
446 lines
34 KiB

PIDS del Renault Zoe
// extraidos de CanZE Fields.java
// SID_Consumption = "1fd.48" (dash kWh) instead of V*A
final String SID_EVC_TractionBatteryVoltage = "7ec.623203.24"; // unit = V
final String SID_EVC_TractionBatteryCurrent = "7ec.623204.24"; // unit = A
final String SID_RealSpeed = "5d7.0"; // unit = km/h
final String SID_DriverBrakeWheel_Torque_Request = "130.44"; //UBP braking wheel torque the driver wants
final String SID_ElecBrakeWheelsTorqueApplied = "1f8.28"; //10ms
final String SID_ElecEngineRPM = "1f8.40"; //10ms
// It would be easier use SID_Consumption = "1fd.48" (dash kWh) instead of V*A
final String SID_VirtualUsage = "800.6100.24"; ???
final String SID_EVC_Odometer = "7ec.622006.24"; // (EVC)
final String SID_RangeEstimate = "654.42"; // (EVC)
(FieldHeaterSetpoint) SID_VirtualUsage = "699.8" (0 = NaN, 4 = -10º, 5 = 40º);
val = ((value - offset) * resolution ) * 10^(-decimals)
String fieldDef = // ID (hex), startBit, endBit, resolution, offset (aplied BEFORE resolution multiplication), decimals, unit, requestID (hex string), responseID (hex string),
// options (hex, see MainActivity for definitions), optional name, optional list
// 2016-01-27
+ "130,44,55,-3,4094,0,Nm,,,ff\n" // DriverBrakeWheelTq_Req
+ "186,16,27,0.5,800,1,Nm,,,ff\n" // MeanEffectiveTorque
+ "186,40,49,0.125,0,1,%,,,ff\n" // Throttle
+ "18a,27,38,0.5,800,1,Nm,,,ff\n" // Coasting Torque
+ "1f8,16,27,1,4096,0,Nm,,,ff\n" // TotalPotentialResistiveWheelsTorque
+ "1f8,28,39,-1,4096,0,Nm,,,ff\n" // ElecBrakeWheelsTorqueApplied
+ "1f8,40,50,10,0,0,Rpm,,,ff\n" // ElecEngineRPM
+ "1fd,0,7,0.390625,0,1,%,,,ff\n" // 12V Battery Current?
+ "1fd,48,55,1,80,0,kW,,,ff\n" // Consumption
+ "35c,5,7,1,0,0,,,,ff\n" // Vehicle state
+ "427,40,47,0.3,0,0,kW,,,e2\n" // Available Charging Power
+ "427,49,57,0.1,0,1,kWh,,,e2\n" // Available Energy
+ "42a,30,39,0.1,400,1,°C,,,ff\n" // Evaporator Temp Measure
+ "42a,48,50,1,0,0,,,,e2\n" // ClimLoopMode
+ "42e,0,12,0.02,0,2,%,,,e3\n" // State of Charge
+ "42e,20,24,5,0,0,%,,,e2\n" // Engine Fan Speed
+ "42e,38,43,1,0,1,A,,,e3\n" // Charging Pilot Current
+ "42e,44,50,1,40,0,°C,,,e3\n" // HV Battery Temp
+ "42e,56,63,0.3,0,1,kW,,,ff\n" // Charging Power
+ "430,24,33,0.5,30,1,°C,,,e2\n" // Comp Temperature Discharge
+ "430,38,39,1,0,0,,,,e2\n" // HV Battery Cooling State
+ "430,40,49,0.1,400,1,°C,,,e2\n" // HV Battery Evaporator Temp
+ "432,36,37,1,0,0,,,,e2\n" // HV Bat Conditionning Mode
+ "534,32,40,1,40,0,°C,,,e5\n" // Temp out
+ "5d7,0,15,0.01,0,2,km/h,,,ff\n" // Speed
+ "5da,0,7,1,40,0,ºC,,,e7\n" // Water temperature
+ "638,37,39,1,0,0,,,,ff\n" // Battery 14v To Be Changed Display
+ "654,2,2,1,0,0,,,,ff\n" // Charging Plug Connected
+ "654,25,31,1,0,0,,,,ff\n" // State of Charge
+ "654,32,41,1,0,0,min,,,ff\n" // Time to Full
+ "654,42,51,1,0,0,km,,,ff\n" // Available Distance
+ "656,48,55,1,40,0,°C,,,e2\n" // External Temp
+ "658,33,39,1,0,0,%,,,ff\n" // Battery Health
+ "65b,41,43,1,0,0,,,,ff\n" // Charging Status Display
+ "673,0,0,1,0,0,,,,ff\n" // Speed pressure misadaptation
+ "673,2,4,1,0,0,,,,ff\n" // Rear right wheel state
+ "673,5,7,1,0,0,,,,ff\n" // Rear left wheel state
+ "673,8,10,1,0,0,,,,ff\n" // Front right wheel state
+ "673,11,13,1,0,0,,,,ff\n" // Front left wheel state
+ "673,16,23,13.725,0,0,mbar,,,ff\n" // Rear right wheel pressure
+ "673,24,31,13.725,0,0,mbar,,,ff\n" // Rear left wheel pressure
+ "673,32,39,13.725,0,0,mbar,,,ff\n" // Front right wheel pressure
+ "673,40,47,13.725,0,0,mbar,,,ff\n" // Front left wheel pressure
+ "699,8,15,0.5,0,0,°C,,,e2\n" // Temperature
+ "760,56,63,1,0,0,,2180,6180,ff\n" // diagVersion
+ "760,64,87,1,0,0,,2180,6180,2ff\n" // Supplier (string!)
