
1253 lines
26 KiB

# Built-in strings
# String data is always quoted for clarity. Codepoints U+0000...U+00FF
# are identified with bytes 1:1 to allow even invalid UTF-8 strings to
# be represented. Internal strings are represented as Symbols with a
# structured markup to avoid exposing the specific internal format (which
# begins with a 0x82 byte since Duktape 2.2).
# Built-in strings can be mostly scanned automatically based on what
# strings built-in objects need, but there are also dependencies on
# certain built-in strings in C code (DUK_HTHREAD_STRING_XXX()) which
# are scanned using an external utility src/scan_used_stridx.py.
# Besides knowing the plain string values, metadata on some strings
# matters for built-in data generation, e.g. some strings must have
# an 8-bit string index.
# --- Standard built-in object related strings ---
# internal class values
- str: "Undefined" # sort of
class_name: true
- str: "Null" # sort of
class_name: true
- str: "Object"
class_name: true
- str: "Function"
class_name: true
- str: "Array"
class_name: true
- str: "String"
class_name: true
- str: "Symbol"
class_name: true
es6: true
- str: "Boolean"
class_name: true
- str: "Number"
class_name: true
- str: "Date"
class_name: true
- str: "RegExp"
class_name: true
- str: "Error"
class_name: true
- str: "Math"
class_name: true
- str: "JSON"
class_name: true
- str: "Arguments"
class_name: true
# built-in object names
- str: "Object"
- str: "Function"
- str: "Array"
- str: "String"
- str: "Boolean"
- str: "Number"
- str: "Date"
- str: "RegExp"
- str: "Error"
- str: "EvalError"
- str: "RangeError"
- str: "ReferenceError"
- str: "SyntaxError"
- str: "TypeError"
- str: "URIError"
- str: "Math"
- str: "JSON"
# Global object
- str: "eval"
- str: "parseInt"
- str: "parseFloat"
- str: "isNaN"
- str: "isFinite"
- str: "decodeURI"
- str: "decodeURIComponent"
- str: "encodeURI"
- str: "encodeURIComponent"
- str: "escape"
- str: "unescape"
# Object constructor
- str: "length"
- str: "prototype"
- str: "getPrototypeOf"
- str: "getOwnPropertyDescriptor"
- str: "getOwnPropertyNames"
- str: "create"
- str: "defineProperty"
- str: "defineProperties"
- str: "seal"
- str: "freeze"
- str: "preventExtensions"
- str: "isSealed"
- str: "isFrozen"
- str: "isExtensible"
- str: "keys"
# Property descriptors
- str: "value"
- str: "writable"
- str: "configurable"
- str: "enumerable"
- str: "get"
- str: "set"
# Object prototype
- str: "constructor"
- str: "toString"
- str: "toLocaleString"
- str: "valueOf"
- str: "hasOwnProperty"
- str: "isPrototypeOf"
- str: "propertyIsEnumerable"
# Object instances - no special properties
# Function constructor
- str: "length"
- str: "prototype"
# Function prototype
- str: "constructor"
- str: "toString"
- str: "apply"
- str: "call"
- str: "bind"
# Function instances
- str: "length"
- str: "prototype"
- str: "caller" # bind() generated instances
- str: "arguments" # bind() generated instances
# Array constructor
- str: "length"
- str: "prototype"
- str: "isArray"
# Array prototype
- str: "constructor"
- str: "toString"
- str: "toLocaleString"
- str: "concat"
- str: "join"
- str: "pop"
- str: "push"
- str: "reverse"
- str: "shift"
- str: "slice"
- str: "sort"
- str: "splice"
- str: "unshift"
- str: "indexOf"
- str: "lastIndexOf"
- str: "every"
- str: "some"
- str: "forEach"
- str: "map"
- str: "filter"
- str: "reduce"
- str: "reduceRight"
# Array instances
- str: "length"
# String constructor
- str: "length"
- str: "prototype"
- str: "fromCharCode"
# String prototype
- str: "constructor"
- str: "toString"
- str: "valueOf"
- str: "charAt"
- str: "charCodeAt"
- str: "concat"
- str: "indexOf"
- str: "lastIndexOf"
- str: "localeCompare"
- str: "match"
- str: "replace"
- str: "search"
- str: "slice"
