# This file is part of Scapy # See http://www.secdev.org/projects/scapy for more information # Copyright (C) Philippe Biondi # This program is published under a GPLv2 license from __future__ import print_function import socket import subprocess from scapy.modules.six.moves.queue import Queue, Empty from scapy.pipetool import Source, Drain, Sink from scapy.config import conf from scapy.compat import raw from scapy.utils import ContextManagerSubprocess, PcapReader, PcapWriter class SniffSource(Source): """Read packets from an interface and send them to low exit. .. code:: +-----------+ >>-| |->> | | >-| [iface]--|-> +-----------+ If neither of the ``iface`` or ``socket`` parameters are specified, then Scapy will capture from the first network interface. :param iface: A layer 2 interface to sniff packets from. Mutually exclusive with the ``socket`` parameter. :param filter: Packet filter to use while capturing. See ``L2listen``. Not used with ``socket`` parameter. :param socket: A ``SuperSocket`` to sniff packets from. """ def __init__(self, iface=None, filter=None, socket=None, name=None): Source.__init__(self, name=name) if (iface or filter) and socket: raise ValueError("iface and filter options are mutually exclusive " "with socket") self.s = socket self.iface = iface self.filter = filter def start(self): if not self.s: self.s = conf.L2listen(iface=self.iface, filter=self.filter) def stop(self): if self.s: self.s.close() def fileno(self): return self.s.fileno() def check_recv(self): return True def deliver(self): try: pkt = self.s.recv() if pkt is not None: self._send(pkt) except EOFError: self.is_exhausted = True class RdpcapSource(Source): """Read packets from a PCAP file send them to low exit. .. code:: +----------+ >>-| |->> | | >-| [pcap]--|-> +----------+ """ def __init__(self, fname, name=None): Source.__init__(self, name=name) self.fname = fname self.f = PcapReader(self.fname) def start(self): self.f = PcapReader(self.fname) self.is_exhausted = False def stop(self): self.f.close() def fileno(self): return self.f.fileno() def check_recv(self): return True def deliver(self): try: p = self.f.recv() self._send(p) except EOFError: self.is_exhausted = True class InjectSink(Sink): """Packets received on low input are injected to an interface .. code:: +-----------+ >>-| |->> | | >-|--[iface] |-> +-----------+ """ def __init__(self, iface=None, name=None): Sink.__init__(self, name=name) if iface is None: iface = conf.iface self.iface = iface def start(self): self.s = conf.L2socket(iface=self.iface) def stop(self): self.s.close() def push(self, msg): self.s.send(msg) class Inject3Sink(InjectSink): def start(self): self.s = conf.L3socket(iface=self.iface) class WrpcapSink(Sink): """ Writes :py:class:`Packet` on the low entry to a ``pcap`` file. Ignores all messages on the high entry. .. note:: Due to limitations of the ``pcap`` format, all packets **must** be of the same link type. This class will not mutate packets to conform with the expected link type. .. code:: +----------+ >>-| |->> | | >-|--[pcap] |-> +----------+ :param fname: Filename to write packets to. :type fname: str :param linktype: See :py:attr:`linktype`. :type linktype: None or int .. py:attribute:: linktype Set an explicit link-type (``DLT_``) for packets. This must be an ``int`` or ``None``. This is the same as the :py:func:`wrpcap` ``linktype`` parameter. If ``None`` (the default), the linktype will be auto-detected on the first packet. This field will *not* be updated with the result of this auto-detection. This attribute has no effect after calling :py:meth:`PipeEngine.start`. """ def __init__(self, fname, name=None, linktype=None): Sink.__init__(self, name=name) self.fname = fname self.f = None self.linktype = linktype def start(self): self.f = PcapWriter(self.fname, linktype=self.linktype) def stop(self): if self.f: self.f.flush() self.f.close() def push(self, msg): if msg: self.f.write(msg) class WiresharkSink(WrpcapSink): """ Streams :py:class:`Packet` from the low entry to Wireshark. Packets are written into a ``pcap`` stream (like :py:class:`WrpcapSink`), and streamed to a new Wireshark process on its ``stdin``. Wireshark is run with the ``-ki -`` arguments, which cause it to treat ``stdin`` as a capture device. Arguments in :py:attr:`args` will be appended after this. Extends :py:mod:`WrpcapSink`. .. code:: +----------+ >>-| |->> | | >-|--[pcap] |-> +----------+ :param linktype: See :py:attr:`WrpcapSink.linktype`. :type linktype: None or int :param args: See :py:attr:`args`. :type args: None or list[str] .. py:attribute:: args Additional arguments for the Wireshark process. This must be either ``None`` (the default), or a ``list`` of ``str``. This attribute has no effect after calling :py:meth:`PipeEngine.start`. See :manpage:`wireshark(1)` for more details. """ def __init__(self, name=None, linktype=None, args=None): WrpcapSink.__init__(self, fname=None, name=name, linktype=linktype) self.args = args def start(self): # Wireshark must be running first, because PcapWriter will block until # data has been read! with ContextManagerSubprocess(conf.prog.wireshark): args = [conf.prog.wireshark, "-Slki", "-"] if self.args: args.extend(self.args) proc = subprocess.Popen( args, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=None, stderr=None, ) self.fname = proc.stdin WrpcapSink.start(self) class UDPDrain(Drain): """UDP payloads received on high entry are sent over UDP .. code:: +-------------+ >>-|--[payload]--|->> | X | >-|----[UDP]----|-> +-------------+ """ def __init__(self, ip="", port=1234): Drain.