
7726 lines
379 KiB

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="http://www-diag.intra.renault.fr/DDT2000/DDTECUPreview.xsl"?>
<xml xmlns:ddt="http://www-diag.renault.com/2002/ECU">
<Generator name="DDT2000 XML library" version="" date="2020-01-09T16:29"/>
<ddt:Target Name="INV_0220_A50_V1.0" xmlns="http://www-diag.renault.com/2002/ECU" xmlns:ds="http://www-diag.renault.com/2002/screens" email="blaize.mathew-extern@rntbci.com" href="INV_0220_A50_V1.0_20200115T151643.xml" upload="1/15/2020" group="INV"><Description><![CDATA[Auteur: Adina JOITA
DTC list: a_dg_dft_cfg_failxxx_inv_xx_e_a(11.0).xls
Added Vdiag $07 - 0220_A500;
Added project XFK;
Added DTC
- STTR_TEMP_EL HMB $A2A LB $01 with description " Stator temperature sensors "
- STTR_TEMP_FAIL HMB $A2A LB $91 with description " Stator temperature sensors "
Updated description of the DID $70F1;
-Modified Auto ident 0220_A40 VDiag $07_change GL4 to BGP because of changing of supplier.
-Added Auto ident 0220_A40 VDiag $07
-Update DIDs: $70A2, $70F0;
-Added DIDs: $2000; $2060; $7000; $7020; $702A; $702C; $7040; $7060; $7080; $7090; $70A0; $70C0; $70E0; $70EF;
INV_0220_A32_V1.0 (AJO):
Added Auto ident 0220_A32 VDiag $07
INV_0220_A32_V1.0 (AJO):
Added Auto ident 0220_A32 VDiag $16
Added DIDs $70F0 $70F1 $70F2 $70F3
Added screen "Conditions for mesures Ratio capteur"
INV_0220_A21_V2.0 (AJO):
-Added name DTC $0908-"CAN communication with battery"
INV_0220_A21_V1.0 (AJO):
Added DTC $0908 FT $61
Updated DTCFailureType.ManufacturerOrSupplier
INV_0220_700_V1.0->INV_0220_A16_V1.0 (AJO)
-Added DIDs: $70E8 $70E9 $70EA $70EB $70EC $70ED $70EE
INV_0220_A15_V1.0 (AJO)
->Auto Ident for 0220_A150/A160/A170/A180/A190/A200/A210/A300/A310 VDIAG $16
->Added DIDs $70D5, $70D6, $70D7, $70D8, $70E7
->Added X10ph2
-----Tool to ECU extended -> 18DADFF1
---- ECU to Tool extended -> 18DAF1DF
2021-9-23 Identification added by tool (CORP\ay11058) => DiagVersion=17, Supplier=BGP, Soft=0220, Version=A600
<Projects xmlns=""><x10Ph2/><xFK/></Projects><Checks Version="V1.10" Date="20200115T151222">
<Ctrl Type="DDT2000" Warning="501" Error="0"/>
<Ctrl Type="CPDD" Warning="225" Error="0"/>
<Ctrl Type="DAIMLER-ODX" Warning="499" Error="0"/>
<Ctrl Type="ALLIANCE-ODX" Warning="3" Error="0"/>
<Function Name="INV-ME_29b" Address="223"/>
<Language Name="Français" Reference="1"/>
<DateOfficialisation>17-12-2019 11:55:35</DateOfficialisation>
<Failures Name="DTC Failures" Id="3"/>
<CAN BaudRate="10400" Multipoint="1">
<CANId Value="416997361" Extended="1"/>
<CANId Value="417001951" Extended="1"/>
<AutoIdent DiagVersion="22" Supplier="GL4" Soft="0220" Version="A150"/>
<AutoIdent DiagVersion="22" Supplier="GL4" Soft="0220" Version="A160"/>
<AutoIdent DiagVersion="22" Supplier="GL4" Soft="0220" Version="A170"/>
<AutoIdent DiagVersion="22" Supplier="GL4" Soft="0220" Version="A180"/>
<AutoIdent DiagVersion="22" Supplier="GL4" Soft="0220" Version="A190"/>
<AutoIdent DiagVersion="22" Supplier="GL4" Soft="0220" Version="A200"/>
<AutoIdent DiagVersion="22" Supplier="GL4" Soft="0220" Version="A210"/>
<AutoIdent DiagVersion="22" Supplier="GL4" Soft="0220" Version="A300"/>
<AutoIdent DiagVersion="22" Supplier="GL4" Soft="0220" Version="A310"/>
<AutoIdent DiagVersion="22" Supplier="GL4" Soft="0220" Version="A320"/>
<AutoIdent DiagVersion="7" Supplier="GL4" Soft="0220" Version="A320"/>
<AutoIdent DiagVersion="7" Supplier="BGP" Soft="0220" Version="A400"/>
<AutoIdent DiagVersion="7" Supplier="BGP" Soft="0220" Version="A500"/>
<AutoIdent DiagVersion="17" Supplier="BGP" Soft="0220" Version="A600"/></AutoIdents>
<Data Name="StatusOfDTC">
<Data Name="DTCStatus.testFailed">
<Bits count="1">
<Item Value="0" Text="No"/>
<Item Value="1" Text="Yes"/>
<Data Name="DTCStatus.testFailedThisMonitoringCycle">
<Bits count="1">
<Item Value="0" Text="No"/>
<Item Value="1" Text="Yes"/>
<Data Name="DTCStatus.pendingDTC">
<Bits count="1">
<Item Value="0" Text="No"/>
<Item Value="1" Text="Yes"/>
<Data Name="DTCStatus.confirmedDTC">
<Bits count="1">
<Item Value="0" Text="No"/>
<Item Value="1" Text="Yes"/>
<Data Name="DTCStatus.testNotCompletedSinceLastClear">
<Bits count="1">
<Item Value="0" Text="No"/>
<Item Value="1" Text="Yes"/>
<Data Name="DTCStatus.testFailedSinceLastClear">
<Bits count="1">
<Item Value="0" Text="No"/>
<Item Value="1" Text="Yes"/>
<Data Name="DTCStatus.testNotCompletedThisMonitoringCycle">
<Bits count="1">
<Item Value="0" Text="No"/>
<Item Value="1" Text="Yes"/>
<Data Name="DTCStatus.warningIndicatorRequested">
<Bits count="1">
<Item Value="0" Text="No"/>
<Item Value="1" Text="Yes"/>
<Data Name="DTCFailureType.Category">
<Bits count="4">
<Item Value="0" Text="General Failure Information"/>
<Item Value="1" Text="General Electrical Failures"/>
<Item Value="2" Text="General Signal Failures"/>
<Item Value="3" Text="FM (Frequency Modulated) / PWM (Pulse Width Modulated) Failures"/>
<Item Value="4" Text="System Internal Failures"/>
<Item Value="5" Text="System Programming Failures"/>
<Item Value="6" Text="Algorithm Based Failures"/>
<Item Value="7" Text="Mechanical Failures"/>
<Item Value="8" Text="Bus Signal / Message Failures"/>
<Item Value="9" Text="Component Failures"/>
<Item Value="15" Text="Vehicle manufacturer / System supplier specific"/>
<Data Name="DTCFailureType">
<Item Value="0" Text="Device and failure type ODB codding"/>
<Item Value="1" Text="General Electrical Failure"/>
<Item Value="2" Text="General signal failure"/>
<Item Value="3" Text="FM (Frequency Modulated) / PWM (Pulse Width Modulated) Failures"/>
<Item Value="4" Text="System Internal Failures"/>
<Item Value="5" Text="System Programming Failures"/>
<Item Value="6" Text="Algorithm Based Failures"/>
<Item Value="7" Text="Mechanical Failures"/>
<Item Value="8" Text="Bus Signal / Message Failures"/>
<Item Value="9" Text="Component Failures"/>
<Item Value="17" Text="circuit short to ground"/>
<Item Value="18" Text="circuit short to battery"/>
<Item Value="19" Text="circuit open"/>
<Item Value="20" Text="circuit short to ground or open"/>
<Item Value="21" Text="circuit short to battery or open"/>
<Item Value="22" Text="circuit voltage below threshold"/>
<Item Value="23" Text="circuit voltage above threshold"/>
<Item Value="24" Text="circuit current below threshold"/>
<Item Value="25" Text="circuit current above threshold"/>
<Item Value="26" Text="circuit resistance below threshold"/>
<Item Value="27" Text="circuit resistance above threshold"/>
<Item Value="28" Text="circuit voltage out of range"/>
<Item Value="29" Text="circuit current out of range"/>
<Item Value="30" Text="circuit resistance out of range"/>
<Item Value="31" Text="circuit intermittent"/>
<Item Value="33" Text="signal amplitude &lt; minimum"/>
<Item Value="34" Text="signal amplitude &gt; maximum"/>
<Item Value="35" Text="signal stuck low"/>
<Item Value="36" Text="signal stuck high"/>
<Item Value="37" Text="signal shape / waveform failure"/>
<Item Value="38" Text="signal rate of change below threshold"/>
<Item Value="39" Text="signal rate of change above threshold"/>
<Item Value="40" Text="signal bias level out of range / zero adjustment failure"/>
<Item Value="41" Text="signal signal invalid"/>
<Item Value="47" Text="signal erratic"/>
<Item Value="49" Text="no signal"/>
<Item Value="50" Text="signal low time &lt; minimum"/>
<Item Value="51" Text="signal low time &gt; maximum"/>
<Item Value="52" Text="signal high time &lt; minimum"/>
<Item Value="53" Text="signal high time &gt; maximum"/>
<Item Value="54" Text="signal frequency too low"/>
<Item Value="55" Text="signal frequency too high"/>
<Item Value="56" Text="signal frequency incorrect"/>
<Item Value="57" Text="incorrect has too few pulses"/>
<Item Value="58" Text="incorrect has too many pulses"/>
<Item Value="65" Text="general checksum failure"/>
<Item Value="66" Text="general memory failure"/>
<Item Value="67" Text="special memory failure"/>
<Item Value="68" Text="data memory failure"/>
<Item Value="69" Text="program memory failure"/>
<Item Value="70" Text="calibration / parameter memory failure"/>
<Item Value="71" Text="watchdog / safety µC failure"/>
<Item Value="72" Text="supervision software failure"/>
<Item Value="73" Text="internal electronic failure"/>
<Item Value="74" Text="incorrect component installed"/>
<Item Value="75" Text="over temperature"/>
<Item Value="81" Text="not programmed"/>
<Item Value="82" Text="not activated"/>
<Item Value="83" Text="deactivated"/>
<Item Value="84" Text="missing calibration"/>
<Item Value="85" Text="not configured"/>
<Item Value="97" Text="signal calculation failure"/>
<Item Value="98" Text="signal compare failure"/>
<Item Value="99" Text="circuit / component protection time-out"/>
<Item Value="100" Text="signal plausibility failure"/>
<Item Value="101" Text="signal has too few transitions / events"/>
<Item Value="102" Text="signal has too many transitions / events"/>
<Item Value="103" Text="signal incorrect after event"/>
<Item Value="104" Text="event information"/>
<Item Value="113" Text="actuator stuck"/>
<Item Value="114" Text="actuator stuck open"/>
<Item Value="115" Text="actuator stuck closed"/>
<Item Value="116" Text="actuator slipping"/>
<Item Value="117" Text="emergency position not reachable"/>
<Item Value="118" Text="wrong mounting position"/>
<Item Value="119" Text="commanded position not reachable"/>
<Item Value="120" Text="alignment or adjustment incorrect"/>
<Item Value="121" Text="mechanical linkage failure"/>
<Item Value="122" Text="fluid leak or seal failure"/>
<Item Value="123" Text="low fluid level"/>
<Item Value="129" Text="invalid serial data received"/>
<Item Value="130" Text="alive / sequence counter incorrect / not updated"/>
<Item Value="131" Text="value of signal protection calculation incorrect"/>
<Item Value="132" Text="signal below allowable range"/>
<Item Value="133" Text="signal above allowable range"/>
<Item Value="134" Text="signal invalid"/>
<Item Value="135" Text="missing message"/>
<Item Value="136" Text="bus off"/>
<Item Value="143" Text="erratic"/>
<Item Value="145" Text="parametric"/>
<Item Value="146" Text="performance or incorrect operation"/>
<Item Value="147" Text="no operation"/>
<Item Value="148" Text="unexpected operation"/>
<Item Value="149" Text="incorrect assembly"/>
<Item Value="150" Text="component internal failure"/>
<Item Value="151" Text="Component or system operation obstructed or blocked"/>
<Item Value="152" Text="component or system over temperature"/>
<Item Value="251" Text="-"/>
<Item Value="252" Text="--"/>
<Data Name="DTCDeviceIdentifier">
<Bits count="16">
<Item Value="48" Text="+APC"/>
<Item Value="773" Text="Lithium Battery Controler"/>
<Item Value="774" Text="Charger Controler"/>
<Item Value="779" Text="Boost PWM (between rectifier and inverter modules)"/>
<Item Value="780" Text="BCM (Body Control Module)"/>
<Item Value="781" Text="EVC"/>
<Item Value="782" Text="EVC relays"/>
<Item Value="2049" Text="Inverter"/>
<Item Value="2050" Text="Inverter current sensor"/>
<Item Value="2051" Text="High voltage sensor"/>
<Item Value="2052" Text="Inverter temperature sensor"/>
<Item Value="2053" Text="Inverter temperature"/>
<Item Value="2054" Text="Water temperature"/>
<Item Value="2055" Text="Hardware over voltage protection"/>
<Item Value="2056" Text="Inverter phase"/>
<Item Value="2057" Text="Inverter non traction safety watch"/>
<Item Value="2058" Text="Inverter auto diagnosis"/>
<Item Value="2059" Text="Inverter DFLASH memory corruption"/>
<Item Value="2060" Text="Inverter Reset failure"/>
<Item Value="2064" Text="Inverter driver (high arm)"/>
<Item Value="2065" Text="Inverter driver (low arm)"/>
<Item Value="2066" Text="Inverter driver ready (high arm)"/>
<Item Value="2067" Text="Inverter driver ready (low arm)"/>
<Item Value="2080" Text="Excitation"/>
<Item Value="2081" Text="Excitation current sensor"/>
<Item Value="2082" Text="Excitation temperature sensor"/>
<Item Value="2096" Text="Excitation driver (high arm)"/>
<Item Value="2097" Text="Excitation driver (low arm)"/>
<Item Value="2098" Text="Excitation driver ready"/>
<Item Value="2112" Text="Rotor position speed"/>
<Item Value="2113" Text="Rotor position sensor"/>
<Item Value="2114" Text="PWM Electric Engine command"/>
<Item Value="2115" Text="Safety rotor temperature estimation"/>
<Item Value="2117" Text="Stator temperature sensor 1"/>
<Item Value="2118" Text="Stator temperature sensor 2"/>
<Item Value="2119" Text="Electric engine temperature"/>
<Item Value="2120" Text="Electric engine FAN"/>
<Item Value="2121" Text="Electric engine phase"/>
<Item Value="2122" Text="Rotor position offset learning"/>
<Item Value="2123" Text="Rotor resistance leaning"/>
<Item Value="2128" Text="DCDC High voltage side"/>
<Item Value="2129" Text="DCDC low voltage side"/>
<Item Value="2130" Text="DCDC driver"/>
<Item Value="2132" Text="DCDC"/>
<Item Value="2144" Text="ECU monitoring (Watchdog)"/>
<Item Value="2145" Text="ECU monitoring (Safety torque estimation)"/>
<Item Value="2146" Text="SPI communication"/>
<Item Value="2147" Text="Supply monitoring"/>
<Item Value="2148" Text="Main controler temperature sensor"/>
<Item Value="2149" Text="PCB controler temperature sensor"/>
<Item Value="2151" Text="Power supply 2.1"/>
<Item Value="2152" Text="Driver board temperature sensor"/>
<Item Value="2160" Text="High voltage network"/>
<Item Value="2176" Text="Voltage supply A11"/>
<Item Value="2312" Text="CAN communication with battery"/>
<Item Value="2602" Text="Stator temperature sensors"/>
<Data Name="DTCDeviceAndFailureTypeOBD">
<Bits count="16">
<Data Name="DTCFailureType.ManufacturerOrSupplier">
<Bits count="4">
<Item Value="1" Text="Safety Case 1"/>
<Item Value="2" Text="Safety Case 2"/>
<Item Value="3" Text="Multiple Failure"/>
<Item Value="4" Text="Temperature too Low"/>
<Item Value="5" Text="Negative Loop Error"/>
<Item Value="6" Text="Positive Loop Error"/>
<Item Value="7" Text="Initialisation not valid"/>
<Item Value="8" Text="Overspeed"/>
<Item Value="9" Text="Limp Home"/>
<Item Value="10" Text="Specific Supplier"/>
<Item Value="13" Text="Drift low"/>
<Item Value="14" Text="Drift high"/>
<Data Name="DTCStatusAvailabilityMask">
<Data Name="DTCMaskRecord">
<Bytes count="3"/>
<Data Name="DTCRecord">
<Bytes count="3"/>
<Data Name="DTCExtendedData.AgingCounter">
<Comment><![CDATA[Description of the extendedData AgingCounter (use by Failure Page to decode data)]]></Comment>
<Data Name="DTCExtendedDataRecordNumber">
<Item Value="128" Text="Mileage"/>
<Item Value="129" Text="AgingCounter"/>
<Item Value="130" Text="DTCOccurrenceCounter"/>
<Item Value="132" Text="DTCOccurrenceCounter_2"/>
<Item Value="133" Text="DTCLastDiseappearMileage"/>
<Item Value="134" Text="DTCTravelledDistanceFailurePresent"/>
<Item Value="135" Text="DTCFirstAppearMileage"/>
<Data Name="DTCExtendedData.DTCOccurrenceCounter">
<Comment><![CDATA[Description of the extendedData DTCOccurenceCounter (use by Failure Page to decode data)]]></Comment>
<Data Name="DTCExtendedData.DTCOccurrenceCounter_2">
<Comment><![CDATA[Description of the extendedData DTCOccurenceCounter (use by Failure Page to decode data)]]></Comment>
<Data Name="DTCExtendedData.DTCLastDiseappearMileage">
<Comment><![CDATA[Description of the extendedData Mileage (use by Failure Page to decode data)]]></Comment>
<Bits count="24">
<Scaled Unit="km"/>
<Data Name="DTCExtendedData.DTCTravelledDistanceFailurePresent">
<Comment><![CDATA[Description of the extendedData Mileage (use by Failure Page to decode data)]]></Comment>
<Bits count="24">
<Scaled Unit="km"/>
<Data Name="DTCExtendedData.DTCFirstAppearMileage">
<Comment><![CDATA[Description of the extendedData Mileage (use by Failure Page to decode data)]]></Comment>
<Bits count="24">
<Scaled Unit="km"/>
<Data Name="CalibrationNumber">
<Comment><![CDATA[Numero de calibration en Hexa]]></Comment>
<Bytes count="2"/>
<Data Name="DiagnosticIdentificationCode">
<Comment><![CDATA[Diag evolution number]]></Comment>
<Bytes count="1"/>
<Data Name="SoftwareNumber">
<Comment><![CDATA[Software identification number]]></Comment>
<Bytes count="2"/>
<Data Name="SupplierNumber.ITG">
<Comment><![CDATA[Supplier ITG code]]></Comment>
<Bytes count="3" ascii="1"/>
<Data Name="EditionNumber">
<Comment><![CDATA[Software version(edition) number]]></Comment>
<Bytes count="2"/>
<Data Name="PartNumber.BasicPartList">
<Item Value="0" Text="N/A"/>
<Item Value="1" Text="292A6"/>
<Item Value="2" Text="29170"/>
<Data Name="HardwareNumber.BasicPartList">
<Item Value="0" Text="N/A"/>
<Item Value="1" Text="292A6"/>
<Data Name="ApprovalNumber.BasicPartList">
<Item Value="0" Text="N/A"/>
<Item Value="1" Text="HMLGT"/>
<Data Name="PartNumber.LowerPart">
<Bytes count="5" ascii="1"/>
<Data Name="HardwareNumber.LowerPart">
<Bytes count="5" ascii="1"/>
<Data Name="ManufacturerIdentificationCode">
<Item Value="0" Text="Renault R1"/>
<Item Value="128" Text="Nissan N1"/>
<Item Value="129" Text="Nissan N2"/>
<Item Value="130" Text="Nissan N3"/>
<Item Value="136" Text="5DIGITS"/>
<Item Value="255" Text="Renault R3"/>
<Data Name="ApprovalNumber.LowerPart">
<Bytes count="5" ascii="1"/>
<Data Name="ProgrammingSiteReference">
<Bytes count="5" ascii="1"/>
<Data Name="ProgrammingToolReference">
<Bytes count="5" ascii="1"/>
<Data Name="NumberOfReprogrammings">
<Data Name="DateOfReprogramming">
<Comment><![CDATA[date of the reprogramming yy.mm.dd]]></Comment>
<Bytes count="3"/>
<Data Name="SaveMarking">
<Data Name="CrcOfLogSave">
<Bytes count="2"/>
<Data Name="TimeOfReprogramming">
<Comment><![CDATA[Hour, Minute of the reprogramming]]></Comment>
<Bytes count="2"/>
<Data Name="RoutineEntryOption">
<Comment><![CDATA[= "Routine" input parameters]]></Comment>
<Item Value="0" Text="Start"/>
<Item Value="1" Text="Status"/>
<Data Name="RoutineEntryStatus">
<Item Value="1" Text="In progress"/>
<Item Value="2" Text="Complete and OK"/>
<Item Value="3" Text="Complete and not OK"/>
<Data Name="Output Temporary Control List">
<Item Value="65" Text="PEC fan"/>
<Data Name="Output Control Command">
<Comment><![CDATA[Control option parameter definition]]></Comment>
<Item Value="0" Text="Start Temporary"/>
<Item Value="1" Text="Status request"/>
<Item Value="17" Text="Stop Control"/>
<Data Name="Output Temporary Control List-answer">
<Item Value="65" Text="PEC fan"/>
<Data Name="Output Control Status">
<Item Value="1" Text="Running"/>
<Item Value="2" Text="Stopped"/>
<Item Value="17" Text="Manually Stopped"/>
<Item Value="18" Text="Stopped abnormally"/>
<Item Value="32" Text="Conditions not fulfilled"/>
<Item Value="34" Text="Uncoherent tool request"/>
<Data Name="RoutineLocalIdentifierStart">
<Item Value="7" Text="Static Test"/>
<Item Value="19" Text="Position sensor learning"/>
<Item Value="33" Text="Monitool"/>
<Data Name="RoutineLocalIdentifierStart-answer">
<Item Value="7" Text="Static Test"/>
<Item Value="19" Text="Position sensor learning"/>
<Item Value="33" Text="Monitool"/>
<Data Name="RoutineExitOption">
<Data Name="RoutineLocalIdentifierStop">
<Item Value="19" Text="Position sensor learning"/>
<Item Value="33" Text="Monitool"/>
<Data Name="RoutineExitStatus">
<Item Value="0" Text="Routine stopped"/>
<Item Value="1" Text="Routine in progress"/>
<Item Value="2" Text="Routine complete and OK"/>
<Item Value="3" Text="Routine complete and NOK"/>
<Data Name="RoutineLocalIdentifierStop-answer">
<Item Value="19" Text="Position sensor learning"/>
<Item Value="33" Text="Monitool"/>
<Data Name="ITG Supplier Number">
<Bytes count="3"/>
<Data Name="Traceability Factory Code">
<Bytes count="1" ascii="1"/>
<Data Name="Traceability Serial Number">
<Bytes count="12" ascii="1"/>
<Data Name="CRC">
<Comment><![CDATA[Vehicle Identification Number Checksum]]></Comment>
<Bytes count="2"/>
<Data Name="V.I.N">
<Comment><![CDATA[Vehicle Identification Number : 17 bytes]]></Comment>
<Bytes count="17" ascii="1"/>
<Data Name="DTCExtendedData.Mileage">
<Comment><![CDATA[Description of the extendedData Mileage (use by Failure Page to decode data)]]></Comment>
<Bits count="24">
<Scaled Unit="km"/>
<Data Name="Configuration of Electrical Vehicle Networks">
<Comment><![CDATA[Configuration of Electrical Vehicle Networks]]></Comment>
<Bytes count="11"/>
<Data Name="List of Electrical Vehicle ECUs with After-sales diagnostic">
<Comment><![CDATA[List of Electrical Vehicle ECUs with After-sales diagnostic]]></Comment>
<Bytes count="11"/>
<Data Name="Hardware Part Number 1">
<Comment><![CDATA[Daimler Hardware Part Number]]></Comment>
<Mnemonic>LID $EF</Mnemonic>
<Bytes count="1" ascii="1"/>
<Data Name="Hardware Part Number 2">
<Comment><![CDATA[Daimler Hardware Part Number]]></Comment>
<Mnemonic>LID $EF</Mnemonic>
<Bytes count="1" ascii="1"/>
<Data Name="Hardware Part Number 3">
<Comment><![CDATA[Daimler Hardware Part Number]]></Comment>
<Mnemonic>LID $EF</Mnemonic>
<Bytes count="1" ascii="1"/>
<Data Name="Hardware Part Number 4">
<Comment><![CDATA[Daimler Hardware Part Number]]></Comment>
<Mnemonic>LID $EF</Mnemonic>
<Bytes count="1" ascii="1"/>
<Data Name="Hardware Part Number 5">
<Comment><![CDATA[Daimler Hardware Part Number]]></Comment>
<Mnemonic>LID $EF</Mnemonic>
<Bytes count="1" ascii="1"/>
<Data Name="Hardware Part Number 6">
<Comment><![CDATA[Daimler Hardware Part Number]]></Comment>
<Mnemonic>LID $EF</Mnemonic>
<Bytes count="1" ascii="1"/>
<Data Name="Hardware Part Number 7">
<Comment><![CDATA[Daimler Hardware Part Number]]></Comment>
<Mnemonic>LID $EF</Mnemonic>
<Bytes count="1" ascii="1"/>
<Data Name="Hardware Part Number 8">
<Comment><![CDATA[Daimler Hardware Part Number]]></Comment>
<Mnemonic>LID $EF</Mnemonic>
<Bytes count="1" ascii="1"/>
<Data Name="Hardware Part Number 9">
<Comment><![CDATA[Daimler Hardware Part Number]]></Comment>
<Mnemonic>LID $EF</Mnemonic>
<Bytes count="1" ascii="1"/>
<Data Name="Hardware Part Number 10">
<Comment><![CDATA[Daimler Hardware Part Number]]></Comment>
<Mnemonic>LID $EF</Mnemonic>
<Bytes count="1" ascii="1"/>
<Data Name="Software Part Number 1">
<Comment><![CDATA[Daimler Software Part Number]]></Comment>
