
478 lines
14 KiB

* Pure ECMAScript eventloop example.
* Timer state handling is inefficient in this trivial example. Timers are
* kept in an array sorted by their expiry time which works well for expiring
* timers, but has O(n) insertion performance. A better implementation would
* use a heap or some other efficient structure for managing timers so that
* all operations (insert, remove, get nearest timer) have good performance.
* https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Timers
* Event loop
* Timers are sorted by 'target' property which indicates expiry time of
* the timer. The timer expiring next is last in the array, so that
* removals happen at the end, and inserts for timers expiring in the
* near future displace as few elements in the array as possible.
EventLoop = {
// timers
timers: [], // active timers, sorted (nearest expiry last)
expiring: null, // set to timer being expired (needs special handling in clearTimeout/clearInterval)
nextTimerId: 1,
minimumDelay: 1,
minimumWait: 1,
maximumWait: 60000,
maxExpirys: 10,
// sockets
socketListening: {}, // fd -> callback
socketReading: {}, // fd -> callback
socketConnecting: {}, // fd -> callback
// misc
exitRequested: false
EventLoop.dumpState = function() {
print('TIMER STATE:');
this.timers.forEach(function(t) {
print(' ' + Duktape.enc('jx', t));
if (this.expiring) {
print(' EXPIRING: ' + Duktape.enc('jx', this.expiring));
// Get timer with lowest expiry time. Since the active timers list is
// sorted, it's always the last timer.
EventLoop.getEarliestTimer = function() {
var timers = this.timers;
n = timers.length;
return (n > 0 ? timers[n - 1] : null);
EventLoop.getEarliestWait = function() {
var t = this.getEarliestTimer();
return (t ? t.target - Date.now() : null);
EventLoop.insertTimer = function(timer) {
var timers = this.timers;
var i, n, t;
* Find 'i' such that we want to insert *after* timers[i] at index i+1.
* If no such timer, for-loop terminates with i-1, and we insert at -1+1=0.
n = timers.length;
for (i = n - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
t = timers[i];
if (timer.target <= t.target) {
// insert after 't', to index i+1
timers.splice(i + 1 /*start*/, 0 /*deleteCount*/, timer);
// Remove timer/interval with a timer ID. The timer/interval can reside
// either on the active list or it may be an expired timer (this.expiring)
// whose user callback we're running when this function gets called.
EventLoop.removeTimerById = function(timer_id) {
var timers = this.timers;
var i, n, t;
t = this.expiring;
if (t) {
if (t.id === timer_id) {
// Timer has expired and we're processing its callback. User
// callback has requested timer deletion. Mark removed, so
// that the timer is not reinserted back into the active list.
// This is actually a common case because an interval may very
// well cancel itself.
t.removed = true;
n = timers.length;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
t = timers[i];
if (t.id === timer_id) {
// Timer on active list: mark removed (not really necessary, but
// nice for dumping), and remove from active list.
t.removed = true;
this.timers.splice(i /*start*/, 1 /*deleteCount*/);
// no such ID, ignore
EventLoop.processTimers = function() {
var now = Date.now();
var timers = this.timers;
var sanity = this.maxExpirys;
var n, t;
* Here we must be careful with mutations: user callback may add and
* delete an arbitrary number of timers.
* Current solution is simple: check whether the timer at the end of
* the list has expired. If not, we're done. If it has expired,
* remove it from the active list, record it in this.expiring, and call
* the user callback. If user code deletes the this.expiring timer,
* there is special handling which just marks the timer deleted so
* it won't get inserted back into the active list.
* This process is repeated at most maxExpirys times to ensure we don't
* get stuck forever; user code could in principle add more and more
* already expired timers.
while (sanity-- > 0) {
// If exit requested, don't call any more callbacks. This allows
// a callback to do cleanups and request exit, and can be sure that
// no more callbacks are processed.
if (this.exitRequested) {
//print('exit requested, exit');
// Timers to expire?
n = timers.length;
if (n <= 0) {
t = timers[n - 1];
if (now <= t.target) {
// Timer has not expired, and no other timer could have expired
// either because the list is sorted.
