
1044 lines
36 KiB

* JSON debug proxy written in DukLuv
* This single file JSON debug proxy implementation is an alternative to the
* Node.js-based proxy in duk_debug.js. DukLuv is a much smaller dependency
* than Node.js so embedding DukLuv in a debug client is easier.
'use strict';
// XXX: Code assumes uv.write() will write fully. This is not necessarily
// true; should add support for partial writes (or at least failing when
// a partial write occurs).
var log = new Duktape.Logger('Proxy'); // default logger
//log.l = 0; // enable debug and trace logging
* Config
var serverHost = '';
var serverPort = 9093;
var targetHost = '';
var targetPort = 9091;
var singleConnection = false;
var readableNumberValue = false;
var lenientJsonParse = false;
var jxParse = false;
var metadataFile = null;
var metadata = {};
var TORTURE = false; // for manual testing of binary/json parsing robustness
* Duktape 1.x and 2.x buffer harmonization
var allocPlain = (typeof Uint8Array.allocPlain === 'function' ?
Uint8Array.allocPlain : Duktape.Buffer);
var plainOf = (typeof Uint8Array.plainOf === 'function' ?
Uint8Array.plainOf : Duktape.Buffer);
var bufferToString = (typeof String.fromBuffer === 'function' ?
String.fromBuffer : String);
* Detect missing 'var' declarations
// Prevent new bindings on global object. This detects missing 'var'
// declarations, e.g. "x = 123;" in a function without declaring it.
var global = new Function('return this;')();
log.debug('Preventing extensions on global object');
log.debug('Global is extensible:', Object.isExtensible(global));
log.debug('Global is extensible:', Object.isExtensible(global));
* Misc helpers
function jxEncode(v) {
return Duktape.enc('jx', v);
function plainBufferCopy(typedarray) {
// This is still pretty awkward in Duktape 1.4.x.
// Argument may be a "slice" and we want a copy of the slice
// (not the full underlying buffer).
var u8 = new Uint8Array(typedarray.length);
u8.set(typedarray); // make a copy, ensuring there's no slice offset
return plainOf(u8); // get underlying plain buffer
function isObject(x) {
// Note that typeof null === 'object'.
return (typeof x === 'object' && x !== null);
function readFully(filename, cb) {
uv.fs_open(metadataFile, 'r', 0, function (handle, err) {
var fileOff = 0;
var data = new Uint8Array(256);
var dataOff = 0;
if (err) {
return cb(null, err);
function readCb(buf, err) {
var res;
var newData;
log.debug('Read callback:', buf.length, err);
if (err) {
return cb(null, err);
if (buf.length == 0) {
res = new Uint8Array(dataOff);
res.set(data.subarray(0, dataOff));
res = plainOf(res); // plain buffer
log.debug('Read', res.length, 'bytes from', filename);
return cb(res, null);
while (data.length - dataOff < buf.length) {
log.debug('Resize file read buffer:', data.length, '->', data.length * 2);
newData = new Uint8Array(data.length * 2);
data = newData;
data.set(new Uint8Array(buf), dataOff);
dataOff += buf.length;
fileOff += buf.length;
uv.fs_read(handle, 4096, fileOff, readCb);
uv.fs_read(handle, 4096, fileOff, readCb);
* JSON proxy server
* Accepts an incoming JSON proxy client and connects to a debug target,
* tying the two connections together. Supports both a single connection
* and a persistent mode.
function JsonProxyServer(host, port) {
this.name = 'JsonProxyServer';
this.handle = uv.new_tcp();
uv.tcp_bind(this.handle, host, port);
uv.listen(this.handle, 128, this.onConnection.bind(this));
JsonProxyServer.prototype.onConnection = function onConnection(err) {
if (err) {
log.error('JSON proxy onConnection error:', err);
log.info('JSON proxy client connected'); // XXX: it'd be nice to log remote peer host:port
var jsonSock = new JsonConnHandler(this);
var targSock = new TargetConnHandler(this);
jsonSock.targetHandler = targSock;
targSock.jsonHandler = jsonSock;
uv.accept(this.handle, jsonSock.handle);
log.info('Connecting to debug target at', targetHost + ':' + targetPort);
jsonSock.writeJson({ notify: '_TargetConnecting', args: [ targetHost, targetPort ] });
uv.tcp_connect(targSock.handle, targetHost, targetPort, targSock.onConnect.bind(targSock));
if (singleConnection) {
log.info('Single connection mode, stop listening for more connections');
uv.read_stop(this.handle); // unnecessary but just in case
this.handle = null;
JsonProxyServer.prototype.onProxyClientDisconnected = function onProxyClientDisconnected() {
// When this is invoked the proxy connection and the target connection
// have both been closed.