<Mnemonic>LID $EF</Mnemonic>
<Bytes count="1" ascii="1"/>
<Data Name="Software Part Number 2">
<Comment><![CDATA[Daimler Software Part Number]]></Comment>
<Mnemonic>LID $EF</Mnemonic>
<Bytes count="1" ascii="1"/>
<Data Name="Software Part Number 3">
<Comment><![CDATA[Daimler Software Part Number]]></Comment>
<Mnemonic>LID $EF</Mnemonic>
<Bytes count="1" ascii="1"/>
<Data Name="Software Part Number 4">
<Comment><![CDATA[Daimler Software Part Number]]></Comment>
<Mnemonic>LID $EF</Mnemonic>
<Bytes count="1" ascii="1"/>
<Data Name="Software Part Number 5">
<Comment><![CDATA[Daimler Software Part Number]]></Comment>
<Mnemonic>LID $EF</Mnemonic>
<Bytes count="1" ascii="1"/>
<Data Name="Software Part Number 6">
<Comment><![CDATA[Daimler Software Part Number]]></Comment>
<Mnemonic>LID $EF</Mnemonic>
<Bytes count="1" ascii="1"/>
<Data Name="Software Part Number 7">
<Comment><![CDATA[Daimler Software Part Number]]></Comment>
<Mnemonic>LID $EF</Mnemonic>
<Bytes count="1" ascii="1"/>
<Data Name="Software Part Number 8">
<Comment><![CDATA[Daimler Software Part Number]]></Comment>
<Mnemonic>LID $EF</Mnemonic>
<Bytes count="1" ascii="1"/>
<Data Name="Software Part Number 9">
<Comment><![CDATA[Daimler Software Part Number]]></Comment>
<Mnemonic>LID $EF</Mnemonic>
<Bytes count="1" ascii="1"/>
<Data Name="Software Part Number 10">
<Comment><![CDATA[Daimler Software Part Number]]></Comment>
<Mnemonic>LID $EF</Mnemonic>
<Bytes count="1" ascii="1"/>
<Data Name="Vin In Ascii">
<Comment><![CDATA[VIN readen in generic frame $2181]]></Comment>
<Bytes count="17" ascii="1"/>
<Data Name="Vin CRC">
<Bytes count="2"/>
<Data Name="($2001) Rotor mechanical rotation speed">
<Bits count="16">
<Scaled Unit="rpm" Step=" .5" Offset="-16000"/>
<Data Name="($2002) Emotor torque estimation, based on measured current values">
<Bits count="16">
<Scaled Unit="N·m" Step=" .015625" Offset="-254"/>
<Data Name="($2003) Torque setpoint from EVC">
<Bits count="16">
<Scaled Unit="N·m" Step=" .1" Offset="-250"/>
<Data Name="($2004) Battery voltage sensor">
<Bits count="16">
<Scaled Unit="V" Step=" .03125"/>
<Data Name="($2005) DCDC output tension measure">
<Bits count="16">
<Scaled Unit="mV"/>
<Data Name="($2070) Immobilizer - diagnosis availability">
<Bits count="1">
<Item Value="0" Text="unavailable"/>
<Item Value="1" Text="available"/>
<Data Name="($2071) Immobilizer - Byte 1 used to allow diagnosis">
<Data Name="($2072) Immobilizer - Byte 2 used to allow diagnosis">
<Data Name="($2073) Immobilizer - Byte 3 used to allow diagnosis.0">
<Bits count="1">
<Item Value="0" Text="Immobilizer engine running forbidden"/>
<Item Value="1" Text="Immobilizer engine running authorized"/>
<Data Name="($2073) Immobilizer - Byte 3 used to allow diagnosis.1">
<Bits count="1">
<Item Value="0" Text="Not used"/>
<Data Name="($2073) Immobilizer - Byte 3 used to allow diagnosis.2">
<Bits count="1">
<Item Value="0" Text="Cleappli not set"/>
<Item Value="1" Text="Cleappli set"/>
<Data Name="($2073) Immobilizer - Byte 3 used to allow diagnosis.3">
<Bits count="1">
<Item Value="0" Text="Not used"/>
<Data Name="($2073) Immobilizer - Byte 3 used to allow diagnosis.4">
<Bits count="2">
<Item Value="0" Text="ECM virgin - Secret key not learnt"/>
<Item Value="1" Text="Not used"/>
<Item Value="2" Text="Not virgin ECM - Secret key learnt in erasable area"/>
<Item Value="3" Text="Not virgin ECM - Secret key learnt in non erasable area"/>
<Data Name="($2073) Immobilizer - Byte 3 used to allow diagnosis.6">
<Bits count="1">
<Item Value="0" Text="ECM not protected"/>
<Item Value="1" Text="ECM protected"/>
<Data Name="($2073) Immobilizer - Byte 3 used to allow diagnosis.7">
<Bits count="1">
<Item Value="0" Text="Not used"/>
<Data Name="($2074) Immobilizer - engine not running due to ECM">
<Bits count="1">
<Item Value="0" Text="no"/>
<Item Value="1" Text="yes"/>
<Data Name="($2075) Immobilizer - engine not running due to BCM in secure mode">
<Bits count="1">
<Item Value="0" Text="no"/>
<Item Value="1" Text="yes"/>
<Data Name="($2076) Immobilizer - engine not running due to no BCM authorization">
<Bits count="1">
<Item Value="0" Text="no"/>
<Item Value="1" Text="yes"/>
<Data Name="($2077) Immobilizer - engine not running due to a CAN network problem with the BCM">
<Bits count="1">
<Item Value="0" Text="no"/>
<Item Value="1" Text="yes"/>
<Data Name="($7001) Command of PEC fan">
<Scaled Unit="%"/>
<Data Name="($7002) Wired APC signal">
<Bits count="1">
<Item Value="0" Text="APC off"/>
<Item Value="1" Text="APC on"/>
<Data Name="($7003) Measured rotor current (sensor 1)">
<Bits count="16">
<Scaled Unit="A" Step=" .0009765625"/>
<Data Name="($7004) Measured rotor current (sensor 2)">
<Bits count="16">
<Scaled Unit="A" Step=" .0009765625"/>
<Data Name="($7005) Verlog Status">
<Bits count="1">
<Item Value="0" Text="Vehicle locked"/>
<Item Value="1" Text="Vehicle unlocked"/>
<Data Name="($7006) Wire frame APC state">
<Bits count="1">
<Item Value="0" Text="APC off"/>
<Item Value="1" Text="APC on"/>
<Data Name="($7007) Measured stator current on phase U">
<Bits count="16">
<Scaled Unit="A" Step=" .03125" Offset="-500"/>
<Data Name="($7008) Measured stator current on phase V">
<Bits count="16">
<Scaled Unit="A" Step=" .03125" Offset="-500"/>
<Data Name="($7009) Measured stator current on phase W">
<Bits count="16">
<Scaled Unit="A" Step=" .03125" Offset="-500"/>
<Data Name="($700A) Feedback fan raw diagnostic">
<Bits count="1">
<Item Value="0" Text="OK"/>
<Item Value="1" Text="NOK"/>
<Data Name="($700B) Excitation temperature">
<Bits count="24">
<Scaled Unit="°C" Step=" .001953125" Offset="-40"/>
<Data Name="($700C) Inverter temperature sensor 1">
<Bits count="24">
<Scaled Unit="°C" Step=" .001953125" Offset="-40"/>
<Data Name="($700D) MICRO temperature">
<Bits count="24">
<Scaled Unit="°C" Step=" .001953125" Offset="-40"/>
<Data Name="($700E) PCB temperature">
<Bits count="24">
<Scaled Unit="°C" Step=" .001953125" Offset="-40"/>
<Data Name="($700F) Stator temperature sensor 1">
<Bits count="24">
<Scaled Unit="°C" Step=" .001953125" Offset="-40"/>
<Data Name="($7010) Stator temperature sensor 2">
<Bits count="24">
<Scaled Unit="°C" Step=" .001953125" Offset="-40"/>
<Data Name="($7011) Raw rotor position resolver angular position measurement">
<Bits count="16">
<Scaled Unit="°" Step=" .0078125"/>
<Data Name="($7012) Status flag of the Smartcoder">
<Data Name="($7013) Raw rotor position resolver cosine voltage">
<Bits count="16">
<Scaled Unit="V" Step=" .0002441406"/>
<Data Name="($7014) Raw rotor position resolver cosine voltage with 25µs delay">
<Bits count="16">
<Scaled Unit="V" Step=" .0002441406"/>
<Data Name="($7015) Raw rotor position resolver excitation peak voltage">
<Bits count="16">
<Scaled Unit="V" Step=" .0002441406"/>
<Data Name="($7017) Failure vector allowing exact identification of the failure.1">
<Bits count="16">
<Scaled Format="bin"/>
<Data Name="($7018) Failure vector allowing exact identification of the failure.2">
<Scaled Format="bin"/>
<Data Name="($7019) Failure vector allowing exact identification of the failure.3">
<Scaled Format="bin"/>
<Data Name="($701A) Failure vector allowing exact identification of the failure.4">
<Bits count="16">
<Scaled Format="bin"/>
<Data Name="($701B) Failure vector allowing exact identification of the DCDC event">
<Scaled Format="bin"/>
<Data Name="($701C) Saved rotor position offset.value">
<Bytes count="2"/>
<Data Name="($701C) Saved rotor position offset.CRC">
<Bytes count="1"/>
<Data Name="($701C) Saved rotor position offset.value.physical">
<Bits count="16">
<Scaled DivideBy=" 128"/>
<Data Name="($701D) Counter of FAN fail times to cool the machine stator in hard conditions.1">
<Bits count="16">
<Data Name="($701E) Counter of FAN fail times to cool the machine stator in hard conditions.2">
<Bits count="16">
<Data Name="($701F) Counter of FAN fail times to cool the machine stator in hard conditions.3">
<Bits count="16">
<Data Name="($7058) 1s average dcdc temperature on break event for post mortem">
<Bits count="24">
<Scaled Unit="°C" Offset="-20480" DivideBy=" 512"/>
<Data Name="($7059) 1s average driver board temperature on break event for post mortem">
<Bits count="24">
<Scaled Unit="°C" Offset="-20480" DivideBy=" 512"/>
<Data Name="($705D) 1s average excitation temperature on break event for post mortem">
<Bits count="24">
<Scaled Unit="°C" Offset="-20480" DivideBy=" 512"/>
<Data Name="($705E) 1s average inverter temperature on break event for post mortem">
<Bits count="24">
<Scaled Unit="°C" Offset="-20480" DivideBy=" 512"/>
<Data Name="($705F) 1s average pcb temperature on break event for post mortem">
<Bits count="24">
<Scaled Unit="°C" Offset="-20480" DivideBy=" 512"/>
<Data Name="($7043) activated downgraded mode FPGA number">
<Bits count="4">
<Item Value="0" Text="Nsx_no_sfty_dfl : no downgraded mode"/>
<Item Value="1" Text="Nsx_gc_md_01a : GC-MD01a"/>
<Item Value="2" Text="Nsx_gc_md_01b : GC-MD01b"/>
<Item Value="3" Text="Nsx_gc_md_01c : GC-MD01c"/>
<Item Value="4" Text="Nsx_gc_md_01d : GC-MD01d"/>
<Item Value="5" Text="Nsx_gc_md_01e : GC-MD01e"/>
<Item Value="6" Text="Nsx_gc_ci_md_01a ( 9 ) : gc_ci_md_01a"/>
<Item Value="7" Text="Nsx_gc_ci_md_01b (10) : gc_ci_md_01b"/>
<Item Value="8" Text="Nsx_dfl_chr_md (11) : inconsistency between PWMs and downgraded mode"/>
<Item Value="9" Text="Nsx_dfl_auto_diag_sfty_2 (12) :autodiag safety 2 fpga NOK"/>
<Data Name="($7044) activated downgraded mode number">
<Bits count="4">
<Item Value="0" Text="Nsx_no_sfty_dfl : no downgraded mode"/>
<Item Value="1" Text="Nsx_gc_md_01a : GC-MD01a"/>
<Item Value="2" Text="Nsx_gc_md_01b : GC-MD01b"/>
<Item Value="3" Text="Nsx_gc_md_01c : GC-MD01c"/>
<Item Value="4" Text="Nsx_gc_md_01d : GC-MD01d"/>
<Item Value="5" Text="Nsx_gc_md_01e : GC-MD01e"/>
<Item Value="6" Text="Nsx_gc_md_03 : GC-MD03"/>
<Item Value="7" Text="Nsx_gc_ci_md_01a ( 9 ) : gc_ci_md_01a"/>
<Item Value="8" Text="Nsx_gc_ci_md_01b (10) : gc_ci_md_01b"/>
<Data Name="($7022) Active discharge request from EVC to PEB">
<Bits count="1">
<Item Value="0" Text="Discharge not requested"/>
<Item Value="1" Text="Discharge requested"/>
<Data Name="($706C) Alim 21 monitoring">
<Item Value="0" Text="No default"/>
<Item Value="1" Text="Default"/>
<Data Name="($706D) Alim 21 with redundance monitoring">
<Item Value="0" Text="No default"/>
<Item Value="1" Text="Default"/>
<Data Name="($707E) Alimentation 11 state">
<Item Value="0" Text="Stop"/>
<Item Value="1" Text="Start"/>
<Data Name="($707F) Alimentation 21 state">
<Item Value="0" Text="Stop"/>
<Item Value="1" Text="Start"/>
<Data Name="($7067) APC and zero torque time counter for post mortem analysis">
<Bits count="32" signed="1">
<Scaled Unit="s"/>
<Data Name="($7024) APC state (from CAN)">
<Bits count="1">
<Item Value="0" Text="APC off"/>
<Item Value="1" Text="APC on"/>
<Data Name="($702B) Auto Diag enable">
<Bits count="3">
<Item Value="0" Text="Nsx_auto_diag_nok (0) : Auto diag not allowed"/>
<Item Value="1" Text="Nsx_auto_diag_apc_off (1) : Auto diag without apc allowed"/>
<Item Value="2" Text="Nsx_auto_diag_apc_on (2) : Auto diag with apc allowed"/>
<Item Value="3" Text="Nsx_auto_diag_sfty_1 (3) : auto diag Safety 1 (DM)"/>
<Item Value="4" Text="Nsx_auto_diag_sfty_2 (4) : auto diag Safety 2 (FPGA)"/>
<Data Name="($705B) Blocked rotor counter for post mortem">
<Bits count="16">
<Data Name="($7081) Bypass mode">
<Item Value="0" Text="Bypass off"/>
<Item Value="1" Text="Only THOCP bypass"/>
<Item Value="2" Text="Torque setpoint bypass"/>
<Item Value="3" Text="TQ setpoint and torque mode bypass"/>
<Item Value="4" Text="Current request bypass"/>
<Item Value="5" Text="Voltage control bypass"/>
<Item Value="6" Text="Voltage control + position/speed bypass"/>
<Item Value="7" Text="Inverter voltage control +excitation current +position/speed bypass"/>
<Item Value="8" Text="RGL duty cycle bypass (in PWM)"/>
<Item Value="9" Text="Voltage control and speed bypass and position emulation"/>
<Data Name="($7092) CAN Etude activation">
<Item Value="0" Text="deactivated"/>
<Item Value="1" Text="activated"/>
<Data Name="($7066) Charge or non zero torque time counter for post mortem analysis">
<Bits count="32" signed="1">
<Scaled Unit="s"/>
<Data Name="($7025) Charge request from EVC to PEB">
<Bits count="1">
<Item Value="0" Text="No charge requested"/>
<Item Value="1" Text="Charge requested"/>
<Data Name="($7049) Combinated current value on the HV Network of Inverter and Excitation">
<Bits count="16">
<Scaled Unit="A" Step=" .03125" Offset="-500"/>
<Data Name="($7039) Combination of inverter, Excitation, PCB, MC and DRI temperatures, so in %">
<Bits count="16">
<Scaled Unit="%" DivideBy=" 64"/>
<Data Name="($703A) Combination of rotor and stator temperatures, so in %">
<Bits count="16">
<Scaled Unit="%" DivideBy=" 64"/>
<Data Name="($7079) Copy Over voltage protection (before flipflop)">
<Item Value="0" Text="No default"/>
<Item Value="1" Text="Default"/>
<Data Name="($708C) Copy Raw rotor position resolver excitation peak voltage">
<Bits count="16">
<Scaled Unit="V" DivideBy=" 4096"/>
<Data Name="($709B) CPU load at 10ms">
<Scaled Unit="µs"/>
<Data Name="($7084) DCDC Input current measure">
<Bits count="16">
<Scaled Unit="A"/>
<Data Name="($7033) DCDC input voltage">
<Bits count="16">
<Scaled Unit="V" Step=" .5"/>
<Data Name="($7085) DCDC output current measure">
<Bits count="16">
<Scaled Unit="A"/>
<Data Name="($7086) DCDC power card temperature">
<Scaled Unit="°C"/>
<Data Name="($702E) DCDC state">
<Bits count="3">
<Item Value="0" Text="Init (Nsx_dcdc_stt_ini)"/>
<Item Value="1" Text="Autodiag (Nsx_dcdc_stt_dgt)"/>
<Item Value="2" Text="Reset (Nsx_dcdc_stt_rst)"/>
<Item Value="3" Text="Standby (Nsx_dcdc_stt_stby)"/>
<Item Value="4" Text="Pwer ON (Nsx_dcdc_stt_on)"/>
<Item Value="5" Text="MD1 (Nsx_dcdc_stt_def_mod_1)"/>
<Item Value="6" Text="MD4 on (Nsx_dcdc_stt_def_mod_4_on)"/>
<Item Value="7" Text="MD4 stby (Nsx_dcdc_stt_def_mod_4_stby)"/>
<Data Name="($705A) Derating counter for post mortem">
<Bits count="16">
<Data Name="($706E) DID for activation of bypass frame">
<Item Value="0" Text="Frame inactivated"/>
<Item Value="1" Text="Frame active"/>
<Data Name="($7023) Effective active discharge feedback to EVC">
<Bits count="1">
<Item Value="0" Text="Active Discharge Not In Progress"/>
<Item Value="1" Text="Active Discharge In Progress"/>
<Data Name="($7026) Effective Charge feedback to EVC">
<Bits count="1">
<Item Value="0" Text="No charge in progress"/>
<Item Value="1" Text="Charging in progress"/>
<Data Name="($7046) Excitation Current Default">
<Bits count="3">
<Item Value="0" Text="Nsx_ok (0) : no excitation sensor default"/>
<Item Value="1" Text="Nsx_i_f_dfl_1 (1) : default excitation sensor 1"/>
<Item Value="2" Text="Nsx_i_f_dfl_2 (2) : default excitation sensor 2"/>
<Item Value="3" Text="Nsx_i_f_dfl (3) : unknown excitation sensor default"/>
<Item Value="4" Text="Nsx_i_f_wi_dfl (4) : excitation wire default"/>
<Data Name="($7098) Excitation currents safety check">
<Item Value="0" Text="Both currents are consistent (difference &lt;thershold)"/>
<Item Value="1" Text="both currents are out of range OR the 2 currents are inconsistent (difference &gt; thershold)"/>
<Item Value="2" Text="current from sensor 1 (Vxx_i_f_1) is out of range"/>
<Item Value="3" Text="current from sensor 2 (Vxx_i_f_2) is out of range"/>
<Data Name="($707A) Excitation driver state (ready or not)">
<Item Value="0" Text="Not Ready"/>
<Item Value="1" Text="Ready"/>
<Data Name="($706F) Excitation high arm IGBT driver fault">
<Item Value="0" Text="No default"/>
<Item Value="1" Text="Default"/>
<Data Name="($7070) Excitation low arm IGBT driver fault">
<Item Value="0" Text="No default"/>
<Item Value="1" Text="Default"/>
<Data Name="($7073) Excitation over current protection (before flipflop) High">
<Item Value="0" Text="No default"/>
<Item Value="1" Text="Default"/>
<Data Name="($7074) Excitation over current protection (before flipflop) Low">
<Item Value="0" Text="No default"/>
<Item Value="1" Text="Default"/>
<Data Name="($702D) Failure class of the DCDC converter">
<Bits count="3">
<Item Value="0" Text="Nsx_dcdc_err_stt_ok : No Fault type"/>
<Item Value="1" Text="Nsx_dcdc_err_stt_1 : GE-MD1 Class C"/>
<Item Value="2" Text="Nsx_dcdc_err_stt_1_prmt : GE-MD1 Class D"/>
<Item Value="3" Text="Nsx_dcdc_err_stt_2 : Not used"/>
<Item Value="4" Text="Nsx_dcdc_err_stt_3 : GE-MD3"/>
<Item Value="5" Text="Nsx_dcdc_err_stt_4 : GE-MD4"/>
<Data Name="($7030) Failure class of the Inverter">
<Bits count="3">
<Item Value="0" Text="Nsx_invt_flt_type_0 (0): no downgraded mode"/>
<Item Value="1" Text="Nsx_invt_flt_type_1 (1): INV Stopped (class C)"/>
<Item Value="2" Text="Nsx_invt_flt_type_2 (2): INV Stopped (class D)"/>
<Item Value="3" Text="Nsx_invt_flt_type_3 (3): not used"/>
<Item Value="4" Text="Nsx_invt_flt_type_4 (4) : Safety Barrier Lost"/>
<Item Value="5" Text="Nsx_invt_flt_type_5 (5) : Alert Service"/>
<Item Value="6" Text="Nsx_invt_flt_type_6 (6) : Charge Stop Alert"/>
<Data Name="($7082) FPGA fault sent by SPI">
<Item Value="0" Text="no fault"/>
<Item Value="1" Text="Vbx_invt_flt_dri_l or Vbx_invt_flt_dri_h"/>
<Item Value="2" Text="Vbx_exct_flt_dri_h or Vbx_exct_flt_dri_l"/>
<Item Value="3" Text="Vbx_ovp_udc_mem"/>
<Item Value="4" Text="Vbx_ocp_invt_mem"/>
<Item Value="5" Text="Vbx_ocp_exct_mem"/>
<Item Value="6" Text="Vbx_pwm_dfl_sfty_mem"/>
<Data Name="($708A) FPGA firmware version Identifier">
<Bits count="16">
<Data Name="($709C) Gestion of current sensors">
<Item Value="0" Text="No Default"/>
<Item Value="1" Text="Phase open circuit default"/>
<Item Value="2" Text="IGBT open circuit default"/>
<Data Name="($7069) Hardware (by the fpga) overcurrent protection counter for post mortem analysis">
<Bits count="16">
<Data Name="($706A) Hardware (by the fpga) overvoltage protection counter for post mortem analysis">
<Bits count="16">
<Data Name="($702F) High Voltage Network Default">
<Bits count="4">
<Item Value="0" Text="Nsx_hv_nok (0): More than one sensor failure"/>
<Item Value="1" Text="Nsx_hv_ok (1): No Default"/>
<Item Value="2" Text="Nsx_hv_udc_dfl (2): HV UDC Failure"/>
<Item Value="3" Text="Nsx_hv_dcdc_dfl (3): HV DCDC voltage sensor Failure"/>
<Item Value="4" Text="Nsx_hv_bat_dfl (4): HV Battery voltage sensor Failure"/>
<Item Value="5" Text="Nsx_hv_nw_loss : HV Network Loss or false relay status information"/>
<Item Value="6" Text="Nsx_hv_bat_cell_ov_dfl : HV battery overvoltage (cell)"/>
<Item Value="7" Text="Nsx_hv_bat_ov_dfl : HV battery overvoltage (pack)"/>
<Item Value="8" Text="Nsx_hv_rly_open_dfl: false open relay status information"/>
<Data Name="($7031) Interlock plug service status, from LBC (condition for reprogramming)">
<Bits count="2">
<Item Value="0" Text="Closed"/>
<Item Value="1" Text="Opened"/>
<Item Value="2" Text="Unavailable"/>
<Item Value="3" Text="not used"/>
<Data Name="($7083) INV Automation State">
<Item Value="0" Text="Init"/>
<Item Value="1" Text="Traction"/>
<Item Value="2" Text="Charge"/>
<Item Value="3" Text="Motor Stop"/>
<Item Value="4" Text="Rotor Position Learning"/>
<Item Value="5" Text="Stand By"/>
<Item Value="6" Text="Active Discharge"/>
<Item Value="7" Text="Diag"/>
<Data Name="($7071) Inverter high arm IGBT driver fault">
<Item Value="0" Text="No default"/>
<Item Value="1" Text="Default"/>
<Data Name="($707B) Inverter high IGBT driver state (ready or not)">
<Item Value="0" Text="Not Ready"/>
<Item Value="1" Text="Ready"/>
<Data Name="($7072) Inverter low arm IGBT driver fault">
<Item Value="0" Text="No default"/>
<Item Value="1" Text="Default"/>
<Data Name="($707C) Inverter low IGBT driver state (ready or not)">
<Item Value="0" Text="Not Ready"/>
<Item Value="1" Text="Ready"/>
<Data Name="($7075) Inverter over current protection (before flipflop) Arm U">
<Item Value="0" Text="No default"/>
<Item Value="1" Text="Default"/>
<Data Name="($7076) Inverter over current protection (before flipflop) Arm V">
<Item Value="0" Text="No default"/>
<Item Value="1" Text="Default"/>
<Data Name="($7077) Inverter over current protection (before flipflop) Arm W">
<Item Value="0" Text="No default"/>
<Item Value="1" Text="Default"/>
<Data Name="($7091) Last driver board temperature on 1s in the minute before break event for post mortem">
<Bits count="24">
<Scaled Unit="°C" Offset="-20480" DivideBy=" 512"/>
<Data Name="($709A) Max CPU load at 10ms">
<Scaled Unit="µs"/>
<Data Name="($70A1) Max of 10ms task (Vtx_TaskMaxDurationIT_A[3])">
<Bits count="16">
<Scaled Format="bin"/>
<Data Name="($709F) Max of CPU load in micro-seconds (Vtx_TaskMaxDurationIT_A[12])">
<Bits count="16">
<Scaled Format="bin"/>
<Data Name="($7035) Maximal available calculated torque in generator mode">
<Scaled Unit="N·m"/>
<Data Name="($7036) Maximal available calculated torque in motor mode">
<Scaled Unit="N·m"/>
<Data Name="($7061) Maximum driver board temperature during last derating">
<Bits count="24">
<Scaled Unit="°C" Offset="-20480" DivideBy=" 512"/>
<Data Name="($7062) Maximum excitation temperature during last derating">
<Bits count="24">
<Scaled Unit="°C" Offset="-20480" DivideBy=" 512"/>
<Data Name="($70A5) Maximum instant value of normalized torque for cell overvoltage">
<Bits count="16">
<Scaled Step=" .0000610352" Offset="-1"/>
<Data Name="($70A6) Maximum instant value of normalized torque for temperature derating">
<Bits count="16">
<Scaled Step=" .0000610352" Offset="-1"/>
<Data Name="($70A7) Maximum instant value of normalized torque for voltage derating">
<Bits count="16">
<Scaled Step=" .0000610352" Offset="-1"/>
<Data Name="($7063) Maximum inverter temperature during last derating">
<Bits count="24">
<Scaled Unit="°C" Offset="-20480" DivideBy=" 512"/>
<Data Name="($70A3) Maximum normalized torque corresponding to max current saturation value">
<Bits count="16">
<Scaled Step=" .0000610352" Offset="-1"/>
<Data Name="($7064) Maximum pcb temperature during last derating">
<Bits count="24">
