450 lines
21 KiB
450 lines
21 KiB
# This program is published under a GPLv2 license
# This file is part of Scapy
# See http://www.secdev.org/projects/scapy for more information
# Copyright (C) Ryan Speers <ryan@rmspeers.com> 2011-2012
# Copyright (C) Roger Meyer <roger.meyer@csus.edu>: 2012-03-10 Added frames
# Copyright (C) Gabriel Potter <gabriel@potter.fr>: 2018
# Intern at INRIA Grand Nancy Est
# This program is published under a GPLv2 license
Wireless MAC according to IEEE 802.15.4.
import struct
from scapy.compat import orb, chb
from scapy.error import warning
from scapy.config import conf
from scapy.data import DLT_IEEE802_15_4_WITHFCS, DLT_IEEE802_15_4_NOFCS
from scapy.packet import Packet, bind_layers
from scapy.fields import BitEnumField, BitField, ByteEnumField, ByteField, \
ConditionalField, Field, LELongField, PacketField, XByteField, \
XLEIntField, XLEShortField, FCSField, Emph
# Fields #
class dot15d4AddressField(Field):
__slots__ = ["adjust", "length_of"]
def __init__(self, name, default, length_of=None, fmt="<H", adjust=None):
Field.__init__(self, name, default, fmt)
self.length_of = length_of
if adjust is not None:
self.adjust = adjust
self.adjust = lambda pkt, x: self.lengthFromAddrMode(pkt, x)
def i2repr(self, pkt, x):
"""Convert internal value to a nice representation"""
if len(hex(self.i2m(pkt, x))) < 7: # short address
return hex(self.i2m(pkt, x))
else: # long address
x = "%016x" % self.i2m(pkt, x)
return ":".join(["%s%s" % (x[i], x[i + 1]) for i in range(0, len(x), 2)]) # noqa: E501
def addfield(self, pkt, s, val):
"""Add an internal value to a string"""
if self.adjust(pkt, self.length_of) == 2:
return s + struct.pack(self.fmt[0] + "H", val)
elif self.adjust(pkt, self.length_of) == 8:
return s + struct.pack(self.fmt[0] + "Q", val)
return s
def getfield(self, pkt, s):
if self.adjust(pkt, self.length_of) == 2:
return s[2:], self.m2i(pkt, struct.unpack(self.fmt[0] + "H", s[:2])[0]) # noqa: E501
elif self.adjust(pkt, self.length_of) == 8:
return s[8:], self.m2i(pkt, struct.unpack(self.fmt[0] + "Q", s[:8])[0]) # noqa: E501
raise Exception('impossible case')
def lengthFromAddrMode(self, pkt, x):
addrmode = 0
pkttop = pkt.underlayer
if pkttop is None:
warning("No underlayer to guess address mode")
return 0
while True:
addrmode = pkttop.getfieldval(x)
except Exception:
if pkttop.underlayer is None:
pkttop = pkttop.underlayer
# print "Underlayer field value of", x, "is", addrmode
if addrmode == 2:
return 2
elif addrmode == 3:
return 8
return 0
# Layers #
class Dot15d4(Packet):
name = "802.15.4"
fields_desc = [
BitField("fcf_reserved_1", 0, 1), # fcf p1 b1
BitEnumField("fcf_panidcompress", 0, 1, [False, True]),
BitEnumField("fcf_ackreq", 0, 1, [False, True]),
BitEnumField("fcf_pending", 0, 1, [False, True]),
BitEnumField("fcf_security", 0, 1, [False, True]), # fcf p1 b2
Emph(BitEnumField("fcf_frametype", 0, 3, {0: "Beacon", 1: "Data", 2: "Ack", 3: "Command"})), # noqa: E501
BitEnumField("fcf_srcaddrmode", 0, 2, {0: "None", 1: "Reserved", 2: "Short", 3: "Long"}), # fcf p2 b1 # noqa: E501
BitField("fcf_framever", 0, 2), # 00 compatibility with 2003 version; 01 compatible with 2006 version # noqa: E501
BitEnumField("fcf_destaddrmode", 2, 2, {0: "None", 1: "Reserved", 2: "Short", 3: "Long"}), # fcf p2 b2 # noqa: E501
BitField("fcf_reserved_2", 0, 2),
Emph(ByteField("seqnum", 1)) # sequence number
def mysummary(self):
return self.sprintf("802.15.4 %Dot15d4.fcf_frametype% ackreq(%Dot15d4.fcf_ackreq%) ( %Dot15d4.fcf_destaddrmode% -> %Dot15d4.fcf_srcaddrmode% ) Seq#%Dot15d4.seqnum%") # noqa: E501
def guess_payload_class(self, payload):
if self.fcf_frametype == 0x00:
return Dot15d4Beacon
elif self.fcf_frametype == 0x01:
return Dot15d4Data
elif self.fcf_frametype == 0x02:
return Dot15d4Ack
elif self.fcf_frametype == 0x03:
return Dot15d4Cmd
return Packet.guess_payload_class(self, payload)
def answers(self, other):
if isinstance(other, Dot15d4):
if self.fcf_frametype == 2: # ack
if self.seqnum != other.seqnum: # check for seqnum matching
return 0
elif other.fcf_ackreq == 1: # check that an ack was indeed requested # noqa: E501
return 1
return 0
def post_build(self, p, pay):
