471 lines
16 KiB
471 lines
16 KiB
# This file is part of Scapy
# See http://www.secdev.org/projects/scapy for more information
# Copyright (C) Philippe Biondi <phil@secdev.org>
# This program is published under a GPLv2 license
DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) and BOOTP
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import print_function
from collections.abc import Iterable
except ImportError:
# For backwards compatibility. This was removed in Python 3.8
from collections import Iterable
import random
import struct
from scapy.ansmachine import AnsweringMachine
from scapy.base_classes import Net
from scapy.compat import chb, orb, bytes_encode
from scapy.fields import ByteEnumField, ByteField, Field, FieldListField, \
FlagsField, IntField, IPField, ShortField, StrField
from scapy.layers.inet import UDP, IP
from scapy.layers.l2 import Ether
from scapy.packet import bind_layers, bind_bottom_up, Packet
from scapy.utils import atol, itom, ltoa, sane
from scapy.volatile import RandBin, RandField, RandNum, RandNumExpo
from scapy.arch import get_if_raw_hwaddr
from scapy.sendrecv import srp1, sendp
from scapy.error import warning
import scapy.modules.six as six
from scapy.modules.six.moves import range
from scapy.config import conf
dhcpmagic = b"c\x82Sc"
class BOOTP(Packet):
name = "BOOTP"
fields_desc = [ByteEnumField("op", 1, {1: "BOOTREQUEST", 2: "BOOTREPLY"}),
ByteField("htype", 1),
ByteField("hlen", 6),
ByteField("hops", 0),
IntField("xid", 0),
ShortField("secs", 0),
FlagsField("flags", 0, 16, "???????????????B"),
IPField("ciaddr", ""),
IPField("yiaddr", ""),
IPField("siaddr", ""),
IPField("giaddr", ""),
Field("chaddr", b"", "16s"),
Field("sname", b"", "64s"),
Field("file", b"", "128s"),
StrField("options", b"")]
def guess_payload_class(self, payload):
if self.options[:len(dhcpmagic)] == dhcpmagic:
return DHCP
return Packet.guess_payload_class(self, payload)
def extract_padding(self, s):
if self.options[:len(dhcpmagic)] == dhcpmagic:
# set BOOTP options to DHCP magic cookie and make rest a payload of DHCP options # noqa: E501
payload = self.options[len(dhcpmagic):]
self.options = self.options[:len(dhcpmagic)]
return payload, None
return b"", None
def hashret(self):
return struct.pack("!I", self.xid)
def answers(self, other):
if not isinstance(other, BOOTP):
return 0
return self.xid == other.xid
class _DHCPParamReqFieldListField(FieldListField):
def getfield(self, pkt, s):
ret = []
while s:
s, val = FieldListField.getfield(self, pkt, s)
return b"", [x[0] for x in ret]
# = range(4)
DHCPTypes = {
1: "discover",
2: "offer",
3: "request",
4: "decline",
5: "ack",
6: "nak",
7: "release",
8: "inform",
9: "force_renew",
10: "lease_query",
11: "lease_unassigned",
12: "lease_unknown",
13: "lease_active",
DHCPOptions = {
0: "pad",
1: IPField("subnet_mask", ""),
2: IntField("time_zone", 500),
3: IPField("router", ""),
4: IPField("time_server", ""),
5: IPField("IEN_name_server", ""),
6: IPField("name_server", ""),
7: IPField("log_server", ""),
8: IPField("cookie_server", ""),
9: IPField("lpr_server", ""),
10: IPField("impress-servers", ""),
11: IPField("resource-location-servers", ""),
12: "hostname",
13: ShortField("boot-size", 1000),
14: "dump_path",
15: "domain",
16: IPField("swap-server", ""),
17: "root_disk_path",
18: "extensions-path",
19: ByteField("ip-forwarding", 0),
20: ByteField("non-local-source-routing", 0),
21: IPField("policy-filter", ""),
22: ShortField("max_dgram_reass_size", 300),
23: ByteField("default_ttl", 50),
24: IntField("pmtu_timeout", 1000),
25: ShortField("path-mtu-plateau-table", 1000),
26: ShortField("interface-mtu", 50),
27: ByteField("all-subnets-local", 0),
28: IPField("broadcast_address", ""),
29: ByteField("perform-mask-discovery", 0),
30: ByteField("mask-supplier", 0),
31: ByteField("router-discovery", 0),
32: IPField("router-solicitation-address", ""),
33: IPField("static-routes", ""),