- str: "split"
- str: "substring"
- str: "toLowerCase"
- str: "toLocaleLowerCase"
- str: "toUpperCase"
- str: "toLocaleUpperCase"
- str: "trim"
- str: "substr"
section_b: true
# String instances
- str: "length"
# Boolean constructor
- str: "length"
- str: "prototype"
# Boolean prototype
- str: "constructor"
- str: "toString"
- str: "valueOf"
# Boolean instances - no special properties
# Number constructor
- str: "length"
- str: "prototype"
- str: "MAX_VALUE"
- str: "MIN_VALUE"
- str: "NaN"
# Number prototype
- str: "constructor"
- str: "toString"
- str: "toLocaleString"
- str: "valueOf"
- str: "toFixed"
- str: "toExponential"
- str: "toPrecision"
# Number instances - no special properties
# Date constructor
- str: "length"
- str: "prototype"
- str: "parse"
- str: "UTC"
- str: "now"
# Date prototype
- str: "constructor"
- str: "toString"
- str: "toDateString"
- str: "toTimeString"
- str: "toLocaleString"
- str: "toLocaleDateString"
- str: "toLocaleTimeString"
- str: "valueOf"
- str: "getTime"
- str: "getFullYear"
- str: "getUTCFullYear"
- str: "getMonth"
- str: "getUTCMonth"
- str: "getDate"
- str: "getUTCDate"
- str: "getDay"
- str: "getUTCDay"
- str: "getHours"
- str: "getUTCHours"
- str: "getMinutes"
- str: "getUTCMinutes"
- str: "getSeconds"
- str: "getUTCSeconds"
- str: "getMilliseconds"
- str: "getUTCMilliseconds"
- str: "getTimezoneOffset"
- str: "setTime"
- str: "setMilliseconds"
- str: "setUTCMilliseconds"
- str: "setSeconds"
- str: "setUTCSeconds"
- str: "setMinutes"
- str: "setUTCMinutes"
- str: "setHours"
- str: "setUTCHours"
- str: "setDate"
- str: "setUTCDate"
- str: "setMonth"
- str: "setUTCMonth"
- str: "setFullYear"
- str: "setUTCFullYear"
- str: "toUTCString"
- str: "toISOString"
- str: "toJSON"
- str: "getYear"
section_b: true
- str: "setYear"
section_b: true
- str: "toGMTString"
section_b: true
# Date instances - no special properties
# RegExp constructor
- str: "length"
- str: "prototype"
# RegExp prototype
- str: "constructor"
- str: "exec"
- str: "test"
- str: "toString"
# RegExp instances
- str: "source"
- str: "global"
- str: "ignoreCase"
- str: "multiline"
- str: "lastIndex"
- str: "flags"
# - str: "unicode"
# - str: "sticky"
# RegExp exec() results
- str: "index"
- str: "input"
# Error constructor
- str: "length"
- str: "prototype"
# Error prototype
- str: "constructor"
- str: "name"
- str: "message"
- str: "toString"
# Error instances - no special properties
# Error prototype / error fields (apply to all native errors in the spec)
- str: "name"
- str: "message"
# Math object
- str: "E"
- str: "LN10"
- str: "LN2"
- str: "LOG2E"
- str: "LOG10E"
- str: "PI"
- str: "SQRT1_2"
- str: "SQRT2"
- str: "abs"
- str: "acos"
- str: "asin"
- str: "atan"
- str: "atan2"
- str: "ceil"
- str: "cos"
- str: "exp"
- str: "floor"
- str: "log"
- str: "max"
- str: "min"
- str: "pow"
- str: "random"
- str: "round"
- str: "sin"
- str: "sqrt"
- str: "tan"
# JSON object
- str: "parse"
- str: "stringify"
# --- Other standard related strings ---
# typeof - these produce unfortunate naming conflicts like "Object" vs "object"
- str: "undefined"
- str: "boolean"
- str: "number"
- str: "string"
- str: "symbol"
es6: true
- str: "object" # also returned for typeof null
- str: "function"
# type related
- str: "undefined"
- str: "null"
- str: "true"
- str: "false"
# special values
- str: "length"
- str: "NaN"
- str: "Infinity"
- str: "+Infinity"
- str: "-Infinity"
- str: "0"
- str: "+0"
- str: "-0"
- str: "" # used as a class name for unused/invalid class
class_name: true
- str: "," # for array joining
- str: "\n " # for tracebacks
- str: "[...]" # for tracebacks
- str: "Invalid Date" # for invalid Date instances
# arguments object (E5 Section 10.6)
- str: "arguments"
- str: "callee"
- str: "caller"
