
385 lines
10 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python2
# Select a set of Unicode characters (based on included/excluded categories
# etc) and write out a compact bitstream for matching a character against
# the set at runtime. This is for the slow path, where we're especially
# concerned with compactness. A C source file with the table is written,
# together with a matching C header.
# Unicode categories (such as 'Z') can be used. Two pseudo-categories
# are also available for exclusion only: ASCII and NONBMP. "ASCII"
# category excludes ASCII codepoints which is useful because C code
# typically contains an ASCII fast path so ASCII characters don't need
# to be considered in the Unicode tables. "NONBMP" excludes codepoints
# above U+FFFF which is useful because such codepoints don't need to be
# supported in standard ECMAScript.
import os
import sys
import math
import optparse
import dukutil
def read_unicode_data(unidata, catsinc, catsexc, filterfunc):
"Read UnicodeData.txt, including lines matching catsinc unless excluded by catsexc or filterfunc."
res = []
f = open(unidata, 'rb')
def filter_none(cp):
return True
if filterfunc is None:
filterfunc = filter_none
# The Unicode parsing is slow enough to warrant some speedups.
exclude_cat_exact = {}
for cat in catsexc:
exclude_cat_exact[cat] = True
include_cat_exact = {}
for cat in catsinc:
include_cat_exact[cat] = True
for line in f:
#line = line.strip()
parts = line.split(';')
codepoint = parts[0]
if not filterfunc(long(codepoint, 16)):
category = parts[2]
if exclude_cat_exact.has_key(category):
continue # quick reject
rejected = False
for cat in catsexc:
if category.startswith(cat) or codepoint == cat:
rejected = True
if rejected:
if include_cat_exact.has_key(category):
accepted = False
for cat in catsinc:
if category.startswith(cat) or codepoint == cat:
accepted = True
if accepted:
# Sort based on Unicode codepoint
def mycmp(a,b):
t1 = a.split(';')
t2 = b.split(';')
n1 = long(t1[0], 16)
n2 = long(t2[0], 16)
return cmp(n1, n2)
return res
def scan_ranges(lines):
"Scan continuous ranges from (filtered) UnicodeData.txt lines."
ranges = []
range_start = None
prev = None
for line in lines:
t = line.split(';')
n = long(t[0], 16)
if range_start is None:
range_start = n
if n == prev + 1:
# continue range
ranges.append((range_start, prev))
range_start = n
prev = n
if range_start is not None:
ranges.append((range_start, prev))
return ranges
def generate_png(lines, fname):
"Generate an illustrative PNG of the character set."
from PIL import Image
m = {}
for line in lines:
t = line.split(';')
n = long(t[0], 16)
m[n] = 1
codepoints = 0x10ffff + 1
width = int(256)
height = int(math.ceil(float(codepoints) / float(width)))
im = Image.new('RGB', (width, height))
black = (0,0,0)
white = (255,255,255)
for cp in xrange(codepoints):
y = cp / width
x = cp % width
if m.has_key(long(cp)):
im.putpixel((x,y), black)
im.putpixel((x,y), white)
def generate_match_table1(ranges):
"Unused match table format."
# This is an earlier match table format which is no longer used.
# IdentifierStart-UnicodeLetter has 445 ranges and generates a
# match table of 2289 bytes.
data = []
prev_re = None
def genrange(rs, re):
if (rs > re):
raise Exception('assumption failed: rs=%d re=%d' % (rs, re))
while True:
now = re - rs + 1
if now > 255:
now = 255
data.append(now) # range now
data.append(0) # skip 0
rs = rs + now
data.append(now) # range now
def genskip(ss, se):
if (ss > se):
raise Exception('assumption failed: ss=%d se=%s' % (ss, se))
while True:
now = se - ss + 1
if now > 255:
now = 255
data.append(now) # skip now
data.append(0) # range 0
ss = ss + now
data.append(now) # skip now
for rs, re in ranges:
if prev_re is not None:
genskip(prev_re + 1, rs - 1)
genrange(rs, re)
prev_re = re
num_entries = len(data)
# header: start of first range
# num entries
hdr = []
hdr.append(ranges[0][0] >> 8) # XXX: check that not 0x10000 or over
hdr.append(ranges[0][1] & 0xff)
hdr.append(num_entries >> 8)
hdr.append(num_entries & 0xff)
return hdr + data
def generate_match_table2(ranges):
"Unused match table format."
