diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
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> Simple "Monitor mode" for Bluetooth Classic. Sniff or inject BR/EDR Baseband packets in ESP32 BT connections.
-This is a reverse engineered **active** BR/EDR sniffer and ESP32 patching framework (soon to be open-sourced), which can be used to explore the Bluetooth (BT) BR/EDR interaction between ESP32 controller and a remote target.
+This is a reverse engineered **active** BR/EDR sniffer and [ESP32 patching framework](https://github.com/Matheus-Garbelini/esp32_firmware_patching_framework), which can be used to explore the Bluetooth (BT) BR/EDR interaction between ESP32 controller and a remote target.
Differently than **passive** sniffers, which do not interact with the BT network (piconet), the **active** sniffer connects itself to the remote BT device (BR/EDR target) and allows testing the BT protocol down to the Baseband layer while guided by a BT host stack such as **[blue-kitchen](https://github.com/bluekitchen/btstack)**. The *BrakTooth* sniffer supports cheap boards such as [ESP32-DOIT](https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005001757645011.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.0.0.364151a11nkQYT&algo_pvid=d71a7474-8721-44b8-ac22-2e7de1ebedcb&algo_exp_id=d71a7474-8721-44b8-ac22-2e7de1ebedcb-0&pdp_ext_f=%7B%22sku_id%22%3A%2212000017777037101%22%7D) ($4) or [ESP32-DevKitC](https://www.mouser.com/ProductDetail/Espressif-Systems/ESP32-DevKitC-32U?qs=%252BEew9%252B0nqrCEVvpkdH%2FG5Q%3D%3D) ($10).