# "set" and "get" are strings we need in object literals but they are not
# ReservedWords.
- str: "get"
- str: "set"
# --- ES2015 specific strings ---
# Proxy
- str: "Proxy"
es6: true
#- str: "revocable"
# es6: true
# Proxy trap names (ES2015 Section 9.5)
#- str: "getPrototypeOf"
# es6: true
#- str: "setPrototypeOf"
# es6: true
#- str: "isExtensible"
# es6: true
#- str: "preventExtensions"
# es6: true
#- str: "getOwnPropertyDescriptor"
# es6: true
- str: "has"
es6: true
- str: "get"
es6: true
- str: "set"
es6: true
- str: "deleteProperty"
es6: true
#- str: "defineProperty"
# es6: true
#- str: "enumerate" # obsoleted in ES2016
# es6: true
- str: "ownKeys"
es6: true
- str: "apply"
es6: true
- str: "construct"
es6: true
- str: "Reflect"
es6: true
- str: "apply"
es6: true
- str: "construct"
es6: true
- str: "defineProperty"
es6: true
- str: "deleteProperty"
es6: true
- str: "get"
es6: true
- str: "getOwnPropertyDescriptor"
es6: true
- str: "getPrototypeOf"
es6: true
- str: "has"
es6: true
- str: "isExtensible"
es6: true
- str: "ownKeys"
es6: true
- str: "preventExtensions"
es6: true
- str: "set"
es6: true
- str: "setPrototypeOf"
es6: true
# Well-known symbols
- str:
type: symbol
variant: wellknown
string: "Symbol.toPrimitive"
- str:
type: symbol
variant: wellknown
string: "Symbol.hasInstance"
- str:
type: symbol
variant: wellknown
string: "Symbol.toStringTag"
- str:
type: symbol
variant: wellknown
string: "Symbol.isConcatSpreadable"
# Misc
- str: "setPrototypeOf"
es6: true
- str: "__proto__"
es6: true
# --- Node.js Buffer / TypedArray related strings ---
# Node.js class
- str: "Buffer"
class_name: true
nodejs_buffer: true
# Node.js Buffer constructor
- str: "concat"
nodejs_buffer: true
- str: "isEncoding"
nodejs_buffer: true
- str: "isBuffer"
nodejs_buffer: true
- str: "byteLength"
nodejs_buffer: true
- str: "compare"
nodejs_buffer: true
# Node.js Buffer prototype
- str: "toString"
nodejs_buffer: true
- str: "toJSON"
nodejs_buffer: true
- str: "write"
nodejs_buffer: true
- str: "fill"
nodejs_buffer: true
- str: "equals"
nodejs_buffer: true
- str: "compare"
nodejs_buffer: true
- str: "copy"
nodejs_buffer: true
- str: "slice"
nodejs_buffer: true
- str: "readUInt8"
nodejs_buffer: true
- str: "readInt8"
nodejs_buffer: true
- str: "readUInt16LE"
nodejs_buffer: true
- str: "readUInt16BE"
nodejs_buffer: true
- str: "readInt16LE"
nodejs_buffer: true
- str: "readInt16BE"
nodejs_buffer: true
- str: "readUInt32LE"
nodejs_buffer: true
- str: "readUInt32BE"
nodejs_buffer: true
- str: "readInt32LE"
nodejs_buffer: true
- str: "readInt32BE"
nodejs_buffer: true
- str: "readFloatLE"
nodejs_buffer: true
- str: "readFloatBE"
nodejs_buffer: true
- str: "readDoubleLE"
nodejs_buffer: true
- str: "readDoubleBE"
nodejs_buffer: true
- str: "readUIntLE"
nodejs_buffer: true
- str: "readUIntBE"
nodejs_buffer: true
- str: "readIntLE"
nodejs_buffer: true
- str: "readIntBE"
nodejs_buffer: true
- str: "writeUInt8"
nodejs_buffer: true
- str: "writeInt8"
nodejs_buffer: true
- str: "writeUInt16LE"
nodejs_buffer: true
- str: "writeUInt16BE"
nodejs_buffer: true
- str: "writeInt16LE"
nodejs_buffer: true
- str: "writeInt16BE"
nodejs_buffer: true
- str: "writeUInt32LE"
nodejs_buffer: true
- str: "writeUInt32BE"
nodejs_buffer: true
- str: "writeInt32LE"
nodejs_buffer: true
- str: "writeInt32BE"
nodejs_buffer: true
- str: "writeFloatLE"
nodejs_buffer: true
- str: "writeFloatBE"
nodejs_buffer: true