if (singleConnection) {
log.info('Proxy connection finished (single connection mode: we should be exiting now)');
} else {
log.info('Proxy connection finished (persistent mode: wait for more connections)');
* JSON connection handler
function JsonConnHandler(server) {
var i, n;
this.name = 'JsonConnHandler';
this.server = server;
this.handle = uv.new_tcp();
this.incoming = new Uint8Array(4096);
this.incomingOffset = 0;
this.targetHandler = null;
this.commandNumberLookup = {};
if (metadata && metadata.target_commands) {
for (i = 0, n = metadata.target_commands.length; i < n; i++) {
this.commandNumberLookup[metadata.target_commands[i]] = i;
JsonConnHandler.prototype.finish = function finish(msg) {
var args;
if (!this.handle) {
log.info('JsonConnHandler already disconnected, ignore finish()');
log.info('JsonConnHandler finished:', msg);
try {
args = msg ? [ msg ] : void 0;
this.writeJson({ notify: '_Disconnecting', args: args });
} catch (e) {
log.info('Failed to write _Disconnecting notify, ignoring:', e);
this.handle = null;
this.targetHandler.finish(msg); // disconnect target too (if not already disconnected)
JsonConnHandler.prototype.onRead = function onRead(err, data) {
var newIncoming;
var msg;
var errmsg;
var tmpBuf;
log.trace('Received data from JSON socket, err:', err, 'data length:', data ? data.length : 'null');
if (err) {
errmsg = 'Error reading data from JSON debug client: ' + err;
if (data) {
// Feed the data one byte at a time when torture testing.
if (TORTURE && data.length > 1) {
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
tmpBuf = allocPlain(1);
tmpBuf[0] = data[i];
this.onRead(null, tmpBuf);
// Receive data into 'incoming', resizing as necessary.
while (data.length > this.incoming.length - this.incomingOffset) {
newIncoming = new Uint8Array(this.incoming.length * 1.3 + 16);
this.incoming = newIncoming;
log.debug('Resize incoming JSON buffer to ' + this.incoming.length);
this.incoming.set(new Uint8Array(data), this.incomingOffset);
this.incomingOffset += data.length;
// Trial parse JSON message(s).
while (true) {
msg = this.trialParseJsonMessage();
if (!msg) {
try {
} catch (e) {
errmsg = 'JSON message dispatch failed: ' + e;
this.writeJson({ notify: '_Error', args: [ errmsg ] });
if (lenientJsonParse) {
log.warn('JSON message dispatch failed (lenient mode, ignoring):', e);
} else {
log.warn('JSON message dispatch failed (dropping connection):', e);
} else {
this.finish('JSON proxy client disconnected');
JsonConnHandler.prototype.writeJson = function writeJson(msg) {
log.info('PROXY --> CLIENT:', JSON.stringify(msg));
if (this.handle) {
uv.write(this.handle, JSON.stringify(msg) + '\n');
JsonConnHandler.prototype.handleDebugMessage = function handleDebugMessage(dvalues) {
var msg = {};
var idx = 0;
var cmd;
if (dvalues.length <= 0) {
throw new Error('invalid dvalues list: length <= 0');
var x = dvalues[idx++];
if (!isObject(x)) {
throw new Error('invalid initial dvalue: ' + Duktape.enc('jx', dvalues));
if (x.type === 'req') {
cmd = dvalues[idx++];
if (typeof cmd !== 'number') {
throw new Error('invalid command: ' + Duktape.enc('jx', cmd));
msg.request = this.determineCommandName(cmd) || true;
msg.command = cmd;
} else if (x.type === 'rep') {
msg.reply = true;
} else if (x.type === 'err') {
msg.error = true;
} else if (x.type === 'nfy') {
cmd = dvalues[idx++];
if (typeof cmd !== 'number') {
throw new Error('invalid command: ' + Duktape.enc('jx', cmd));
msg.notify = this.determineCommandName(cmd) || true;
msg.command = cmd;
} else {
throw new Error('invalid initial dvalue: ' + Duktape.enc('jx', dvalues));
for (; idx < dvalues.length - 1; idx++) {
if (!msg.args) {
msg.args = [];
if (!isObject(dvalues[idx]) || dvalues[idx].type !== 'eom') {
throw new Error('invalid final dvalue: ' + Duktape.enc('jx', dvalues));
JsonConnHandler.prototype.determineCommandName = function determineCommandName(cmd) {
if (!(metadata && metadata.client_commands)) {
return metadata.client_commands[cmd];
JsonConnHandler.prototype.trialParseJsonMessage = function trialParseJsonMessage() {
var buf = this.incoming;
var avail = this.incomingOffset;
var i;
var msg, str, errmsg;
for (i = 0; i < avail; i++) {
if (buf[i] == 0x0a) {
str = bufferToString(plainBufferCopy(buf.subarray(0, i)));
try {
if (jxParse) {
msg = Duktape.dec('jx', str);
} else {
msg = JSON.parse(str);
} catch (e) {
// In lenient mode if JSON parse fails just send back an _Error
// and ignore the line (useful for initial development).