# Another attempt at a match table which is also unused.
# Total tables for all current classes is now 1472 bytes.
data = []
def enc(x):
while True:
if x < 0x80:
data.append(0x80 + (x & 0x7f))
x = x >> 7
prev_re = 0
for rs, re in ranges:
r1 = rs - prev_re # 1 or above (no unjoined ranges)
r2 = re - rs # 0 or above
prev_re = re
enc(0) # end marker
return data
def generate_match_table3(ranges):
"Current match table format."
# Yet another attempt, similar to generate_match_table2 except
# in packing format.
# Total match size now (at time of writing): 1194 bytes.
# This is the current encoding format used in duk_lexer.c.
be = dukutil.BitEncoder()
freq = [0] * (0x10ffff + 1) # informative
def enc(x):
freq[x] += 1
if x <= 0x0e:
# 4-bit encoding
be.bits(x, 4)
x -= 0x0e + 1
if x <= 0xfd:
# 12-bit encoding
be.bits(0x0f, 4)
be.bits(x, 8)
x -= 0xfd + 1
if x <= 0xfff:
# 24-bit encoding
be.bits(0x0f, 4)
be.bits(0xfe, 8)
be.bits(x, 12)
x -= 0xfff + 1
if True:
# 36-bit encoding
be.bits(0x0f, 4)
be.bits(0xff, 8)
be.bits(x, 24)
raise Exception('cannot encode')
prev_re = 0
for rs, re in ranges:
r1 = rs - prev_re # 1 or above (no unjoined ranges)
r2 = re - rs # 0 or above
prev_re = re
enc(0) # end marker
data, nbits = be.getBytes(), be.getNumBits()
return data, freq
def main():
parser = optparse.OptionParser()
parser.add_option('--unicode-data', dest='unicode_data') # UnicodeData.txt
parser.add_option('--special-casing', dest='special_casing') # SpecialCasing.txt
parser.add_option('--include-categories', dest='include_categories')
parser.add_option('--exclude-categories', dest='exclude_categories', default='NONE')
parser.add_option('--out-source', dest='out_source')
parser.add_option('--out-header', dest='out_header')
parser.add_option('--out-png', dest='out_png')
parser.add_option('--table-name', dest='table_name', default='match_table')
(opts, args) = parser.parse_args()
unidata = opts.unicode_data
catsinc = []
if opts.include_categories != '':
catsinc = opts.include_categories.split(',')
catsexc = []
if opts.exclude_categories != 'NONE':
catsexc = opts.exclude_categories.split(',')
print 'CATSEXC: %s' % repr(catsexc)
print 'CATSINC: %s' % repr(catsinc)
# pseudocategories
filter_ascii = ('ASCII' in catsexc)
filter_nonbmp = ('NONBMP' in catsexc)
# Read raw result
def filter1(x):
if filter_ascii and x <= 0x7f:
# exclude ascii
return False
if filter_nonbmp and x >= 0x10000:
# exclude non-bmp
return False
return True
print('read unicode data')
uni_filtered = read_unicode_data(unidata, catsinc, catsexc, filter1)
print('done reading unicode data')
# Raw output
#print('RAW OUTPUT:')
# Scan ranges
ranges = scan_ranges(uni_filtered)
#for i in ranges:
# if i[0] == i[1]:
# print('0x%04x' % i[0])
# else:
# print('0x%04x ... 0x%04x' % (i[0], i[1]))
print('%d ranges total' % len(ranges))
# Generate match table
#print('MATCH TABLE:')
#matchtable1 = generate_match_table1(ranges)
#matchtable2 = generate_match_table2(ranges)
matchtable3, freq = generate_match_table3(ranges)
#print 'match table: %s' % repr(matchtable3)
print 'match table length: %d bytes' % len(matchtable3)
print 'encoding freq:'
for i in xrange(len(freq)):
if freq[i] == 0:
print ' %6d: %d' % (i, freq[i])
print('MATCH C TABLE -> file %s' % repr(opts.out_header))
# Create C source and header files
genc = dukutil.GenerateC()
genc.emitArray(matchtable3, opts.table_name, size=len(matchtable3), typename='duk_uint8_t', intvalues=True, const=True)
if opts.out_source is not None:
f = open(opts.out_source, 'wb')
genc = dukutil.GenerateC()
genc.emitLine('extern const duk_uint8_t %s[%d];' % (opts.table_name, len(matchtable3)))
if opts.out_header is not None:
f = open(opts.out_header, 'wb')
# Image (for illustrative purposes only)
if opts.out_png is not None:
generate_png(uni_filtered, opts.out_png)
if __name__ == '__main__':