- str: "writeDoubleLE"
nodejs_buffer: true
- str: "writeDoubleBE"
nodejs_buffer: true
- str: "writeUIntLE"
nodejs_buffer: true
- str: "writeUIntBE"
nodejs_buffer: true
- str: "writeIntLE"
nodejs_buffer: true
- str: "writeIntBE"
nodejs_buffer: true
# Node.js toJSON()
- str: "type"
nodejs_buffer: true
- str: "data"
nodejs_buffer: true
# TypedArray classes
- str: "ArrayBuffer"
class_name: true
typed_array: true
- str: "DataView"
class_name: true
typed_array: true
- str: "Int8Array"
class_name: true
typed_array: true
- str: "Uint8Array"
class_name: true
typed_array: true
- str: "Uint8ClampedArray"
class_name: true
typed_array: true
- str: "Int16Array"
class_name: true
typed_array: true
- str: "Uint16Array"
class_name: true
typed_array: true
- str: "Int32Array"
class_name: true
typed_array: true
- str: "Uint32Array"
class_name: true
typed_array: true
- str: "Float32Array"
class_name: true
typed_array: true
- str: "Float64Array"
class_name: true
typed_array: true
# TypedArray ArrayBuffer constructor
- str: "isView"
typed_array: true
# TypedArray ArrayBuffer instance
- str: "slice"
typed_array: true
# TypedArray ArrayBufferView shared
- str: "buffer"
typed_array: true
- str: "length"
typed_array: true
#- str: "byteLength"
# typed_array: true
#- str: "byteOffset"
# typed_array: true
# typed_array: true
# TypedArray TypedArray (e.g. Uint8Array)
- str: "set"
typed_array: true
- str: "subarray"
typed_array: true
# TypedArray DataView
- str: "getInt8"
typed_array: true
- str: "getUint8"
typed_array: true
- str: "getInt16"
typed_array: true
- str: "getUint16"
typed_array: true
- str: "getInt32"
typed_array: true
- str: "getUint32"
typed_array: true
- str: "getFloat32"
typed_array: true
- str: "getFloat64"
typed_array: true
- str: "setInt8"
typed_array: true
- str: "setUint8"
typed_array: true
- str: "setInt16"
typed_array: true
- str: "setUint16"
typed_array: true
- str: "setInt32"
typed_array: true
- str: "setUint32"
typed_array: true
- str: "setFloat32"
typed_array: true
- str: "setFloat64"
typed_array: true
# --- Duktape specific strings ---
# non-standard global properties
- str: "Duktape"
duktape: true
# non-standard class values
- str: "global" # implementation specific but shared by e.g. smjs and V8
duktape: true
class_name: true
- str: "ObjEnv"
duktape: true
class_name: true
- str: "DecEnv"
duktape: true
class_name: true
- str: "Buffer"
duktape: true
class_name: true
- str: "Pointer"
duktape: true
class_name: true
- str: "Thread"
duktape: true
class_name: true
# non-standard built-in object names
- str: "ThrowTypeError" # implementation specific, matches V8
duktape: true
# non-standard error object (or Error.prototype) properties
- str: "stack"
duktape: true
- str: "pc"
duktape: true
- str: "fileName"
duktape: true
- str: "lineNumber"
duktape: true
#- str: "code"
# duktape: true
- str:
type: symbol
variant: hidden
string: "Tracedata"
duktape: true
internal: true
# non-standard function instance properties
- str: "name" # function declaration/expression name (or empty)
duktape: true
- str: "fileName" # filename associated with function (shown in tracebacks)
duktape: true
# typeof - these produce unfortunate naming conflicts like "Object" vs "object"
#- str: "buffer" # no longer used in Duktape 2.x for typeof (typeof plainBuffer -> 'object' instead)
# duktape: true
- str: "pointer"
duktape: true