// In non-lenient mode drop the connection here; if the failed line
// was a request the client is expecting a reply/error message back
// (otherwise it may go out of sync) but we can't send a synthetic
// one (as we can't parse the request).
errmsg = 'JSON parse failed for: ' + jxEncode(str) + ': ' + e;
this.writeJson({ notify: '_Error', args: [ errmsg ] });
if (lenientJsonParse) {
log.warn('JSON parse failed (lenient mode, ignoring):', e);
} else {
log.warn('JSON parse failed (dropping connection):', e);
this.incoming.set(this.incoming.subarray(i + 1));
this.incomingOffset -= i + 1;
return msg;
JsonConnHandler.prototype.dispatchJsonMessage = function dispatchJsonMessage(msg) {
var cmd;
var dvalues = [];
var i, n;
log.info('PROXY <-- CLIENT:', JSON.stringify(msg));
// Parse message type, determine initial marker for binary message.
if (msg.request) {
cmd = this.determineCommandNumber(msg.request, msg.command);
dvalues.push(new Uint8Array([ 0x01 ]));
} else if (msg.reply) {
dvalues.push(new Uint8Array([ 0x02 ]));
} else if (msg.notify) {
cmd = this.determineCommandNumber(msg.notify, msg.command);
dvalues.push(new Uint8Array([ 0x04 ]));
} else if (msg.error) {
dvalues.push(new Uint8Array([ 0x03 ]));
} else {
throw new Error('invalid input JSON message: ' + jxEncode(msg));
// Encode arguments into dvalues.
for (i = 0, n = (msg.args ? msg.args.length : 0); i < n; i++) {
// Add an EOM, and write out the dvalues to the debug target.
dvalues.push(new Uint8Array([ 0x00 ]));
for (i = 0, n = dvalues.length; i < n; i++) {
JsonConnHandler.prototype.determineCommandNumber = function determineCommandNumber(name, val) {
var res;
if (typeof name === 'string') {
res = this.commandNumberLookup[name];
if (!res) {
log.info('Unknown command name: ' + name + ', command number: ' + val);
} else if (typeof name === 'number') {
res = name;
} else if (name !== true) {
throw new Error('invalid command name (must be string, number, or "true"): ' + name);
if (typeof res === 'undefined' && typeof val === 'undefined') {
throw new Error('cannot determine command number from name: ' + name);
if (typeof val !== 'number' && typeof val !== 'undefined') {
throw new Error('invalid command number: ' + val);
res = res || val;
return res;
JsonConnHandler.prototype.writeDebugStringToBuffer = function writeDebugStringToBuffer(v, buf, off) {
var i, n;
for (i = 0, n = v.length; i < n; i++) {
buf[off + i] = v.charCodeAt(i) & 0xff; // truncate higher bits
JsonConnHandler.prototype.encodeJsonDvalue = function encodeJsonDvalue(v) {
var buf, dec, len, dv;
if (isObject(v)) {
if (v.type === 'eom') {
return new Uint8Array([ 0x00 ]);
} else if (v.type === 'req') {
return new Uint8Array([ 0x01 ]);
} else if (v.type === 'rep') {
return new Uint8Array([ 0x02 ]);
} else if (v.type === 'err') {
return new Uint8Array([ 0x03 ]);
} else if (v.type === 'nfy') {
return new Uint8Array([ 0x04 ]);
