[server] host: port: 7125 klippy_uds_address: /tmp/klippy_uds [database] [authorization] trusted_clients: FE80::/10 ::1/128 cors_domains: *.schmiemann.online [file_manager] [timelapse] ## Following basic configuration is default to most images and don't need ## to be changed in most scenarios. Only uncomment and change it if your ## Image differ from standart installations. In most common scenarios ## a User only need [timelapse] in there configuration. output_path: ~/timelapse/ ## Directory where the generated video will be saved frame_path: /tmp/timelapse/ ## Directory where the temporary frames are saved ffmpeg_binary_path: /usr/bin/ffmpeg ## Directory where ffmpeg is installed ## Fluidd has no API for configuration, so here statically enabled: True mode: hyperlapse #layermacro - muss von Slicer gecallt werden; hyperlapse=Zeitbasierte Auslösung snapshoturl: http://admin:158615@ gcode_verbose: True parkhead: False parkpos: back_left #park_custom_pos_x: 0.0 #park_custom_pos_y: 0.0 #park_custom_pos_dz: 0.0 #park_travel_speed: 100 #park_retract_speed: 15 #park_extrude_speed: 15 #park_retract_distance: 1.0 #park_extrude_distance: 1.0 #Abstand Sekunden wann ein Bild im hyperlapse Mode gemacht wird hyperlapse_cycle: 30 autorender: True constant_rate_factor: 18 output_framerate: 24 pixelformat: yuv420p time_format_code: %H%M_%m%d%Y extraoutputparams: variable_fps: False #targetlength: 10 #variable_fps_min: 5 #variable_fps_max: 60 flip_x: False flip_y: False duplicatelastframe: 3 previewimage: True saveframes: True [octoprint_compat] [history] [update_manager] channel: dev #[update_manager mainsail] #type: web #repo: mainsail-crew/mainsail #path: ~/mainsail [update_manager fluidd] type: web repo: fluidd-core/fluidd path: ~/fluidd [update_manager timelapse] type: git_repo primary_branch: main path: ~/moonraker-timelapse origin: https://github.com/mainsail-crew/moonraker-timelapse.git [update_manager KlipperScreen] type: git_repo path: ~/KlipperScreen origin: https://github.com/jordanruthe/KlipperScreen.git env: ~/.KlipperScreen-env/bin/python requirements: scripts/KlipperScreen-requirements.txt install_script: scripts/KlipperScreen-install.sh