# GETPROPC delayed error, can use any shared hidden Symbol that can never
# occur in used visible values (which may be thrown and thus trigger special
# handling). At present, use _Target which is only used by enumerator
# objects and nothing user visible.
- str:
type: symbol
variant: hidden
string: "Target"
duktape: true
internal: true
# internal property for primitive value (Boolean, Number, String)
- str:
type: symbol
variant: hidden
string: "Value"
duktape: true
internal: true
# internal properties for enumerator objects
- str:
type: symbol
variant: hidden
string: "Target"
duktape: true
internal: true
- str:
type: symbol
variant: hidden
string: "Next"
duktape: true
internal: true
# internal properties for RegExp instances
- str:
type: symbol
variant: hidden
string: "Bytecode"
duktape: true
internal: true
# internal properties for function objects
- str:
type: symbol
variant: hidden
string: "Formals"
duktape: true
internal: true
- str:
type: symbol
variant: hidden
string: "Varmap"
duktape: true
internal: true
- str:
type: symbol
variant: hidden
string: "Source"
duktape: true
internal: true
- str:
type: symbol
variant: hidden
string: "Pc2line"
duktape: true
internal: true
# internal properties for thread objects
# internal properties for argument objects
- str:
type: symbol
variant: hidden
string: "Map"
duktape: true
internal: true
- str:
type: symbol
variant: hidden
string: "Varenv"
duktape: true
internal: true
- str:
type: symbol
variant: hidden
string: "Callee"
duktape: true
internal: true
# internal properties for general objects
#- str:
# type: symbol
# variant: hidden
# string: "Metatable"
# duktape: true
# internal: true
- str:
type: symbol
variant: hidden
string: "Finalizer"
duktape: true
internal: true
# internal property used for GETPROPC created error objects to delay
# their throwing (intentionally reuse an existing property name)
- str:
type: symbol
variant: hidden
string: "Value"
duktape: true
internal: true
# fake filename for compiled functions
- str: "compile" # used as a filename for functions created with Function constructor
duktape: true
- str: "input" # used as a filename for eval temp function
duktape: true
# Duktape object
- str: "errCreate"
duktape: true
- str: "errThrow"
duktape: true
- str: "env"
duktape: true
- str: "version"
duktape: true
- str: "info"
duktape: true
- str: "act"
duktape: true
- str: "gc"
duktape: true
- str: "fin"
duktape: true
- str: "enc"
duktape: true
- str: "dec"
duktape: true
- str: "compact"
duktape: true
# enc/dec algorithms
- str: "hex"
duktape: true
- str: "base64"
duktape: true
- str: "jx"
duktape: true
- str: "jc"
duktape: true
# Buffer constructor
# Buffer prototype
# Pointer constructor
# Pointer prototype
# Thread constructor
- str: "yield"
duktape: true
- str: "resume"
duktape: true
- str: "current"
duktape: true
# Thread prototype
# special literals for custom json encodings
- str: "{\"_undef\":true}"
duktape: true
- str: "{\"_nan\":true}"
duktape: true
- str: "{\"_inf\":true}"
duktape: true
- str: "{\"_ninf\":true}"
duktape: true
- str: "{\"_func\":true}"
duktape: true
- str: "{_func:true}"
duktape: true
# --- Standard reserved words (non-strict mode + strict mode) ---
# Note: order must match DUK_TOK_XXX reserved defines in duk_types.h
# E5 Section 7.6.1
# Keyword
- str: "break"
reserved_word: true
- str: "case"
reserved_word: true
- str: "catch"
reserved_word: true
- str: "continue"
reserved_word: true
- str: "debugger"