} else if (v.type === 'unused') {
return new Uint8Array([ 0x15 ]);
} else if (v.type === 'undefined') {
return new Uint8Array([ 0x16 ]);
} else if (v.type === 'number') {
dec = Duktape.dec('hex', v.data);
len = dec.length;
if (len !== 8) {
throw new TypeError('value cannot be converted to dvalue: ' + jxEncode(v));
buf = new Uint8Array(1 + len);
buf[0] = 0x1a;
buf.set(new Uint8Array(dec), 1);
return buf;
} else if (v.type === 'buffer') {
dec = Duktape.dec('hex', v.data);
len = dec.length;
if (len <= 0xffff) {
buf = new Uint8Array(3 + len);
buf[0] = 0x14;
buf[1] = (len >> 8) & 0xff;
buf[2] = (len >> 0) & 0xff;
buf.set(new Uint8Arrau(dec), 3);
return buf;
} else {
buf = new Uint8Array(5 + len);
buf[0] = 0x13;
buf[1] = (len >> 24) & 0xff;
buf[2] = (len >> 16) & 0xff;
buf[3] = (len >> 8) & 0xff;
buf[4] = (len >> 0) & 0xff;
buf.set(new Uint8Array(dec), 5);
return buf;
} else if (v.type === 'object') {
dec = Duktape.dec('hex', v.pointer);
len = dec.length;
buf = new Uint8Array(3 + len);
buf[0] = 0x1b;
buf[1] = v.class;
buf[2] = len;
buf.set(new Uint8Array(dec), 3);
return buf;
} else if (v.type === 'pointer') {
dec = Duktape.dec('hex', v.pointer);
len = dec.length;
buf = new Uint8Array(2 + len);
buf[0] = 0x1c;
buf[1] = len;
buf.set(new Uint8Array(dec), 2);
return buf;
} else if (v.type === 'lightfunc') {
dec = Duktape.dec('hex', v.pointer);
len = dec.length;
buf = new Uint8Array(4 + len);
buf[0] = 0x1d;
buf[1] = (v.flags >> 8) & 0xff;
buf[2] = v.flags & 0xff;
buf[3] = len;
buf.set(new Uint8Array(dec), 4);
return buf;
} else if (v.type === 'heapptr') {
dec = Duktape.dec('hex', v.pointer);
len = dec.length;
buf = new Uint8Array(2 + len);
buf[0] = 0x1e;
buf[1] = len;
buf.set(new Uint8Array(dec), 2);
return buf;
} else if (v === null) {
return new Uint8Array([ 0x17 ]);
} else if (typeof v === 'boolean') {
return new Uint8Array([ v ? 0x18 : 0x19 ]);
} else if (typeof v === 'number') {
if (Math.floor(v) === v && /* whole */
(v !== 0 || 1 / v > 0) && /* not negative zero */
v >= -0x80000000 && v <= 0x7fffffff) {
// Represented signed 32-bit integers as plain integers.
// Debugger code expects this for all fields that are not
// duk_tval representations (e.g. command numbers and such).
if (v >= 0x00 && v <= 0x3f) {
return new Uint8Array([ 0x80 + v ]);
} else if (v >= 0x0000 && v <= 0x3fff) {
return new Uint8Array([ 0xc0 + (v >> 8), v & 0xff ]);
} else if (v >= -0x80000000 && v <= 0x7fffffff) {
return new Uint8Array([ 0x10,
(v >> 24) & 0xff,
(v >> 16) & 0xff,
(v >> 8) & 0xff,
(v >> 0) & 0xff ]);
} else {
throw new Error('internal error when encoding integer to dvalue: ' + v);
} else {
// Represent non-integers as IEEE double dvalues.
buf = new Uint8Array(1 + 8);
buf[0] = 0x1a;
new DataView(buf).setFloat64(1, v, false);
return buf;
} else if (typeof v === 'string') {
if (v.length < 0 || v.length > 0xffffffff) {
// Not possible in practice.
