._write_header(self, pkt)
def _write_packet(self, packet, sec=None, usec=None, caplen=None,
Writes a single packet to the pcap file.
:param packet: Packet, or bytes for a single packet
:type packet: scapy.packet.Packet or bytes
:param sec: time the packet was captured, in seconds since epoch. If
not supplied, defaults to now.
:type sec: int or long
:param usec: If ``nano=True``, then number of nanoseconds after the
second that the packet was captured. If ``nano=False``,
then the number of microseconds after the second the
packet was captured. If ``sec`` is not specified,
this value is ignored.
:type usec: int or long
:param caplen: The length of the packet in the capture file. If not
specified, uses ``len(raw(packet))``.
:type caplen: int
:param wirelen: The length of the packet on the wire. If not
specified, tries ``packet.wirelen``, otherwise uses
:type wirelen: int
:return: None
:rtype: None
if hasattr(packet, "time"):
if sec is None:
sec = int(packet.time)
usec = int(round((packet.time - sec) *
(1000000000 if self.nano else 1000000)))
if usec is None:
usec = 0
rawpkt = raw(packet)
caplen = len(rawpkt) if caplen is None else caplen
if wirelen is None:
if hasattr(packet, "wirelen"):
wirelen = packet.wirelen
if wirelen is None:
wirelen = caplen
self, rawpkt, sec=sec, usec=usec, caplen=caplen, wirelen=wirelen)
def import_hexcap(input_string=None):
"""Imports a tcpdump like hexadecimal view
e.g: exported via hexdump() or tcpdump or wireshark's "export as hex"
:param input_string: String containing the hexdump input to parse. If None,
read from standard input.
re_extract_hexcap = re.compile(r"^((0x)?[0-9a-fA-F]{2,}[ :\t]{,3}|) *(([0-9a-fA-F]{2} {,2}){,16})") # noqa: E501
p = ""
if input_string:
input_function = six.StringIO(input_string).readline
input_function = input
while True:
line = input_function().strip()
if not line:
p += re_extract_hexcap.match(line).groups()[2]
except Exception:
warning("Parsing error during hexcap")
except EOFError:
p = p.replace(" ", "")
return hex_bytes(p)
def wireshark(pktlist, wait=False, **kwargs):
Runs Wireshark on a list of packets.
See :func:`tcpdump` for more parameter description.
Note: this defaults to wait=False, to run Wireshark in the background.
return tcpdump(pktlist, prog=conf.prog.wireshark, wait=wait, **kwargs)
def tdecode(pktlist, args=None, **kwargs):
Run tshark on a list of packets.
:param args: If not specified, defaults to ``tshark -V``.
See :func:`tcpdump` for more parameters.
if args is None:
args = ["-V"]
return tcpdump(pktlist, prog=conf.prog.tshark, args=args, **kwargs)
def _guess_linktype_name(value):
"""Guess the DLT name from its value."""
import scapy.data
return next(
k[4:] for k, v in six.iteritems(scapy.data.__dict__)
if k.startswith("DLT") and v == value
def _guess_linktype_value(name):
"""Guess the value of a DLT name."""
import scapy.data
if not name.startswith("DLT_"):
name = "DLT_" + name
return scapy.data.__dict__[name]
def tcpdump(pktlist=None, dump=False, getfd=False, args=None,
prog=None, getproc=False, quiet=False, use_tempfile=None,
read_stdin_opts=None, linktype=None, wait=True,
"""Run tcpdump or tshark on a list of packets.
When using ``tcpdump`` on OSX (``prog == conf.prog.tcpdump``), this uses a
temporary file to store the packets. This works around a bug in Apple's
version of ``tcpdump``: http://apple.stackexchange.com/questions/152682/
Otherwise, the packets are passed in stdin.
This function can be explicitly enabled or disabled with the
``use_tempfile`` parameter.
When using ``wireshark``, it will be called with ``-ki -`` to start
immediately capturing packets from stdin.
Otherwise, the command will be run with ``-r -`` (which is correct for
``tcpdump`` and ``tshark``).
