490 lines
15 KiB
490 lines
15 KiB
# This file is part of Scapy
# See http://www.secdev.org/projects/scapy for more information
# Copyright (C) Philippe Biondi <phil@secdev.org>
# This program is published under a GPLv2 license
TFTP (Trivial File Transfer Protocol).
from __future__ import absolute_import
import os
import random
from scapy.packet import Packet, bind_layers, split_bottom_up, bind_bottom_up
from scapy.fields import PacketListField, ShortEnumField, ShortField, \
from scapy.automaton import ATMT, Automaton
from scapy.layers.inet import UDP, IP
from scapy.modules.six.moves import range
from scapy.config import conf
from scapy.volatile import RandShort
TFTP_operations = {1: "RRQ", 2: "WRQ", 3: "DATA", 4: "ACK", 5: "ERROR", 6: "OACK"} # noqa: E501
class TFTP(Packet):
name = "TFTP opcode"
fields_desc = [ShortEnumField("op", 1, TFTP_operations), ]
class TFTP_RRQ(Packet):
name = "TFTP Read Request"
fields_desc = [StrNullField("filename", ""),
StrNullField("mode", "octet")]
def answers(self, other):
return 0
def mysummary(self):
return self.sprintf("RRQ %filename%"), [UDP]
class TFTP_WRQ(Packet):
name = "TFTP Write Request"
fields_desc = [StrNullField("filename", ""),
StrNullField("mode", "octet")]
def answers(self, other):
return 0
def mysummary(self):
return self.sprintf("WRQ %filename%"), [UDP]
class TFTP_DATA(Packet):
name = "TFTP Data"
fields_desc = [ShortField("block", 0)]
def answers(self, other):
return self.block == 1 and isinstance(other, TFTP_RRQ)
def mysummary(self):
return self.sprintf("DATA %block%"), [UDP]
class TFTP_Option(Packet):
fields_desc = [StrNullField("oname", ""),
StrNullField("value", "")]
def extract_padding(self, pkt):
return "", pkt
class TFTP_Options(Packet):
fields_desc = [PacketListField("options", [], TFTP_Option, length_from=lambda x:None)] # noqa: E501
class TFTP_ACK(Packet):
name = "TFTP Ack"
fields_desc = [ShortField("block", 0)]
def answers(self, other):
if isinstance(other, TFTP_DATA):
return self.block == other.block
elif isinstance(other, TFTP_RRQ) or isinstance(other, TFTP_WRQ) or isinstance(other, TFTP_OACK): # noqa: E501
return self.block == 0
return 0
def mysummary(self):
return self.sprintf("ACK %block%"), [UDP]
TFTP_Error_Codes = {0: "Not defined",
1: "File not found",
2: "Access violation",
3: "Disk full or allocation exceeded",
4: "Illegal TFTP operation",
5: "Unknown transfer ID",
6: "File already exists",
7: "No such user",
8: "Terminate transfer due to option negotiation",
class TFTP_ERROR(Packet):
name = "TFTP Error"
fields_desc = [ShortEnumField("errorcode", 0, TFTP_Error_Codes),
StrNullField("errormsg", "")]
def answers(self, other):
return (isinstance(other, TFTP_DATA) or
isinstance(other, TFTP_RRQ) or
isinstance(other, TFTP_WRQ) or
isinstance(other, TFTP_ACK))
def mysummary(self):
return self.sprintf("ERROR %errorcode%: %errormsg%"), [UDP]
class TFTP_OACK(Packet):
name = "TFTP Option Ack"
fields_desc = []
def answers(self, other):
return isinstance(other, TFTP_WRQ) or isinstance(other, TFTP_RRQ)
bind_layers(UDP, TFTP, dport=69)
bind_layers(TFTP, TFTP_RRQ, op=1)
bind_layers(TFTP, TFTP_WRQ, op=2)
bind_layers(TFTP, TFTP_DATA, op=3)
bind_layers(TFTP, TFTP_ACK, op=4)
bind_layers(TFTP, TFTP_ERROR, op=5)
bind_layers(TFTP, TFTP_OACK, op=6)
bind_layers(TFTP_RRQ, TFTP_Options)
bind_layers(TFTP_WRQ, TFTP_Options)
bind_layers(TFTP_OACK, TFTP_Options)
class TFTP_read(Automaton):
def parse_args(self, filename, server, sport=None, port=69, **kargs):
Automaton.parse_args(self, **kargs)
self.filename = filename
self.server = server
self.port = port
self.sport = sport
def master_filter(self, pkt):
return (IP in pkt and pkt[IP].src == self.server and UDP in pkt and