34: ByteField("trailer-encapsulation", 0),
35: IntField("arp_cache_timeout", 1000),
36: ByteField("ieee802-3-encapsulation", 0),
37: ByteField("tcp_ttl", 100),
38: IntField("tcp_keepalive_interval", 1000),
39: ByteField("tcp_keepalive_garbage", 0),
40: StrField("NIS_domain", "www.example.com"),
41: IPField("NIS_server", ""),
42: IPField("NTP_server", ""),
43: "vendor_specific",
44: IPField("NetBIOS_server", ""),
45: IPField("NetBIOS_dist_server", ""),
46: ByteField("static-routes", 100),
47: "netbios-scope",
48: IPField("font-servers", ""),
49: IPField("x-display-manager", ""),
50: IPField("requested_addr", ""),
51: IntField("lease_time", 43200),
52: ByteField("dhcp-option-overload", 100),
53: ByteEnumField("message-type", 1, DHCPTypes),
54: IPField("server_id", ""),
55: _DHCPParamReqFieldListField("param_req_list", [], ByteField("opcode", 0), length_from=lambda x: 1), # noqa: E501
56: "error_message",
57: ShortField("max_dhcp_size", 1500),
58: IntField("renewal_time", 21600),
59: IntField("rebinding_time", 37800),
60: StrField("vendor_class_id", "id"),
61: StrField("client_id", ""),
62: "nwip-domain-name",
64: "NISplus_domain",
65: IPField("NISplus_server", ""),
67: StrField("boot-file-name", ""),
68: IPField("mobile-ip-home-agent", ""),
69: IPField("SMTP_server", ""),
70: IPField("POP3_server", ""),
71: IPField("NNTP_server", ""),
72: IPField("WWW_server", ""),
73: IPField("Finger_server", ""),
74: IPField("IRC_server", ""),
75: IPField("StreetTalk_server", ""),
76: IPField("StreetTalk_Dir_Assistance", ""),
78: "slp_service_agent",
79: "slp_service_scope",
81: "client_FQDN",
82: "relay_agent_information",
85: IPField("nds-server", ""),
86: StrField("nds-tree-name", ""),
87: StrField("nds-context", ""),
88: "bcms-controller-namesi",
89: IPField("bcms-controller-address", ""),
91: IntField("client-last-transaction-time", 1000),
92: IPField("associated-ip", ""),
93: "pxe_client_architecture",
94: "pxe_client_network_interface",
97: "pxe_client_machine_identifier",
98: StrField("uap-servers", ""),
100: StrField("pcode", ""),
101: StrField("tcode", ""),
112: IPField("netinfo-server-address", ""),
113: StrField("netinfo-server-tag", ""),
114: StrField("default-url", ""),
116: ByteField("auto-config", 0),
117: ShortField("name-service-search", 0,),
118: IPField("subnet-selection", ""),
124: "vendor_class",
125: "vendor_specific_information",
136: IPField("pana-agent", ""),
137: "v4-lost",
138: IPField("capwap-ac-v4", ""),
141: "sip_ua_service_domains",
146: "rdnss-selection",
159: "v4-portparams",
160: StrField("v4-captive-portal", ""),
208: "pxelinux_magic",
209: "pxelinux_configuration_file",
210: "pxelinux_path_prefix",
211: "pxelinux_reboot_time",
212: "option-6rd",
213: "v4-access-domain",
255: "end"
DHCPRevOptions = {}
for k, v in six.iteritems(DHCPOptions):
if isinstance(v, str):
n = v
v = None
n = v.name
DHCPRevOptions[n] = (k, v)
class RandDHCPOptions(RandField):
def __init__(self, size=None, rndstr=None):
if size is None:
size = RandNumExpo(0.05)
self.size = size
if rndstr is None:
rndstr = RandBin(RandNum(0, 255))
self.rndstr = rndstr
self._opts = list(six.itervalues(DHCPOptions))
def _fix(self):
op = []
for k in range(self.size):
o = random.choice(self._opts)
if isinstance(o, str):
op.append((o, self.rndstr * 1))
op.append((o.name, o.randval()._fix()))
return op
class DHCPOptionsField(StrField):
islist = 1
def i2repr(self, pkt, x):
s = []
for v in x:
if isinstance(v, tuple) and len(v) >= 2:
if v[0] in DHCPRevOptions and isinstance(DHCPRevOptions[v[0]][1], Field): # noqa: E501
f = DHCPRevOptions[v[0]][1]
vv = ",".join(f.i2repr(pkt, val) for val in v[1:])
vv = ",".join(repr(val) for val in v[1:])
r = "%s=%s" % (v[0], vv)
return "[%s]" % (" ".join(s))
def getfield(self, pkt, s):
return b"", self.m2i(pkt, s)
def m2i(self, pkt, x):
opt = []
while x:
o = orb(x[0])
if o == 255:
x = x[1:]
if o == 0:
x = x[1:]
if len(x) < 2 or len(x) < orb(x[1]) + 2:
