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# -*- mode: python3; indent-tabs-mode: nil; tab-width: 4 -*-
# altbeacon.py - protocol handlers for AltBeacon
# This file is part of Scapy
# See http://www.secdev.org/projects/scapy for more information
# Copyright (C) Michael Farrell <micolous+git@gmail.com>
# This program is published under a GPLv2 (or later) license
# scapy.contrib.description = AltBeacon BLE proximity beacon
# scapy.contrib.status = loads
scapy.contrib.altbeacon - AltBeacon Bluetooth LE proximity beacons.
The AltBeacon specification can be found at: https://github.com/AltBeacon/spec
from scapy.fields import ByteField, ShortField, SignedByteField, \
from scapy.layers.bluetooth import EIR_Hdr, EIR_Manufacturer_Specific_Data, \
UUIDField, LowEnergyBeaconHelper
from scapy.packet import Packet
# When building beacon frames, one should use their own manufacturer ID.
# However, most software (including the AltBeacon SDK) requires explicitly
# registering particular manufacturer IDs to listen to, and the only ID used is
# that of Radius Networks (the developer of the specification).
# To maximise compatibility, Scapy's implementation of
# LowEnergyBeaconHelper.build_eir (for constructing frames) uses Radius
# Networks' manufacturer ID.
# Scapy's implementation of AltBeacon **does not** require a specific
# manufacturer ID to detect AltBeacons - it uses
# EIR_Manufacturer_Specific_Data.register_magic_payload.
class AltBeacon(Packet, LowEnergyBeaconHelper):
AltBeacon broadcast frame type.
name = "AltBeacon"
magic = b"\xBE\xAC"
fields_desc = [
StrFixedLenField("header", magic, len(magic)),
# The spec says this is 20 bytes, with >=16 bytes being an
# organisational unit-specific identifier. However, the Android library
# treats this as UUID + uint16 + uint16.
UUIDField("id1", None),
# Local identifier
ShortField("id2", None),
ShortField("id3", None),
SignedByteField("tx_power", None),
ByteField("mfg_reserved", None),
def magic_check(cls, payload):
Checks if the given payload is for us (starts with our magic string).
return payload.startswith(cls.magic)
def build_eir(self):
"""Builds a list of EIR messages to wrap this frame."""
# Note: Company ID is not required by spec, but most tools only look
# for manufacturer-specific data with Radius Networks' manufacturer ID.
return LowEnergyBeaconHelper.base_eir + [
EIR_Hdr() / EIR_Manufacturer_Specific_Data(
company_id=RADIUS_NETWORKS_MFG) / self