# This just forces destaddrmode to None for Ack frames.
if self.fcf_frametype == 2 and self.fcf_destaddrmode != 0:
self.fcf_destaddrmode = 0
return p[:1] + \
chb((self.fcf_srcaddrmode << 6) + (self.fcf_framever << 4)) \
+ p[2:] + pay
return p + pay
class Dot15d4FCS(Dot15d4):
This class is a drop-in replacement for the Dot15d4 class above, except
it expects a FCS/checksum in the input, and produces one in the output.
This provides the user flexibility, as many 802.15.4 interfaces will have an AUTO_CRC setting # noqa: E501
that will validate the FCS/CRC in firmware, and add it automatically when transmitting. # noqa: E501
name = "802.15.4 - FCS"
match_subclass = True
fields_desc = Dot15d4.fields_desc + [FCSField("fcs", None, fmt="<H")]
def compute_fcs(self, data):
# Do a CRC-CCITT Kermit 16bit on the data given
# Returns a CRC that is the FCS for the frame
# Implemented using pseudocode from: June 1986, Kermit Protocol Manual
# See also:
# http://regregex.bbcmicro.net/crc-catalogue.htm#crc.cat.kermit
crc = 0
for i in range(0, len(data)):
c = orb(data[i])
q = (crc ^ c) & 15 # Do low-order 4 bits
crc = (crc // 16) ^ (q * 4225)
q = (crc ^ (c // 16)) & 15 # And high 4 bits
crc = (crc // 16) ^ (q * 4225)
return struct.pack('<H', crc) # return as bytes in little endian order
def post_build(self, p, pay):
# construct the packet with the FCS at the end
p = Dot15d4.post_build(self, p, pay)
if self.fcs is None:
p = p[:-2]
p = p + self.compute_fcs(p)
return p
class Dot15d4Ack(Packet):
name = "802.15.4 Ack"
fields_desc = []
class Dot15d4AuxSecurityHeader(Packet):
name = "802.15.4 Auxiliary Security Header"
fields_desc = [
BitField("sec_sc_reserved", 0, 3),
# Key Identifier Mode
# 0: Key is determined implicitly from the originator and recipient(s) of the frame # noqa: E501
# 1: Key is determined explicitly from the the 1-octet Key Index subfield of the Key Identifier field # noqa: E501
# 2: Key is determined explicitly from the 4-octet Key Source and the 1-octet Key Index # noqa: E501
# 3: Key is determined explicitly from the 8-octet Key Source and the 1-octet Key Index # noqa: E501
BitEnumField("sec_sc_keyidmode", 0, 2, {
0: "Implicit", 1: "1oKeyIndex", 2: "4o-KeySource-1oKeyIndex", 3: "8o-KeySource-1oKeyIndex"} # noqa: E501
BitEnumField("sec_sc_seclevel", 0, 3, {0: "None", 1: "MIC-32", 2: "MIC-64", 3: "MIC-128", 4: "ENC", 5: "ENC-MIC-32", 6: "ENC-MIC-64", 7: "ENC-MIC-128"}), # noqa: E501
XLEIntField("sec_framecounter", 0x00000000), # 4 octets
# Key Identifier (variable length): identifies the key that is used for cryptographic protection # noqa: E501
# Key Source : length of sec_keyid_keysource varies btwn 0, 4, and 8 bytes depending on sec_sc_keyidmode # noqa: E501
# 4 octets when sec_sc_keyidmode == 2
ConditionalField(XLEIntField("sec_keyid_keysource", 0x00000000),
lambda pkt: pkt.getfieldval("sec_sc_keyidmode") == 2),
# 8 octets when sec_sc_keyidmode == 3
ConditionalField(LELongField("sec_keyid_keysource", 0x0000000000000000), # noqa: E501
lambda pkt: pkt.getfieldval("sec_sc_keyidmode") == 3),
# Key Index (1 octet): allows unique identification of different keys with the same originator # noqa: E501
ConditionalField(XByteField("sec_keyid_keyindex", 0xFF),
lambda pkt: pkt.getfieldval("sec_sc_keyidmode") != 0),
class Dot15d4Data(Packet):
name = "802.15.4 Data"