This can be overridden with ``read_stdin_opts``. This has no effect when
``use_tempfile=True``, or otherwise reading packets from a regular file.
:param pktlist: a Packet instance, a PacketList instance or a list of
Packet instances. Can also be a filename (as a string), an open
file-like object that must be a file format readable by
tshark (Pcap, PcapNg, etc.) or None (to sniff)
:param dump: when set to True, returns a string instead of displaying it.
:param getfd: when set to True, returns a file-like object to read data
from tcpdump or tshark from.
:param getproc: when set to True, the subprocess.Popen object is returned
:param args: arguments (as a list) to pass to tshark (example for tshark:
args=["-T", "json"]).
:param prog: program to use (defaults to tcpdump, will work with tshark)
:param quiet: when set to True, the process stderr is discarded
:param use_tempfile: When set to True, always use a temporary file to store
When set to False, pipe packets through stdin.
When set to None (default), only use a temporary file with
``tcpdump`` on OSX.
:param read_stdin_opts: When set, a list of arguments needed to capture
from stdin. Otherwise, attempts to guess.
:param linktype: A custom DLT value or name, to overwrite the default
:param wait: If True (default), waits for the process to terminate before
returning to Scapy. If False, the process will be detached to the
background. If dump, getproc or getfd is True, these have the same
effect as ``wait=False``.
>>> tcpdump([IP()/TCP(), IP()/UDP()])
reading from file -, link-type RAW (Raw IP)
16:46:00.474515 IP > Flags [S], seq 0, win 8192, length 0 # noqa: E501
16:46:00.475019 IP > [|domain]
>>> tcpdump([IP()/TCP(), IP()/UDP()], prog=conf.prog.tshark)
1 0.000000 -> TCP 40 20->80 [SYN] Seq=0 Win=8192 Len=0 # noqa: E501
2 0.000459 -> UDP 28 53->53 Len=0
To get a JSON representation of a tshark-parsed PacketList(), one can::
>>> import json, pprint
>>> json_data = json.load(tcpdump(IP(src="",
... dst=""),
... prog=conf.prog.tshark,
... args=["-T", "json"],
... getfd=True))
>>> pprint.pprint(json_data)
[{u'_index': u'packets-2016-12-23',
u'_score': None,
u'_source': {u'layers': {u'frame': {u'frame.cap_len': u'20',
u'frame.encap_type': u'7',
u'ip': {u'ip.addr': u'',
u'ip.checksum': u'0x0000a20d',
u'ip.ttl': u'64',
u'ip.version': u'4'},
u'raw': u'Raw packet data'}},
u'_type': u'pcap_file'}]
>>> json_data[0]['_source']['layers']['ip']['ip.ttl']
getfd = getfd or getproc
if prog is None:
if not conf.prog.tcpdump:
raise Scapy_Exception(
"tcpdump is not available"
prog = [conf.prog.tcpdump]
elif isinstance(prog, six.string_types):
prog = [prog]
raise ValueError("prog must be a string")
if linktype is not None:
# Tcpdump does not support integers in -y (yet)
# https://github.com/the-tcpdump-group/tcpdump/issues/758
if isinstance(linktype, int):
# Guess name from value
linktype_name = _guess_linktype_name(linktype)
except StopIteration:
linktype = -1
# Guess value from name
if linktype.startswith("DLT_"):
linktype = linktype[4:]
linktype_name = linktype
linktype = _guess_linktype_value(linktype)
except KeyError:
linktype = -1
if linktype == -1:
raise ValueError(
"Unknown linktype. Try passing its datalink name instead"
prog += ["-y", linktype_name]
# Build Popen arguments
if args is None:
args = []
# Make a copy of args
args = list(args)
stdout = subprocess.PIPE if dump or getfd else None
stderr = open(os.devnull) if quiet else None
proc = None