reserved_word: true
- str: "default"
reserved_word: true
- str: "delete"
reserved_word: true
- str: "do"
reserved_word: true
- str: "else"
reserved_word: true
- str: "finally"
reserved_word: true
- str: "for"
reserved_word: true
- str: "function"
reserved_word: true
- str: "if"
reserved_word: true
- str: "in"
reserved_word: true
- str: "instanceof"
reserved_word: true
- str: "new"
reserved_word: true
- str: "return"
reserved_word: true
- str: "switch"
reserved_word: true
- str: "this"
reserved_word: true
- str: "throw"
reserved_word: true
- str: "try"
reserved_word: true
- str: "typeof"
reserved_word: true
- str: "var"
reserved_word: true
- str: "const" # future reserved word in E5.1, now supported by Duktape so moved here
reserved_word: true
- str: "void"
reserved_word: true
- str: "while"
reserved_word: true
- str: "with"
reserved_word: true
# Future reserved word
- str: "class"
reserved_word: true
future_reserved_word: true
- str: "enum"
reserved_word: true
future_reserved_word: true
- str: "export"
reserved_word: true
future_reserved_word: true
- str: "extends"
reserved_word: true
future_reserved_word: true
- str: "import"
reserved_word: true
future_reserved_word: true
- str: "super"
reserved_word: true
future_reserved_word: true
# E5 Section 7.8.1 and 7.8.2: special literals which the lexer
# basically treats like keywords
- str: "null"
reserved_word: true
special_literal: true
- str: "true"
reserved_word: true
special_literal: true
- str: "false"
reserved_word: true
special_literal: true
# "set" and "get" are *NOT* reserved words and there is even code
# in the wild with statements like "var set = 1;". They are thus
# treated as ordinary identifiers and recognized by the compiler
# as tokens in a special way.
#- str: "get"
#- str: "set"
# --- Standard reserved words (strict mode only) ---
# Note: order must match DUK_TOK_XXX reserved defines in duk_types.h
# Future reserved word (additionally in strict mode)
- str: "implements"
reserved_word: true
future_reserved_word: true
future_reserved_word_strict: true
- str: "interface"
reserved_word: true
future_reserved_word: true
future_reserved_word_strict: true
- str: "let"
reserved_word: true
future_reserved_word: true
future_reserved_word_strict: true
- str: "package"
reserved_word: true
future_reserved_word: true
future_reserved_word_strict: true
- str: "private"
reserved_word: true
future_reserved_word: true
future_reserved_word_strict: true
- str: "protected"
reserved_word: true
future_reserved_word: true
future_reserved_word_strict: true
- str: "public"
reserved_word: true
future_reserved_word: true
future_reserved_word_strict: true
- str: "static"
reserved_word: true
future_reserved_word: true
future_reserved_word_strict: true
- str: "yield"
reserved_word: true
future_reserved_word: true
future_reserved_word_strict: true
# Duktape duk_lexer.h expects these strings to be in this exact order
# starting from "first reserved word".
- "break"
- "case"
- "catch"
- "continue"
- "debugger"
- "default"
- "delete"
- "do"
- "else"
- "finally"
- "for"
- "function"
- "if"
- "in"
- "instanceof"
- "new"
- "return"
- "switch"
- "this"
- "throw"
- "try"
- "typeof"
- "var"
- "const"
- "void"
- "while"
- "with"
- "class"
- "enum"
- "export"
- "extends"
- "import"
- "super"
- "null"
- "true"
- "false"
- "implements"
- "interface"
- "let"
- "package"
- "private"
- "protected"
- "public"
- "static"
- "yield"