fields_desc = [
XLEShortField("dest_panid", 0xFFFF),
dot15d4AddressField("dest_addr", 0xFFFF, length_of="fcf_destaddrmode"),
ConditionalField(XLEShortField("src_panid", 0x0),
lambda pkt:util_srcpanid_present(pkt)),
ConditionalField(dot15d4AddressField("src_addr", None, length_of="fcf_srcaddrmode"), # noqa: E501
lambda pkt:pkt.underlayer.getfieldval("fcf_srcaddrmode") != 0), # noqa: E501
# Security field present if fcf_security == True
ConditionalField(PacketField("aux_sec_header", Dot15d4AuxSecurityHeader(), Dot15d4AuxSecurityHeader), # noqa: E501
lambda pkt:pkt.underlayer.getfieldval("fcf_security") is True), # noqa: E501
def guess_payload_class(self, payload):
# TODO: See how it's done in wireshark:
# https://github.com/wireshark/wireshark/blob/93c60b3b7c801dddd11d8c7f2a0ea4b7d02d700a/epan/dissectors/packet-ieee802154.c#L2061 # noqa: E501
# it's too magic to me
from scapy.layers.sixlowpan import SixLoWPAN
from scapy.layers.zigbee import ZigbeeNWK
if conf.dot15d4_protocol == "sixlowpan":
return SixLoWPAN
elif conf.dot15d4_protocol == "zigbee":
return ZigbeeNWK
if conf.dot15d4_protocol is None:
_msg = "Please set conf.dot15d4_protocol to select a " + \
"802.15.4 protocol. Values must be in the list: "
_msg = "Unknown conf.dot15d4_protocol value: must be in "
warning(_msg +
"['sixlowpan', 'zigbee']" +
" Defaulting to SixLoWPAN")
return SixLoWPAN
def mysummary(self):
return self.sprintf("802.15.4 Data ( %Dot15d4Data.src_panid%:%Dot15d4Data.src_addr% -> %Dot15d4Data.dest_panid%:%Dot15d4Data.dest_addr% )") # noqa: E501
class Dot15d4Beacon(Packet):
name = "802.15.4 Beacon"
fields_desc = [
XLEShortField("src_panid", 0x0),
dot15d4AddressField("src_addr", None, length_of="fcf_srcaddrmode"),
# Security field present if fcf_security == True
ConditionalField(PacketField("aux_sec_header", Dot15d4AuxSecurityHeader(), Dot15d4AuxSecurityHeader), # noqa: E501
lambda pkt:pkt.underlayer.getfieldval("fcf_security") is True), # noqa: E501
# Superframe spec field:
BitField("sf_sforder", 15, 4), # not used by ZigBee
BitField("sf_beaconorder", 15, 4), # not used by ZigBee
BitEnumField("sf_assocpermit", 0, 1, [False, True]),
BitEnumField("sf_pancoord", 0, 1, [False, True]),
BitField("sf_reserved", 0, 1), # not used by ZigBee
BitEnumField("sf_battlifeextend", 0, 1, [False, True]), # not used by ZigBee # noqa: E501
BitField("sf_finalcapslot", 15, 4), # not used by ZigBee
# GTS Fields
# GTS Specification (1 byte)
BitEnumField("gts_spec_permit", 1, 1, [False, True]), # GTS spec bit 7, true=1 iff PAN cord is accepting GTS requests # noqa: E501
BitField("gts_spec_reserved", 0, 4), # GTS spec bits 3-6
BitField("gts_spec_desccount", 0, 3), # GTS spec bits 0-2
# GTS Directions (0 or 1 byte)
ConditionalField(BitField("gts_dir_reserved", 0, 1), lambda pkt:pkt.getfieldval("gts_spec_desccount") != 0), # noqa: E501
ConditionalField(BitField("gts_dir_mask", 0, 7), lambda pkt:pkt.getfieldval("gts_spec_desccount") != 0), # noqa: E501
# GTS List (variable size)
# TODO add a Packet/FieldListField tied to 3bytes per count in gts_spec_desccount # noqa: E501
# Pending Address Fields:
# Pending Address Specification (1 byte)
BitField("pa_num_short", 0, 3), # number of short addresses pending
BitField("pa_reserved_1", 0, 1),
BitField("pa_num_long", 0, 3), # number of long addresses pending