+ "760,128,143,1,0,0,,2180,6180,ff\n" // Soft
+ "760,144,159,1,0,0,,2180,6180,ff\n" // Version
+ "760,0,7,1,0,0,,14ffff,54,ff\n" // Reset DTC
+ "760,0,23,1,0,0,,19023b,5902ff,ff\n" // Query DTC
+ "762,56,63,1,0,0,,2180,6180,ff\n" // diagVersion
+ "762,64,87,1,0,0,,2180,6180,2ff\n" // Supplier (string!)
+ "762,128,143,1,0,0,,2180,6180,ff\n" // Soft
+ "762,144,159,1,0,0,,2180,6180,ff\n" // Version
+ "762,0,7,1,0,0,,14ffff,54,ff\n" // Reset DTC
+ "762,0,23,1,0,0,,19023b,5902ff,ff\n" // Query DTC
+ "763,56,63,1,0,0,,2180,6180,ff\n" // diagVersion
+ "763,64,87,1,0,0,,2180,6180,2ff\n" // Supplier (string!)
+ "763,128,143,1,0,0,,2180,6180,ff\n" // Soft
+ "763,144,159,1,0,0,,2180,6180,ff\n" // Version
+ "763,0,7,1,0,0,,14ffff,54,ff\n" // Reset DTC
+ "763,0,23,1,0,0,,19023b,5902ff,ff\n" // Query DTC
+ "764,26,35,0.1,400,0,°C,2121,6121,e2\n" // IH_InCarTemp
+ "764,8,15,0.4,100,0,°C,2121,6121,5\n" // IH_InCarTemp
+ "764,36,43,1,0,0,%,2121,6121,e2\n" // IH_RHumidity
+ "764,16,23,1,0,0,%,2121,6121,5\n" // IH_RHumidity
+ "764,86,87,1,0,0,,2143,6143,ff\n" // IH_EcoModeRequest,0:Unavailable Value;1:Eco mode requested;2:Eco mode not requested;3:Not used
+ "764,110,117,1,40,0,%,2143,6143,ff\n" // IH_ExternalTemp
+ "764,134,142,.1,0,0,bar,2143,6143,ff\n" // IH_ACHighPressureSensor
+ "764,107,116,10,0,0,rpm,2144,6144,ff\n" // IH_ClimCompRPMStatus
+ "764,40,41,1,0,0,,2167,6167,ff\n" // IH_ExternalTemp
+ "764,56,63,1,0,0,,2180,6180,ff\n" // diagVersion
+ "764,64,87,1,0,0,,2180,6180,2ff\n" // Supplier (string!)
+ "764,128,143,1,0,0,,2180,6180,ff\n" // Soft
+ "764,144,159,1,0,0,,2180,6180,ff\n" // Version
+ "764,0,7,1,0,0,,14ffff,54,ff\n" // Reset DTC
+ "764,0,23,1,0,0,,19023b,5902ff,ff\n" // Query DTC
+ "765,56,63,1,0,0,,2180,6180,ff\n" // diagVersion
+ "765,64,87,1,0,0,,2180,6180,2ff\n" // Supplier (string!)
+ "765,128,143,1,0,0,,2180,6180,ff\n" // Soft
+ "765,144,159,1,0,0,,2180,6180,ff\n" // Version
+ "765,0,7,1,0,0,,14ffff,54,ff\n" // Reset DTC
+ "765,0,23,1,0,0,,19023b,5902ff,ff\n" // Query DTC
+ "76d,56,63,1,0,0,,2180,6180,ff\n" // diagVersion
+ "76d,64,87,1,0,0,,2180,6180,2ff\n" // Supplier (string!)
+ "76d,128,143,1,0,0,,2180,6180,ff\n" // Soft
+ "76d,144,159,1,0,0,,2180,6180,ff\n" // Version
+ "76d,0,7,1,0,0,,14ffff,54,ff\n" // Reset DTC
+ "76d,0,23,1,0,0,,19023b,5902ff,ff\n" // Query DTC
+ "76e,56,63,1,0,0,,2180,6180,ff\n" // diagVersion
+ "76e,64,87,1,0,0,,2180,6180,2ff\n" // Supplier (string!)
+ "76e,128,143,1,0,0,,2180,6180,ff\n" // Soft
+ "76e,144,159,1,0,0,,2180,6180,ff\n" // Version
+ "76e,0,7,1,0,0,,14ffff,54,ff\n" // Reset DTC
+ "76e,0,23,1,0,0,,19023b,5902ff,ff\n" // Query DTC
+ "772,56,63,1,0,0,,2180,6180,ff\n" // diagVersion
+ "772,64,87,1,0,0,,2180,6180,2ff\n" // Supplier (string!)