throw new TypeError('cannot convert to dvalue, invalid string length: ' + v.length);
if (v.length <= 0x1f) {
buf = new Uint8Array(1 + v.length);
buf[0] = 0x60 + v.length;
this.writeDebugStringToBuffer(v, buf, 1);
return buf;
} else if (v.length <= 0xffff) {
buf = new Uint8Array(3 + v.length);
buf[0] = 0x12;
buf[1] = (v.length >> 8) & 0xff;
buf[2] = (v.length >> 0) & 0xff;
this.writeDebugStringToBuffer(v, buf, 3);
return buf;
} else {
buf = new Uint8Array(5 + v.length);
buf[0] = 0x11;
buf[1] = (v.length >> 24) & 0xff;
buf[2] = (v.length >> 16) & 0xff;
buf[3] = (v.length >> 8) & 0xff;
buf[4] = (v.length >> 0) & 0xff;
this.writeDebugStringToBuffer(v, buf, 5);
return buf;
throw new TypeError('value cannot be converted to dvalue: ' + jxEncode(v));
* Target binary connection handler
function TargetConnHandler(server) {
this.name = 'TargetConnHandler';
this.server = server;
this.handle = uv.new_tcp();
this.jsonHandler = null;
this.incoming = new Uint8Array(4096);
this.incomingOffset = 0;
this.dvalues = [];
TargetConnHandler.prototype.finish = function finish(msg) {
if (!this.handle) {
log.info('TargetConnHandler already disconnected, ignore finish()');
log.info('TargetConnHandler finished:', msg);
this.jsonHandler.writeJson({ notify: '_TargetDisconnected' });
// XXX: write a notify to target?
this.handle = null;
this.jsonHandler.finish(msg); // disconnect JSON client too (if not already disconnected)
TargetConnHandler.prototype.onConnect = function onConnect(err) {
var errmsg;
if (err) {
errmsg = 'Failed to connect to target: ' + err;
this.jsonHandler.writeJson({ notify: '_Error', args: [ String(err) ] });
// Once we're connected to the target, start read both binary and JSON
// input. We don't want to read JSON input before this so that we can
// always translate incoming messages to dvalues and write them out
// without queueing. Any pending JSON messages will be queued by the
// OS instead.
log.info('Connected to debug target at', targetHost + ':' + targetPort);
uv.read_start(this.jsonHandler.handle, this.jsonHandler.onRead.bind(this.jsonHandler));
uv.read_start(this.handle, this.onRead.bind(this));
TargetConnHandler.prototype.writeBinary = function writeBinary(buf) {
var plain = plainBufferCopy(buf);
log.info('PROXY --> TARGET:', Duktape.enc('jx', plain));
if (this.handle) {
uv.write(this.handle, plain);
TargetConnHandler.prototype.onRead = function onRead(err, data) {
var res;
var errmsg;
var tmpBuf;
var newIncoming;
log.trace('Received data from target socket, err:', err, 'data length:', data ? data.length : 'null');
if (err) {
errmsg = 'Error reading data from debug target: ' + err;
if (data) {
// Feed the data one byte at a time when torture testing.
if (TORTURE && data.length > 1) {
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
tmpBuf = allocPlain(1);
tmpBuf[0] = data[i];
this.onRead(null, tmpBuf);
// Receive data into 'incoming', resizing as necessary.
while (data.length > this.incoming.length - this.incomingOffset) {
newIncoming = new Uint8Array(this.incoming.length * 1.3 + 16);
this.incoming = newIncoming;
log.debug('Resize incoming binary buffer to ' + this.incoming.length);
this.incoming.set(new Uint8Array(data), this.incomingOffset);
this.incomingOffset += data.length;
// Trial parse handshake unless done.
if (!this.handshake) {
// Trial parse dvalue(s) and debug messages.
if (this.handshake) {
for (;;) {
res = this.trialParseDvalue();
if (!res) {
log.trace('Got dvalue:', Duktape.enc('jx', res.dvalue));
if (isObject(res.dvalue) && res.dvalue.type === 'eom') {
try {
this.dvalues = [];
} catch (e) {
errmsg = 'JSON message handling failed: ' + e;
this.jsonHandler.writeJson({ notify: '_Error', args: [ errmsg ] });
if (lenientJsonParse) {
log.warn('JSON message handling failed (lenient mode, ignoring):', e);
} else {
log.warn('JSON message handling failed (dropping connection):', e);
} else {
log.info('Target disconnected');
this.finish('Target disconnected');
TargetConnHandler.prototype.trialParseHandshake = function trialParseHandshake() {
var buf = this.incoming;
var avail = this.incomingOffset;
var i;
var msg;
var m;
var protocolVersion;
for (i = 0; i < avail; i++) {
if (buf[i] == 0x0a) {
msg = bufferToString(plainBufferCopy(buf.subarray(0, i)));
this.incoming.set(this.incoming.subarray(i + 1));
this.incomingOffset -= i + 1;
// Generic handshake format: only relies on initial version field.