__init__(self) self.ip = ip self.port = port def push(self, msg): from scapy.layers.inet import IP, UDP if IP in msg and msg[IP].proto == 17 and UDP in msg: payload = msg[UDP].payload self._high_send(raw(payload)) def high_push(self, msg): from scapy.layers.inet import IP, UDP p = IP(dst=self.ip) / UDP(sport=1234, dport=self.port) / msg self._send(p) class FDSourceSink(Source): """Use a file descriptor as source and sink .. code:: +-------------+ >>-| |->> | | >-|-[file desc]-|-> +-------------+ """ def __init__(self, fd, name=None): Source.__init__(self, name=name) self.fd = fd def push(self, msg): self.fd.write(msg) def fileno(self): return self.fd.fileno() def deliver(self): self._send(self.fd.read()) class TCPConnectPipe(Source): """TCP connect to addr:port and use it as source and sink .. code:: +-------------+ >>-| |->> | | >-|-[addr:port]-|-> +-------------+ """ __selectable_force_select__ = True def __init__(self, addr="", port=0, name=None): Source.__init__(self, name=name) self.addr = addr self.port = port self.fd = None def start(self): self.fd = socket.socket() self.fd.connect((self.addr, self.port)) def stop(self): if self.fd: self.fd.close() def push(self, msg): self.fd.send(msg) def fileno(self): return self.fd.fileno() def deliver(self): try: msg = self.fd.recv(65536) except socket.error: self.stop() raise if msg: self._send(msg) class TCPListenPipe(TCPConnectPipe): """TCP listen on [addr:]port and use first connection as source and sink; send peer address to high output .. code:: +------^------+ >>-| +-[peer]-|->> | / | >-|-[addr:port]-|-> +-------------+ """ __selectable_force_select__ = True def __init__(self, addr="", port=0, name=None): TCPConnectPipe.__init__(self, addr, port, name) self.connected = False self.q = Queue() def start(self): self.connected = False self.fd = socket.socket() self.fd.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) self.fd.bind((self.addr, self.port)) self.fd.listen(1) def push(self, msg): if self.connected: self.fd.send(msg) else: self.q.put(msg) def deliver(self): if self.connected: try: msg = self.fd.recv(65536) except socket.error: self.stop() raise if msg: self._send(msg) else: fd, frm = self.fd.accept() self._high_send(frm) self.fd.close() self.fd = fd self.connected = True self._trigger(frm) while True: try: self.fd.send(self.q.get(block=False)) except Empty: break class TriggeredMessage(Drain): """Send a preloaded message when triggered and trigger in chain .. code:: +------^------+ >>-| | /----|->> | |/ | >-|-[ message ]-|-> +------^------+ """ def __init__(self, msg, name=None): Drain.__init__(self, name=name) self.msg = msg def on_trigger(self, trigmsg): self._send(self.msg) self._high_send(self.msg) self._trigger(trigmsg) class TriggerDrain(Drain): """Pass messages and trigger when a condition is met .. code:: +------^------+ >>-|-[condition]-|->> | | | >-|-[condition]-|-> +-------------+ """ def __init__(self, f, name=None): Drain.__init__(self, name=name) self.f = f def push(self, msg): v = self.f(msg) if v: self._trigger(v) self._send(msg) def high_push(self, msg): v = self.f(msg) if v: self._trigger(v) self._high_send(msg) class TriggeredValve(Drain): """Let messages alternatively pass or not, changing on trigger .. code:: +------^------+ >>-|-[pass/stop]-|->> | | | >-|-[pass/stop]-|-> +------^------+ """ def __init__(self, start_state=True, name=None): Drain.__init__(self, name=name) self.opened = start_state def push(self, msg): if self.opened: self._send(msg) def high_push(self, msg): if self.opened: self._high_send(msg) def on_trigger(self, msg): self.opened ^= True self._trigger(msg) class TriggeredQueueingValve(Drain): """Let messages alternatively pass or queued, changing on trigger .. code:: +------^-------+ >>-|-[pass/queue]-|->> | | | >-|-[pass/queue]-|-> +------^-------+ """ def __init__(self, start_state=True, name=None): Drain.__init__(self, name=name) self.opened = start_state self.q = Queue() def start(self): self.q = Queue() def push(self, msg): if self.opened: self._send(msg) else: self.q.put((True, msg)) def high_push(self, msg): if self.opened: self._send(msg) else: self.q.put((False, msg)) def on_trigger(self, msg): self.opened ^= True self._trigger(msg) while True: try: low, msg = self.q.get(block=False) except Empty: break else: if low: self._send(msg) else: self._high_send(msg) class TriggeredSwitch(Drain): r"""Let messages alternatively high or low, changing on trigger .. code:: +------^------+ >>-|-\ | /-|->> | [up/down] | >-|-/ | \-|-> +------^------+ """ def __init__(self, start_state=True, name=None): Drain.__init__(self, name=name) self.low = start_state def push(self, msg): if self.low: self._send(msg) else: self._high_send(msg) high_push = push def on_trigger(self, msg): self.low ^= True self._trigger(msg) class ConvertPipe(Drain): """Packets sent on entry are converted to another type of packet. .. code:: +-------------+ >>-|--[convert]--|->> | | >-|--[convert]--|-> +-------------+ See ``Packet.convert_packet``. """ def __init__(self, low_type=None, high_type=None, name=None): Drain.__init__(self, name=name) self.low_type = low_type self.high_type = high_type def push(self, msg): if self.low_type: msg = self.low_type.convert_packet(msg) self._send(msg) def high_push(self, msg): if self.high_type: msg = self.high_type.convert_packet(msg) self._high_send(msg)