pkt[UDP].dport == self.my_tid and
(self.server_tid is None or pkt[UDP].sport == self.server_tid))
def BEGIN(self):
self.blocksize = 512
self.my_tid = self.sport or RandShort()._fix()
bind_bottom_up(UDP, TFTP, dport=self.my_tid)
self.server_tid = None
self.res = b""
self.l3 = IP(dst=self.server) / UDP(sport=self.my_tid, dport=self.port) / TFTP() # noqa: E501
self.last_packet = self.l3 / TFTP_RRQ(filename=self.filename, mode="octet") # noqa: E501
self.awaiting = 1
raise self.WAITING()
def WAITING(self):
def receive_data(self, pkt):
if TFTP_DATA in pkt and pkt[TFTP_DATA].block == self.awaiting:
if self.server_tid is None:
self.server_tid = pkt[UDP].sport
self.l3[UDP].dport = self.server_tid
raise self.RECEIVING(pkt)
@ATMT.receive_condition(WAITING, prio=1)
def receive_error(self, pkt):
if TFTP_ERROR in pkt:
raise self.ERROR(pkt)
@ATMT.timeout(WAITING, 3)
def timeout_waiting(self):
raise self.WAITING()
def retransmit_last_packet(self):
# @ATMT.action(receive_error)
def send_ack(self):
self.last_packet = self.l3 / TFTP_ACK(block=self.awaiting)
def RECEIVING(self, pkt):
if conf.raw_layer in pkt:
recvd = pkt[conf.raw_layer].load
recvd = b""
self.res += recvd
self.awaiting += 1
if len(recvd) == self.blocksize:
raise self.WAITING()
raise self.END()
def ERROR(self, pkt):
split_bottom_up(UDP, TFTP, dport=self.my_tid)
return pkt[TFTP_ERROR].summary()
def END(self):
split_bottom_up(UDP, TFTP, dport=self.my_tid)
return self.res
class TFTP_write(Automaton):
def parse_args(self, filename, data, server, sport=None, port=69, **kargs):
Automaton.parse_args(self, **kargs)
self.filename = filename
self.server = server
self.port = port
self.sport = sport
self.blocksize = 512
self.origdata = data
def master_filter(self, pkt):
return (IP in pkt and pkt[IP].src == self.server and UDP in pkt and
pkt[UDP].dport == self.my_tid and
(self.server_tid is None or pkt[UDP].sport == self.server_tid))
def BEGIN(self):
self.data = [self.origdata[i * self.blocksize:(i + 1) * self.blocksize]
for i in range(len(self.origdata) // self.blocksize + 1)]
self.my_tid = self.sport or RandShort()._fix()
bind_bottom_up(UDP, TFTP, dport=self.my_tid)
self.server_tid = None
self.l3 = IP(dst=self.server) / UDP(sport=self.my_tid, dport=self.port) / TFTP() # noqa: E501
self.last_packet = self.l3 / TFTP_WRQ(filename=self.filename, mode="octet") # noqa: E501
self.res = ""
self.awaiting = 0
raise self.WAITING_ACK()
def WAITING_ACK(self):
def received_ack(self, pkt):
if TFTP_ACK in pkt and pkt[TFTP_ACK].block == self.awaiting:
if self.server_tid is None:
self.server_tid = pkt[UDP].sport
self.l3[UDP].dport = self.server_tid
raise self.SEND_DATA()
def received_error(self, pkt):
if TFTP_ERROR in pkt:
raise self.ERROR(pkt)
@ATMT.timeout(WAITING_ACK, 3)
def timeout_waiting(self):
raise self.WAITING_ACK()
def retransmit_last_packet(self):
def SEND_DATA(self):
self.awaiting += 1
self.last_packet = self.l3 / TFTP_DATA(block=self.awaiting) / self.data.pop(0) # noqa: E501
if self.data:
raise self.WAITING_ACK()
raise self.END()
def ERROR(self, pkt):
split_bottom_up(UDP, TFTP, dport=self.my_tid)
return pkt[TFTP_ERROR].summary()
def END(self):
split_bottom_up(UDP, TFTP, dport=self.my_tid)
class TFTP_WRQ_server(Automaton):
def parse_args(self, ip=None, sport=None, *args, **kargs):
Automaton.parse_args(self, *args, **kargs)
self.ip = ip
self.sport = sport
def master_filter(self, pkt):
return TFTP in pkt and (not self.ip or pkt[IP].dst == self.ip)
def BEGIN(self):
self.blksize = 512
self.blk = 1
self.filedata = b""
self.my_tid = self.sport or random.randint(10000, 65500)
bind_bottom_up(UDP, TFTP, dport=self.my_tid)
def receive_WRQ(self, pkt):
if TFTP_WRQ in pkt:
raise self.WAIT_DATA().action_parameters(pkt)