BitField("pa_reserved_2", 0, 1),
# Address List (var length)
# TODO add a FieldListField of the pending short addresses, followed by the pending long addresses, with max 7 addresses # noqa: E501
# TODO beacon payload
def mysummary(self):
return self.sprintf("802.15.4 Beacon ( %Dot15d4Beacon.src_panid%:%Dot15d4Beacon.src_addr% ) assocPermit(%Dot15d4Beacon.sf_assocpermit%) panCoord(%Dot15d4Beacon.sf_pancoord%)") # noqa: E501
class Dot15d4Cmd(Packet):
name = "802.15.4 Command"
fields_desc = [
XLEShortField("dest_panid", 0xFFFF),
# Users should correctly set the dest_addr field. By default is 0x0 for construction to work. # noqa: E501
dot15d4AddressField("dest_addr", 0x0, length_of="fcf_destaddrmode"),
ConditionalField(XLEShortField("src_panid", 0x0), \
lambda pkt:util_srcpanid_present(pkt)),
ConditionalField(dot15d4AddressField("src_addr", None,
lambda pkt:pkt.underlayer.getfieldval("fcf_srcaddrmode") != 0), # noqa: E501
# Security field present if fcf_security == True
ConditionalField(PacketField("aux_sec_header", Dot15d4AuxSecurityHeader(), Dot15d4AuxSecurityHeader), # noqa: E501
lambda pkt:pkt.underlayer.getfieldval("fcf_security") is True), # noqa: E501
ByteEnumField("cmd_id", 0, {
1: "AssocReq", # Association request
2: "AssocResp", # Association response
3: "DisassocNotify", # Disassociation notification
4: "DataReq", # Data request
5: "PANIDConflictNotify", # PAN ID conflict notification
6: "OrphanNotify", # Orphan notification
7: "BeaconReq", # Beacon request
8: "CoordRealign", # coordinator realignment
9: "GTSReq" # GTS request
# 0x0a - 0xff reserved
# TODO command payload
def mysummary(self):
return self.sprintf("802.15.4 Command %Dot15d4Cmd.cmd_id% ( %Dot15dCmd.src_panid%:%Dot15d4Cmd.src_addr% -> %Dot15d4Cmd.dest_panid%:%Dot15d4Cmd.dest_addr% )") # noqa: E501
# command frame payloads are complete: DataReq, PANIDConflictNotify, OrphanNotify, BeaconReq don't have any payload # noqa: E501
# Although BeaconReq can have an optional ZigBee Beacon payload (implemented in ZigBeeBeacon) # noqa: E501
def guess_payload_class(self, payload):
if self.cmd_id == 1:
return Dot15d4CmdAssocReq
elif self.cmd_id == 2:
return Dot15d4CmdAssocResp
elif self.cmd_id == 3:
return Dot15d4CmdDisassociation
elif self.cmd_id == 8:
return Dot15d4CmdCoordRealign
elif self.cmd_id == 9:
return Dot15d4CmdGTSReq
return Packet.guess_payload_class(self, payload)
class Dot15d4CmdCoordRealign(Packet):
name = "802.15.4 Coordinator Realign Command"
fields_desc = [
# PAN Identifier (2 octets)
XLEShortField("panid", 0xFFFF),
# Coordinator Short Address (2 octets)
XLEShortField("coord_address", 0x0000),
# Logical Channel (1 octet): the logical channel that the coordinator intends to use for all future communications # noqa: E501
ByteField("channel", 0),
# Short Address (2 octets)
XLEShortField("dev_address", 0xFFFF),
# Channel page (0/1 octet) TODO optional
# ByteField("channel_page", 0),
def mysummary(self):
return self.sprintf("802.15.4 Coordinator Realign Payload ( PAN ID: %Dot15dCmdCoordRealign.pan_id% : channel %Dot15d4CmdCoordRealign.channel% )") # noqa: E501
# Utility Functions #
def util_srcpanid_present(pkt):
'''A source PAN ID is included if and only if both src addr mode != 0 and PAN ID Compression in FCF == 0''' # noqa: E501