<Scaled Unit="°C" Offset="-20480" DivideBy=" 512"/>
<Data Name="($7065) Maximum water temperature during last derating">
<Bits count="24">
<Scaled Unit="°C" Offset="-20480" DivideBy=" 512"/>
<Data Name="($70A8) Minimum instant value of normalized torque for cell overvoltage">
<Bits count="16">
<Scaled Step=" .0000610352" Offset="-1"/>
<Data Name="($70A4) Minimum normalized torque corresponding to max current saturation value">
<Bits count="16">
<Scaled Step=" .0000610352" Offset="-1"/>
<Data Name="($703E) Mode of the power train (motor or generator)">
<Bits count="1">
<Item Value="0" Text="Motor"/>
<Item Value="1" Text="Generator"/>
<Data Name="($7096) Normalized inverter-Excitation temperature">
<Bits count="16">
<Scaled Unit="%" DivideBy=" 64"/>
<Data Name="($7097) Normalized PCB-Micro_driverboard temperature">
<Bits count="16">
<Scaled Unit="%" DivideBy=" 64"/>
<Data Name="($7093) Number of Derating CFA functionnal failure 1 cycles saved">
<Bits count="16">
<Data Name="($7094) Number of Derating CFA functionnal failure 2 cycles saved">
<Bits count="16">
<Data Name="($7095) Number of Derating CFA functionnal failure 3 cycles saved">
<Bits count="16">
<Data Name="($70CA) Number of the bloc which has nvrol error">
<Data Name="($7087) Observer estimation for stack rotor temperature">
<Bits count="16">
<Scaled Unit="°C" Offset="-5120" DivideBy=" 128"/>
<Data Name="($7029) On/Off power train activation request from EVC">
<Bits count="1">
<Item Value="0" Text="Inverter Off"/>
<Item Value="1" Text="Inverter On"/>
<Data Name="($705C) Water overheat temperature counter for post mortem">
<Bits count="16">
<Data Name="($7027) On/Off request of the DCDC from EVC">
<Bits count="1">
<Item Value="0" Text="DCDC Off"/>
<Item Value="1" Text="DCDC On"/>
<Data Name="($708F) Opening relays wire request">
<Item Value="0" Text="Not open"/>
<Item Value="1" Text="Open"/>
<Data Name="($70A9) Vxx_invt_rst_ctx_5">
<Bits count="16">
<Scaled Format="bin"/>
<Data Name="($7055) Vector of 5 average inverter temperature on 1s in the minute before break event for post mortem.0">
<Bits count="24">
<Scaled Unit="°C" Offset="-20480" DivideBy=" 512"/>
<Data Name="($7055) Vector of 5 average inverter temperature on 1s in the minute before break event for post mortem.1">
<Bits count="24">
<Scaled Unit="°C" Offset="-20480" DivideBy=" 512"/>
<Data Name="($7055) Vector of 5 average inverter temperature on 1s in the minute before break event for post mortem.2">
<Bits count="24">
<Scaled Unit="°C" Offset="-20480" DivideBy=" 512"/>
<Data Name="($7055) Vector of 5 average inverter temperature on 1s in the minute before break event for post mortem.3">
<Bits count="24">
<Scaled Unit="°C" Offset="-20480" DivideBy=" 512"/>
<Data Name="($7055) Vector of 5 average inverter temperature on 1s in the minute before break event for post mortem.4">
<Bits count="24">
<Scaled Unit="°C" Offset="-20480" DivideBy=" 512"/>
<Data Name="($7054) Vector of 5 average excitation temperature on 1s in the minute before break event for post mortem.0">
<Bits count="24">
<Scaled Unit="°C" Offset="-20480" DivideBy=" 512"/>
<Data Name="($7054) Vector of 5 average excitation temperature on 1s in the minute before break event for post mortem.1">
<Bits count="24">
<Scaled Unit="°C" Offset="-20480" DivideBy=" 512"/>
<Data Name="($7054) Vector of 5 average excitation temperature on 1s in the minute before break event for post mortem.2">
<Bits count="24">
<Scaled Unit="°C" Offset="-20480" DivideBy=" 512"/>
<Data Name="($7054) Vector of 5 average excitation temperature on 1s in the minute before break event for post mortem.3">
<Bits count="24">
<Scaled Unit="°C" Offset="-20480" DivideBy=" 512"/>
<Data Name="($7054) Vector of 5 average excitation temperature on 1s in the minute before break event for post mortem.4">
<Bits count="24">
<Scaled Unit="°C" Offset="-20480" DivideBy=" 512"/>
<Data Name="($7053) Vector of 5 average driver board temperature on 1s in the minute before break event for post mortem.0">
<Bits count="24">
<Scaled Unit="°C" Offset="-20480" DivideBy=" 512"/>
<Data Name="($7053) Vector of 5 average driver board temperature on 1s in the minute before break event for post mortem.1">
<Bits count="24">
<Scaled Unit="°C" Offset="-20480" DivideBy=" 512"/>
<Data Name="($7053) Vector of 5 average driver board temperature on 1s in the minute before break event for post mortem.2">
<Bits count="24">
<Scaled Unit="°C" Offset="-20480" DivideBy=" 512"/>
<Data Name="($7053) Vector of 5 average driver board temperature on 1s in the minute before break event for post mortem.3">
<Bits count="24">
<Scaled Unit="°C" Offset="-20480" DivideBy=" 512"/>
<Data Name="($7053) Vector of 5 average driver board temperature on 1s in the minute before break event for post mortem.4">
<Bits count="24">
<Scaled Unit="°C" Offset="-20480" DivideBy=" 512"/>
<Data Name="($7052) Vector of 5 average dcdc temperature on 1s in the minute before break event for post mortem.4">
<Bits count="24">
<Scaled Unit="°C" Offset="-20480" DivideBy=" 512"/>
<Data Name="($7052) Vector of 5 average dcdc temperature on 1s in the minute before break event for post mortem.0">
<Bits count="24">
<Scaled Unit="°C" Offset="-20480" DivideBy=" 512"/>
<Data Name="($7052) Vector of 5 average dcdc temperature on 1s in the minute before break event for post mortem.1">
<Bits count="24">
<Scaled Unit="°C" Offset="-20480" DivideBy=" 512"/>
<Data Name="($7052) Vector of 5 average dcdc temperature on 1s in the minute before break event for post mortem.2">
<Bits count="24">
<Scaled Unit="°C" Offset="-20480" DivideBy=" 512"/>
<Data Name="($7052) Vector of 5 average dcdc temperature on 1s in the minute before break event for post mortem.3">
<Bits count="24">
<Scaled Unit="°C" Offset="-20480" DivideBy=" 512"/>
<Data Name="($7050) Value for reference rotor resistance (for safety monitoring)">
<Bits count="16">
<Scaled Unit="Ohm" Step=" .001953125"/>
<Data Name="($7034) Voltage demand for the DCDC converter from the EVC">
<Bits count="16">
<Scaled Unit="mV"/>
<Data Name="($703C) Vehicle distance totalizer from EVC">
<Bits count="24">
<Scaled Unit="km"/>
<Data Name="($7057) Vector of 5 average wtr temperature on 1s in the minute before break event for post mortem.0">
<Bits count="24">
<Scaled Unit="°C" Offset="-20480" DivideBy=" 512"/>
<Data Name="($7057) Vector of 5 average wtr temperature on 1s in the minute before break event for post mortem.1">
<Bits count="24">
<Scaled Unit="°C" Offset="-20480" DivideBy=" 512"/>
<Data Name="($7057) Vector of 5 average wtr temperature on 1s in the minute before break event for post mortem.2">
<Bits count="24">
<Scaled Unit="°C" Offset="-20480" DivideBy=" 512"/>
<Data Name="($7057) Vector of 5 average wtr temperature on 1s in the minute before break event for post mortem.3">
<Bits count="24">
<Scaled Unit="°C" Offset="-20480" DivideBy=" 512"/>
<Data Name="($7057) Vector of 5 average wtr temperature on 1s in the minute before break event for post mortem.4">
<Bits count="24">
<Scaled Unit="°C" Offset="-20480" DivideBy=" 512"/>
<Data Name="($7056) Vector of 5 average pcb temperature on 1s in the minute before break event for post mortem.0">
<Bits count="24">
<Scaled Unit="°C" Offset="-20480" DivideBy=" 512"/>
<Data Name="($7056) Vector of 5 average pcb temperature on 1s in the minute before break event for post mortem.1">
<Bits count="24">
<Scaled Unit="°C" Offset="-20480" DivideBy=" 512"/>
<Data Name="($7056) Vector of 5 average pcb temperature on 1s in the minute before break event for post mortem.2">
<Bits count="24">
<Scaled Unit="°C" Offset="-20480" DivideBy=" 512"/>
<Data Name="($7056) Vector of 5 average pcb temperature on 1s in the minute before break event for post mortem.3">
<Bits count="24">
<Scaled Unit="°C" Offset="-20480" DivideBy=" 512"/>
<Data Name="($7056) Vector of 5 average pcb temperature on 1s in the minute before break event for post mortem.4">
<Bits count="24">
<Scaled Unit="°C" Offset="-20480" DivideBy=" 512"/>
<Data Name="($7045) Validity status of the rotor electrical rotation speed">
<Bits count="2">
<Item Value="0" Text="Nsx_emot_n_chk_ok: OK"/>
<Item Value="1" Text="Nsx_emot_n_chk_fail: Rotor speed is based on backup position acquisition, increased noise."/>
<Item Value="2" Text="Nsx_emot_n_full_fail: No reliable position inforamtion to compute rotor speed or incoherency between functional and safety rotation speeds"/>
<Data Name="($7048) Validity status of the rotor electrical angular position">
<Bits count="2">
<Item Value="0" Text="Nsx_dgt_emot_psn_chk_ok: OK"/>
<Item Value="1" Text="Nsx_dgt_emot_psn_chk_fail: Failure of the functional position acquisition"/>
<Item Value="2" Text="Nsx_dgt_emot_psn_chk_fail_sfty: Failure of the safety position acquisition"/>
<Item Value="3" Text="Nsx_dgt_emot_psn_chk_full_fail: Double failure or incoherency between functional and safety positions"/>
<Data Name="($7032) Torque Default">
<Bits count="4">
<Item Value="0" Text="No default"/>
<Item Value="1" Text="CAN Default"/>
<Item Value="2" Text="Safety Check Default"/>
<Item Value="3" Text="&quot;Unexpected braking&quot; is detected by the &quot;static control strategy&quot;"/>
<Item Value="4" Text="&quot;Unexpected acceleration&quot; in case of negative torque request is detected by the &quot;static control strategy&quot;"/>
<Item Value="5" Text="&quot;Unexpected acceleration&quot; is detected by the &quot;static control strategy&quot;"/>
<Item Value="6" Text="&quot;Unexpected acceleration&quot; is detected by the &quot;dynamic control strategy&quot;"/>
<Item Value="7" Text="&quot;Over braking&quot; is detected by the &quot;static control strategy&quot;"/>
<Item Value="8" Text="&quot;Over braking&quot; or &quot;Unexpected braking&quot; are detected by the &quot;dynamic control strategy&quot;"/>
<Item Value="9" Text="&quot;Lack of motricity&quot; is detected by the &quot;static control strategy&quot;"/>
<Item Value="10" Text="&quot;Lack of motricity&quot; is detected by the &quot;dynamic control strategy&quot;"/>
<Item Value="11" Text="&quot;Loss of regenerative torque&quot; is detected by the &quot;static control strategy&quot;"/>
<Item Value="12" Text="&quot;Loss of regenerative torque&quot; is detected by the &quot;dynamic control strategy&quot;"/>
<Item Value="13" Text="Non zero generated torque detected in case of overvoltage"/>
<Item Value="14" Text="Non limited torque detected in case of rotor overtemperature (rotor temperature = 100%)"/>
<Data Name="($7078) Over voltage protection (before flipflop)">
<Item Value="0" Text="No default"/>
<Item Value="1" Text="Default"/>
<Data Name="($7047) Phase Current Default">
<Bits count="4">
<Item Value="0" Text="Nsx_ok (0) : no sensor default"/>
<Item Value="1" Text="Nsx_i_mot_ph_dfl_1 (1) : default phase sensor 1"/>
<Item Value="2" Text="Nsx_i_mot_ph_dfl_2 (2) : default phase sensor 2"/>
<Item Value="3" Text="Nsx_i_mot_ph_dfl_3 (3) : default phase sensor 3"/>
<Item Value="4" Text="Nsx_i_mot_ph_dfl (4) : unknown phase sensor default"/>
<Item Value="5" Text="Nsx_i_mot_ph_wi_dfl_1 (5) : phase wire 1 default"/>
<Item Value="6" Text="Nsx_i_mot_ph_wi_dfl_2 (6) : phase wire 2 default"/>
<Item Value="7" Text="Nsx_i_mot_ph_wi_dfl_3 (7) : phase wire 3 default"/>
<Item Value="8" Text="Nsx_i_mot_ph_wi_dfl (8) : unknown phase wire default"/>
<Item Value="9" Text="Nsx_i_mot_ph_igbt_dfl (9) : unknown IBGT default"/>
<Data Name="($7099) Phase currents safety check">
<Item Value="0" Text="the summ of the 3 currents is close to zero (&lt; threshold)"/>
<Item Value="1" Text="the summ of the 3 currents isn't close to zero (&gt;threshold) OR at least 2 of the currents are out of range"/>
<Item Value="2" Text="current from sensor 1 (Vxx_i_mot_ph_1) is out of range"/>
<Item Value="3" Text="current from sensor 2 (Vxx_i_mot_ph_2) is out of range"/>
<Item Value="4" Text="current from sensor 3 (Vxx_i_mot_ph_3) is out of range"/>
<Data Name="($7051) Position sensor type">
<Item Value="0" Text="0: Sensor type A = TAMAGAWA"/>
<Item Value="1" Text="1: Sensor type B = MINEBEA"/>
<Data Name="($704C) Received rotor reference resistance CRC">
<Bytes count="1"/>
<Data Name="($704B) Received TETA position offset">
<Bits count="16">
<Scaled DivideBy=" 128"/>
<Data Name="($704D) Received value for reference rotor resistance">
<Bits count="16">
<Scaled Unit="Ohm" Offset=" 512" DivideBy=" 512"/>
<Data Name="($709D) redundant supply 21 failure counter for post mortem analysis">
<Bits count="16">
<Data Name="($703B) Resistance rotor learning + CRC written by diag tool.1">
<Bytes count="2"/>
<Data Name="($703B) Resistance rotor learning + CRC written by diag tool.2">
<Bytes count="1"/>
<Data Name="($7088) Rotor copper temperature estimation">
<Bits count="16">
<Scaled Unit="°C" Offset="-5120" DivideBy=" 128"/>
<Data Name="($7038) Rotor copper temperature raw estimation">
<Bits count="16">
<Scaled Unit="°C" Step=" .0078125" Offset="-40"/>
<Data Name="($7041) Rotor overcurrent validated">
<Bits count="1">
<Item Value="0" Text="No default"/>
<Item Value="1" Text="Default"/>
<Data Name="($708B) Rotor position measure">
<Bits count="16">
<Scaled DivideBy=" 128"/>
<Data Name="($708D) Rotor position measure (for safety monitoring)">
<Bits count="16">
<Scaled DivideBy=" 128"/>
<Data Name="($7037) Rotor position offset learning + CRC written by diag tool.1">
<Bytes count="2"/>
<Data Name="($7037) Rotor position offset learning + CRC written by diag tool.2">
<Bytes count="1"/>
<Data Name="($7021) Saved resistance rotor.value">
<Comment><![CDATA[Sxx_rot_r_ref + Sxx_rot_r_ref_crc_rcp]]></Comment>
<Bytes count="2"/>
<Data Name="($7021) Saved resistance rotor.CRC">
<Comment><![CDATA[Sxx_rot_r_ref + Sxx_rot_r_ref_crc_rcp]]></Comment>
<Bytes count="1"/>
<Data Name="($709E) SeedBreaker to explain the reset cause">
<Bits count="16">
<Scaled Format="bin"/>
<Data Name="($7068) Software overcurrent protection counter for post mortem analysis">
<Bits count="16">
<Data Name="($706B) Software overvoltage protection counter for post mortem analysis">
<Bits count="16">
<Data Name="($708E) Spare signal for driver board temperature">
<Bits count="24">
<Scaled Unit="°C" Offset="-20480" DivideBy=" 512"/>
<Data Name="($703F) SPI communication default">
<Bits count="1">
<Item Value="0" Text="No default"/>
<Item Value="1" Text="Default"/>
<Data Name="($7089) Stator copper temperature estimation">
<Bits count="16">
<Scaled Unit="°C" Offset="-5120" DivideBy=" 128"/>
<Data Name="($7042) Stator overcurrent validated">
<Bits count="1">
<Item Value="0" Text="No default"/>
<Item Value="1" Text="Default"/>
<Data Name="($7028) status verlog from PEB to EVC">
<Bits count="1">
<Item Value="0" Text="Vehicle locked"/>
<Item Value="1" Text="Vehicle unlocked"/>
<Data Name="($707D) Supply monitoring default">
<Item Value="0" Text="No default"/>
<Item Value="1" Text="Default"/>
<Data Name="($704A) TETA CRC received">
<Bytes count="1"/>
<Data Name="($703D) The water temperature produced by the Rectifier">
<Bits count="7">
<Scaled Unit="°C"/>
<Data Name="($70D5) Rotor position sensor safety check">
<Bits count="1">
<Item Value="0" Text="the 2 positions are inconsisten (difference &gt; thershold)"/>
<Item Value="1" Text="Both positions are consistent (difference &lt;thershold)"/>
<Data Name="($70D6) Rotor Positions Diag">
<Bits count="2">
<Item Value="0" Text="both diag are OK"/>
<Item Value="1" Text="Failure of the functional position acquisitio"/>
<Item Value="2" Text="Failure of the safety position acquisition (sin cos)"/>
<Item Value="3" Text="both diag are NOK"/>
<Data Name="($70D7) HVNetworkVoltage from Battery">
<Bits count="16">
<Scaled Unit="V" Step=" .5"/>
<Data Name="($70D8) HVNetworkVoltage from DCDC">
<Bits count="16">
<Scaled Unit="V" Step=" .5"/>
<Data Name="($70E7) Normalized rotor temperature">
<Bits count="16">
<Scaled Unit="%" Step=" .001953125"/>
<Data Name="($70E8) Stator temperature sensor 1 for freeze frame management">
<Bits count="16">
<Scaled Unit="°C" Step=" .25" Offset="-40"/>
<Data Name="($70E9) Stator temperature sensor 2 for freeze frame management">
<Bits count="16">
<Scaled Unit="°C" Step=" .25" Offset="-40"/>
<Data Name="($70EA) spare signal for driver board temperature for freeze frame management">
<Bits count="16">
<Scaled Unit="°C" Step=" .25" Offset="-40"/>
<Data Name="($70EB) Excitation temperature for freeze frame management">
<Bits count="16">
<Scaled Unit="°C" Step=" .25" Offset="-40"/>
<Data Name="($70EC) Inverter temperature sensor 1 for freeze frame management">
<Bits count="16">
<Scaled Unit="°C" Step=" .25" Offset="-40"/>
<Data Name="($70ED) MICRO temperature for freeze frame management">
<Bits count="16">
<Scaled Unit="°C" Step=" .25" Offset="-40"/>
<Data Name="($70EE)PCB temperature for freeze frame management">
<Bits count="16">
<Scaled Unit="°C" Step=" .25" Offset="-40"/>
<Data Name="($70F0) Absolute time since first Ignition">
<Bits count="16">
<Scaled Unit="min"/>
<Data Name="($70F2) Environment temperature">
<Bits count="16">
<Scaled Unit="°C" Step=" .0078125" Offset="-40"/>
<Data Name="($7016)Result of the check on CAN with EVC (torque request CLK+torque request CRC+CAN confirmed absent)">
<Bits count="1">
<Item Value="0" Text="Check is Ok"/>
<Item Value="1" Text="Check is Nok"/>
<Data Name="($70CB)Nvrol error counters.8 bits MSB(double bit errors number).8 bits LSB(simple bit errors number)">
<Bits count="16">
<Data Name="($70EF) counter giving the nember of times Wsx_cuc_f_dfl is equal to Nsx_i_f_df">
<Bits count="16">
<Data Name="($70F1) Max ratio between the square of excitation sgnl and the sum of squares of rotor reslver cos and sin sgnl">
<Bits count="16">
<Scaled Step=" .001953125"/>
<Data Name="Ratio between square of excitation signal and sum of squares of rotor reslver cos and sine signals">
<Bits count="16">
<Scaled Step=" .001953125"/>
<Data Name="($2000) DIDs supported in range [$2001 - $2020]">
<Comment><![CDATA[DIDs supported in range [$2001 - $2020]]]></Comment>
<Bytes count="4"/>
<Data Name="($2060) DIDs supported in range [$2061 - $2080]">
<Comment><![CDATA[DIDs supported in range [$2061 - $2080]]]></Comment>
<Bytes count="4"/>
<Data Name="($7000) DIDs supported in range [$7001 - $7020]">
<Comment><![CDATA[DIDs supported in range [$7001 - $7020]]]></Comment>
<Bytes count="4"/>
<Data Name="($7020) DIDs supported in range [$7021 - $7040]">
<Comment><![CDATA[DIDs supported in range [$7021 - $7040]]]></Comment>
<Bytes count="4"/>
<Data Name="($7040) DIDs supported in range [$7041 - $7060]">
<Comment><![CDATA[DIDs supported in range [$7041 - $7060]]]></Comment>
<Bytes count="4"/>
<Data Name="($7060) DIDs supported in range [$7061 - $7080]">
<Comment><![CDATA[DIDs supported in range [$7061 - $7080]]]></Comment>
<Bytes count="4"/>
<Data Name="($7080) DIDs supported in range [$7081 - $70A0]">
<Comment><![CDATA[DIDs supported in range [$7081 - $70A0]]]></Comment>
<Bytes count="4"/>
<Data Name="($70A0) DIDs supported in range [$70A1 - $70C0]">
<Comment><![CDATA[DIDs supported in range [$70A1 - $70C0]]]></Comment>
<Bytes count="4"/>
<Data Name="($70C0) DIDs supported in range [$70C1 - $70E0]">
<Comment><![CDATA[DIDs supported in range [$70C1 - $70E0]]]></Comment>
<Bytes count="4"/>
<Data Name="($70A2) Vxx_invt_rst_ctx_4.($70A2) Vtx_TaskMaxDurationIT_A[3]_(bit8-11)">
<Bits count="4">
<Scaled Unit="ms" Format="bin"/>
<Data Name="($70A2) Vxx_invt_rst_ctx_4.($70A2) Stack Overflow on State_(bit6-7)">
<Bits count="2">
<Item Value="0" Text="No overflow"/>
<Item Value="1" Text="overflow on Istack"/>
<Item Value="2" Text="overflow on Ustack"/>
<Item Value="3" Text="overflowon Csa"/>
<Data Name="($70A2) Vxx_invt_rst_ctx_4.($70A2) Vxx_10ms_max_duration_(bit12-15)">
<Bits count="4">
<Scaled Unit="ms" Format="bin"/>
<Data Name="($70A2) Vxx_invt_rst_ctx_4.($70A2) Vbx_sply_mon_(bit5)">
<Bits count="1">
<Scaled Format="bin"/>
<Data Name="($70A2) Vxx_invt_rst_ctx_4.($70A2) Vbx_alim_21_mon_(bit3)">
<Bits count="1">
<Scaled Format="bin"/>
<Data Name="($70A2) Vxx_invt_rst_ctx_4.($70A2) Vbx_alim_21_mon_red_(bit4)">
<Bits count="1">
<Scaled Format="bin"/>
<Data Name="($70A2) Vxx_invt_rst_ctx_4.($70A2) Vbx_dfl_i_f_low_(bit2)">
<Bits count="1">
<Scaled Format="bin"/>
<Data Name="($70A2) Vxx_invt_rst_ctx_4.($70A2) Vsx_emot_n_dfl_sfty_(bit1)">
<Bits count="1">
<Scaled Format="bin"/>
<Data Name="($70A2) Vxx_invt_rst_ctx_4.($70A2) Vbx_rot_temp_dfl_sfty_(bit0)">
<Bits count="1">
<Scaled Format="bin"/>
<Data Name="($70E0) DIDs supported in range [$70E1 - $7100]">
<Comment><![CDATA[DIDs supported in range [$70E1 - $7100]]]></Comment>
<Bytes count="4"/>
<Data Name="($702A) software over voltage protection">
<Bits count="1">
<Item Value="0" Text="No default"/>
<Item Value="1" Text="Default"/>
<Data Name="($702C) Distribution type from JB to PEB">
<Bits count="2">
<Item Value="0" Text="not used"/>
<Item Value="1" Text="Default (Nsx_jb_chg_dstb_dft)"/>
<Item Value="2" Text="Simultaneous (Nsx_jb_chg_dstb_smlt)"/>
<Item Value="3" Text="Lag (Nsx_jb_chg_dstb_lag)"/>
<Data Name="($7090) Water temperature">
<Bits count="7">
<Scaled Unit="°C"/>
<Data Name="DTCMileageLastOccurence">
<Comment><![CDATA[Distance Totalizer of the vehicle]]></Comment>
<Bits count="24">
<Scaled Unit="km"/>
<Data Name="VehicleManufacturerECUHardwareNumber_DAI">
<Bytes count="10" ascii="1"/>
<Data Name="VehicleManufacturerECUSoftwareNumber_DAI">
<Bytes count="20" ascii="1"/>
<Requests Endian="Big">
<Request Name="StartDiagnosticSession.Default">
<Comment><![CDATA[Standard definition for DDT2000 automatic screen]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="2">
<Request Name="StartDiagnosticSession.Programming">
<Comment><![CDATA[Standard definition for DDT2000 automatic screen]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="2">
<Request Name="ClearDiagnosticInformation.All">
<Comment><![CDATA[The ClearDiagnosticInformation service is used by the tool to clear diagnostic information in an ECUs memory]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="1">
<Request Name="ReadDTCInformation.ReportDTC">