+ "772,128,143,1,0,0,,2180,6180,ff\n" // Soft
+ "772,144,159,1,0,0,,2180,6180,ff\n" // Version
+ "772,0,7,1,0,0,,14ffff,54,ff\n" // Reset DTC
+ "772,0,23,1,0,0,,19023b,5902ff,ff\n" // Query DTC
+ "77e,56,63,1,0,0,,2180,6180,ff\n" // diagVersion
+ "77e,64,87,1,0,0,,2180,6180,2ff\n" // Supplier (string!)
+ "77e,128,143,1,0,0,,2180,6180,ff\n" // Soft
+ "77e,144,159,1,0,0,,2180,6180,ff\n" // Version
+ "77e,0,7,1,0,0,,14ffff,54,ff\n" // Reset DTC
+ "77e,0,23,1,0,0,,19023b,5902ff,ff\n" // Query DTC
+ "77e,24,39,0.015625,0,2,ºC,223018,623018,ff\n" // DCDC converter temperature
+ "77e,24,31,0.015625,0,2,°C,22302b,62302b,ff\n" // inverter temperature
+ "793,0,0,1,0,0,,1081,5081,ff\n" // start diag
+ "793,0,0,1,0,0,,10c0,50c0,ff\n" // start diag
+ "793,0,0,1,0,0,,3e01,7e01,ff\n" // Tester present
+ "793,56,63,1,0,0,,2180,6180,ff\n" // diagVersion
+ "793,64,87,1,0,0,,2180,6180,2ff\n" // Supplier (string!)
+ "793,128,143,1,0,0,,2180,6180,ff\n" // Soft
+ "793,144,159,1,0,0,,2180,6180,ff\n" // Version
+ "793,0,7,1,0,0,,14ffff,54,ff\n" // Reset DTC
+ "793,0,23,1,0,0,,19023b,5902ff,ff\n" // Query DTC
+ "793,24,39,0.0625,32768,0,mA,225057,625057,ff\n" // DataRead.Raw leakage current - DC part measurement
+ "793,24,39,0.0625,32768,0,mA,225058,625058,ff\n" // DataRead.Raw leakage current - High Frequency 10kHz part measurement
+ "793,24,39,0.0625,32768,0,mA,225059,625059,ff\n" // DataRead.Raw leakage current - High Frequency 1st part measurement
+ "793,24,39,0.0625,32768,0,mA,22505a,62505a,ff\n" // DataRead.Raw leakage current - Low Frequency part measurement (50Hz)
+ "793,24,39,.0625,3200,0,A,222001,622001,ff\n" // Mains phase 1 current RMS value
+ "793,24,39,.0625,3200,0,A,22503A,62503A,ff\n" // Mains phase 2 current RMS
+ "793,24,39,.0625,3200,0,A,22503B,62503B,ff\n" // Mains phase 3 current RMS
+ "793,29,31,1,0,0,,225017,625017,ff\n" // Mains current type,0:Nok;1:AC mono;2:AC tri;3:DC;4:AC bi
+ "793,24,39,.5,32000,0,V,22502C,62502C,ff\n" // Raw AC mains phase 1 measured voltage
+ "793,24,39,.5,32000,0,V,22502D,62502D,ff\n" // Raw AC mains phase 2 measured voltage
+ "793,24,39,.5,32000,0,V,22502E,62502E,ff\n" // Raw AC mains phase 3 measured voltage
+ "793,24,39,.5,0,0,V,22503f,62503f,ff\n" // Mains phase 1-2 voltage RMS value
+ "793,24,39,.5,0,0,V,225041,625041,ff\n" // Mains phase 2-3 voltage RMS value
+ "793,24,39,.5,0,0,V,225042,625042,ff\n" // Mains phase 3-1 voltage RMS value
+ "793,24,39,1,20000,0,W,22504A,62504A,ff\n" // Mains active power consumed
+ "793,24,39,1,0,0,Ohm,225062,625062,ff\n" // Mains ground resistance
+ "793,24,31,1,0,0,,225063,625063,ff\n" // Supervisor state,0:Init;1:Wait;2:ClosingS2;3:InitType;4:InitLkg;5:InitChg;6:Charge;7:ZeroAmpMode;8:EndOfChg;9:OpeningS2;10:ReadyToSleep;11:EmergencyStop;12:InitChargeDF;13:OCPStop;14:WaitS2
+ "793,24,31,1,0,0,,225064,625064,ff\n" // Leakage current diagnostic stored completion status,0:init;1:HF10;3:Mains Ground Default;5:Earth Current default;9:Ground Default;17:Means Leakage DC;33:Means Leakage LF;49:Means Leakage DC+LF;65:Means Leakage HF;81:Means Leakage DC+HF;97:Means Leakage LF+HF;113:Means Leakage DC+LF+HF
+ "7b6,56,63,1,0,0,,2180,6180,ff\n" // diagVersion
+ "7b6,64,87,1,0,0,,2180,6180,2ff\n" // Supplier (string!)