if use_tempfile is None:
# Apple's tcpdump cannot read from stdin, see:
# http://apple.stackexchange.com/questions/152682/
use_tempfile = DARWIN and prog[0] == conf.prog.tcpdump
if read_stdin_opts is None:
if prog[0] == conf.prog.wireshark:
# Start capturing immediately (-k) from stdin (-i -)
read_stdin_opts = ["-ki", "-"]
read_stdin_opts = ["-r", "-"]
# Make a copy of read_stdin_opts
read_stdin_opts = list(read_stdin_opts)
if pktlist is None:
# sniff
with ContextManagerSubprocess(prog[0], suppress=_suppress):
proc = subprocess.Popen(
prog + args,
elif isinstance(pktlist, six.string_types):
# file
with ContextManagerSubprocess(prog[0], suppress=_suppress):
proc = subprocess.Popen(
prog + ["-r", pktlist] + args,
elif use_tempfile:
tmpfile = get_temp_file(autoext=".pcap", fd=True)
tmpfile.writelines(iter(lambda: pktlist.read(1048576), b""))
except AttributeError:
wrpcap(tmpfile, pktlist, linktype=linktype)
with ContextManagerSubprocess(prog[0], suppress=_suppress):
proc = subprocess.Popen(
prog + ["-r", tmpfile.name] + args,
# pass the packet stream
with ContextManagerSubprocess(prog[0], suppress=_suppress):
proc = subprocess.Popen(
prog + read_stdin_opts + args,
if proc is None:
# An error has occurred
proc.stdin.writelines(iter(lambda: pktlist.read(1048576), b""))
except AttributeError:
wrpcap(proc.stdin, pktlist, linktype=linktype)
except UnboundLocalError:
# The error was handled by ContextManagerSubprocess
if proc is None:
# An error has occurred
if dump:
return b"".join(iter(lambda: proc.stdout.read(1048576), b""))
if getproc:
return proc
if getfd:
return proc.stdout
if wait:
def hexedit(pktlist):
"""Run hexedit on a list of packets, then return the edited packets."""
f = get_temp_file()
wrpcap(f, pktlist)
with ContextManagerSubprocess(conf.prog.hexedit):
subprocess.call([conf.prog.hexedit, f])
pktlist = rdpcap(f)
return pktlist
def get_terminal_width():
"""Get terminal width (number of characters) if in a window.
Notice: this will try several methods in order to
support as many terminals and OS as possible.
# Let's first try using the official API
# (Python 3.3+)
if not six.PY2:
import shutil
sizex = shutil.get_terminal_size(fallback=(0, 0))[0]
if sizex != 0:
return sizex
# Backups / Python 2.7
from ctypes import windll, create_string_buffer
# http://code.activestate.com/recipes/440694-determine-size-of-console-window-on-windows/
h = windll.kernel32.GetStdHandle(-12)
csbi = create_string_buffer(22)
res = windll.kernel32.GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(h, csbi)
if res:
(bufx, bufy, curx, cury, wattr,
left, top, right, bottom, maxx, maxy) = struct.unpack("hhhhHhhhhhh", csbi.raw) # noqa: E501
sizex = right - left + 1
# sizey = bottom - top + 1
return sizex
return None
# We have various methods
sizex = None
# COLUMNS is set on some terminals
sizex = int(os.environ['COLUMNS'])
except Exception:
if sizex:
return sizex
# We can query TIOCGWINSZ
import fcntl
import termios
s = struct.pack('HHHH', 0, 0, 0, 0)
x = fcntl.ioctl(1, termios.TIOCGWINSZ, s)
sizex = struct.unpack('HHHH', x)[1]
except IOError:
return sizex
def pretty_list(rtlst, header, sortBy=0, borders=False):
"""Pretty list to fit the terminal, and add header"""
if borders:
_space = "|"
_space = " "
# Windows has a fat terminal border
_spacelen = len(_space) * (len(header) - 1) + (10 if WINDOWS else 0)
_croped = False
# Sort correctly
rtlst.sort(key=lambda x: x[sortBy])
# Append tag
rtlst = header + rtlst