<Comment><![CDATA[DDT2000 Failures page requests / Clip import : Unusable in the standard tools of DDT2000]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="3">
<DataItem Name="StatusOfDTC" FirstByte="7"/>
<DataItem Name="DTCStatus.testFailed" FirstByte="7" BitOffset="7"/>
<DataItem Name="DTCStatus.testFailedThisMonitoringCycle" FirstByte="7" BitOffset="6"/>
<DataItem Name="DTCStatus.pendingDTC" FirstByte="7" BitOffset="5"/>
<DataItem Name="DTCStatus.confirmedDTC" FirstByte="7" BitOffset="4"/>
<DataItem Name="DTCStatus.testNotCompletedSinceLastClear" FirstByte="7" BitOffset="3"/>
<DataItem Name="DTCStatus.testFailedSinceLastClear" FirstByte="7" BitOffset="2"/>
<DataItem Name="DTCStatus.testNotCompletedThisMonitoringCycle" FirstByte="7" BitOffset="1"/>
<DataItem Name="DTCStatus.warningIndicatorRequested" FirstByte="7"/>
<DataItem Name="DTCFailureType.Category" FirstByte="6"/>
<DataItem Name="DTCFailureType" FirstByte="6"/>
<DataItem Name="DTCDeviceIdentifier" FirstByte="4"/>
<DataItem Name="DTCDeviceAndFailureTypeOBD" FirstByte="4"/>
<DataItem Name="DTCFailureType.ManufacturerOrSupplier" FirstByte="6" BitOffset="4"/>
<DataItem Name="DTCStatusAvailabilityMask" FirstByte="3"/>
<Request Name="ReadDTCInformation.ReportSnapshot">
<Comment><![CDATA[DDT2000 Failures page requests / Clip import : Unusable in the standard tools of DDT2000]]></Comment>
<DataItem Name="DTCMaskRecord" FirstByte="3"/>
<Received MinBytes="6">
<DataItem Name="DTCRecord" FirstByte="3"/>
<DataItem Name="StatusOfDTC" FirstByte="6"/>
<Request Name="ReadDTCInformation.ReportExtendedData.AgingCounter">
<Comment><![CDATA[Request for the import in the Clip]]></Comment>
<DataItem Name="DTCMaskRecord" FirstByte="3"/>
<Received MinBytes="8">
<DataItem Name="DTCRecord" FirstByte="3"/>
<DataItem Name="StatusOfDTC" FirstByte="6"/>
<DataItem Name="DTCExtendedData.AgingCounter" FirstByte="8"/>
<DataItem Name="DTCExtendedDataRecordNumber" FirstByte="7"/>
<Request Name="ReadDTCInformation.ReportExtendedData.DTCOccurrenceCounter">
<Comment><![CDATA[Request for the import in the Clip]]></Comment>
<DataItem Name="DTCMaskRecord" FirstByte="3"/>
<Received MinBytes="8">
<DataItem Name="DTCRecord" FirstByte="3"/>
<DataItem Name="StatusOfDTC" FirstByte="6"/>
<DataItem Name="DTCExtendedData.DTCOccurrenceCounter" FirstByte="8"/>
<DataItem Name="DTCExtendedDataRecordNumber" FirstByte="7"/>
<Request Name="ReadDTCInformation.ReportExtendedData.DTCOccurrenceCounter_2">
<Comment><![CDATA[Request for the import in the Clip]]></Comment>
<DataItem Name="DTCMaskRecord" FirstByte="3"/>
<Received MinBytes="8">
<DataItem Name="DTCRecord" FirstByte="3"/>
<DataItem Name="StatusOfDTC" FirstByte="6"/>
<DataItem Name="DTCExtendedData.DTCOccurrenceCounter_2" FirstByte="8"/>
<Request Name="ReadDTCInformation.ReportExtendedData.DTCLastDiseappearMileage">
<Comment><![CDATA[Request for the import in the Clip]]></Comment>
<DataItem Name="DTCMaskRecord" FirstByte="3"/>
<Received MinBytes="10">
<DataItem Name="DTCRecord" FirstByte="3"/>
<DataItem Name="StatusOfDTC" FirstByte="6"/>
<DataItem Name="DTCExtendedData.DTCLastDiseappearMileage" FirstByte="8"/>
<Request Name="ReadDTCInformation.ReportExtendedData.DTCTravelledDistanceFailureType">
<Comment><![CDATA[Request for the import in the Clip]]></Comment>
<DataItem Name="DTCMaskRecord" FirstByte="3"/>
<Received MinBytes="10">
<DataItem Name="DTCRecord" FirstByte="3"/>
<DataItem Name="StatusOfDTC" FirstByte="6"/>
<DataItem Name="DTCExtendedData.DTCTravelledDistanceFailurePresent" FirstByte="8"/>
<Request Name="ReadDTCInformation.ReportExtendedData.DTCFirstAppearMileage">
<Comment><![CDATA[Request for the import in the Clip]]></Comment>
<DataItem Name="DTCMaskRecord" FirstByte="3"/>
<Received MinBytes="10">
<DataItem Name="DTCRecord" FirstByte="3"/>
<DataItem Name="StatusOfDTC" FirstByte="6"/>
<DataItem Name="DTCExtendedData.DTCFirstAppearMileage" FirstByte="8"/>
<Request Name="DataRead.Identification.RenaultR2">
<Comment><![CDATA[ReadDataByLocalIdentifier : Use this request if ECU use Coding Renault R2 or 5DIGITS]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="26">
<DataItem Name="CalibrationNumber" Ref="1" FirstByte="21"/>
<DataItem Name="DiagnosticIdentificationCode" Ref="1" FirstByte="8"/>
<DataItem Name="SoftwareNumber" Ref="1" FirstByte="17"/>
<DataItem Name="SupplierNumber.ITG" Ref="1" FirstByte="9"/>
<DataItem Name="EditionNumber" Ref="1" FirstByte="19"/>
<DataItem Name="PartNumber.BasicPartList" Ref="1" FirstByte="23"/>
<DataItem Name="HardwareNumber.BasicPartList" Ref="1" FirstByte="24"/>
<DataItem Name="ApprovalNumber.BasicPartList" Ref="1" FirstByte="25"/>
<DataItem Name="PartNumber.LowerPart" Ref="1" FirstByte="3"/>
<DataItem Name="HardwareNumber.LowerPart" Ref="1" FirstByte="12"/>
<DataItem Name="ManufacturerIdentificationCode" Ref="1" FirstByte="26"/>
<Request Name="DataRead.History.Ident.0">
<Received MinBytes="26">
<DataItem Name="CalibrationNumber" FirstByte="21"/>
<DataItem Name="DiagnosticIdentificationCode" FirstByte="8"/>
<DataItem Name="SoftwareNumber" FirstByte="17"/>
<DataItem Name="SupplierNumber.ITG" FirstByte="9"/>
<DataItem Name="EditionNumber" FirstByte="19"/>
<DataItem Name="PartNumber.BasicPartList" FirstByte="23"/>
<DataItem Name="HardwareNumber.BasicPartList" FirstByte="24"/>
<DataItem Name="ApprovalNumber.BasicPartList" FirstByte="25"/>
<DataItem Name="PartNumber.LowerPart" FirstByte="3"/>
<DataItem Name="HardwareNumber.LowerPart" FirstByte="12"/>
<DataItem Name="ManufacturerIdentificationCode" FirstByte="26"/>
<Request Name="DataRead.History.Reprog.0">
<Received MinBytes="26">
<DataItem Name="ApprovalNumber.LowerPart" FirstByte="3"/>
<DataItem Name="ProgrammingSiteReference" FirstByte="8"/>
<DataItem Name="ProgrammingToolReference" FirstByte="13"/>
<DataItem Name="NumberOfReprogrammings" FirstByte="18"/>
<DataItem Name="DateOfReprogramming" FirstByte="19"/>
<DataItem Name="SaveMarking" FirstByte="24"/>
<DataItem Name="CrcOfLogSave" FirstByte="25"/>
<DataItem Name="TimeOfReprogramming" FirstByte="22"/>
<Request Name="FailuresDetect.All">
<Comment><![CDATA[DDT2000 Failures page requests / Clip import (Conditional)]]></Comment>
<DataItem Name="RoutineEntryOption" FirstByte="3"/>
<Received MinBytes="3">
<DataItem Name="RoutineEntryStatus" FirstByte="3"/>
<Request Name="TesterPresent.WithResponse">
<Comment><![CDATA[This request enable P2P tester present for tool (Screen, IOctl, ...)]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="1">
<Request Name="Output Control">
<Comment><![CDATA[Standard DDT2000 Request 'Output Control']]></Comment>
<DataItem Name="Output Temporary Control List" FirstByte="2"/>
<DataItem Name="Output Control Command" FirstByte="3"/>
<Received MinBytes="3">
<DataItem Name="Output Temporary Control List-answer" FirstByte="2"/>
<DataItem Name="Output Control Status" FirstByte="3"/>
<Request Name="StartRoutineByLocalIdentifier">
<DataItem Name="RoutineLocalIdentifierStart" FirstByte="2"/>
<DataItem Name="RoutineEntryOption" FirstByte="3"/>
<Received MinBytes="3">
<DataItem Name="RoutineLocalIdentifierStart-answer" FirstByte="2"/>
<DataItem Name="RoutineEntryStatus" FirstByte="3"/>
<Request Name="StopRoutineByLocalIdentifier">
<DataItem Name="RoutineExitOption" FirstByte="3"/>
<DataItem Name="RoutineLocalIdentifierStop" FirstByte="2"/>
<Received MinBytes="3">
<DataItem Name="RoutineExitStatus" FirstByte="3"/>
<DataItem Name="RoutineLocalIdentifierStop-answer" FirstByte="2"/>
<Request Name="Frame Traceability Information">
<Received MinBytes="22">
<DataItem Name="ITG Supplier Number" Ref="1" FirstByte="3"/>
<DataItem Name="Traceability Factory Code" Ref="1" FirstByte="6"/>
<DataItem Name="Traceability Serial Number" Ref="1" FirstByte="7"/>
<Request Name="Read Frame VIN">
<Received MinBytes="21">
<DataItem Name="CRC" Ref="1" FirstByte="20"/>
<DataItem Name="V.I.N" Ref="1" FirstByte="3"/>
<Request Name="ReadDTCInformation.ReportExtendedData.Mileage">
<Comment><![CDATA[Request for the import in the Clip]]></Comment>
<DataItem Name="DTCMaskRecord" FirstByte="3"/>
<Received MinBytes="10">
<DataItem Name="DTCRecord" FirstByte="3"/>
<DataItem Name="StatusOfDTC" FirstByte="6"/>
<DataItem Name="DTCExtendedData.Mileage" FirstByte="8"/>
<DataItem Name="DTCExtendedDataRecordNumber" FirstByte="7" Endian="Little"/>
<Request Name="ReadDTCInformation.ReportExtendedData">
<Comment><![CDATA[DDT2000 Failures page requests : Unusable in the standard tools of DDT2000]]></Comment>
<DataItem Name="DTCMaskRecord" FirstByte="3"/>
<Received MinBytes="6">
<DataItem Name="DTCRecord" FirstByte="3"/>
<DataItem Name="StatusOfDTC" FirstByte="6"/>
<DataItem Name="DTCExtendedData.DTCOccurrenceCounter_2" FirstByte="8"/>
<DataItem Name="DTCExtendedData.Mileage" FirstByte="8"/>
<DataItem Name="DTCExtendedDataRecordNumber" FirstByte="7"/>
<DataItem Name="DTCExtendedData.DTCFirstAppearMileage" FirstByte="8"/>
<DataItem Name="DTCExtendedData.DTCLastDiseappearMileage" FirstByte="8"/>
<DataItem Name="DTCExtendedData.DTCTravelledDistanceFailurePresent" FirstByte="8"/>
<DataItem Name="DTCExtendedData.AgingCounter" FirstByte="8"/>
<DataItem Name="DTCExtendedData.DTCOccurrenceCounter" FirstByte="8"/>
<Request Name="Configuration of Electrical Vehicle Networks">
<Comment><![CDATA[Service de lecture de la configuration du réseau CAN]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="13">
<DataItem Name="Configuration of Electrical Vehicle Networks" Ref="1" FirstByte="3"/>
<Request Name="List of Electrical Vehicle ECUs with After-sales diagnostic">
<Received MinBytes="13">
<DataItem Name="List of Electrical Vehicle ECUs with After-sales diagnostic" Ref="1" FirstByte="3"/>
<Request Name="DataWrite.Configuration_of_Electrical_Vehicle_Networks">
<DataItem Name="Configuration of Electrical Vehicle Networks" FirstByte="3"/>
<Received MinBytes="2">
<Request Name="DataWrite.List of Electrical Vehicle ECUs with After-sales diagnostic">
<DataItem Name="List of Electrical Vehicle ECUs with After-sales diagnostic" FirstByte="3"/>
<Received MinBytes="2">
<Request Name="StartDiagnosticSession.ExtendedDiagnosticSession">
<Comment><![CDATA[Standard definition for DDT2000 automatic screen]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="2">
<Request Name="StartRoutineByLocalIdentifier - Factory Static Test">
<Comment><![CDATA[Request $31 - StartRoutineByLocalIdentifier - Factory Static test]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="3">
<Request Name="DataRead.Daimler system identification">
<Comment><![CDATA[ReadDataByLocalIdentifier - Daimler system identification]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="22">
<DataItem Name="Hardware Part Number 1" Ref="1" FirstByte="3"/>
<DataItem Name="Hardware Part Number 2" Ref="1" FirstByte="4"/>
<DataItem Name="Hardware Part Number 3" Ref="1" FirstByte="5"/>
<DataItem Name="Hardware Part Number 4" Ref="1" FirstByte="6"/>
<DataItem Name="Hardware Part Number 5" Ref="1" FirstByte="7"/>
<DataItem Name="Hardware Part Number 6" Ref="1" FirstByte="8"/>
<DataItem Name="Hardware Part Number 7" Ref="1" FirstByte="9"/>
<DataItem Name="Hardware Part Number 8" Ref="1" FirstByte="10"/>
<DataItem Name="Hardware Part Number 9" Ref="1" FirstByte="11"/>
<DataItem Name="Hardware Part Number 10" Ref="1" FirstByte="12"/>
<DataItem Name="Software Part Number 1" Ref="1" FirstByte="13"/>
<DataItem Name="Software Part Number 2" Ref="1" FirstByte="14"/>
<DataItem Name="Software Part Number 3" Ref="1" FirstByte="15"/>
<DataItem Name="Software Part Number 4" Ref="1" FirstByte="16"/>
<DataItem Name="Software Part Number 5" Ref="1" FirstByte="17"/>
<DataItem Name="Software Part Number 6" Ref="1" FirstByte="18"/>
<DataItem Name="Software Part Number 7" Ref="1" FirstByte="19"/>
<DataItem Name="Software Part Number 8" Ref="1" FirstByte="20"/>
<DataItem Name="Software Part Number 9" Ref="1" FirstByte="21"/>
<DataItem Name="Software Part Number 10" Ref="1" FirstByte="22"/>
<Request Name="DataWrite.Vehicle_Identification_Number">
<DataItem Name="Vin In Ascii" FirstByte="3"/>
<DataItem Name="Vin CRC" FirstByte="20"/>
<Received MinBytes="2">
<Request Name="DataRead.($2001) Rotor mechanical rotation speed">
<Comment><![CDATA[Request $22 - Vxx_emot_n]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="5">
<DataItem Name="($2001) Rotor mechanical rotation speed" Ref="1" FirstByte="4"/>
<Request Name="DataRead.($2002) Emotor torque estimation, based on measured current values">
<Comment><![CDATA[Request $22 - Vxx_esti_emot_tq]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="5">
<DataItem Name="($2002) Emotor torque estimation, based on measured current values" Ref="1" FirstByte="4"/>
<Request Name="DataRead.($2003) Torque setpoint from EVC">
<Comment><![CDATA[Request $22 - Vxx_emot_tq_sp]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="5">
<DataItem Name="($2003) Torque setpoint from EVC" Ref="1" FirstByte="4"/>
<Request Name="DataRead.($2004) Battery voltage sensor">
<Comment><![CDATA[Request $22 - Vxx_udc]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="5">
<DataItem Name="($2004) Battery voltage sensor" Ref="1" FirstByte="4"/>
<Request Name="DataRead.($2005) DCDC output tension measure">
<Comment><![CDATA[Request $22 - Vxx_dcdc_volt_ou_mes_raw]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="5">
<DataItem Name="($2005) DCDC output tension measure" Ref="1" FirstByte="4"/>
<Request Name="DataRead.($2070) Immobilizer - diagnosis availability">
<Comment><![CDATA[Request $22 - Vbx_swlk_diag_avl]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="4">
<DataItem Name="($2070) Immobilizer - diagnosis availability" Ref="1" FirstByte="4" BitOffset="7"/>
<Request Name="DataRead.($2071) Immobilizer - Byte 1 used to allow diagnosis">
<Comment><![CDATA[Request $22 - Vxx_swlk_diag_1]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="4">
<DataItem Name="($2071) Immobilizer - Byte 1 used to allow diagnosis" Ref="1" FirstByte="4"/>
<Request Name="DataRead.($2072) Immobilizer - Byte 2 used to allow diagnosis">
<Comment><![CDATA[Request $22 - Vxx_swlk_diag_2]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="4">
<DataItem Name="($2072) Immobilizer - Byte 2 used to allow diagnosis" Ref="1" FirstByte="4"/>
<Request Name="DataRead.($2073) Immobilizer - Byte 3 used to allow diagnosis">
<Comment><![CDATA[Request $22 - Vxx_swlk_diag_3]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="4">
<DataItem Name="($2073) Immobilizer - Byte 3 used to allow diagnosis.0" Ref="1" FirstByte="4" BitOffset="7"/>
<DataItem Name="($2073) Immobilizer - Byte 3 used to allow diagnosis.1" Ref="1" FirstByte="4" BitOffset="6"/>
<DataItem Name="($2073) Immobilizer - Byte 3 used to allow diagnosis.2" Ref="1" FirstByte="4" BitOffset="5"/>
<DataItem Name="($2073) Immobilizer - Byte 3 used to allow diagnosis.3" Ref="1" FirstByte="4" BitOffset="4"/>
<DataItem Name="($2073) Immobilizer - Byte 3 used to allow diagnosis.4" Ref="1" FirstByte="4" BitOffset="2"/>
<DataItem Name="($2073) Immobilizer - Byte 3 used to allow diagnosis.6" Ref="1" FirstByte="4" BitOffset="1"/>
<DataItem Name="($2073) Immobilizer - Byte 3 used to allow diagnosis.7" Ref="1" FirstByte="4"/>
<Request Name="DataRead.($2074) Immobilizer - engine not running due to ECM">
<Comment><![CDATA[Request $22 - Vbx_swlk_diag_ecm]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="4">
<DataItem Name="($2074) Immobilizer - engine not running due to ECM" Ref="1" FirstByte="4" BitOffset="7"/>
<Request Name="DataRead.($2075) Immobilizer - engine not running due to BCM in secure mode">
<Comment><![CDATA[Request $22 - Vbx_swlk_diag_tool]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="4">
<DataItem Name="($2075) Immobilizer - engine not running due to BCM in secure mode" Ref="1" FirstByte="4" BitOffset="7"/>
<Request Name="DataRead.($2076) Immobilizer - engine not running due to no BCM authorization">
<Comment><![CDATA[Request $22 - Vbx_swlk_diag_ccu]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="4">
<DataItem Name="($2076) Immobilizer - engine not running due to no BCM authorization" Ref="1" FirstByte="4" BitOffset="7"/>
<Request Name="DataRead.($2077) Immobilizer - engine not running due to a CAN network problem with the BCM">
<Comment><![CDATA[Request $22 - Vbx_swlk_diag_mux]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="4">
<DataItem Name="($2077) Immobilizer - engine not running due to a CAN network problem with the BCM" Ref="1" FirstByte="4" BitOffset="7"/>
<Request Name="DataRead.($7001) Command of PEC fan">
<Comment><![CDATA[Request $22 - Vxx_cfa_pwm_sp]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="4">
<DataItem Name="($7001) Command of PEC fan" Ref="1" FirstByte="4"/>
<Request Name="DataRead.($7002) Wired APC signal">
<Comment><![CDATA[Request $22 - Vbx_dcdc_apc_raw]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="4">
<DataItem Name="($7002) Wired APC signal" Ref="1" FirstByte="4" BitOffset="7"/>
<Request Name="DataRead.($7003) Measured rotor current (sensor 1)">
<Comment><![CDATA[Request $22 - Wxx_i_f_1]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="5">
<DataItem Name="($7003) Measured rotor current (sensor 1)" Ref="1" FirstByte="4"/>
<Request Name="DataRead.($7004) Measured rotor current (sensor 2)">
<Comment><![CDATA[Request $22 - Wxx_i_f_2]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="5">
<DataItem Name="($7004) Measured rotor current (sensor 2)" Ref="1" FirstByte="4"/>
<Request Name="DataRead.($7005) Verlog Status">
<Comment><![CDATA[Request $22 - Vbx_eng_run_ena_swlk]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="4">
<DataItem Name="($7005) Verlog Status" Ref="1" FirstByte="4" BitOffset="7"/>
<Request Name="DataRead.($7006) Wire frame APC state">
<Comment><![CDATA[Request $22 - Vbx_wf_apc]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="4">
<DataItem Name="($7006) Wire frame APC state" Ref="1" FirstByte="4" BitOffset="7"/>
<Request Name="DataRead.($7007) Measured stator current on phase U">
<Comment><![CDATA[Request $22 - Wxx_i_mot_ph_1]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="5">
<DataItem Name="($7007) Measured stator current on phase U" Ref="1" FirstByte="4"/>
<Request Name="DataRead.($7008) Measured stator current on phase V">
<Comment><![CDATA[Request $22 - Wxx_i_mot_ph_2]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="5">
<DataItem Name="($7008) Measured stator current on phase V" Ref="1" FirstByte="4"/>
<Request Name="DataRead.($7009) Measured stator current on phase W">
<Comment><![CDATA[Request $22 - Wxx_i_mot_ph_3]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="5">
<DataItem Name="($7009) Measured stator current on phase W" Ref="1" FirstByte="4"/>
<Request Name="DataRead.($700A) Feedback fan raw diagnostic">
<Comment><![CDATA[Request $22 - Vbx_raw_cfa_nok]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="4">
<DataItem Name="($700A) Feedback fan raw diagnostic" Ref="1" FirstByte="4" BitOffset="7"/>
<Request Name="DataRead.($700B) Excitation temperature">
<Comment><![CDATA[Request $22 - Vxx_wf_exct_temp]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="6">
<DataItem Name="($700B) Excitation temperature" Ref="1" FirstByte="4"/>
<Request Name="DataRead.($700C) Inverter temperature sensor 1">
<Comment><![CDATA[Request $22 - Vxx_wf_invt_temp_1]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="6">
<DataItem Name="($700C) Inverter temperature sensor 1" Ref="1" FirstByte="4"/>
<Request Name="DataRead.($700D) MICRO temperature">
<Comment><![CDATA[Request $22 - Vxx_wf_mc_temp]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="6">
<DataItem Name="($700D) MICRO temperature" Ref="1" FirstByte="4"/>
<Request Name="DataRead.($700E) PCB temperature">
<Comment><![CDATA[Request $22 - Vxx_wf_pcb_temp]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="6">
<DataItem Name="($700E) PCB temperature" Ref="1" FirstByte="4"/>
<Request Name="DataRead.($700F) Stator temperature sensor 1">
<Comment><![CDATA[Request $22 - Vxx_sttr_temp_1]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="6">
<DataItem Name="($700F) Stator temperature sensor 1" Ref="1" FirstByte="4"/>
<Request Name="DataRead.($7010) Stator temperature sensor 2">
<Comment><![CDATA[Request $22 - Vxx_sttr_temp_2]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="6">
<DataItem Name="($7010) Stator temperature sensor 2" Ref="1" FirstByte="4"/>
<Request Name="DataRead.($7011) Raw rotor position resolver angular position measurement">
<Comment><![CDATA[Request $22 - Wxx_sens_emot_psn_raw]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="5">
<DataItem Name="($7011) Raw rotor position resolver angular position measurement" Ref="1" FirstByte="4"/>
<Request Name="DataRead.($7012) Status flag of the Smartcoder">
<Comment><![CDATA[Reaquest $22 - Wxx_sens_emot_psn_sf]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="4">
<DataItem Name="($7012) Status flag of the Smartcoder" Ref="1" FirstByte="4"/>
<Request Name="DataRead.($7013) Raw rotor position resolver cosine voltage">
<Comment><![CDATA[Request $22 - Vxx_sens_emot_psn_raw_cos_0]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="5">
<DataItem Name="($7013) Raw rotor position resolver cosine voltage" Ref="1" FirstByte="4"/>
<Request Name="DataRead.($7014) Raw rotor position resolver cosine voltage with 25µs delay">
<Comment><![CDATA[Request $22 - Wxx_sens_emot_psn_raw_cos_25]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="5">
<DataItem Name="($7014) Raw rotor position resolver cosine voltage with 25µs delay" Ref="1" FirstByte="4"/>
<Request Name="DataRead.($7015) Raw rotor position resolver excitation peak voltage">
<Comment><![CDATA[Request $22 - Wxx_sens_emot_psn_raw_exc]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="5">
<DataItem Name="($7015) Raw rotor position resolver excitation peak voltage" Ref="1" FirstByte="4"/>
<Request Name="DataRead.($7017) Failure vector allowing exact identification of the failure.1">