+ "7b6,128,143,1,0,0,,2180,6180,ff\n" // Soft
+ "7b6,144,159,1,0,0,,2180,6180,ff\n" // Version
+ "7b6,0,7,1,0,0,,14ffff,54,ff\n" // Reset DTC
+ "7b6,0,23,1,0,0,,19023b,59020f,ff\n" // Query DTC
+ "7bb,336,351,0.01,0,2,kW,2101,6101,e2\n" // Maximum battery input power
+ "7bb,56,71,10,0,0,°C,2103,6103,5\n" // Mean battery compartment temp
+ "7bb,192,207,0.01,0,2,%,2103,6103,e2\n" // Real State of Charge
+ "7bb,32,39,1,40,0,°C,2104,6104,e2\n" // Cell 1 Temperature
+ "7bb,56,63,1,40,0,°C,2104,6104,e2\n" // Cell 2 Temperature
+ "7bb,80,87,1,40,0,°C,2104,6104,e2\n" // Cell 3 Temperature
+ "7bb,104,111,1,40,0,°C,2104,6104,e2\n" // Cell 4 Temperature
+ "7bb,128,135,1,40,0,°C,2104,6104,e2\n" // Cell 5 Temperature
+ "7bb,152,159,1,40,0,°C,2104,6104,e2\n" // Cell 6 Temperature
+ "7bb,176,183,1,40,0,°C,2104,6104,e2\n" // Cell 7 Temperature
+ "7bb,200,207,1,40,0,°C,2104,6104,e2\n" // Cell 8 Temperature
+ "7bb,224,231,1,40,0,°C,2104,6104,e2\n" // Cell 9 Temperature
+ "7bb,248,255,1,40,0,°C,2104,6104,e2\n" // Cell 10 Temperature
+ "7bb,272,279,1,40,0,°C,2104,6104,e2\n" // Cell 11 Temperature
+ "7bb,296,303,1,40,0,°C,2104,6104,e2\n" // Cell 12 Temperature
+ "7bb,600,607,1,40,0,degC,2104,6104,ff\n" // 21_04_#76_Average_Battery_Temperature
+ "7bb,16,23,1,0,0,,2107,6107,e2\n" // Cell 1 Balancing switch
+ "7bb,24,31,1,0,0,,2107,6107,e2\n" // Cell 2 Balancing switch
+ "7bb,32,39,1,0,0,,2107,6107,e2\n" // Cell 3 Balancing switch
+ "7bb,40,47,1,0,0,,2107,6107,e2\n" // Cell 4 Balancing switch
+ "7bb,48,55,1,0,0,,2107,6107,e2\n" // Cell 5 Balancing switch
+ "7bb,56,63,1,0,0,,2107,6107,e2\n" // Cell 6 Balancing switch
+ "7bb,64,71,1,0,0,,2107,6107,e2\n" // Cell 7 Balancing switch
+ "7bb,72,79,1,0,0,,2107,6107,e2\n" // Cell 8 Balancing switch
+ "7bb,80,87,1,0,0,,2107,6107,e2\n" // Cell 9 Balancing switch
+ "7bb,88,95,1,0,0,,2107,6107,e2\n" // Cell 10 Balancing switch
+ "7bb,96,102,1,0,0,,2107,6107,e2\n" // Cell 11 Balancing switch
+ "7bb,104,111,1,0,0,,2107,6107,e2\n" // Cell 12 Balancing switch
+ "7bb,32,39,1,0,0,°C,2104,6104,105\n" // Cell 1 Balancing switch
+ "7bb,56,63,1,0,0,°C,2104,6104,105\n" // Cell 2 Balancing switch
+ "7bb,80,87,1,0,0,°C,2104,6104,105\n" // Cell 3 Balancing switch
+ "7bb,104,111,1,0,0,°C,2104,6104,105\n" // Cell 4 Balancing switch
+ "7bb,16,31,0.001,0,3,V,2141,6141,ff\n" // Cell 01 V
+ "7bb,32,47,0.001,0,3,V,2141,6141,ff\n" // Cell 02 V
+ "7bb,48,63,0.001,0,3,V,2141,6141,ff\n" // Cell 03 V
+ "7bb,64,79,0.001,0,3,V,2141,6141,ff\n" // Cell 04 V
+ "7bb,80,95,0.001,0,3,V,2141,6141,ff\n" // Cell 05 V
+ "7bb,96,111,0.001,0,3,V,2141,6141,ff\n" // Cell 06 V
+ "7bb,112,127,0.001,0,3,V,2141,6141,ff\n" // Cell 07 V
+ "7bb,128,143,0.001,0,3,V,2141,6141,ff\n" // Cell 08 V
+ "7bb,144,159,0.001,0,3,V,2141,6141,ff\n" // Cell 09 V
+ "7bb,160,175,0.001,0,3,V,2141,6141,ff\n" // Cell 10 V