# Detect column's width
colwidth = [max([len(y) for y in x]) for x in zip(*rtlst)]
# Make text fit in box (if required)
width = get_terminal_width()
if conf.auto_crop_tables and width:
width = width - _spacelen
while sum(colwidth) > width:
_croped = True
# Needs to be cropped
# Get the longest row
i = colwidth.index(max(colwidth))
# Get all elements of this row
row = [len(x[i]) for x in rtlst]
# Get biggest element of this row: biggest of the array
j = row.index(max(row))
# Re-build column tuple with the edited element
t = list(rtlst[j])
t[i] = t[i][:-2] + "_"
rtlst[j] = tuple(t)
# Update max size
row[j] = len(t[i])
colwidth[i] = max(row)
if _croped:
log_runtime.info("Table cropped to fit the terminal (conf.auto_crop_tables==True)") # noqa: E501
# Generate padding scheme
fmt = _space.join(["%%-%ds" % x for x in colwidth])
# Append separation line if needed
if borders:
rtlst.insert(1, tuple("-" * x for x in colwidth))
# Compile
rt = "\n".join(((fmt % x).strip() for x in rtlst))
return rt
def __make_table(yfmtfunc, fmtfunc, endline, data, fxyz, sortx=None, sorty=None, seplinefunc=None): # noqa: E501
"""Core function of the make_table suite, which generates the table"""
vx = {}
vy = {}
vz = {}
vxf = {}
# Python 2 backward compatibility
fxyz = lambda_tuple_converter(fxyz)
tmp_len = 0
for e in data:
xx, yy, zz = [str(s) for s in fxyz(*e)]
tmp_len = max(len(yy), tmp_len)
vx[xx] = max(vx.get(xx, 0), len(xx), len(zz))
vy[yy] = None
vz[(xx, yy)] = zz
vxk = list(vx)
vyk = list(vy)
if sortx:
except Exception:
except Exception:
if sorty:
except Exception:
except Exception:
if seplinefunc:
sepline = seplinefunc(tmp_len, [vx[x] for x in vxk])
fmt = yfmtfunc(tmp_len)
print(fmt % "", end=' ')
for x in vxk:
vxf[x] = fmtfunc(vx[x])
print(vxf[x] % x, end=' ')
if seplinefunc:
for y in vyk:
print(fmt % y, end=' ')
for x in vxk:
print(vxf[x] % vz.get((x, y), "-"), end=' ')
if seplinefunc:
def make_table(*args, **kargs):
__make_table(lambda l: "%%-%is" % l, lambda l: "%%-%is" % l, "", *args, **kargs) # noqa: E501
def make_lined_table(*args, **kargs):
__make_table(lambda l: "%%-%is |" % l, lambda l: "%%-%is |" % l, "",
seplinefunc=lambda a, x: "+".join('-' * (y + 2) for y in [a - 1] + x + [-2]), # noqa: E501
*args, **kargs)
def make_tex_table(*args, **kargs):
__make_table(lambda l: "%s", lambda l: "& %s", "\\\\", seplinefunc=lambda a, x: "\\hline", *args,
**kargs) # noqa: E501
def whois(ip_address):
"""Whois client for Python"""
whois_ip = str(ip_address)
query = socket.gethostbyname(whois_ip)
except Exception:
query = whois_ip
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
s.connect(("whois.ripe.net", 43))
s.send(query.encode("utf8") + b"\r\n")
answer = b""
while True:
d = s.recv(4096)
answer += d
if not d:
ignore_tag = b"remarks:"
# ignore all lines starting with the ignore_tag
lines = [line for line in answer.split(b"\n") if
not line or (line and not line.startswith(ignore_tag))] # noqa: E501
# remove empty lines at the bottom
for i in range(1, len(lines)):
if not lines[-i].strip():
del lines[-i]
return b"\n".join(lines[3:])
class PeriodicSenderThread(threading.Thread):
def __init__(self, sock, pkt, interval=0.5):
""" Thread to send packets periodically
sock: socket where packet is sent periodically
pkt: packet to send
interval: interval between two packets
self._pkt = pkt
self._socket = sock
self._stopped = threading.Event()
self._interval = interval
def run(self):
while not self._stopped.is_set():
def stop(self):