<Comment><![CDATA[Request $22 - Vsx_dcdc_diag_1]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="5">
<DataItem Name="($7017) Failure vector allowing exact identification of the failure.1" Ref="1" FirstByte="4"/>
<Request Name="DataRead.($7018) Failure vector allowing exact identification of the failure.2">
<Comment><![CDATA[Request $22 - Vsx_dcdc_diag_2]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="4">
<DataItem Name="($7018) Failure vector allowing exact identification of the failure.2" Ref="1" FirstByte="4"/>
<Request Name="DataRead.($7019) Failure vector allowing exact identification of the failure.3">
<Comment><![CDATA[Request $22 - Vsx_dcdc_diag_3]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="4">
<DataItem Name="($7019) Failure vector allowing exact identification of the failure.3" Ref="1" FirstByte="4"/>
<Request Name="DataRead.($701A) Failure vector allowing exact identification of the failure.4">
<Comment><![CDATA[Request $22 - Vsx_dcdc_diag_4]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="5">
<DataItem Name="($701A) Failure vector allowing exact identification of the failure.4" Ref="1" FirstByte="4"/>
<Request Name="DataRead.($701B) Failure vector allowing exact identification of the DCDC event">
<Comment><![CDATA[Request $22 - Vsx_dcdc_diag_5]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="4">
<DataItem Name="($701B) Failure vector allowing exact identification of the DCDC event" Ref="1" FirstByte="4"/>
<Request Name="DataRead.($701C) Saved rotor position offset">
<Comment><![CDATA[Request $22 - Sxx_emot_psn_ofs]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="6">
<DataItem Name="($701C) Saved rotor position offset.value" Ref="1" FirstByte="4"/>
<DataItem Name="($701C) Saved rotor position offset.CRC" Ref="1" FirstByte="6"/>
<DataItem Name="($701C) Saved rotor position offset.value.physical" Ref="1" FirstByte="4"/>
<Request Name="DataRead.($701D) Counter of FAN fail times to cool the machine stator in hard conditions.1">
<Comment><![CDATA[Request $22 - Sxx_fan_nok_fail_1]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="5">
<DataItem Name="($701D) Counter of FAN fail times to cool the machine stator in hard conditions.1" Ref="1" FirstByte="4"/>
<Request Name="DataWrite.($701D) Counter of FAN fail times to cool the machine stator in hard conditions.1">
<Comment><![CDATA[Request $2E - Sxx_fan_nok_fail_1]]></Comment>
<DataItem Name="($701D) Counter of FAN fail times to cool the machine stator in hard conditions.1" FirstByte="4"/>
<Received MinBytes="3">
<Request Name="DataRead.($701E) Counter of FAN fail times to cool the machine stator in hard conditions.2">
<Comment><![CDATA[Request $22 - Sxx_fan_nok_fail_2]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="5">
<DataItem Name="($701E) Counter of FAN fail times to cool the machine stator in hard conditions.2" Ref="1" FirstByte="4"/>
<Request Name="DataWrite.($701E) Counter of FAN fail times to cool the machine stator in hard conditions.2">
<Comment><![CDATA[Request $2E - Sxx_fan_nok_fail_2]]></Comment>
<DataItem Name="($701E) Counter of FAN fail times to cool the machine stator in hard conditions.2" FirstByte="4"/>
<Received MinBytes="3">
<Request Name="DataRead.($701F) Counter of FAN fail times to cool the machine stator in hard conditions.3">
<Comment><![CDATA[Request $22 - Sxx_fan_nok_fail_3]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="5">
<DataItem Name="($701F) Counter of FAN fail times to cool the machine stator in hard conditions.3" Ref="1" FirstByte="4"/>
<Request Name="DataWrite.($701F) Counter of FAN fail times to cool the machine stator in hard conditions.3">
<Comment><![CDATA[Request $2E - Sxx_fan_nok_fail_3]]></Comment>
<DataItem Name="($701F) Counter of FAN fail times to cool the machine stator in hard conditions.3" FirstByte="4"/>
<Received MinBytes="3">
<Request Name="DataRead.($7058) 1s average dcdc temperature on break event for post mortem">
<Comment><![CDATA[Read 1s average dcdc temperature on break event for post mortem]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="6">
<DataItem Name="($7058) 1s average dcdc temperature on break event for post mortem" Ref="1" FirstByte="4"/>
<Request Name="DataWrite.($7058) 1s average dcdc temperature on break event for post mortem">
<Comment><![CDATA[Write 1s average dcdc temperature on break event for post mortem]]></Comment>
<DataItem Name="($7058) 1s average dcdc temperature on break event for post mortem" FirstByte="4"/>
<Received MinBytes="3">
<Request Name="DataRead.($7059) 1s average driver board temperature on break event for post mortem">
<Comment><![CDATA[Read 1s average driver board temperature on break event for post mortem]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="6">
<DataItem Name="($7059) 1s average driver board temperature on break event for post mortem" Ref="1" FirstByte="4"/>
<Request Name="DataWrite.($7059) 1s average driver board temperature on break event for post mortem">
<Comment><![CDATA[Write 1s average driver board temperature on break event for post mortem]]></Comment>
<DataItem Name="($7059) 1s average driver board temperature on break event for post mortem" FirstByte="4"/>
<Received MinBytes="3">
<Request Name="DataRead.($705D) 1s average excitation temperature on break event for post mortem">
<Comment><![CDATA[Read 1s average excitation temperature on break event for post mortem]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="6">
<DataItem Name="($705D) 1s average excitation temperature on break event for post mortem" Ref="1" FirstByte="4"/>
<Request Name="DataWrite.($705D) 1s average excitation temperature on break event for post mortem">
<Comment><![CDATA[Write 1s average excitation temperature on break event for post mortem]]></Comment>
<DataItem Name="($705D) 1s average excitation temperature on break event for post mortem" FirstByte="4"/>
<Received MinBytes="3">
<Request Name="DataRead.($705E) 1s average inverter temperature on break event for post mortem">
<Comment><![CDATA[Read 1s average inverter temperature on break event for post mortem]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="6">
<DataItem Name="($705E) 1s average inverter temperature on break event for post mortem" Ref="1" FirstByte="4"/>
<Request Name="DataWrite.($705E) 1s average inverter temperature on break event for post mortem">
<Comment><![CDATA[Write 1s average inverter temperature on break event for post mortem]]></Comment>
<DataItem Name="($705E) 1s average inverter temperature on break event for post mortem" FirstByte="4"/>
<Received MinBytes="3">
<Request Name="DataRead.($705F) 1s average pcb temperature on break event for post mortem">
<Comment><![CDATA[Read 1s average pcb temperature on break event for post mortem]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="6">
<DataItem Name="($705F) 1s average pcb temperature on break event for post mortem" Ref="1" FirstByte="4"/>
<Request Name="DataWrite.($705F) 1s average pcb temperature on break event for post mortem">
<Comment><![CDATA[Write 1s average pcb temperature on break event for post mortem]]></Comment>
<DataItem Name="($705F) 1s average pcb temperature on break event for post mortem" FirstByte="4"/>
<Received MinBytes="3">
<Request Name="DataRead.($7043) activated downgraded mode FPGA number">
<Comment><![CDATA[Request $22 - Wsx_dm_act_fpga]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="4">
<DataItem Name="($7043) activated downgraded mode FPGA number" Ref="1" FirstByte="4" BitOffset="4"/>
<Request Name="DataRead.($7044) activated downgraded mode number">
<Comment><![CDATA[Request $22 - Wsx_dm_act_sfty]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="4">
<DataItem Name="($7044) activated downgraded mode number" Ref="1" FirstByte="4" BitOffset="4"/>
<Request Name="DataRead.($7022) Active discharge request from EVC to PEB">
<Comment><![CDATA[Request $22 - Vbx_actv_dchg_req]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="4">
<DataItem Name="($7022) Active discharge request from EVC to PEB" Ref="1" FirstByte="4" BitOffset="7"/>
<Request Name="DataRead.($706C) Alim 21 monitoring">
<Comment><![CDATA[Read Alim 21 monitoring]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="4">
<DataItem Name="($706C) Alim 21 monitoring" Ref="1" FirstByte="4"/>
<Request Name="DataRead.($706D) Alim 21 with redundance monitoring">
<Comment><![CDATA[Read Alim 21 with redundance monitoring]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="4">
<DataItem Name="($706D) Alim 21 with redundance monitoring" Ref="1" FirstByte="4"/>
<Request Name="DataRead.($707E) Alimentation 11 state">
<Comment><![CDATA[Read Alimentation 11 state]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="4">
<DataItem Name="($707E) Alimentation 11 state" Ref="1" FirstByte="4"/>
<Request Name="DataRead.($707F) Alimentation 21 state">
<Comment><![CDATA[Read Alimentation 21 state]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="4">
<DataItem Name="($707F) Alimentation 21 state" Ref="1" FirstByte="4"/>
<Request Name="DataRead.($7067) APC and zero torque time counter for post mortem analysis">
<Comment><![CDATA[Read APC and zero torque time counter for post mortem analysis]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="7">
<DataItem Name="($7067) APC and zero torque time counter for post mortem analysis" Ref="1" FirstByte="4"/>
<Request Name="DataWrite.($7067) APC and zero torque time counter for post mortem analysis">
<Comment><![CDATA[Write APC and zero torque time counter for post mortem analysis]]></Comment>
<DataItem Name="($7067) APC and zero torque time counter for post mortem analysis" FirstByte="4"/>
<Received MinBytes="3">
<Request Name="DataRead.($7024) APC state (from CAN)">
<Comment><![CDATA[Request $22 - Vbx_apc_stt]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="4">
<DataItem Name="($7024) APC state (from CAN)" Ref="1" FirstByte="4" BitOffset="7"/>
<Request Name="DataRead.($702B) Auto Diag enable">
<Comment><![CDATA[Request $22 - Vsx_auto_diag_ena]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="4">
<DataItem Name="($702B) Auto Diag enable" Ref="1" FirstByte="4" BitOffset="5"/>
<Request Name="DataRead.($705B) Blocked rotor counter for post mortem">
<Comment><![CDATA[Read Blocked rotor counter for post mortem]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="5">
<DataItem Name="($705B) Blocked rotor counter for post mortem" Ref="1" FirstByte="4"/>
<Request Name="DataWrite.($705B) Blocked rotor counter for post mortem">
<Comment><![CDATA[Write Blocked rotor counter for post mortem]]></Comment>
<DataItem Name="($705B) Blocked rotor counter for post mortem" FirstByte="4"/>
<Received MinBytes="3">
<Request Name="DataRead.($7081) Bypass mode">
<Comment><![CDATA[Read Bypass mode]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="4">
<DataItem Name="($7081) Bypass mode" Ref="1" FirstByte="4"/>
<Request Name="DataWrite.($7081) Bypass mode">
<Comment><![CDATA[Write Bypass mode]]></Comment>
<DataItem Name="($7081) Bypass mode" FirstByte="4"/>
<Received MinBytes="3">
<Request Name="DataRead.($7092) CAN Etude activation">
<Comment><![CDATA[Read CAN Etude activation]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="4">
<DataItem Name="($7092) CAN Etude activation" Ref="1" FirstByte="4"/>
<Request Name="DataWrite.($7092) CAN Etude activation">
<Comment><![CDATA[Write CAN Etude activation]]></Comment>
<DataItem Name="($7092) CAN Etude activation" FirstByte="4"/>
<Received MinBytes="3">
<Request Name="DataRead.($7066) Charge or non zero torque time counter for post mortem analysis">
<Comment><![CDATA[Read Charge or non zero torque time counter for post mortem analysis]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="7">
<DataItem Name="($7066) Charge or non zero torque time counter for post mortem analysis" Ref="1" FirstByte="4"/>
<Request Name="DataWrite.($7066) Charge or non zero torque time counter for post mortem analysis">
<Comment><![CDATA[Write Charge or non zero torque time counter for post mortem analysis]]></Comment>
<DataItem Name="($7066) Charge or non zero torque time counter for post mortem analysis" FirstByte="4"/>
<Received MinBytes="3">
<Request Name="DataRead.($7025) Charge request from EVC to PEB">
<Comment><![CDATA[Request $22 - Vbx_chg_req]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="4">
<DataItem Name="($7025) Charge request from EVC to PEB" Ref="1" FirstByte="4" BitOffset="7"/>
<Request Name="DataRead.($7049) Combinated current value on the HV Network of Inverter and Excitation">
<Comment><![CDATA[Request $22 - Wxx_i_pwt]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="5">
<DataItem Name="($7049) Combinated current value on the HV Network of Inverter and Excitation" Ref="1" FirstByte="4"/>
<Request Name="DataRead.($7039) Combination of inverter, Excitation, PCB, MC and DRI temperatures, so in %">
<Comment><![CDATA[Request $22 - Vxx_invt_norm_temp]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="5">
<DataItem Name="($7039) Combination of inverter, Excitation, PCB, MC and DRI temperatures, so in %" Ref="1" FirstByte="4"/>
<Request Name="DataRead.($703A) Combination of rotor and stator temperatures, so in %">
<Comment><![CDATA[Request $22 - Vxx_mot_norm_temp]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="5">
<DataItem Name="($703A) Combination of rotor and stator temperatures, so in %" Ref="1" FirstByte="4"/>
<Request Name="DataRead.($7079) Copy Over voltage protection (before flipflop)">
<Comment><![CDATA[Read Copy Over voltage protection (before flipflop)]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="4">
<DataItem Name="($7079) Copy Over voltage protection (before flipflop)" Ref="1" FirstByte="4"/>
<Request Name="DataRead.($708C) Copy Raw rotor position resolver excitation peak voltage">
<Comment><![CDATA[Read Copy Raw rotor position resolver excitation peak voltage]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="5">
<DataItem Name="($708C) Copy Raw rotor position resolver excitation peak voltage" Ref="1" FirstByte="4"/>
<Request Name="DataRead.($709B) CPU load at 10ms">
<Comment><![CDATA[Read CPU load at 10ms]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="4">
<DataItem Name="($709B) CPU load at 10ms" Ref="1" FirstByte="4"/>
<Request Name="DataRead.($7084) DCDC Input current measure">
<Comment><![CDATA[Read DCDC Input current measure]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="5">
<DataItem Name="($7084) DCDC Input current measure" Ref="1" FirstByte="4"/>
<Request Name="DataRead.($7033) DCDC input voltage">
<Comment><![CDATA[Request $22 - Vxx_dcdc_volt_in_mes_raw]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="5">
<DataItem Name="($7033) DCDC input voltage" Ref="1" FirstByte="4"/>
<Request Name="DataRead.($7085) DCDC output current measure">
<Comment><![CDATA[Read DCDC output current measure]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="5">
<DataItem Name="($7085) DCDC output current measure" Ref="1" FirstByte="4"/>
<Request Name="DataRead.($7086) DCDC power card temperature">
<Comment><![CDATA[Read DCDC power card temperature]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="4">
<DataItem Name="($7086) DCDC power card temperature" Ref="1" FirstByte="4"/>
<Request Name="DataRead.($702E) DCDC state">
<Comment><![CDATA[Request $22 - Vsx_dcdc_stt]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="4">
<DataItem Name="($702E) DCDC state" Ref="1" FirstByte="4" BitOffset="5"/>
<Request Name="DataRead.($705A) Derating counter for post mortem">
<Comment><![CDATA[Read Derating counter for post mortem]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="5">
<DataItem Name="($705A) Derating counter for post mortem" Ref="1" FirstByte="4"/>
<Request Name="DataWrite.($705A) Derating counter for post mortem">
<Comment><![CDATA[Write Derating counter for post mortem]]></Comment>
<DataItem Name="($705A) Derating counter for post mortem" FirstByte="4"/>
<Received MinBytes="3">
<Request Name="DataRead.($706E) DID for activation of bypass frame">
<Comment><![CDATA[Read DID for activation of bypass frame]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="4">
<DataItem Name="($706E) DID for activation of bypass frame" Ref="1" FirstByte="4"/>
<Request Name="DataWrite.($706E) DID for activation of bypass frame">
<Comment><![CDATA[Write DID for activation of bypass frame]]></Comment>
<DataItem Name="($706E) DID for activation of bypass frame" FirstByte="4"/>
<Received MinBytes="3">
<Request Name="DataRead.($7023) Effective active discharge feedback to EVC">
<Comment><![CDATA[Request $22 - Vbx_actv_dchg_stt]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="4">
<DataItem Name="($7023) Effective active discharge feedback to EVC" Ref="1" FirstByte="4" BitOffset="7"/>
<Request Name="DataRead.($7026) Effective Charge feedback to EVC">
<Comment><![CDATA[Request $22 - Vbx_chg_stt]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="4">
<DataItem Name="($7026) Effective Charge feedback to EVC" Ref="1" FirstByte="4" BitOffset="7"/>
<Request Name="DataRead.($7046) Excitation Current Default">
<Comment><![CDATA[Request $22 - Wsx_i_f_dfl_sfty]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="4">
<DataItem Name="($7046) Excitation Current Default" Ref="1" FirstByte="4" BitOffset="5"/>
<Request Name="DataRead.($7098) Excitation currents safety check">
<Comment><![CDATA[Read Excitation currents safety check]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="4">
<DataItem Name="($7098) Excitation currents safety check" Ref="1" FirstByte="4"/>
<Request Name="DataRead.($707A) Excitation driver state (ready or not)">
<Comment><![CDATA[Read Excitation driver state (ready or not)]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="4">
<DataItem Name="($707A) Excitation driver state (ready or not)" Ref="1" FirstByte="4"/>
<Request Name="DataRead.($706F) Excitation high arm IGBT driver fault">
<Comment><![CDATA[Read Excitation high arm IGBT driver fault]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="4">
<DataItem Name="($706F) Excitation high arm IGBT driver fault" Ref="1" FirstByte="4"/>
<Request Name="DataRead.($7070) Excitation low arm IGBT driver fault">
<Comment><![CDATA[Read Excitation low arm IGBT driver fault]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="4">
<DataItem Name="($7070) Excitation low arm IGBT driver fault" Ref="1" FirstByte="4"/>
<Request Name="DataRead.($7073) Excitation over current protection (before flipflop) High">
<Comment><![CDATA[Read Excitation over current protection (before flipflop) High]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="4">
<DataItem Name="($7073) Excitation over current protection (before flipflop) High" Ref="1" FirstByte="4"/>
<Request Name="DataRead.($7074) Excitation over current protection (before flipflop) Low">
<Comment><![CDATA[Read Excitation over current protection (before flipflop) Low]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="4">
<DataItem Name="($7074) Excitation over current protection (before flipflop) Low" Ref="1" FirstByte="4"/>
<Request Name="DataRead.($702D) Failure class of the DCDC converter">
<Comment><![CDATA[Request $22 - Vsx_dcdc_err_stt]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="4">
<DataItem Name="($702D) Failure class of the DCDC converter" Ref="1" FirstByte="4" BitOffset="5"/>
<Request Name="DataRead.($7030) Failure class of the Inverter">
<Comment><![CDATA[Request $22 - Vsx_invt_flt_typ]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="4">
<DataItem Name="($7030) Failure class of the Inverter" Ref="1" FirstByte="4" BitOffset="5"/>
<Request Name="DataRead.($7082) FPGA fault sent by SPI">
<Comment><![CDATA[Read FPGA fault sent by SPI]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="4">
<DataItem Name="($7082) FPGA fault sent by SPI" Ref="1" FirstByte="4"/>
<Request Name="DataRead.($708A) FPGA firmware version Identifier">
<Comment><![CDATA[Read FPGA firmware version Identifier]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="5">
<DataItem Name="($708A) FPGA firmware version Identifier" Ref="1" FirstByte="4"/>
<Request Name="DataRead.($709C) Gestion of current sensors">
<Comment><![CDATA[Read Gestion of current sensors]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="4">
<DataItem Name="($709C) Gestion of current sensors" Ref="1" FirstByte="4"/>
<Request Name="DataRead.($7069) Hardware (by the fpga) overcurrent protection counter for post mortem analysis">
<Comment><![CDATA[Read Hardware (by the fpga) overcurrent protection counter for post mortem analysis]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="5">
<DataItem Name="($7069) Hardware (by the fpga) overcurrent protection counter for post mortem analysis" Ref="1" FirstByte="4"/>
<Request Name="DataWrite.($7069) Hardware (by the fpga) overcurrent protection counter for post mortem analysis">
<Comment><![CDATA[Write Hardware (by the fpga) overcurrent protection counter for post mortem analysis]]></Comment>
<DataItem Name="($7069) Hardware (by the fpga) overcurrent protection counter for post mortem analysis" FirstByte="4"/>
<Received MinBytes="3">
<Request Name="DataRead.($706A) Hardware (by the fpga) overvoltage protection counter for post mortem analysis">
<Comment><![CDATA[Read Hardware (by the fpga) overvoltage protection counter for post mortem analysis]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="5">
<DataItem Name="($706A) Hardware (by the fpga) overvoltage protection counter for post mortem analysis" Ref="1" FirstByte="4"/>
<Request Name="DataWrite.($706A) Hardware (by the fpga) overvoltage protection counter for post mortem analysis">
<Comment><![CDATA[Write Hardware (by the fpga) overvoltage protection counter for post mortem analysis]]></Comment>
<DataItem Name="($706A) Hardware (by the fpga) overvoltage protection counter for post mortem analysis" FirstByte="4"/>
<Received MinBytes="3">
<Request Name="DataRead.($702F) High Voltage Network Default">