+ "7bb,176,191,0.001,0,3,V,2141,6141,ff\n" // Cell 11 V
+ "7bb,192,207,0.001,0,3,V,2141,6141,ff\n" // Cell 12 V
+ "7bb,208,223,0.001,0,3,V,2141,6141,ff\n" // Cell 13 V
+ "7bb,224,239,0.001,0,3,V,2141,6141,ff\n" // Cell 14 V
+ "7bb,240,255,0.001,0,3,V,2141,6141,ff\n" // Cell 15 V
+ "7bb,256,271,0.001,0,3,V,2141,6141,ff\n" // Cell 16 V
+ "7bb,272,287,0.001,0,3,V,2141,6141,ff\n" // Cell 17 V
+ "7bb,288,303,0.001,0,3,V,2141,6141,ff\n" // Cell 18 V
+ "7bb,304,319,0.001,0,3,V,2141,6141,ff\n" // Cell 19 V
+ "7bb,320,335,0.001,0,3,V,2141,6141,ff\n" // Cell 20 V
+ "7bb,336,351,0.001,0,3,V,2141,6141,ff\n" // Cell 21 V
+ "7bb,352,367,0.001,0,3,V,2141,6141,ff\n" // Cell 22 V
+ "7bb,368,383,0.001,0,3,V,2141,6141,ff\n" // Cell 23 V
+ "7bb,384,399,0.001,0,3,V,2141,6141,ff\n" // Cell 24 V
+ "7bb,400,415,0.001,0,3,V,2141,6141,ff\n" // Cell 25 V
+ "7bb,416,431,0.001,0,3,V,2141,6141,ff\n" // Cell 26 V
+ "7bb,432,447,0.001,0,3,V,2141,6141,ff\n" // Cell 27 V
+ "7bb,448,463,0.001,0,3,V,2141,6141,ff\n" // Cell 28 V
+ "7bb,464,479,0.001,0,3,V,2141,6141,ff\n" // Cell 29 V
+ "7bb,480,495,0.001,0,3,V,2141,6141,ff\n" // Cell 30 V
+ "7bb,496,511,0.001,0,3,V,2141,6141,ff\n" // Cell 31 V
+ "7bb,512,527,0.001,0,3,V,2141,6141,ff\n" // Cell 32 V
+ "7bb,528,543,0.001,0,3,V,2141,6141,ff\n" // Cell 33 V
+ "7bb,544,559,0.001,0,3,V,2141,6141,ff\n" // Cell 34 V
+ "7bb,560,575,0.001,0,3,V,2141,6141,ff\n" // Cell 35 V
+ "7bb,576,591,0.001,0,3,V,2141,6141,ff\n" // Cell 36 V
+ "7bb,592,607,0.001,0,3,V,2141,6141,ff\n" // Cell 37 V
+ "7bb,608,623,0.001,0,3,V,2141,6141,ff\n" // Cell 38 V
+ "7bb,624,639,0.001,0,3,V,2141,6141,ff\n" // Cell 39 V
+ "7bb,640,655,0.001,0,3,V,2141,6141,ff\n" // Cell 40 V
+ "7bb,656,671,0.001,0,3,V,2141,6141,ff\n" // Cell 41 V
+ "7bb,672,687,0.001,0,3,V,2141,6141,ff\n" // Cell 42 V
+ "7bb,688,703,0.001,0,3,V,2141,6141,ff\n" // Cell 43 V
+ "7bb,704,719,0.001,0,3,V,2141,6141,ff\n" // Cell 44 V
+ "7bb,720,735,0.001,0,3,V,2141,6141,ff\n" // Cell 45 V
+ "7bb,736,751,0.001,0,3,V,2141,6141,ff\n" // Cell 46 V
+ "7bb,752,767,0.001,0,3,V,2141,6141,ff\n" // Cell 47 V
+ "7bb,768,783,0.001,0,3,V,2141,6141,ff\n" // Cell 48 V
+ "7bb,784,799,0.001,0,3,V,2141,6141,ff\n" // Cell 49 V
+ "7bb,800,815,0.001,0,3,V,2141,6141,ff\n" // Cell 50 V
+ "7bb,816,831,0.001,0,3,V,2141,6141,ff\n" // Cell 51 V
+ "7bb,832,847,0.001,0,3,V,2141,6141,ff\n" // Cell 52 V
+ "7bb,848,863,0.001,0,3,V,2141,6141,ff\n" // Cell 53 V
+ "7bb,864,879,0.001,0,3,V,2141,6141,ff\n" // Cell 54 V
+ "7bb,880,895,0.001,0,3,V,2141,6141,ff\n" // Cell 55 V
+ "7bb,896,911,0.001,0,3,V,2141,6141,ff\n" // Cell 56 V
+ "7bb,912,927,0.001,0,3,V,2141,6141,ff\n" // Cell 57 V
+ "7bb,928,943,0.001,0,3,V,2141,6141,ff\n" // Cell 58 V
+ "7bb,944,959,0.001,0,3,V,2141,6141,ff\n" // Cell 59 V
+ "7bb,960,975,0.001,0,3,V,2141,6141,ff\n" // Cell 60 V