# Forced define names for specific strings for which automatic name generation
# does a bad job.
# "typeof" has name conflicts like "object" and "Object", broken with
# explicit LC/UC prefix.
"undefined": "LC_UNDEFINED"
"Undefined": "UC_UNDEFINED"
"null": "LC_NULL"
"Null": "UC_NULL"
"object": "LC_OBJECT"
"Object": "UC_OBJECT"
"boolean": "LC_BOOLEAN"
"Boolean": "UC_BOOLEAN"
"number": "LC_NUMBER"
"Number": "UC_NUMBER"
"function": "LC_FUNCTION"
"Function": "UC_FUNCTION"
"string": "LC_STRING"
"String": "UC_STRING"
"array": "LC_ARRAY"
"Array": "UC_ARRAY"
"symbol": "LC_SYMBOL"
"Symbol": "UC_SYMBOL"
"arguments": "LC_ARGUMENTS"
"Arguments": "UC_ARGUMENTS"
"date": "LC_DATE"
"Date": "UC_DATE"
"buffer": "LC_BUFFER"
"Buffer": "UC_BUFFER"
"pointer": "LC_POINTER"
"Pointer": "UC_POINTER"
#"thread": "LC_THREAD"
"Thread": "UC_THREAD"
"error": "LC_ERROR"
"Error": "UC_ERROR"
# log levels
"trace": "LC_TRACE"
#"Trace": "UC_TRACE"
"debug": "LC_DEBUG"
#"Debug": "UC_DEBUG"
"info": "LC_INFO"
#"Info": "UC_INFO"
"warn": "LC_WARN"
#"Warn": "UC_WARN"
#"error": "LC_ERROR" # already above
#"Error": "UC_ERROR"
"fatal": "LC_FATAL"
#"Fatal": "UC_FATAL"
"+Infinity": "PLUS_INFINITY"
"-Infinity": "MINUS_INFINITY"
"0": "ZERO"
"+0": "PLUS_ZERO"
"-0": "MINUS_ZERO"
"NaN": "NAN"
"isNaN": "IS_NAN"
"Invalid Date": "INVALID_DATE"
"decodeURIComponent": "DECODE_URI_COMPONENT"
"encodeURIComponent": "ENCODE_URI_COMPONENT"
"getUTCDate": "GET_UTC_DATE"
"getUTCDay": "GET_UTC_DAY"
"getUTCHours": "GET_UTC_HOURS"
"getUTCMilliseconds": "GET_UTC_MILLISECONDS"
"getUTCMinutes": "GET_UTC_MINUTES"
"getUTCMonth": "GET_UTC_MONTH"
"getUTCSeconds": "GET_UTC_SECONDS"
"setUTCDate": "SET_UTC_DATE"
"setUTCDay": "SET_UTC_DAY"
"setUTCHours": "SET_UTC_HOURS"
"setUTCMilliseconds": "SET_UTC_MILLISECONDS"
"setUTCMinutes": "SET_UTC_MINUTES"
"setUTCMonth": "SET_UTC_MONTH"
"setUTCSeconds": "SET_UTC_SECONDS"
"LOG10E": "LOG10E"
"LOG2E": "LOG2E"
"toISOString": "TO_ISO_STRING"
"toUTCString": "TO_UTC_STRING"
"toGMTString": "TO_GMT_STRING"
"Duktape": "DUKTAPE"
",": "COMMA"
"{\"_undef\":true}": "JSON_EXT_UNDEFINED"
"{\"_nan\":true}": "JSON_EXT_NAN"
"{\"_inf\":true}": "JSON_EXT_POSINF"
"{\"_ninf\":true}": "JSON_EXT_NEGINF"
"{\"_func\":true}": "JSON_EXT_FUNCTION1"
"{_func:true}": "JSON_EXT_FUNCTION2"