m = /^(\d+) (.*)$/.exec(msg) || {};
protocolVersion = +m[1];
this.handshake = {
line: msg,
protocolVersion: protocolVersion,
text: m[2]
// More detailed v1 handshake line.
if (protocolVersion === 1) {
m = /^(\d+) (\d+) (.*?) (.*?) (.*)$/.exec(msg) || {};
this.handshake.dukVersion = m[1];
this.handshake.dukGitDescribe = m[2];
this.handshake.targetString = m[3];
this.jsonHandler.writeJson({ notify: '_TargetConnected', args: [ msg ] });
log.info('Target handshake: ' + JSON.stringify(this.handshake));
TargetConnHandler.prototype.bufferToDebugString = function bufferToDebugString(buf) {
return String.fromCharCode.apply(null, buf);
TargetConnHandler.prototype.trialParseDvalue = function trialParseDvalue() {
var _this = this;
var buf = this.incoming;
var avail = this.incomingOffset;
var v;
var gotValue = false; // explicit flag for e.g. v === undefined
var dv = new DataView(buf);
var tmp;
var x;
var len;
function consume(n) {
log.info('PROXY <-- TARGET:', Duktape.enc('jx', _this.incoming.subarray(0, n)));
_this.incomingOffset -= n;
x = buf[0];
if (avail <= 0) {
} else if (x >= 0xc0) {
// 0xc0...0xff: integers 0-16383
if (avail >= 2) {
v = ((x - 0xc0) << 8) + buf[1];
} else if (x >= 0x80) {
// 0x80...0xbf: integers 0-63
v = x - 0x80;
} else if (x >= 0x60) {
// 0x60...0x7f: strings with length 0-31
len = x - 0x60;
if (avail >= 1 + len) {
v = new Uint8Array(len);
v.set(buf.subarray(1, 1 + len));
v = this.bufferToDebugString(v);
consume(1 + len);
} else {
switch (x) {
case 0x00: consume(1); v = { type: 'eom' }; break;
case 0x01: consume(1); v = { type: 'req' }; break;
case 0x02: consume(1); v = { type: 'rep' }; break;
case 0x03: consume(1); v = { type: 'err' }; break;
case 0x04: consume(1); v = { type: 'nfy' }; break;
case 0x10: // 4-byte signed integer
if (avail >= 5) {
v = dv.getInt32(1, false);
case 0x11: // 4-byte string
if (avail >= 5) {
len = dv.getUint32(1, false);
if (avail >= 5 + len) {
v = new Uint8Array(len);
v.set(buf.subarray(5, 5 + len));
v = this.bufferToDebugString(v);
consume(5 + len);
case 0x12: // 2-byte string
if (avail >= 3) {
len = dv.getUint16(1, false);
if (avail >= 3 + len) {
v = new Uint8Array(len);
v.set(buf.subarray(3, 3 + len));
v = this.bufferToDebugString(v);
consume(3 + len);
case 0x13: // 4-byte buffer
if (avail >= 5) {
len = dv.getUint32(1, false);
if (avail >= 5 + len) {
v = new Uint8Array(len);
v.set(buf.subarray(5, 5 + len));
v = { type: 'buffer', data: Duktape.enc('hex', plainOf(v)) };
consume(5 + len);
case 0x14: // 2-byte buffer
if (avail >= 3) {
len = dv.getUint16(1, false);
if (avail >= 3 + len) {
v = new Uint8Array(len);
v.set(buf.subarray(3, 3 + len));
v = { type: 'buffer', data: Duktape.enc('hex', plainOf(v)) };
consume(3 + len);
case 0x15: // unused/none
v = { type: 'unused' };
case 0x16: // undefined
v = { type: 'undefined' };
gotValue = true; // indicate 'v' is actually set
case 0x17: // null
v = null;
gotValue = true; // indicate 'v' is actually set
case 0x18: // true
v = true;
case 0x19: // false
v = false;
case 0x1a: // number (IEEE double), big endian
if (avail >= 9) {
tmp = new Uint8Array(8);
tmp.set(buf.subarray(1, 9));
v = { type: 'number', data: Duktape.enc('hex', plainOf(tmp)) };
if (readableNumberValue) {
// The value key should not be used programmatically,
// it is just there to make the dumps more readable.