+ "7bb,976,991,0.001,0,3,V,2141,6141,ff\n" // Cell 61 V
+ "7bb,992,1007,0.001,0,3,V,2141,6141,ff\n" // Cell 62 V
+ "7bb,16,31,0.001,0,3,V,2142,6142,ff\n" // Cell 63 V
+ "7bb,32,47,0.001,0,3,V,2142,6142,ff\n" // Cell 64 Vl
+ "7bb,48,63,0.001,0,3,V,2142,6142,ff\n" // Cell 65 V
+ "7bb,64,79,0.001,0,3,V,2142,6142,ff\n" // Cell 66 V
+ "7bb,80,95,0.001,0,3,V,2142,6142,ff\n" // Cell 67 V
+ "7bb,96,111,0.001,0,3,V,2142,6142,ff\n" // Cell 68 V
+ "7bb,112,127,0.001,0,3,V,2142,6142,ff\n" // Cell 69 V
+ "7bb,128,143,0.001,0,3,V,2142,6142,ff\n" // Cell 70 V
+ "7bb,144,159,0.001,0,3,V,2142,6142,ff\n" // Cell 71 V
+ "7bb,160,175,0.001,0,3,V,2142,6142,ff\n" // Cell 72 V
+ "7bb,176,191,0.001,0,3,V,2142,6142,ff\n" // Cell 73 V
+ "7bb,192,207,0.001,0,3,V,2142,6142,ff\n" // Cell 74 V
+ "7bb,208,223,0.001,0,3,V,2142,6142,ff\n" // Cell 75 V
+ "7bb,224,239,0.001,0,3,V,2142,6142,ff\n" // Cell 76 V
+ "7bb,240,255,0.001,0,3,V,2142,6142,ff\n" // Cell 77 V
+ "7bb,256,271,0.001,0,3,V,2142,6142,ff\n" // Cell 78 V
+ "7bb,272,287,0.001,0,3,V,2142,6142,ff\n" // Cell 79 V
+ "7bb,288,303,0.001,0,3,V,2142,6142,ff\n" // Cell 80 V
+ "7bb,304,319,0.001,0,3,V,2142,6142,ff\n" // Cell 81 V
+ "7bb,320,335,0.001,0,3,V,2142,6142,ff\n" // Cell 82 V
+ "7bb,336,351,0.001,0,3,V,2142,6142,ff\n" // Cell 83 V
+ "7bb,352,367,0.001,0,3,V,2142,6142,ff\n" // Cell 84 V
+ "7bb,368,383,0.001,0,3,V,2142,6142,ff\n" // Cell 85 V
+ "7bb,384,399,0.001,0,3,V,2142,6142,ff\n" // Cell 86 V
+ "7bb,400,415,0.001,0,3,V,2142,6142,ff\n" // Cell 87 V
+ "7bb,416,431,0.001,0,3,V,2142,6142,ff\n" // Cell 88 V
+ "7bb,432,447,0.001,0,3,V,2142,6142,ff\n" // Cell 89 V
+ "7bb,448,463,0.001,0,3,V,2142,6142,ff\n" // Cell 90 V
+ "7bb,464,479,0.001,0,3,V,2142,6142,ff\n" // Cell 91 V
+ "7bb,480,495,0.001,0,3,V,2142,6142,ff\n" // Cell 92 V
+ "7bb,496,511,0.001,0,3,V,2142,6142,ff\n" // Cell 93 V
+ "7bb,512,527,0.001,0,3,V,2142,6142,ff\n" // Cell 94 V
+ "7bb,528,543,0.001,0,3,V,2142,6142,ff\n" // Cell 95 V
+ "7bb,544,559,0.001,0,3,V,2142,6142,ff\n" // Cell 96 V
+ "7bb,96,119,1,0,0,km,2161,6161,ff\n" // Battery mileage in km
+ "7bb,56,63,1,0,0,,2180,6180,ff\n" // diagVersion
+ "7bb,64,87,1,0,0,,2180,6180,2ff\n" // Supplier (string!)
+ "7bb,128,143,1,0,0,,2180,6180,ff\n" // Soft
+ "7bb,144,159,1,0,0,,2180,6180,ff\n" // Version
+ "7bb,0,7,1,0,0,,14ffff,54,ff\n" // Reset DTC
+ "7bb,0,23,1,0,0,,19023b,5902ff,ff\n" // Query DTC
+ "7bc,56,63,1,0,0,,2180,6180,ff\n" // diagVersion
+ "7bc,64,87,1,0,0,,2180,6180,2ff\n" // Supplier (string!)
+ "7bc,128,143,1,0,0,,2180,6180,ff\n" // Soft
+ "7bc,144,159,1,0,0,,2180,6180,ff\n" // Version
+ "7bc,0,7,1,0,0,,14ffff,54,ff\n" // Reset DTC
+ "7bc,0,23,1,0,0,,19023b,5902ff,ff\n" // Query DTC
+ "7da,56,63,1,0,0,,2180,6180,ff\n" // diagVersion
+ "7da,64,87,1,0,0,,2180,6180,2ff\n" // Supplier (string!)