elif o in DHCPOptions:
f = DHCPOptions[o]
if isinstance(f, str):
olen = orb(x[1])
opt.append((f, x[2:olen + 2]))
x = x[olen + 2:]
olen = orb(x[1])
lval = [f.name]
left = x[2:olen + 2]
while left:
left, val = f.getfield(pkt, left)
except Exception:
otuple = tuple(lval)
x = x[olen + 2:]
olen = orb(x[1])
opt.append((o, x[2:olen + 2]))
x = x[olen + 2:]
return opt
def i2m(self, pkt, x):
if isinstance(x, str):
return x
s = b""
for o in x:
if isinstance(o, tuple) and len(o) >= 2:
name = o[0]
lval = o[1:]
if isinstance(name, int):
onum, oval = name, b"".join(lval)
elif name in DHCPRevOptions:
onum, f = DHCPRevOptions[name]
if f is not None:
lval = (f.addfield(pkt, b"", f.any2i(pkt, val)) for val in lval) # noqa: E501
lval = (bytes_encode(x) for x in lval)
oval = b"".join(lval)
warning("Unknown field option %s", name)
s += chb(onum)
s += chb(len(oval))
s += oval
elif (isinstance(o, str) and o in DHCPRevOptions and
DHCPRevOptions[o][1] is None):
s += chb(DHCPRevOptions[o][0])
elif isinstance(o, int):
s += chb(o) + b"\0"
elif isinstance(o, (str, bytes)):
s += bytes_encode(o)
warning("Malformed option %s", o)
return s
class DHCP(Packet):
name = "DHCP options"
fields_desc = [DHCPOptionsField("options", b"")]
bind_layers(UDP, BOOTP, dport=67, sport=68)
bind_layers(UDP, BOOTP, dport=68, sport=67)
bind_bottom_up(UDP, BOOTP, dport=67, sport=67)
bind_layers(BOOTP, DHCP, options=b'c\x82Sc')
def dhcp_request(iface=None, **kargs):
"""Send a DHCP discover request and return the answer"""
if conf.checkIPaddr:
"conf.checkIPaddr is enabled, may not be able to match the answer"
if iface is None:
iface = conf.iface
fam, hw = get_if_raw_hwaddr(iface)
return srp1(Ether(dst="ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff") / IP(src="", dst="") / UDP(sport=68, dport=67) / # noqa: E501
BOOTP(chaddr=hw) / DHCP(options=[("message-type", "discover"), "end"]), iface=iface, **kargs) # noqa: E501
class BOOTP_am(AnsweringMachine):
function_name = "bootpd"
filter = "udp and port 68 and port 67"
send_function = staticmethod(sendp)
def parse_options(self, pool=Net(""), network="", gw="", # noqa: E501
domain="localnet", renewal_time=60, lease_time=1800):
self.domain = domain
netw, msk = (network.split("/") + ["32"])[:2]
msk = itom(int(msk))
self.netmask = ltoa(msk)
self.network = ltoa(atol(netw) & msk)
self.broadcast = ltoa(atol(self.network) | (0xffffffff & ~msk))
self.gw = gw
if isinstance(pool, six.string_types):
pool = Net(pool)
if isinstance(pool, Iterable):
pool = [k for k in pool if k not in [gw, self.network, self.broadcast]] # noqa: E501
if len(pool) == 1:
pool, = pool
self.pool = pool
self.lease_time = lease_time
self.renewal_time = renewal_time
self.leases = {}
def is_request(self, req):
if not req.haslayer(BOOTP):
return 0
reqb = req.getlayer(BOOTP)
if reqb.op != 1:
return 0
return 1
def print_reply(self, req, reply):
print("Reply %s to %s" % (reply.getlayer(IP).dst, reply.dst))
def make_reply(self, req):
mac = req[Ether].src
if isinstance(self.pool, list):
if mac not in self.leases:
self.leases[mac] = self.pool.pop()
ip = self.leases[mac]
ip = self.pool
repb = req.getlayer(BOOTP).copy()
repb.op = "BOOTREPLY"
repb.yiaddr = ip
repb.siaddr = self.gw
repb.ciaddr = self.gw
repb.giaddr = self.gw
rep = Ether(dst=mac) / IP(dst=ip) / UDP(sport=req.dport, dport=req.sport) / repb # noqa: E501
return rep
class DHCP_am(BOOTP_am):
function_name = "dhcpd"
def make_reply(self, req):
resp = BOOTP_am.make_reply(self, req)
if DHCP in req:
dhcp_options = [(op[0], {1: 2, 3: 5}.get(op[1], op[1]))
for op in req[DHCP].options
if isinstance(op, tuple) and op[0] == "message-type"] # noqa: E501
dhcp_options += [("server_id", self.gw),
("domain", self.domain),
("router", self.gw),
("name_server", self.gw),
("broadcast_address", self.broadcast),
("subnet_mask", self.netmask),
("renewal_time", self.renewal_time),
("lease_time", self.lease_time),
resp /= DHCP(options=dhcp_options)
return resp