v.value = new DataView(tmp.buffer).getFloat64(0, false);
case 0x1b: // object
if (avail >= 3) {
len = buf[2];
if (avail >= 3 + len) {
v = new Uint8Array(len);
v.set(buf.subarray(3, 3 + len));
v = { type: 'object', 'class': buf[1], pointer: Duktape.enc('hex', plainOf(v)) };
consume(3 + len);
case 0x1c: // pointer
if (avail >= 2) {
len = buf[1];
if (avail >= 2 + len) {
v = new Uint8Array(len);
v.set(buf.subarray(2, 2 + len));
v = { type: 'pointer', pointer: Duktape.enc('hex', plainOf(v)) };
consume(2 + len);
case 0x1d: // lightfunc
if (avail >= 4) {
len = buf[3];
if (avail >= 4 + len) {
v = new Uint8Array(len);
v.set(buf.subarray(4, 4 + len));
v = { type: 'lightfunc', flags: dv.getUint16(1, false), pointer: Duktape.enc('hex', plainOf(v)) };
consume(4 + len);
case 0x1e: // heapptr
if (avail >= 2) {
len = buf[1];
if (avail >= 2 + len) {
v = new Uint8Array(len);
v.set(buf.subarray(2, 2 + len));
v = { type: 'heapptr', pointer: Duktape.enc('hex', plainOf(v)) };
consume(2 + len);
throw new Error('failed parse initial byte: ' + buf[0]);
if (typeof v !== 'undefined' || gotValue) {
return { dvalue: v };
* Main
function main() {
var argv = typeof uv.argv === 'function' ? uv.argv() : [];
var i;
for (i = 2; i < argv.length; i++) { // skip dukluv and script name
if (argv[i] == '--help') {
print('Usage: dukluv ' + argv[1] + ' [option]+');
print(' --server-host HOST JSON proxy server listen address');
print(' --server-port PORT JSON proxy server listen port');
print(' --target-host HOST Debug target address');
print(' --target-port PORT Debug target port');
print(' --metadata FILE Proxy metadata file (usually named duk_debug_meta.json)');
print(' --log-level LEVEL Set log level, default is 2; 0=trace, 1=debug, 2=info, 3=warn, etc');
print(' --single Run a single proxy connection and exit (default: persist for multiple connections)');
print(' --readable-numbers Add a non-programmatic "value" key for IEEE doubles help readability');
print(' --lenient Ignore (with warning) invalid JSON without dropping connection');
print(' --jx-parse Parse JSON proxy input with JX, useful when testing manually');
return; // don't register any sockets/timers etc to exit
} else if (argv[i] == '--single') {
singleConnection = true;
} else if (argv[i] == '--readable-numbers') {
readableNumberValue = true;
} else if (argv[i] == '--lenient') {
lenientJsonParse = true;
} else if (argv[i] == '--jx-parse') {
jxParse = true;
if (i >= argv.length - 1) {
throw new Error('missing option value for ' + argv[i]);
if (argv[i] == '--server-host') {
serverHost = argv[i + 1];
} else if (argv[i] == '--server-port') {
serverPort = Math.floor(+argv[i + 1]);
} else if (argv[i] == '--target-host') {
targetHost = argv[i + 1];
} else if (argv[i] == '--target-port') {
targetPort = Math.floor(+argv[i + 1]);
} else if (argv[i] == '--metadata') {
metadataFile = argv[i + 1];
} else if (argv[i] == '--log-level') {
log.l = Math.floor(+argv[i + 1]);
} else {
throw new Error('invalid option ' + argv[i]);
function runServer() {
var serverSocket = new JsonProxyServer(serverHost, serverPort);
var connMode = singleConnection ? 'single connection mode' : 'persistent connection mode';
log.info('Listening for incoming JSON debug connection on ' + serverHost + ':' + serverPort +
', target is ' + targetHost + ':' + targetPort + ', ' + connMode);
if (metadataFile) {
log.info('Read proxy metadata from', metadataFile);
readFully(metadataFile, function (data, err) {
if (err) {
log.error('Failed to load metadata:', err);
throw err;
try {
metadata = JSON.parse(bufferToString(data));
} catch (e) {
log.error('Failed to parse JSON metadata from ' + metadataFile + ': ' + e);
throw e;
} else {