+ "7da,128,143,1,0,0,,2180,6180,ff\n" // Soft
+ "7da,144,159,1,0,0,,2180,6180,ff\n" // Version
+ "7da,0,7,1,0,0,,14ffff,54,ff\n" // Reset DTC
+ "7da,0,23,1,0,0,,19023b,5902ff,ff\n" // Query DTC
+ "7ec,56,63,1,0,0,,2180,6180,ff\n" // diagVersion
+ "7ec,64,87,1,0,0,,2180,6180,2ff\n" // Supplier (string!)
+ "7ec,128,143,1,0,0,,2180,6180,ff\n" // Soft
+ "7ec,144,159,1,0,0,,2180,6180,ff\n" // Version
+ "7ec,0,7,1,0,0,,14ffff,54,ff\n" // Reset DTC
+ "7ec,0,23,1,0,0,,19023b,5902ff,ff\n" // Query DTC
+ "7ec,24,31,1,40,0,°C,222001,622001,ff,Battery Rack temperature\n" //
+ "7ec,24,39,2,0,2,%,222002,622002,e2\n" // SOC
+ "7ec,24,39,2.083333333,0,2,%,222002,622002,e5\n" // SOC
+ "7ec,24,39,0.01,0,2,V,222005,622005,ff\n" // 12V battery voltage
+ "7ec,24,47,1,0,0,km,222006,622006,ff\n" // Odometer
+ "7ec,24,31,0.5,0,1,A,223028,623028,ff\n" // 14V current?
+ "7ec,24,39,0.5,0,2,V,223203,623203,ff\n" // HV Battery voltage
+ "7ec,24,39,0.25,32768,2,A,223204,623204,ff\n" // HV Battery current
+ "7ec,24,31,1,0,0,%,223206,623206,ff\n" // Battery health in %
+ "7ec,24,31,1,1,0,,223318,623318,ff\n" // Motor Water pump speed
+ "7ec,24,31,1,1,0,,223319,623319,ff\n" // Charger pump speed
+ "7ec,24,31,1,1,0,,22331A,62331A,ff\n" // Heater water pump speed
+ "7ec,24,47,0.001,1,0,kWh,2233dc,6233dc,ff\n" // Consumed domestic energy
+ "7ec,240,263,1,0,0,km,2233d4,6233d4,ff\n" //
+ "7ec,216,239,1,0,0,km,2233d4,6233d4,ff\n" //
+ "7ec,192,215,1,0,0,km,2233d4,6233d4,ff\n" //
+ "7ec,168,191,1,0,0,km,2233d4,6233d4,ff\n" //
+ "7ec,144,167,1,0,0,km,2233d4,6233d4,ff\n" //
+ "7ec,120,143,1,0,0,km,2233d4,6233d4,ff\n" //
+ "7ec,96,119,1,0,0,km,2233d4,6233d4,ff\n" //
+ "7ec,72,95,1,0,0,km,2233d4,6233d4,ff\n" //
+ "7ec,48,71,1,0,0,km,2233d4,6233d4,ff\n" //
+ "7ec,24,47,1,0,0,km,2233d4,6233d4,ff\n" //
+ "7ec,96,103,1,0,0,,2233d5,6233d5,ff,\n" //
+ "7ec,88,95,1,0,0,,2233d5,6233d5,ff\n" //
+ "7ec,80,87,1,0,0,,2233d5,6233d5,ff\n" //
+ "7ec,72,79,1,0,0,,2233d5,6233d5,ff\n" //
+ "7ec,64,71,1,0,0,,2233d5,6233d5,ff\n" //
+ "7ec,56,63,1,0,0,,2233d5,6233d5,ff\n" //
+ "7ec,48,55,1,0,0,,2233d5,6233d5,ff\n" //
+ "7ec,40,47,1,0,0,,2233d5,6233d5,ff\n" //
+ "7ec,32,39,1,0,0,,2233d5,6233d5,ff\n" //
+ "7ec,24,31,1,0,0,,2233d5,6233d5,ff\n" //
+ "7ec,96,103,1,0,0,,2233d6,6233d6,ff\n" //
+ "7ec,88,95,1,0,0,,2233d6,6233d6,ff\n" //
+ "7ec,80,87,1,0,0,,2233d6,6233d6,ff\n" //
+ "7ec,72,79,1,0,0,,2233d6,6233d6,ff\n" //
+ "7ec,64,71,1,0,0,,2233d6,6233d6,ff\n" //
+ "7ec,56,63,1,0,0,,2233d6,6233d6,ff\n" //
+ "7ec,48,55,1,0,0,,2233d6,6233d6,ff\n" //
+ "7ec,40,47,1,0,0,,2233d6,6233d6,ff\n" //
+ "7ec,32,39,1,0,0,,2233d6,6233d6,ff\n" //
+ "7ec,24,31,1,0,0,,2233d6,6233d6,ff\n" //
+ "7ec,168,183,.2,0,0,%,2233d7,6233d7,ff\n" //
+ "7ec,152,167,.2,0,0,%,2233d7,6233d7,ff\n" //
+ "7ec,136,151,.2,0,0,%,2233d7,6233d7,ff\n" //
+ "7ec,120,135,.2,0,0,%,2233d7,6233d7,ff\n" //
+ "7ec,104,119,.2,0,0,%,2233d7,6233d7,ff\n" //
+ "7ec,88,103,.2,0,0,%,2233d7,6233d7,ff\n" //
+ "7ec,72,87,.2,0,0,%,2233d7,6233d7,ff\n" //
+ "7ec,56,71,.2,0,0,%,2233d7,6233d7,ff\n" //
+ "7ec,40,55,.2,0,0,%,2233d7,6233d7,ff\n" //
+ "7ec,24,39,.2,0,0,%,2233d7,6233d7,ff\n" //
+ "7ec,96,103,1,40,0,°C,2233d8,6233d8,ff\n" //
+ "7ec,88,95,1,40,0,°C,2233d8,6233d8,ff\n" //
+ "7ec,80,87,1,40,0,°C,2233d8,6233d8,ff\n" //
+ "7ec,72,79,1,40,0,°C,2233d8,6233d8,ff\n" //
+ "7ec,64,71,1,40,0,°C,2233d8,6233d8,ff\n" //