def ack_WRQ(self, pkt):
ip = pkt[IP]
self.ip = ip.dst
self.dst = ip.src
self.filename = pkt[TFTP_WRQ].filename
options = pkt.getlayer(TFTP_Options)
self.l3 = IP(src=ip.dst, dst=ip.src) / UDP(sport=self.my_tid, dport=pkt.sport) / TFTP() # noqa: E501
if options is None:
self.last_packet = self.l3 / TFTP_ACK(block=0)
opt = [x for x in options.options if x.oname.upper() == b"BLKSIZE"]
if opt:
self.blksize = int(opt[0].value)
self.debug(2, "Negotiated new blksize at %i" % self.blksize)
self.last_packet = self.l3 / TFTP_OACK() / TFTP_Options(options=opt) # noqa: E501
def WAIT_DATA(self):
@ATMT.timeout(WAIT_DATA, 1)
def resend_ack(self):
raise self.WAIT_DATA()
def receive_data(self, pkt):
if TFTP_DATA in pkt:
data = pkt[TFTP_DATA]
if data.block == self.blk:
raise self.DATA(data)
def ack_data(self):
self.last_packet = self.l3 / TFTP_ACK(block=self.blk)
def DATA(self, data):
self.filedata += data.load
if len(data.load) < self.blksize:
raise self.END()
self.blk += 1
raise self.WAIT_DATA()
def END(self):
split_bottom_up(UDP, TFTP, dport=self.my_tid)
return self.filename, self.filedata
class TFTP_RRQ_server(Automaton):
def parse_args(self, store=None, joker=None, dir=None, ip=None, sport=None, serve_one=False, **kargs): # noqa: E501
Automaton.parse_args(self, **kargs)
if store is None:
store = {}
if dir is not None:
self.dir = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(dir), "")
self.dir = None
self.store = store
self.joker = joker
self.ip = ip
self.sport = sport
self.serve_one = serve_one
self.my_tid = self.sport or random.randint(10000, 65500)
bind_bottom_up(UDP, TFTP, dport=self.my_tid)
def master_filter(self, pkt):
return TFTP in pkt and (not self.ip or pkt[IP].dst == self.ip)
def WAIT_RRQ(self):
self.blksize = 512
self.blk = 0
def receive_rrq(self, pkt):
if TFTP_RRQ in pkt:
raise self.RECEIVED_RRQ(pkt)
def RECEIVED_RRQ(self, pkt):
ip = pkt[IP]
options = pkt[TFTP_Options]
self.l3 = IP(src=ip.dst, dst=ip.src) / UDP(sport=self.my_tid, dport=ip.sport) / TFTP() # noqa: E501
self.filename = pkt[TFTP_RRQ].filename.decode("utf-8", "ignore")
self.blk = 1
self.data = None
if self.filename in self.store:
self.data = self.store[self.filename]
elif self.dir is not None:
fn = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self.dir, self.filename))
if fn.startswith(self.dir): # Check we're still in the server's directory # noqa: E501
with open(fn) as fd:
self.data = fd.read()
except IOError:
if self.data is None:
self.data = self.joker
if options:
opt = [x for x in options.options if x.oname.upper() == b"BLKSIZE"]
if opt:
self.blksize = int(opt[0].value)
self.debug(2, "Negotiated new blksize at %i" % self.blksize)
self.last_packet = self.l3 / TFTP_OACK() / TFTP_Options(options=opt) # noqa: E501
def file_in_store(self):
if self.data is not None:
self.blknb = len(self.data) / self.blksize + 1
raise self.SEND_FILE()
def file_not_found(self):
if self.data is None:
raise self.WAIT_RRQ()
def send_error(self):
self.send(self.l3 / TFTP_ERROR(errorcode=1, errormsg=TFTP_Error_Codes[1])) # noqa: E501
def SEND_FILE(self):
self.send(self.l3 / TFTP_DATA(block=self.blk) / self.data[(self.blk - 1) * self.blksize:self.blk * self.blksize]) # noqa: E501
@ATMT.timeout(SEND_FILE, 3)
def timeout_waiting_ack(self):
raise self.SEND_FILE()
def received_ack(self, pkt):
if TFTP_ACK in pkt and pkt[TFTP_ACK].block == self.blk:
raise self.RECEIVED_ACK()
def RECEIVED_ACK(self):
self.blk += 1
def no_more_data(self):
if self.blk > self.blknb:
if self.serve_one:
raise self.END()
raise self.WAIT_RRQ()
@ATMT.condition(RECEIVED_ACK, prio=2)
def data_remaining(self):
raise self.SEND_FILE()
def END(self):
split_bottom_up(UDP, TFTP, dport=self.my_tid)