<Comment><![CDATA[Request $22 - Vsx_hv_dfl_sfty]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="4">
<DataItem Name="($702F) High Voltage Network Default" Ref="1" FirstByte="4" BitOffset="4"/>
<Request Name="DataRead.($7031) Interlock plug service status, from LBC (condition for reprogramming)">
<Comment><![CDATA[Request $22 - Vsx_lbc_ilck_stt]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="4">
<DataItem Name="($7031) Interlock plug service status, from LBC (condition for reprogramming)" Ref="1" FirstByte="4" BitOffset="6"/>
<Request Name="DataRead.($7083) INV Automation State">
<Comment><![CDATA[Read INV Automaton State]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="4">
<DataItem Name="($7083) INV Automation State" Ref="1" FirstByte="4"/>
<Request Name="DataRead.($7071) Inverter high arm IGBT driver fault">
<Comment><![CDATA[Read Inverter high arm IGBT driver fault]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="4">
<DataItem Name="($7071) Inverter high arm IGBT driver fault" Ref="1" FirstByte="4"/>
<Request Name="DataRead.($707B) Inverter high IGBT driver state (ready or not)">
<Comment><![CDATA[Read Inverter high IGBT driver state (ready or not)]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="4">
<DataItem Name="($707B) Inverter high IGBT driver state (ready or not)" Ref="1" FirstByte="4"/>
<Request Name="DataRead.($7072) Inverter low arm IGBT driver fault">
<Comment><![CDATA[Read Inverter low arm IGBT driver fault]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="4">
<DataItem Name="($7072) Inverter low arm IGBT driver fault" Ref="1" FirstByte="4"/>
<Request Name="DataRead.($707C) Inverter low IGBT driver state (ready or not)">
<Comment><![CDATA[Read Inverter low IGBT driver state (ready or not)]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="4">
<DataItem Name="($707C) Inverter low IGBT driver state (ready or not)" Ref="1" FirstByte="4"/>
<Request Name="DataRead.($7075) Inverter over current protection (before flipflop) Arm U">
<Comment><![CDATA[Read Inverter over current protection (before flipflop) Arm U]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="4">
<DataItem Name="($7075) Inverter over current protection (before flipflop) Arm U" Ref="1" FirstByte="4"/>
<Request Name="DataRead.($7076) Inverter over current protection (before flipflop) Arm V">
<Comment><![CDATA[Read Inverter over current protection (before flipflop) Arm V]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="4">
<DataItem Name="($7076) Inverter over current protection (before flipflop) Arm V" Ref="1" FirstByte="4"/>
<Request Name="DataRead.($7077) Inverter over current protection (before flipflop) Arm W">
<Comment><![CDATA[Read Inverter over current protection (before flipflop) Arm W]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="4">
<DataItem Name="($7077) Inverter over current protection (before flipflop) Arm W" Ref="1" FirstByte="4"/>
<Request Name="DataRead.($7091) Last driver board temperature on 1s in the minute before break event for post mortem">
<Comment><![CDATA[Read Last driver board temperature on 1s in the minute before break event for post mortem]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="6">
<DataItem Name="($7091) Last driver board temperature on 1s in the minute before break event for post mortem" Ref="1" FirstByte="4"/>
<Request Name="DataWrite.($7091) Last driver board temperature on 1s in the minute before break event for post mortem">
<Comment><![CDATA[Write Last driver board temperature on 1s in the minute before break event for post mortem]]></Comment>
<DataItem Name="($7091) Last driver board temperature on 1s in the minute before break event for post mortem" FirstByte="4"/>
<Received MinBytes="3">
<Request Name="DataRead.($709A) Max CPU load at 10ms">
<Comment><![CDATA[Read Max CPU load at 10ms]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="4">
<DataItem Name="($709A) Max CPU load at 10ms" Ref="1" FirstByte="4"/>
<Request Name="DataRead.($70A1) Max of 10ms task (Vtx_TaskMaxDurationIT_A[3])">
<Comment><![CDATA[Read Max of 10ms task (Vtx_TaskMaxDurationIT_A[3])]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="5">
<DataItem Name="($70A1) Max of 10ms task (Vtx_TaskMaxDurationIT_A[3])" Ref="1" FirstByte="4"/>
<Request Name="DataRead.($709F) Max of CPU load in micro-seconds (Vtx_TaskMaxDurationIT_A[12])">
<Comment><![CDATA[Read Max of CPU load in micro-seconds (Vtx_TaskMaxDurationIT_A[12])]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="5">
<DataItem Name="($709F) Max of CPU load in micro-seconds (Vtx_TaskMaxDurationIT_A[12])" Ref="1" FirstByte="4"/>
<Request Name="DataRead.($7035) Maximal available calculated torque in generator mode">
<Comment><![CDATA[Request $22 - Vxx_emot_max_gen_tq]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="4">
<DataItem Name="($7035) Maximal available calculated torque in generator mode" Ref="1" FirstByte="4"/>
<Request Name="DataRead.($7036) Maximal available calculated torque in motor mode">
<Comment><![CDATA[Request $22 - Vxx_emot_max_mot_tq]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="4">
<DataItem Name="($7036) Maximal available calculated torque in motor mode" Ref="1" FirstByte="4"/>
<Request Name="DataRead.($7061) Maximum driver board temperature during last derating">
<Comment><![CDATA[Read Maximum driver board temperature during last derating]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="6">
<DataItem Name="($7061) Maximum driver board temperature during last derating" Ref="1" FirstByte="4"/>
<Request Name="DataWrite.($7061) Maximum driver board temperature during last derating">
<Comment><![CDATA[Write Maximum driver board temperature during last derating]]></Comment>
<DataItem Name="($7061) Maximum driver board temperature during last derating" FirstByte="4"/>
<Received MinBytes="3">
<Request Name="DataRead.($7062) Maximum excitation temperature during last derating">
<Comment><![CDATA[Read Maximum excitation temperature during last derating]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="6">
<DataItem Name="($7062) Maximum excitation temperature during last derating" Ref="1" FirstByte="4"/>
<Request Name="DataWrite.($7062) Maximum excitation temperature during last derating">
<Comment><![CDATA[Write Maximum excitation temperature during last derating]]></Comment>
<DataItem Name="($7062) Maximum excitation temperature during last derating" FirstByte="4"/>
<Received MinBytes="3">
<Request Name="DataRead.($70A5) Maximum instant value of normalized torque for cell overvoltage">
<Comment><![CDATA[Read Vxx_norm_tq_max_cell_ov_fac]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="5">
<DataItem Name="($70A5) Maximum instant value of normalized torque for cell overvoltage" Ref="1" FirstByte="4"/>
<Request Name="DataRead.($70A6) Maximum instant value of normalized torque for temperature derating">
<Comment><![CDATA[Read Vxx_norm_tq_max_temp]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="5">
<DataItem Name="($70A6) Maximum instant value of normalized torque for temperature derating" Ref="1" FirstByte="4"/>
<Request Name="DataRead.($70A7) Maximum instant value of normalized torque for voltage derating">
<Comment><![CDATA[Read Vxx_norm_tq_max_udc]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="5">
<DataItem Name="($70A7) Maximum instant value of normalized torque for voltage derating" Ref="1" FirstByte="4"/>
<Request Name="DataRead.($7063) Maximum inverter temperature during last derating">
<Comment><![CDATA[Read Maximum inverter temperature during last derating]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="6">
<DataItem Name="($7063) Maximum inverter temperature during last derating" Ref="1" FirstByte="4"/>
<Request Name="DataWrite.($7063) Maximum inverter temperature during last derating">
<Comment><![CDATA[Write Maximum inverter temperature during last derating]]></Comment>
<DataItem Name="($7063) Maximum inverter temperature during last derating" FirstByte="4"/>
<Received MinBytes="3">
<Request Name="DataRead.($70A3) Maximum normalized torque corresponding to max current saturation value">
<Comment><![CDATA[Read Vxx_norm_tq_cur_sat_max]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="5">
<DataItem Name="($70A3) Maximum normalized torque corresponding to max current saturation value" Ref="1" FirstByte="4"/>
<Request Name="DataRead.($7064) Maximum pcb temperature during last derating">
<Comment><![CDATA[Read Maximum pcb temperature during last derating]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="6">
<DataItem Name="($7064) Maximum pcb temperature during last derating" Ref="1" FirstByte="4"/>
<Request Name="DataWrite.($7064) Maximum pcb temperature during last derating">
<Comment><![CDATA[Write Maximum pcb temperature during last derating]]></Comment>
<DataItem Name="($7064) Maximum pcb temperature during last derating" FirstByte="4"/>
<Received MinBytes="3">
<Request Name="DataRead.($7065) Maximum water temperature during last derating">
<Comment><![CDATA[Read Maximum water temperature during last derating]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="6">
<DataItem Name="($7065) Maximum water temperature during last derating" Ref="1" FirstByte="4"/>
<Request Name="DataWrite.($7065) Maximum water temperature during last derating">
<Comment><![CDATA[Write Maximum water temperature during last derating]]></Comment>
<DataItem Name="($7065) Maximum water temperature during last derating" FirstByte="4"/>
<Received MinBytes="3">
<Request Name="DataRead.($70A8) Minimum instant value of normalized torque for cell overvoltage">
<Comment><![CDATA[Read Vxx_norm_tq_min_cell_ov_fac]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="5">
<DataItem Name="($70A8) Minimum instant value of normalized torque for cell overvoltage" Ref="1" FirstByte="4"/>
<Request Name="DataRead.($70A4) Minimum normalized torque corresponding to max current saturation value">
<Comment><![CDATA[Read Vxx_norm_tq_cur_sat_min]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="5">
<DataItem Name="($70A4) Minimum normalized torque corresponding to max current saturation value" Ref="1" FirstByte="4"/>
<Request Name="DataRead.($703E) Mode of the power train (motor or generator)">
<Comment><![CDATA[Request $22 - Vbx_emot_mod]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="4">
<DataItem Name="($703E) Mode of the power train (motor or generator)" Ref="1" FirstByte="4" BitOffset="7"/>
<Request Name="DataRead.($7096) Normalized inverter-Excitation temperature">
<Comment><![CDATA[Read Normalized inverter-Excitation temperature]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="5">
<DataItem Name="($7096) Normalized inverter-Excitation temperature" Ref="1" FirstByte="4"/>
<Request Name="DataRead.($7097) Normalized PCB-Micro_driverboard temperature">
<Comment><![CDATA[Read Normalized PCB-Micro_driverboard temperature]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="5">
<DataItem Name="($7097) Normalized PCB-Micro_driverboard temperature" Ref="1" FirstByte="4"/>
<Request Name="DataRead.($7093) Number of Derating CFA functionnal failure 1 cycles saved">
<Comment><![CDATA[Read Number of Derating CFA functionnal failure 1 cycles saved]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="5">
<DataItem Name="($7093) Number of Derating CFA functionnal failure 1 cycles saved" Ref="1" FirstByte="4"/>
<Request Name="DataWrite.($7093) Number of Derating CFA functionnal failure 1 cycles saved">
<Comment><![CDATA[Write Number of Derating CFA functionnal failure 1 cycles saved]]></Comment>
<DataItem Name="($7093) Number of Derating CFA functionnal failure 1 cycles saved" FirstByte="4"/>
<Received MinBytes="3">
<Request Name="DataRead.($7094) Number of Derating CFA functionnal failure 2 cycles saved">
<Comment><![CDATA[Read Number of Derating CFA functionnal failure 2 cycles saved]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="5">
<DataItem Name="($7094) Number of Derating CFA functionnal failure 2 cycles saved" Ref="1" FirstByte="4"/>
<Request Name="DataWrite.($7094) Number of Derating CFA functionnal failure 2 cycles saved">
<Comment><![CDATA[Write Number of Derating CFA functionnal failure 2 cycles saved]]></Comment>
<DataItem Name="($7094) Number of Derating CFA functionnal failure 2 cycles saved" FirstByte="4"/>
<Received MinBytes="3">
<Request Name="DataRead.($7095) Number of Derating CFA functionnal failure 3 cycles saved">
<Comment><![CDATA[Read Number of Derating CFA functionnal failure 3 cycles saved]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="5">
<DataItem Name="($7095) Number of Derating CFA functionnal failure 3 cycles saved" Ref="1" FirstByte="4"/>
<Request Name="DataWrite.($7095) Number of Derating CFA functionnal failure 3 cycles saved">
<Comment><![CDATA[Write Number of Derating CFA functionnal failure 3 cycles saved]]></Comment>
<DataItem Name="($7095) Number of Derating CFA functionnal failure 3 cycles saved" FirstByte="4"/>
<Received MinBytes="3">
<Request Name="DataRead.($70CA) Number of the bloc which has nvrol error">
<Comment><![CDATA[Read Number of the bloc which has nvrol error [Vxx_inv_nvrol_err_bloc]]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="4">
<DataItem Name="($70CA) Number of the bloc which has nvrol error" Ref="1" FirstByte="4"/>
<Request Name="DataRead.($7087) Observer estimation for stack rotor temperature">
<Comment><![CDATA[Read Observer estimation for stack rotor temperature]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="5">
<DataItem Name="($7087) Observer estimation for stack rotor temperature" Ref="1" FirstByte="4"/>
<Request Name="DataRead.($7029) On/Off power train activation request from EVC">
<Comment><![CDATA[Request $22 - Vbx_invt_act]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="4">
<DataItem Name="($7029) On/Off power train activation request from EVC" Ref="1" FirstByte="4" BitOffset="7"/>
<Request Name="DataRead.($705C) Water overheat temperature counter for post mortem">
<Comment><![CDATA[Read Water overheat temperature counter for post mortem]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="5">
<DataItem Name="($705C) Water overheat temperature counter for post mortem" Ref="1" FirstByte="4"/>
<Request Name="DataWrite.($705C) Water overheat temperature counter for post mortem">
<Comment><![CDATA[Write Water overheat temperature counter for post mortem]]></Comment>
<DataItem Name="($705C) Water overheat temperature counter for post mortem" FirstByte="4"/>
<Received MinBytes="3">
<Request Name="DataRead.($7027) On/Off request of the DCDC from EVC">
<Comment><![CDATA[Request $22 - Vbx_dcdc_actv_req_evc]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="4">
<DataItem Name="($7027) On/Off request of the DCDC from EVC" Ref="1" FirstByte="4" BitOffset="7"/>
<Request Name="DataRead.($708F) Opening relays wire request">
<Comment><![CDATA[Read Opening relays wire request]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="4">
<DataItem Name="($708F) Opening relays wire request" Ref="1" FirstByte="4"/>
<Request Name="DataRead.($70A9) Vxx_invt_rst_ctx_5">
<Comment><![CDATA[Read Vxx_invt_rst_ctx_5]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="5">
<DataItem Name="($70A9) Vxx_invt_rst_ctx_5" Ref="1" FirstByte="4"/>
<Request Name="DataRead.($7055) Vector of 5 average inverter temperature on 1s in the minute before break event for post mortem">
<Comment><![CDATA[Read Vector of 5 average inverter temperature on 1s in the minute before break event for post mortem.0]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="18">
<DataItem Name="($7055) Vector of 5 average inverter temperature on 1s in the minute before break event for post mortem.0" Ref="1" FirstByte="16"/>
<DataItem Name="($7055) Vector of 5 average inverter temperature on 1s in the minute before break event for post mortem.1" Ref="1" FirstByte="13"/>
<DataItem Name="($7055) Vector of 5 average inverter temperature on 1s in the minute before break event for post mortem.2" Ref="1" FirstByte="10"/>
<DataItem Name="($7055) Vector of 5 average inverter temperature on 1s in the minute before break event for post mortem.3" Ref="1" FirstByte="7"/>
<DataItem Name="($7055) Vector of 5 average inverter temperature on 1s in the minute before break event for post mortem.4" Ref="1" FirstByte="4"/>
<Request Name="DataWrite.($7055) Vector of 5 average inverter temperature on 1s in the minute before break event for post mortem">
<Comment><![CDATA[Write Vector of 5 average inverter temperature on 1s in the minute before break event for post mortem.0]]></Comment>
<DataItem Name="($7055) Vector of 5 average inverter temperature on 1s in the minute before break event for post mortem.0" FirstByte="16"/>
<DataItem Name="($7055) Vector of 5 average inverter temperature on 1s in the minute before break event for post mortem.1" FirstByte="13"/>
<DataItem Name="($7055) Vector of 5 average inverter temperature on 1s in the minute before break event for post mortem.2" FirstByte="10"/>
<DataItem Name="($7055) Vector of 5 average inverter temperature on 1s in the minute before break event for post mortem.3" FirstByte="7"/>
<DataItem Name="($7055) Vector of 5 average inverter temperature on 1s in the minute before break event for post mortem.4" FirstByte="4"/>
<Received MinBytes="3">
<Request Name="DataRead.($7054) Vector of 5 average excitation temperature on 1s in the minute before break event for post mortem">
<Comment><![CDATA[Read Vector of 5 average excitation temperature on 1s in the minute before break event for post mortem.0]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="18">
<DataItem Name="($7054) Vector of 5 average excitation temperature on 1s in the minute before break event for post mortem.0" Ref="1" FirstByte="16"/>
<DataItem Name="($7054) Vector of 5 average excitation temperature on 1s in the minute before break event for post mortem.1" Ref="1" FirstByte="13"/>
<DataItem Name="($7054) Vector of 5 average excitation temperature on 1s in the minute before break event for post mortem.2" Ref="1" FirstByte="10"/>
<DataItem Name="($7054) Vector of 5 average excitation temperature on 1s in the minute before break event for post mortem.3" Ref="1" FirstByte="7"/>
<DataItem Name="($7054) Vector of 5 average excitation temperature on 1s in the minute before break event for post mortem.4" Ref="1" FirstByte="4"/>
<Request Name="DataWrite.($7054) Vector of 5 average excitation temperature on 1s in the minute before break event for post mortem">
<Comment><![CDATA[Write Vector of 5 average excitation temperature on 1s in the minute before break event for post mortem.0]]></Comment>
<DataItem Name="($7054) Vector of 5 average excitation temperature on 1s in the minute before break event for post mortem.0" FirstByte="16"/>
<DataItem Name="($7054) Vector of 5 average excitation temperature on 1s in the minute before break event for post mortem.1" FirstByte="13"/>
<DataItem Name="($7054) Vector of 5 average excitation temperature on 1s in the minute before break event for post mortem.2" FirstByte="10"/>
<DataItem Name="($7054) Vector of 5 average excitation temperature on 1s in the minute before break event for post mortem.3" FirstByte="7"/>
<DataItem Name="($7054) Vector of 5 average excitation temperature on 1s in the minute before break event for post mortem.4" FirstByte="4"/>
<Received MinBytes="3">
<Request Name="DataRead.($7053) Vector of 5 average driver board temperature on 1s in the minute before break event for post mortem">
<Comment><![CDATA[Read Vector of 5 average driver board temperature on 1s in the minute before break event for post mortem.0]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="18">
<DataItem Name="($7053) Vector of 5 average driver board temperature on 1s in the minute before break event for post mortem.0" Ref="1" FirstByte="16"/>
<DataItem Name="($7053) Vector of 5 average driver board temperature on 1s in the minute before break event for post mortem.1" Ref="1" FirstByte="13"/>
<DataItem Name="($7053) Vector of 5 average driver board temperature on 1s in the minute before break event for post mortem.2" Ref="1" FirstByte="10"/>
<DataItem Name="($7053) Vector of 5 average driver board temperature on 1s in the minute before break event for post mortem.3" Ref="1" FirstByte="7"/>
<DataItem Name="($7053) Vector of 5 average driver board temperature on 1s in the minute before break event for post mortem.4" Ref="1" FirstByte="4"/>
<Request Name="DataWrite.($7053) Vector of 5 average driver board temperature on 1s in the minute before break event for post mortem">
<Comment><![CDATA[Write Vector of 5 average driver board temperature on 1s in the minute before break event for post mortem.0]]></Comment>
<DataItem Name="($7053) Vector of 5 average driver board temperature on 1s in the minute before break event for post mortem.0" FirstByte="16"/>
<DataItem Name="($7053) Vector of 5 average driver board temperature on 1s in the minute before break event for post mortem.1" FirstByte="13"/>
<DataItem Name="($7053) Vector of 5 average driver board temperature on 1s in the minute before break event for post mortem.2" FirstByte="10"/>
<DataItem Name="($7053) Vector of 5 average driver board temperature on 1s in the minute before break event for post mortem.3" FirstByte="7"/>
<DataItem Name="($7053) Vector of 5 average driver board temperature on 1s in the minute before break event for post mortem.4" FirstByte="4"/>
<Received MinBytes="3">
<Request Name="DataRead.($7052) Vector of 5 average dcdc temperature on 1s in the minute before break event for post mortem">
<Comment><![CDATA[Read Vector of 5 average dcdc temperature on 1s in the minute before break event for post mortem]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="18">
<DataItem Name="($7052) Vector of 5 average dcdc temperature on 1s in the minute before break event for post mortem.4" Ref="1" FirstByte="4"/>