+ "7ec,56,63,1,40,0,°C,2233d8,6233d8,ff\n" //
+ "7ec,48,55,1,40,0,°C,2233d8,6233d8,ff\n" //
+ "7ec,40,47,1,40,0,°C,2233d8,6233d8,ff\n" //
+ "7ec,32,39,1,40,0,°C,2233d8,6233d8,ff\n" //
+ "7ec,24,31,1,40,0,°C,2233d8,6233d8,ff\n" //
+ "7ec,168,183,1,0,0,min,2233d9,6233d9,ff\n" //
+ "7ec,152,167,1,0,0,min,2233d9,6233d9,ff\n" //
+ "7ec,136,151,1,0,0,min,2233d9,6233d9,ff\n" //
+ "7ec,120,135,1,0,0,min,2233d9,6233d9,ff\n" //
+ "7ec,104,119,1,0,0,min,2233d9,6233d9,ff\n" //
+ "7ec,88,103,1,0,0,min,2233d9,6233d9,ff\n" //
+ "7ec,72,87,1,0,0,min,2233d9,6233d9,ff\n" //
+ "7ec,56,71,1,0,0,min,2233d9,6233d9,ff\n" //
+ "7ec,40,55,1,0,0,min,2233d9,6233d9,ff\n" //
+ "7ec,24,39,1,0,0,min,2233d9,6233d9,ff\n" //
fillDynamic (fieldDef);
// Copiado de DataLogger.java
// -------- Data Definitions copied from Driving Activity -- start ---
// for ISO-TP optimization to work, group all identical CAN ID's together when calling addListener
// free data
public static final String SID_Consumption = "1fd.48"; //EVC
public static final String SID_Pedal = "186.40"; //EVC
public static final String SID_MeanEffectiveTorque = "186.16"; //EVC
public static final String SID_RealSpeed = "5d7.0"; //ESC-ABS
public static final String SID_SoC = "654.25"; //EVC
public static final String SID_RangeEstimate = "654.42"; //EVC
public static final String SID_DriverBrakeWheel_Torque_Request = "130.44"; //UBP braking wheel torque the driver wants
public static final String SID_ElecBrakeWheelsTorqueApplied = "1f8.28"; //UBP 10ms
// ISO-TP data
// public static final String SID_EVC_SoC = "7ec.622002.24"; // (EVC)
// public static final String SID_EVC_RealSpeed = "7ec.622003.24"; // (EVC)
public static final String SID_EVC_Odometer = "7ec.622006.24"; // (EVC)
// public static final String SID_EVC_Pedal = "7ec.62202e.24"; // (EVC)
public static final String SID_EVC_TractionBatteryVoltage = "7ec.623203.24"; // (EVC)
public static final String SID_EVC_TractionBatteryCurrent = "7ec.623204.24"; // (EVC)
public static final String SID_MaxCharge = "7bb.6101.336";
// Copiado de AuxBatteryActivity.java
public static final String SID_AuxVoltage = "7ec.622005.24"; //"7bb.6101.224";
public static final String SID_AuxStatus = "638.37";
public static final String SID_VehicleState = "35c.5";
public static final String SID_ChargingStatusDisplay = "65b.41";
// Copiado de BatteryActivity.java
public static final String SID_MainsCurrentType = "793.625017.29";
public static final String SID_Phase1currentRMS = "793.622001.24";
public static final String SID_Phase2CurrentRMS = "793.62503A.24"; // Raw <= this seems to be instant DC coupled value
public static final String SID_Phase3CurrentRMS = "793.62503B.24";
public static final String SID_PhaseVoltage1 = "793.62502C.24"; // Raw
public static final String SID_PhaseVoltage2 = "793.62502D.24";
public static final String SID_PhaseVoltage3 = "793.62502E.24";
public static final String SID_InterPhaseVoltage12 = "793.62503F.24"; // Measured
public static final String SID_InterPhaseVoltage23 = "793.625041.24";
public static final String SID_InterPhaseVoltage31 = "793.625042.24";
public static final String SID_MainsActivePower = "793.62504a.24";
public static final String SID_GroundResistance = "793.625062.24";
public static final String SID_SupervisorState = "793.625063.24";
public static final String SID_CompletionStatus = "793.625064.24";