if (pkt.underlayer.getfieldval("fcf_srcaddrmode") != 0) and (pkt.underlayer.getfieldval("fcf_panidcompress") == 0): # noqa: E501
return True
return False
class Dot15d4CmdAssocReq(Packet):
name = "802.15.4 Association Request Payload"
fields_desc = [
BitField("allocate_address", 0, 1), # Allocate Address
BitField("security_capability", 0, 1), # Security Capability
BitField("reserved2", 0, 1), # bit 5 is reserved
BitField("reserved1", 0, 1), # bit 4 is reserved
BitField("receiver_on_when_idle", 0, 1), # Receiver On When Idle
BitField("power_source", 0, 1), # Power Source
BitField("device_type", 0, 1), # Device Type
BitField("alternate_pan_coordinator", 0, 1), # Alternate PAN Coordinator # noqa: E501
def mysummary(self):
return self.sprintf("802.15.4 Association Request Payload ( Alt PAN Coord: %Dot15d4CmdAssocReq.alternate_pan_coordinator% Device Type: %Dot15d4CmdAssocReq.device_type% )") # noqa: E501
class Dot15d4CmdAssocResp(Packet):
name = "802.15.4 Association Response Payload"
fields_desc = [
XLEShortField("short_address", 0xFFFF), # Address assigned to device from coordinator (0xFFFF == none) # noqa: E501
# Association Status
# 0x00 == successful
# 0x01 == PAN at capacity
# 0x02 == PAN access denied
# 0x03 - 0x7f == Reserved
# 0x80 - 0xff == Reserved for MAC primitive enumeration values
ByteEnumField("association_status", 0x00, {0: 'successful', 1: 'PAN_at_capacity', 2: 'PAN_access_denied'}), # noqa: E501
def mysummary(self):
return self.sprintf("802.15.4 Association Response Payload ( Association Status: %Dot15d4CmdAssocResp.association_status% Assigned Address: %Dot15d4CmdAssocResp.short_address% )") # noqa: E501
class Dot15d4CmdDisassociation(Packet):
name = "802.15.4 Disassociation Notification Payload"
fields_desc = [
# Disassociation Reason
# 0x00 == Reserved
# 0x01 == The coordinator wishes the device to leave the PAN
# 0x02 == The device wishes to leave the PAN
# 0x03 - 0x7f == Reserved
# 0x80 - 0xff == Reserved for MAC primitive enumeration values
ByteEnumField("disassociation_reason", 0x02, {1: 'coord_wishes_device_to_leave', 2: 'device_wishes_to_leave'}), # noqa: E501
def mysummary(self):
return self.sprintf("802.15.4 Disassociation Notification Payload ( Disassociation Reason %Dot15d4CmdDisassociation.disassociation_reason% )") # noqa: E501
class Dot15d4CmdGTSReq(Packet):
name = "802.15.4 GTS request command"
fields_desc = [
# GTS Characteristics field (1 octet)
# Reserved (bits 6-7)
BitField("reserved", 0, 2),
# Characteristics Type (bit 5)
BitField("charact_type", 0, 1),
# GTS Direction (bit 4)
BitField("gts_dir", 0, 1),
# GTS Length (bits 0-3)
BitField("gts_len", 0, 4),
def mysummary(self):
return self.sprintf("802.15.4 GTS Request Command ( %Dot15d4CmdGTSReq.gts_len% : %Dot15d4CmdGTSReq.gts_dir% )") # noqa: E501
# PAN ID conflict notification command frame is not necessary, only Dot15d4Cmd with cmd_id = 5 ("PANIDConflictNotify") # noqa: E501
# Orphan notification command not necessary, only Dot15d4Cmd with cmd_id = 6 ("OrphanNotify") # noqa: E501
# Bindings #
bind_layers(Dot15d4, Dot15d4Beacon, fcf_frametype=0)
bind_layers(Dot15d4, Dot15d4Data, fcf_frametype=1)
bind_layers(Dot15d4, Dot15d4Ack, fcf_frametype=2)
bind_layers(Dot15d4, Dot15d4Cmd, fcf_frametype=3)
# DLT Types #
conf.l2types.register(DLT_IEEE802_15_4_WITHFCS, Dot15d4FCS)
conf.l2types.register(DLT_IEEE802_15_4_NOFCS, Dot15d4)