<DataItem Name="($7052) Vector of 5 average dcdc temperature on 1s in the minute before break event for post mortem.0" Ref="1" FirstByte="16"/>
<DataItem Name="($7052) Vector of 5 average dcdc temperature on 1s in the minute before break event for post mortem.1" Ref="1" FirstByte="13"/>
<DataItem Name="($7052) Vector of 5 average dcdc temperature on 1s in the minute before break event for post mortem.2" Ref="1" FirstByte="10"/>
<DataItem Name="($7052) Vector of 5 average dcdc temperature on 1s in the minute before break event for post mortem.3" Ref="1" FirstByte="7"/>
<Request Name="DataWrite.($7052) Vector of 5 average dcdc temperature on 1s in the minute before break event for post mortem">
<Comment><![CDATA[Write Vector of 5 average dcdc temperature on 1s in the minute before break event for post mortem]]></Comment>
<DataItem Name="($7052) Vector of 5 average dcdc temperature on 1s in the minute before break event for post mortem.4" FirstByte="4"/>
<DataItem Name="($7052) Vector of 5 average dcdc temperature on 1s in the minute before break event for post mortem.0" FirstByte="16"/>
<DataItem Name="($7052) Vector of 5 average dcdc temperature on 1s in the minute before break event for post mortem.1" FirstByte="13"/>
<DataItem Name="($7052) Vector of 5 average dcdc temperature on 1s in the minute before break event for post mortem.2" FirstByte="10"/>
<DataItem Name="($7052) Vector of 5 average dcdc temperature on 1s in the minute before break event for post mortem.3" FirstByte="7"/>
<Received MinBytes="3">
<Request Name="DataRead.($7050) Value for reference rotor resistance (for safety monitoring)">
<Comment><![CDATA[Request $22 - Sxx_rot_r_ref_sfty]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="5">
<DataItem Name="($7050) Value for reference rotor resistance (for safety monitoring)" Ref="1" FirstByte="4"/>
<Request Name="DataRead.($7034) Voltage demand for the DCDC converter from the EVC">
<Comment><![CDATA[Request $22 - Vxx_dcdc_volt_sp]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="5">
<DataItem Name="($7034) Voltage demand for the DCDC converter from the EVC" Ref="1" FirstByte="4"/>
<Request Name="DataRead.($703C) Vehicle distance totalizer from EVC">
<Comment><![CDATA[Request $22 - Vxx_vh_dist]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="6">
<DataItem Name="($703C) Vehicle distance totalizer from EVC" Ref="1" FirstByte="4"/>
<Request Name="DataRead.($7057) Vector of 5 average wtr temperature on 1s in the minute before break event for post mortem">
<Comment><![CDATA[Read Vector of 5 average wtr temperature on 1s in the minute before break event for post mortem.0]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="18">
<DataItem Name="($7057) Vector of 5 average wtr temperature on 1s in the minute before break event for post mortem.0" Ref="1" FirstByte="16"/>
<DataItem Name="($7057) Vector of 5 average wtr temperature on 1s in the minute before break event for post mortem.1" Ref="1" FirstByte="13"/>
<DataItem Name="($7057) Vector of 5 average wtr temperature on 1s in the minute before break event for post mortem.2" Ref="1" FirstByte="10"/>
<DataItem Name="($7057) Vector of 5 average wtr temperature on 1s in the minute before break event for post mortem.3" Ref="1" FirstByte="7"/>
<DataItem Name="($7057) Vector of 5 average wtr temperature on 1s in the minute before break event for post mortem.4" Ref="1" FirstByte="4"/>
<Request Name="DataWrite.($7057) Vector of 5 average wtr temperature on 1s in the minute before break event for post mortem">
<Comment><![CDATA[Write Vector of 5 average wtr temperature on 1s in the minute before break event for post mortem.0]]></Comment>
<DataItem Name="($7057) Vector of 5 average wtr temperature on 1s in the minute before break event for post mortem.0" FirstByte="16"/>
<DataItem Name="($7057) Vector of 5 average wtr temperature on 1s in the minute before break event for post mortem.1" FirstByte="13"/>
<DataItem Name="($7057) Vector of 5 average wtr temperature on 1s in the minute before break event for post mortem.2" FirstByte="10"/>
<DataItem Name="($7057) Vector of 5 average wtr temperature on 1s in the minute before break event for post mortem.3" FirstByte="7"/>
<DataItem Name="($7057) Vector of 5 average wtr temperature on 1s in the minute before break event for post mortem.4" FirstByte="4"/>
<Received MinBytes="3">
<Request Name="DataRead.($7056) Vector of 5 average pcb temperature on 1s in the minute before break event for post mortem">
<Comment><![CDATA[Read Vector of 5 average pcb temperature on 1s in the minute before break event for post mortem.0]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="18">
<DataItem Name="($7056) Vector of 5 average pcb temperature on 1s in the minute before break event for post mortem.0" Ref="1" FirstByte="16"/>
<DataItem Name="($7056) Vector of 5 average pcb temperature on 1s in the minute before break event for post mortem.1" Ref="1" FirstByte="13"/>
<DataItem Name="($7056) Vector of 5 average pcb temperature on 1s in the minute before break event for post mortem.2" Ref="1" FirstByte="10"/>
<DataItem Name="($7056) Vector of 5 average pcb temperature on 1s in the minute before break event for post mortem.3" Ref="1" FirstByte="7"/>
<DataItem Name="($7056) Vector of 5 average pcb temperature on 1s in the minute before break event for post mortem.4" Ref="1" FirstByte="4"/>
<Request Name="DataWrite.($7056) Vector of 5 average pcb temperature on 1s in the minute before break event for post mortem">
<Comment><![CDATA[Write Vector of 5 average pcb temperature on 1s in the minute before break event for post mortem.0]]></Comment>
<DataItem Name="($7056) Vector of 5 average pcb temperature on 1s in the minute before break event for post mortem.0" FirstByte="16"/>
<DataItem Name="($7056) Vector of 5 average pcb temperature on 1s in the minute before break event for post mortem.1" FirstByte="13"/>
<DataItem Name="($7056) Vector of 5 average pcb temperature on 1s in the minute before break event for post mortem.2" FirstByte="10"/>
<DataItem Name="($7056) Vector of 5 average pcb temperature on 1s in the minute before break event for post mortem.3" FirstByte="7"/>
<DataItem Name="($7056) Vector of 5 average pcb temperature on 1s in the minute before break event for post mortem.4" FirstByte="4"/>
<Received MinBytes="3">
<Request Name="DataRead.($7045) Validity status of the rotor electrical rotation speed">
<Comment><![CDATA[Request $22 - Vsx_emot_n_dfl_sfty]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="4">
<DataItem Name="($7045) Validity status of the rotor electrical rotation speed" Ref="1" FirstByte="4" BitOffset="6"/>
<Request Name="DataRead.($7048) Validity status of the rotor electrical angular position">
<Comment><![CDATA[Request $22 - Wsx_theta_dfl_sfty]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="4">
<DataItem Name="($7048) Validity status of the rotor electrical angular position" Ref="1" FirstByte="4" BitOffset="6"/>
<Request Name="DataRead.($7032) Torque Default">
<Comment><![CDATA[Request $22 - Vsx_tq_dfl_sfty]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="4">
<DataItem Name="($7032) Torque Default" Ref="1" FirstByte="4" BitOffset="4"/>
<Request Name="DataRead.($7078) Over voltage protection (before flipflop)">
<Comment><![CDATA[Read Over voltage protection (before flipflop)]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="4">
<DataItem Name="($7078) Over voltage protection (before flipflop)" Ref="1" FirstByte="4"/>
<Request Name="DataRead.($7047) Phase Current Default">
<Comment><![CDATA[Request $22 - Wsx_i_mot_ph_dfl_sfty]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="4">
<DataItem Name="($7047) Phase Current Default" Ref="1" FirstByte="4" BitOffset="4"/>
<Request Name="DataRead.($7099) Phase currents safety check">
<Comment><![CDATA[Read Phase currents safety check]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="4">
<DataItem Name="($7099) Phase currents safety check" Ref="1" FirstByte="4"/>
<Request Name="DataRead.($7051) Position sensor type">
<Comment><![CDATA[Read Position sensor type]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="4">
<DataItem Name="($7051) Position sensor type" Ref="1" FirstByte="4"/>
<Request Name="DataWrite.($7051) Position sensor type">
<Comment><![CDATA[Write Position sensor type]]></Comment>
<DataItem Name="($7051) Position sensor type" FirstByte="4"/>
<Received MinBytes="3">
<Request Name="DataRead.($704C) Received rotor reference resistance CRC">
<Comment><![CDATA[Request $22 - Vxx_rot_r_ref_crc_rcp]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="4">
<DataItem Name="($704C) Received rotor reference resistance CRC" Ref="1" FirstByte="4"/>
<Request Name="DataWrite.($704C) Received rotor reference resistance CRC">
<Comment><![CDATA[Request $2E - Vxx_rot_r_ref_crc_rcp]]></Comment>
<DataItem Name="($704C) Received rotor reference resistance CRC" FirstByte="4"/>
<Received MinBytes="3">
<Request Name="DataRead.($704B) Received TETA position offset">
<Comment><![CDATA[Request $22 - Vxx_emot_psn_ofs_rcp]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="5">
<DataItem Name="($704B) Received TETA position offset" Ref="1" FirstByte="4"/>
<Request Name="DataWrite.($704B) Received TETA position offset">
<Comment><![CDATA[Request $2E - Vxx_emot_psn_ofs_rcp]]></Comment>
<DataItem Name="($704B) Received TETA position offset" FirstByte="4"/>
<Received MinBytes="3">
<Request Name="DataRead.($704D) Received value for reference rotor resistance">
<Comment><![CDATA[Request $22 - Vxx_rot_r_ref_rcp]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="5">
<DataItem Name="($704D) Received value for reference rotor resistance" Ref="1" FirstByte="4"/>
<Request Name="DataWrite.($704D) Received value for reference rotor resistance">
<Comment><![CDATA[Request $2E - Vxx_rot_r_ref_rcp]]></Comment>
<DataItem Name="($704D) Received value for reference rotor resistance" FirstByte="4"/>
<Received MinBytes="3">
<Request Name="DataRead.($709D) redundant supply 21 failure counter for post mortem analysis">
<Comment><![CDATA[Read redundant supply 21 failure counter for post mortem analysis]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="5">
<DataItem Name="($709D) redundant supply 21 failure counter for post mortem analysis" Ref="1" FirstByte="4"/>
<Request Name="DataRead.($703B) Resistance rotor learning + CRC written by diag tool">
<Comment><![CDATA[Request $22 - Vxx_rot_r_ref_rcp]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="6">
<DataItem Name="($703B) Resistance rotor learning + CRC written by diag tool.1" Ref="1" FirstByte="4"/>
<DataItem Name="($703B) Resistance rotor learning + CRC written by diag tool.2" Ref="1" FirstByte="6"/>
<Request Name="DataWrite.($703B) Resistance rotor learning + CRC written by diag tool">
<Comment><![CDATA[Request $2E - Vxx_rot_r_ref_rcp]]></Comment>
<DataItem Name="($703B) Resistance rotor learning + CRC written by diag tool.1" FirstByte="4"/>
<DataItem Name="($703B) Resistance rotor learning + CRC written by diag tool.2" FirstByte="6"/>
<Received MinBytes="3">
<Request Name="DataRead.($7088) Rotor copper temperature estimation">
<Comment><![CDATA[Read Rotor copper temperature estimation]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="5">
<DataItem Name="($7088) Rotor copper temperature estimation" Ref="1" FirstByte="4"/>
<Request Name="DataRead.($7038) Rotor copper temperature raw estimation">
<Comment><![CDATA[Request $22 - Vxx_esti_rot_cu_temp_raw]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="5">
<DataItem Name="($7038) Rotor copper temperature raw estimation" Ref="1" FirstByte="4"/>
<Request Name="DataRead.($7041) Rotor overcurrent validated">
<Comment><![CDATA[Request $22 - Wbx_sw_ocp_exct_mem]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="4">
<DataItem Name="($7041) Rotor overcurrent validated" Ref="1" FirstByte="4" BitOffset="7"/>
<Request Name="DataRead.($708B) Rotor position measure">
<Comment><![CDATA[Read Rotor position measure]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="5">
<DataItem Name="($708B) Rotor position measure" Ref="1" FirstByte="4"/>
<Request Name="DataRead.($708D) Rotor position measure (for safety monitoring)">
<Comment><![CDATA[Read Rotor position measure (for safety monitoring)]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="5">
<DataItem Name="($708D) Rotor position measure (for safety monitoring)" Ref="1" FirstByte="4"/>
<Request Name="DataRead.($7037) Rotor position offset learning + CRC written by diag tool">
<Comment><![CDATA[Request $22 - Vxx_emot_psn_ofs_rcp]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="6">
<DataItem Name="($7037) Rotor position offset learning + CRC written by diag tool.1" Ref="1" FirstByte="4"/>
<DataItem Name="($7037) Rotor position offset learning + CRC written by diag tool.2" Ref="1" FirstByte="6"/>
<Request Name="DataWrite.($7037) Rotor position offset learning + CRC written by diag tool">
<Comment><![CDATA[Request $2E - Vxx_emot_psn_ofs_rcp]]></Comment>
<DataItem Name="($7037) Rotor position offset learning + CRC written by diag tool.1" FirstByte="4"/>
<DataItem Name="($7037) Rotor position offset learning + CRC written by diag tool.2" FirstByte="6"/>
<Received MinBytes="3">
<Request Name="DataRead.($7021) Saved resistance rotor">
<Comment><![CDATA[Read Saved resistance rotor]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="6">
<DataItem Name="($7021) Saved resistance rotor.value" Ref="1" FirstByte="4"/>
<DataItem Name="($7021) Saved resistance rotor.CRC" Ref="1" FirstByte="6"/>
<Request Name="DataRead.($709E) SeedBreaker to explain the reset cause">
<Comment><![CDATA[Read SeedBreaker to explain the reset cause]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="5">
<DataItem Name="($709E) SeedBreaker to explain the reset cause" Ref="1" FirstByte="4"/>
<Request Name="DataRead.($7068) Software overcurrent protection counter for post mortem analysis">
<Comment><![CDATA[Read Software overcurrent protection counter for post mortem analysis]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="5">
<DataItem Name="($7068) Software overcurrent protection counter for post mortem analysis" Ref="1" FirstByte="4"/>
<Request Name="DataWrite.($7068) Software overcurrent protection counter for post mortem analysis">
<Comment><![CDATA[Write Software overcurrent protection counter for post mortem analysis]]></Comment>
<DataItem Name="($7068) Software overcurrent protection counter for post mortem analysis" FirstByte="4"/>
<Received MinBytes="3">
<Request Name="DataRead.($706B) Software overvoltage protection counter for post mortem analysis">
<Comment><![CDATA[Read Software overvoltage protection counter for post mortem analysis]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="5">
<DataItem Name="($706B) Software overvoltage protection counter for post mortem analysis" Ref="1" FirstByte="4"/>
<Request Name="DataWrite.($706B) Software overvoltage protection counter for post mortem analysis">
<Comment><![CDATA[Write Software overvoltage protection counter for post mortem analysis]]></Comment>
<DataItem Name="($706B) Software overvoltage protection counter for post mortem analysis" FirstByte="4"/>
<Received MinBytes="3">
<Request Name="DataRead.($708E) Spare signal for driver board temperature">
<Comment><![CDATA[Read Spare signal for driver board temperature]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="6">
<DataItem Name="($708E) Spare signal for driver board temperature" Ref="1" FirstByte="4"/>
<Request Name="DataRead.($703F) SPI communication default">
<Comment><![CDATA[Request $22 - Wbx_spi_dfl_sfty]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="4">
<DataItem Name="($703F) SPI communication default" Ref="1" FirstByte="4" BitOffset="7"/>
<Request Name="DataRead.($7089) Stator copper temperature estimation">
<Comment><![CDATA[Read Stator copper temperature estimation]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="5">
<DataItem Name="($7089) Stator copper temperature estimation" Ref="1" FirstByte="4"/>
<Request Name="DataRead.($7042) Stator overcurrent validated">
<Comment><![CDATA[Request $22 - Wbx_sw_ocp_invt_mem]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="4">
<DataItem Name="($7042) Stator overcurrent validated" Ref="1" FirstByte="4" BitOffset="7"/>
<Request Name="DataRead.($7028) status verlog from PEB to EVC">
<Comment><![CDATA[Request $22 - Vbx_eng_run_ena_swlk]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="4">
<DataItem Name="($7028) status verlog from PEB to EVC" Ref="1" FirstByte="4" BitOffset="7"/>
<Request Name="DataRead.($707D) Supply monitoring default">
<Comment><![CDATA[Read Supply monitoring default]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="4">
<DataItem Name="($707D) Supply monitoring default" Ref="1" FirstByte="4"/>
<Request Name="DataRead.($704A) TETA CRC received">
<Comment><![CDATA[Request $22 - Vxx_emot_psn_ofs_crc_rcp]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="4">
<DataItem Name="($704A) TETA CRC received" Ref="1" FirstByte="4"/>
<Request Name="DataWrite.($704A) TETA CRC received">
<Comment><![CDATA[Request $2E - Vxx_emot_psn_ofs_crc_rcp]]></Comment>
<DataItem Name="($704A) TETA CRC received" FirstByte="4"/>
<Received MinBytes="3">
<Request Name="DataRead.($703D) The water temperature produced by the Rectifier">
<Comment><![CDATA[Request $22 - Vxx_wtr_temp]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="4">
<DataItem Name="($703D) The water temperature produced by the Rectifier" Ref="1" FirstByte="4" BitOffset="1"/>
<Request Name="DataRead.($70D7) HVNetworkVoltage from Battery">
<Comment><![CDATA[Read ($70D7) HVNetworkVoltage from Battery]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="5">
<DataItem Name="($70D7) HVNetworkVoltage from Battery" Ref="1" FirstByte="4"/>
<Request Name="DataRead.($70D8) HVNetworkVoltage from DCDC">
<Comment><![CDATA[Read ($70D8) HVNetworkVoltage from DCDC]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="5">
<DataItem Name="($70D8) HVNetworkVoltage from DCDC" Ref="1" FirstByte="4"/>
<Request Name="DataRead.($70E7) Normalized rotor temperature">
<Comment><![CDATA[Read ($70E7) Normalized rotor temperature]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="5">
<DataItem Name="($70E7) Normalized rotor temperature" Ref="1" FirstByte="4"/>
<Request Name="DataRead.($70D6) Rotor Positions Diag">
<Comment><![CDATA[Read ($70D6)Rotor Positions Diag]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="4">
<DataItem Name="($70D6) Rotor Positions Diag" Ref="1" FirstByte="4"/>
<Request Name="DataRead.($70D5) Rotor position sensor safety check">
<Comment><![CDATA[Read Rotor position sensor safety check]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="4">
<DataItem Name="($70D5) Rotor position sensor safety check" Ref="1" FirstByte="4"/>
<Request Name="DataRead.($70E8) Stator temperature sensor 1 for freeze frame management">
<Comment><![CDATA[Read ($70E8) Stator temperature sensor 1 for freeze frame management]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="5">
<DataItem Name="($70E8) Stator temperature sensor 1 for freeze frame management" Ref="1" FirstByte="4"/>
<Request Name="DataRead.($70E9) Stator temperature sensor 2 for freeze frame management">
<Comment><![CDATA[Read ($70E9) Stator temperature sensor 2 for freeze frame management]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="5">
<DataItem Name="($70E9) Stator temperature sensor 2 for freeze frame management" Ref="1" FirstByte="4"/>
<Request Name="DataRead.($70EA) spare signal for driver board temperature for freeze frame management">
<Comment><![CDATA[Read ($70EA) spare signal for driver board temperature for freeze frame management]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="5">
<DataItem Name="($70EA) spare signal for driver board temperature for freeze frame management" Ref="1" FirstByte="4"/>
<Request Name="DataRead.($70EB) Excitation temperature for freeze frame management">
<Comment><![CDATA[Read ($70EB) Excitation temperature for freeze frame management]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="5">
<DataItem Name="($70EB) Excitation temperature for freeze frame management" Ref="1" FirstByte="4"/>
<Request Name="DataRead.($70EC) Inverter temperature sensor 1 for freeze frame management">
<Comment><![CDATA[Read ($70EC) Inverter temperature sensor 1 for freeze frame management]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="5">
<DataItem Name="($70EC) Inverter temperature sensor 1 for freeze frame management" Ref="1" FirstByte="4"/>
<Request Name="DataRead.($70ED) MICRO temperature for freeze frame management">
<Comment><![CDATA[Read ($70ED) MICRO temperature for freeze frame management]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="5">
<DataItem Name="($70ED) MICRO temperature for freeze frame management" Ref="1" FirstByte="4"/>
<Request Name="DataRead.($70EE)PCB temperature for freeze frame management">
<Comment><![CDATA[Read ($70EE)PCB temperature for freeze frame management]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="5">
<DataItem Name="($70EE)PCB temperature for freeze frame management" Ref="1" FirstByte="4"/>
<Request Name="DataRead.Ratio between square of excitation signal and sum of squares of rotor reslver cos and sine signals">
<Comment><![CDATA[Read Ratio between square of excitation signal and sum of squares of rotor reslver cos and sine signals]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="5">
<DataItem Name="Ratio between square of excitation signal and sum of squares of rotor reslver cos and sine signals" Ref="1" FirstByte="4"/>
<Request Name="DataRead.($70F0) Absolute time since first Ignition">
<Comment><![CDATA[Read Absolute time since first Ignition]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="5">
<DataItem Name="($70F0) Absolute time since first Ignition" Ref="1" FirstByte="4"/>
<Request Name="DataRead.($70F2) Environment temperature">
<Comment><![CDATA[Read Environment temperature]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="5">
<DataItem Name="($70F2) Environment temperature" Ref="1" FirstByte="4"/>
<Request Name="DataRead.($7016)Result of the check on CAN with EVC (torque request CLK+torque request CRC+CAN confirmed absent)">
<Comment><![CDATA[Request $22 - Vbx_can_emot_tq_sp_nok]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="4">
<DataItem Name="($7016)Result of the check on CAN with EVC (torque request CLK+torque request CRC+CAN confirmed absent)" Ref="1" FirstByte="4" BitOffset="7"/>
<Request Name="DataRead.($70CB)Nvrol error counters.8 bits MSB(double bit errors number).8 bits LSB(simple bit errors number)">
<Comment><![CDATA[Read Nvrol error counters. 8 bits MSB (double bit errors number (1_255)). 8 bits LSB (simple bit errors number (1_255)) [Vxx_inv_nvrol_err_cnt]]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="5">
<DataItem Name="($70CB)Nvrol error counters.8 bits MSB(double bit errors number).8 bits LSB(simple bit errors number)" Ref="1" FirstByte="4"/>
<Request Name="DataRead.($2000) DIDs supported in range [$2001 - $2020]">
<Comment><![CDATA[DIDs supported in range [$2001 - $2020]]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="7">
<DataItem Name="($2000) DIDs supported in range [$2001 - $2020]" Ref="1" FirstByte="4"/>
<Request Name="DataRead.($2060) DIDs supported in range [$2061 - $2080]">
<Comment><![CDATA[DIDs supported in range [$2061 - $2080]]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="7">
<DataItem Name="($2060) DIDs supported in range [$2061 - $2080]" Ref="1" FirstByte="4"/>
<Request Name="DataRead.($7000) DIDs supported in range [$7001 - $7020]">
<Comment><![CDATA[DIDs supported in range [$7001 - $7020]]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="7">
<DataItem Name="($7000) DIDs supported in range [$7001 - $7020]" Ref="1" FirstByte="4"/>
<Request Name="DataRead.($7020) DIDs supported in range [$7021 - $7040]">
<Comment><![CDATA[DIDs supported in range [$7021 - $7040]]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="7">
<DataItem Name="($7020) DIDs supported in range [$7021 - $7040]" Ref="1" FirstByte="4"/>
<Request Name="DataRead.($7040) DIDs supported in range [$7041 - $7060]">
<Comment><![CDATA[DIDs supported in range [$7041 - $7060]]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="7">
<DataItem Name="($7040) DIDs supported in range [$7041 - $7060]" Ref="1" FirstByte="4"/>
<Request Name="DataRead.($7060) DIDs supported in range [$7061 - $7080]">
<Comment><![CDATA[DIDs supported in range [$7061 - $7080]]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="7">
<DataItem Name="($7060) DIDs supported in range [$7061 - $7080]" Ref="1" FirstByte="4"/>
<Request Name="DataRead.($7080) DIDs supported in range [$7081 - $70A0]">
<Comment><![CDATA[DIDs supported in range [$7081 - $70A0]]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="7">
<DataItem Name="($7080) DIDs supported in range [$7081 - $70A0]" Ref="1" FirstByte="4"/>
<Request Name="DataRead.($70A0) DIDs supported in range [$70A1 - $70C0]">
<Comment><![CDATA[DIDs supported in range [$70A1 - $70C0]]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="7">
<DataItem Name="($70A0) DIDs supported in range [$70A1 - $70C0]" Ref="1" FirstByte="4"/>
<Request Name="DataRead.($70C0) DIDs supported in range [$70C1 - $70E0]">
<Comment><![CDATA[DIDs supported in range [$70C1 - $70E0]]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="7">
<DataItem Name="($70C0) DIDs supported in range [$70C1 - $70E0]" Ref="1" FirstByte="4"/>
<Request Name="DataRead.($70E0) DIDs supported in range [$70E1 - $7100]">
<Comment><![CDATA[DIDs supported in range [$70E1 - $7100]]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="7">
<DataItem Name="($70E0) DIDs supported in range [$70E1 - $7100]" Ref="1" FirstByte="4"/>
<Request Name="DataRead.($702A) software over voltage protection">
<Received MinBytes="4">
<DataItem Name="($702A) software over voltage protection" Ref="1" FirstByte="4" BitOffset="7"/>
<Request Name="DataRead.($702C) Distribution type from JB to PEB">
<Received MinBytes="4">
<DataItem Name="($702C) Distribution type from JB to PEB" Ref="1" FirstByte="4" BitOffset="6"/>
<Request Name="DataRead.($7090) Water temperature">
<Received MinBytes="4">
<DataItem Name="($7090) Water temperature" Ref="1" FirstByte="4" BitOffset="1"/>
<Request Name="DataRead.($70EF) counter giving the nember of times Wsx_cuc_f_dfl is equal to Nsx_i_f_df">
<Received MinBytes="5">
<DataItem Name="($70EF) counter giving the nember of times Wsx_cuc_f_dfl is equal to Nsx_i_f_df" Ref="1" FirstByte="4"/>
<Request Name="DataWrite.($70EF) counter giving the nember of times Wsx_cuc_f_dfl is equal to Nsx_i_f_df">
<DataItem Name="($70EF) counter giving the nember of times Wsx_cuc_f_dfl is equal to Nsx_i_f_df" FirstByte="4"/>
<Received MinBytes="3">
<Request Name="DataRead.($70A2) Vxx_invt_rst_ctx_4">
<Comment><![CDATA[Read Vxx_invt_rst_ctx_4]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="5">
<DataItem Name="($70A2) Vxx_invt_rst_ctx_4.($70A2) Vbx_rot_temp_dfl_sfty_(bit0)" Ref="1" FirstByte="5" BitOffset="7"/>
<DataItem Name="($70A2) Vxx_invt_rst_ctx_4.($70A2) Vsx_emot_n_dfl_sfty_(bit1)" Ref="1" FirstByte="5" BitOffset="6"/>
<DataItem Name="($70A2) Vxx_invt_rst_ctx_4.($70A2) Vbx_dfl_i_f_low_(bit2)" Ref="1" FirstByte="5" BitOffset="5"/>
<DataItem Name="($70A2) Vxx_invt_rst_ctx_4.($70A2) Vbx_alim_21_mon_(bit3)" Ref="1" FirstByte="5" BitOffset="4"/>
<DataItem Name="($70A2) Vxx_invt_rst_ctx_4.($70A2) Vbx_alim_21_mon_red_(bit4)" Ref="1" FirstByte="5" BitOffset="3"/>
<DataItem Name="($70A2) Vxx_invt_rst_ctx_4.($70A2) Vbx_sply_mon_(bit5)" Ref="1" FirstByte="5" BitOffset="2"/>
<DataItem Name="($70A2) Vxx_invt_rst_ctx_4.($70A2) Stack Overflow on State_(bit6-7)" Ref="1" FirstByte="5"/>
<DataItem Name="($70A2) Vxx_invt_rst_ctx_4.($70A2) Vtx_TaskMaxDurationIT_A[3]_(bit8-11)" Ref="1" FirstByte="4"/>
<DataItem Name="($70A2) Vxx_invt_rst_ctx_4.($70A2) Vxx_10ms_max_duration_(bit12-15)" Ref="1" FirstByte="4" BitOffset="4"/>
<Request Name="DataRead.($70F1) Max ratio between the square of excitation sgnl and the sum of squares of rotor reslver cos and sin sgnl">
<Comment><![CDATA[Read Max ratio between the square of excitation sgnl and the sun of squares of rotor reslver cos and sin sgnl]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="5">
<DataItem Name="($70F1) Max ratio between the square of excitation sgnl and the sum of squares of rotor reslver cos and sin sgnl" Ref="1" FirstByte="4"/>
<Request Name="DataRead.VehicleManufacturerECUHardwareNumber_DAI">
<Comment><![CDATA[Read VehicleManufacturerECUSoftwareNumber_DAI]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="13">
<DataItem Name="VehicleManufacturerECUHardwareNumber_DAI" Ref="1" FirstByte="4"/>
<Request Name="DataRead.VehicleManufacturerECUSoftwareNumber_DAI">
<Comment><![CDATA[Read DataRead.VehicleManufacturerECUSoftwareNumber_DAI]]></Comment>
<Received MinBytes="23">
<DataItem Name="VehicleManufacturerECUSoftwareNumber_DAI" Ref="1" FirstByte="4"/>
<Device Name="+APC" DTC="48">
<Test Type="98">
<Device Name="BCM (Body Control Module)" DTC="780">
<Test Type="135">
<Device Name="Boost PWM (between rectifier and inverter modules)" DTC="779">
<Test Type="49">
<Device Name="Charger Controler" DTC="774">
<Test Type="135">
<Device Name="DCDC" DTC="2132">
<Test Type="135">
<Device Name="DCDC driver" DTC="2130">
<Test Type="150">
<Test Type="241">
<Test Type="242">
<Test Type="73">
<Device Name="DCDC High voltage side" DTC="2128">
<Test Type="34">
<Test Type="33">
<Device Name="DCDC low voltage side" DTC="2129">
<Test Type="34">
<Test Type="33">
<Device Name="Driver board temperature sensor" DTC="2152">
<Test Type="41">
<Test Type="1">
<Device Name="ECU monitoring (Safety torque estimation)" DTC="2145">
<Test Type="150">
<Test Type="98">
<Device Name="ECU monitoring (Watchdog)" DTC="2144">
<Test Type="71">
<Device Name="Electric engine FAN" DTC="2120">
<Test Type="146">
<Test Type="41">
<Test Type="150">
<Device Name="Electric engine phase" DTC="2121">
<Test Type="98">
<Device Name="Electric engine temperature" DTC="2119">
<Test Type="152">
<Device Name="EVC" DTC="781">
<Test Type="135">
<Test Type="129">
<Device Name="EVC relays" DTC="782">
<Test Type="98">
<Device Name="Excitation" DTC="2080">
<Test Type="25">
<Test Type="98">
<Device Name="Excitation current sensor" DTC="2081">
<Test Type="150">
<Test Type="243">
<Device Name="Excitation driver (high arm)" DTC="2096">
<Test Type="1">
<Device Name="Excitation driver (low arm)" DTC="2097">
<Test Type="1">
<Device Name="Excitation driver ready" DTC="2098">
<Test Type="1">
<Device Name="Excitation temperature sensor" DTC="2082">
<Test Type="1">
<Test Type="41">
<Device Name="Hardware over voltage protection" DTC="2055">
<Test Type="34">
<Device Name="High voltage network" DTC="2160">
<Test Type="34">
<Test Type="98">
<Test Type="36">
<Device Name="High voltage sensor" DTC="2051">
<Test Type="150">
<Test Type="243">
<Device Name="Inverter" DTC="2049">
<Test Type="34">
<Test Type="25">
<Device Name="Inverter auto diagnosis" DTC="2058">
<Test Type="150">
<Device Name="Inverter current sensor" DTC="2050">
<Test Type="150">
<Test Type="243">
<Device Name="Inverter DFLASH memory corruption" DTC="2059">
<Test Type="70">
<Device Name="Inverter driver (high arm)" DTC="2064">
<Test Type="1">
<Device Name="Inverter driver (low arm)" DTC="2065">
<Test Type="1">
<Device Name="Inverter driver ready (high arm)" DTC="2066">
<Test Type="1">
<Device Name="Inverter driver ready (low arm)" DTC="2067">
<Test Type="1">
<Device Name="Inverter non traction safety watch" DTC="2057">
<Test Type="150">
<Device Name="Inverter phase" DTC="2056">
<Test Type="19">
<Device Name="Inverter Reset failure" DTC="2060">
<Test Type="150">
<Device Name="Inverter temperature" DTC="2053">
<Test Type="152">
<Device Name="Inverter temperature sensor" DTC="2052">
<Test Type="1">
<Test Type="41">
<Device Name="Lithium Battery Controler" DTC="773">
<Test Type="135">
<Device Name="Main controler temperature sensor" DTC="2148">
<Test Type="1">
<Test Type="41">
<Device Name="PCB controler temperature sensor" DTC="2149">
<Test Type="1">
<Test Type="41">
<Device Name="Power supply 2.1" DTC="2151">
<Test Type="28">
<Device Name="PWM Electric Engine command" DTC="2114">
<Test Type="98">
<Device Name="Rotor position offset learning" DTC="2122">
<Test Type="65">
<Device Name="Rotor position sensor" DTC="2113">
<Test Type="243">
<Device Name="Rotor position speed" DTC="2112">
<Test Type="150">
<Test Type="243">
<Device Name="Rotor resistance leaning" DTC="2123">
<Test Type="65">
<Device Name="Safety rotor temperature estimation" DTC="2115">
<Test Type="98">
<Device Name="SPI communication" DTC="2146">
<Test Type="150">
<Device Name="Stator temperature sensor 1" DTC="2117">
<Test Type="1">
<Test Type="41">
<Device Name="Stator temperature sensor 2" DTC="2118">
<Test Type="1">
<Test Type="41">
<Device Name="Supply monitoring" DTC="2147">
<Test Type="150">
<Device Name="Voltage supply A11" DTC="2176">
<Test Type="150">
<Device Name="Water temperature" DTC="2054">
<Test Type="41">
<Device Name="CAN communication with battery" DTC="2312">
<Test Type="97" Severity="0">
<Device Name="Stator temperature sensors" DTC="2602">
<Test Type="1">
<Test Type="145">
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<Font Name="MS Sans Serif" Size=" 8.25" Bold="0" Italic="0" Color="0"/>
<Label Text="-&gt; La BCM n'a pas authentifié la clé ou le badge" Color="16762566" Alignment="0">
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<Font Name="MS Sans Serif" Size=" 8.25" Bold="0" Italic="0" Color="0"/>
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<Font Name="MS Sans Serif" Size=" 8.25" Bold="0" Italic="0" Color="0"/>
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<Label Text="L'ECM est vierge et protégé car la BCM n'envoie pas la clé secrète: l'ECM n'autorise pas le démarrage moteur." Color="11513775" Alignment="0">
<Rectangle Left="6360" Top="7080" Height="480" Width="4680"/>
<Font Name="MS Sans Serif" Size=" 8.25" Bold="0" Italic="0" Color="0"/>
<Label Text="-&gt; La BCM n'est pas autorisée à envoyer la clé secrète" Color="11513775" Alignment="0">
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<Font Name="MS Sans Serif" Size=" 8.25" Bold="0" Italic="0" Color="0"/>
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<Font Name="MS Sans Serif" Size=" 8.25" Bold="0" Italic="0" Color="0"/>
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<Font Name="MS Sans Serif" Size=" 8.25" Bold="0" Italic="0" Color="0"/>
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<Font Name="MS Sans Serif" Size=" 8.25" Bold="0" Italic="0" Color="0"/>
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<Font Name="MS Sans Serif" Size=" 8.25" Bold="0" Italic="0" Color="0"/>
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<Font Name="MS Sans Serif" Size=" 8.25" Bold="0" Italic="0" Color="0"/>
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<Font Name="MS Sans Serif" Size=" 8.25" Bold="0" Italic="0" Color="0"/>
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<Font Name="Tahoma" Size=" 8" Bold="0" Italic="0" Color="0"/>
<Display Width="6545" Color="16777215" DataName="($2074) Immobilizer - engine not running due to ECM" RequestName="DataRead.($2074) Immobilizer - engine not running due to ECM">
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<Font Name="Tahoma" Size=" 8" Bold="0" Italic="0" Color="0"/>
<Display Width="6545" Color="16777215" DataName="($2075) Immobilizer - engine not running due to BCM in secure mode" RequestName="DataRead.($2075) Immobilizer - engine not running due to BCM in secure mode">
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<Font Name="Tahoma" Size=" 8" Bold="0" Italic="0" Color="0"/>
<Display Width="6545" Color="16777215" DataName="($2076) Immobilizer - engine not running due to no BCM authorization" RequestName="DataRead.($2076) Immobilizer - engine not running due to no BCM authorization">
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<Font Name="Tahoma" Size=" 8" Bold="0" Italic="0" Color="0"/>
<Display Width="6545" Color="16777215" DataName="($2077) Immobilizer - engine not running due to a CAN network problem with the BCM" RequestName="DataRead.($2077) Immobilizer - engine not running due to a CAN network problem with the BCM">
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<Rectangle Left="9600" Top="1800" Height="300" Width="3720"/>
<Font Name="MS Sans Serif" Size=" 8.25" Bold="1" Italic="0" Color="0"/>
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<Rectangle Left="9600" Top="2100" Height="300" Width="3720"/>
<Font Name="MS Sans Serif" Size=" 6" Bold="0" Italic="0" Color="0"/>
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<Rectangle Left="480" Top="3240" Height="300" Width="5880"/>
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<Screen Name="Factory Static Test" Color="16777215" WindowState="0" Width="12660" Height="7860">
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<Rectangle Left="0" Top="0" Height="2400" Width="10500"/>
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<Rectangle Left="4560" Top="1200" Height="375" Width="3000"/>
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<Button Text=" Start Factory Static Test">
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<Font Name="MS Sans Serif" Size=" 10" Bold="1" Italic="0"/>
<Message Text=""/>
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<Send Delay="0" RequestName="StartRoutineByLocalIdentifier - Factory Static Test"/>
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<Screen Name="Other Routines" Color="16777215" WindowState="0" Width="14460" Height="9900">
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<Rectangle Left="0" Top="0" Height="6120" Width="8760"/>
<Font Name="MS Sans Serif" Size=" 14" Bold="0" Italic="0" Color="0"/>
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<Rectangle Left="150" Top="2700" Height="300" Width="2700"/>
<Font Name="MS Sans Serif" Size=" 8" Bold="1" Italic="0" Color="0"/>
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<Rectangle Left="150" Top="3300" Height="300" Width="2700"/>
<Font Name="MS Sans Serif" Size=" 8.25" Bold="0" Italic="0" Color="0"/>
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<Font Name="MS Sans Serif" Size=" 8.25" Bold="0" Italic="0" Color="0"/>
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<Font Name="MS Sans Serif" Size=" 8.25" Bold="0" Italic="0" Color="0"/>
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<Rectangle Left="5760" Top="2670" Height="300" Width="2250"/>
<Font Name="MS Sans Serif" Size=" 8.25" Bold="1" Italic="0" Color="0"/>
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<Rectangle Left="5760" Top="2970" Height="300" Width="2250"/>
<Font Name="MS Sans Serif" Size=" 8.25" Bold="0" Italic="0" Color="0"/>
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<Rectangle Left="5760" Top="3270" Height="300" Width="2250"/>
<Font Name="MS Sans Serif" Size=" 8.25" Bold="0" Italic="0" Color="0"/>
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<Rectangle Left="5760" Top="3570" Height="300" Width="2250"/>
<Font Name="MS Sans Serif" Size=" 8.25" Bold="0" Italic="0" Color="0"/>
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<Rectangle Left="3135" Top="2685" Height="300" Width="2250"/>
<Font Name="MS Sans Serif" Size=" 8.25" Bold="1" Italic="0" Color="0"/>
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<Rectangle Left="3135" Top="2985" Height="300" Width="2250"/>
<Font Name="MS Sans Serif" Size=" 8.25" Bold="0" Italic="0" Color="0"/>
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<Rectangle Left="3135" Top="3285" Height="300" Width="2250"/>
<Font Name="MS Sans Serif" Size=" 8.25" Bold="0" Italic="0" Color="0"/>
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<Rectangle Left="720" Top="6480" Height="300" Width="6960"/>
<Font Name="MS Sans Serif" Size=" 8.25" Bold="0" Italic="0" Color="0"/>
<Label Text="- mettre le +APC forcé : Levier de vitesse en N, appuyer plus de 10 secondes sur le bouton Start." Color="16777215" Alignment="0">
<Rectangle Left="720" Top="7680" Height="360" Width="7800"/>
<Font Name="MS Sans Serif" Size=" 8.25" Bold="0" Italic="0" Color="0"/>
<Label Text="- réveil du véhicule + APC présent (badge dans le lecteur) : les relais HT sont fermés" Color="16777215" Alignment="0">
<Rectangle Left="720" Top="7320" Height="360" Width="7800"/>
<Font Name="MS Sans Serif" Size=" 8.25" Bold="0" Italic="0" Color="0"/>
<Label Text="- laisser le levier de vitesse en position N" Color="16777215" Alignment="0">
<Rectangle Left="720" Top="8040" Height="360" Width="7800"/>
<Font Name="MS Sans Serif" Size=" 8.25" Bold="0" Italic="0" Color="0"/>
<Label Text="- lancer la routine : les roues tournent légèrement pendant quelques dizaines de secondes" Color="16777215" Alignment="0">
<Rectangle Left="720" Top="8400" Height="360" Width="7800"/>
<Font Name="MS Sans Serif" Size=" 8.25" Bold="0" Italic="0" Color="0"/>
<Label Text="- une fois la procédure terminée, vérifié l'angle appris" Color="16777215" Alignment="0">
<Rectangle Left="720" Top="8760" Height="360" Width="7800"/>
<Font Name="MS Sans Serif" Size=" 8.25" Bold="0" Italic="0" Color="0"/>
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<Font Name="MS Sans Serif" Size=" 8.25" Bold="0" Italic="0" Color="0"/>
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<Rectangle Left="720" Top="6960" Height="360" Width="7800"/>
<Font Name="MS Sans Serif" Size=" 8.25" Bold="0" Italic="0" Color="0"/>
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<Font Name="MS Sans Serif" Size=" 12" Bold="0" Italic="0"/>
<Message Text=""/>
<Send Delay="0" RequestName="StartDiagnosticSession.ExtendedDiagnosticSession"/>
<Send Delay="0" RequestName="StartRoutineByLocalIdentifier"/>
<Button Text="Stop routine">
<Rectangle Left="5880" Top="4500" Height="750" Width="1920"/>
<Font Name="MS Sans Serif" Size=" 12" Bold="0" Italic="0"/>
<Message Text=""/>
<Send Delay="0" RequestName="StopRoutineByLocalIdentifier"/>
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<Category Name="Functionnal">
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<Label Text="/!\ : Besoin d'avoir appris la résistance rotor (sinon, Vxx_mot_norm_temp invalide) =&gt; Vérifier DID $7050" Color="16777215" Alignment="0">
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<Rectangle Left="600" Top="1560" Height="300" Width="8400"/>
<Font Name="Arial" Size=" 10" Bold="0" Italic="0" Color="0"/>
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<Font Name="Arial" Size=" 10" Bold="0" Italic="0" Color="0"/>
<Display Width="0" Color="15724527" DataName="($2001) Rotor mechanical rotation speed" RequestName="DataRead.($2001) Rotor mechanical rotation speed">
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<Category Name="Conditions for mesures Ratio capteur">
<Screen Name="Conditions for mesures Ratio capteur" Color="16777215" WindowState="0" Width="15180" Height="8220">
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<Threshold Value=" 9.9" Color="65280"/>
<Threshold Value=" 25" Color="255"/>
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<Threshold Value=" 9.9" Color="65280"/>
<Threshold Value=" 25" Color="255"/>
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<Threshold Value="-40" Color="255"/>
<Threshold Value=" 9.9" Color="65280"/>
<Threshold Value=" 25" Color="255"/>
<Display Width="9755" Color="16777215" DataName="($70F1) Max ratio between the square of excitation sgnl and the sum of squares of rotor reslver cos and sin sgnl" RequestName="DataRead.($70F1) Max ratio between the square of excitation sgnl and the sum of squares of rotor reslver cos and sin sgnl">
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