// Remove the timer from the active list and process it. The user
// callback may add new timers which is not a problem. The callback
// may also delete timers which is not a problem unless the timer
// being deleted is the timer whose callback we're running; this is
// why the timer is recorded in this.expiring so that clearTimeout()
// and clearInterval() can detect this situation.
if (t.oneshot) {
t.removed = true; // flag for removal
} else {
t.target = now + t.delay;
this.expiring = t;
try {
} catch (e) {
print('timer callback failed, ignored: ' + e);
this.expiring = null;
// If the timer was one-shot, it's marked 'removed'. If the user callback
// requested deletion for the timer, it's also marked 'removed'. If the
// timer is an interval (and is not marked removed), insert it back into
// the timer list.
if (!t.removed) {
// Reinsert interval timer to correct sorted position. The timer
// must be an interval timer because one-shot timers are marked
// 'removed' above.
EventLoop.run = function() {
var wait;
var poll_set;
var poll_count;
var fd;
var t, rev;
var rc;
var acc_res;
for (;;) {
* Process expired timers.
* Exit check (may be requested by a user callback)
if (this.exitRequested) {
//print('exit requested, exit');
* Create poll socket list. This is a very naive approach.
* On Linux, one could use e.g. epoll() and manage socket lists
* incrementally.
poll_set = {};
poll_count = 0;
for (fd in this.socketListening) {
poll_set[fd] = { events: POLLIN, revents: 0 };
for (fd in this.socketReading) {
poll_set[fd] = { events: POLLIN, revents: 0 };
for (fd in this.socketConnecting) {
poll_set[fd] = { events: POLLOUT, revents: 0 };
//print(new Date(), 'poll_set IN:', Duktape.enc('jx', poll_set));
* Wait timeout for timer closest to expiry. Since the poll
* timeout is relative, get this as close to poll() as possible.
wait = this.getEarliestWait();
if (wait === null) {
if (poll_count === 0) {
print('no active timers and no sockets to poll, exit');
} else {
wait = this.maximumWait;
} else {
wait = Math.min(this.maximumWait, Math.max(this.minimumWait, wait));
* Do the actual poll.
try {
Poll.poll(poll_set, wait);
} catch (e) {
// Eat errors silently.
* Process all sockets so that nothing is left unhandled for the
* next round.
//print(new Date(), 'poll_set OUT:', Duktape.enc('jx', poll_set));
for (fd in poll_set) {
t = poll_set[fd];
rev = t.revents;
if (rev & POLLIN) {
cb = this.socketReading[fd];
if (cb) {
data = Socket.read(fd); // no size control now
//print('READ', Duktape.enc('jx', data));
if (data.length === 0) {
//print('zero read for fd ' + fd + ', closing forcibly');
rc = Socket.close(fd); // ignore result
delete this.socketListening[fd];
delete this.socketReading[fd];
} else {
cb(fd, data);
} else {
cb = this.socketListening[fd];
if (cb) {
acc_res = Socket.accept(fd);
//print('ACCEPT:', Duktape.enc('jx', acc_res));
cb(acc_res.fd, acc_res.addr, acc_res.port);
} else {
if (rev & POLLOUT) {
cb = this.socketConnecting[fd];
if (cb) {
delete this.socketConnecting[fd];
} else {
if ((rev & ~(POLLIN | POLLOUT)) !== 0) {
//print('revents ' + t.revents + ' for fd ' + fd + ', closing forcibly');
rc = Socket.close(fd); // ignore result
delete this.socketListening[fd];
delete this.socketReading[fd];
EventLoop.requestExit = function() {
this.exitRequested = true;
EventLoop.server = function(address, port, cb_accepted) {
var fd = Socket.createServerSocket(address, port);
this.socketListening[fd] = cb_accepted;
EventLoop.connect = function(address, port, cb_connected) {
var fd = Socket.connect(address, port);
this.socketConnecting[fd] = cb_connected;
EventLoop.close = function(fd) {
delete this.socketReading[fd];
delete this.socketListening[fd];
EventLoop.setReader = function(fd, cb_read) {
this.socketReading[fd] = cb_read;
EventLoop.write = function(fd, data) {
// This simple example doesn't have support for write blocking / draining
if (typeof data === 'string') {
data = new TextEncoder().encode(data);
var rc = Socket.write(fd, data);
* Timer API
* These interface with the singleton EventLoop.
function setTimeout(func, delay) {
var cb_func;
var bind_args;
var timer_id;
var evloop = EventLoop;
// Delay can be optional at least in some contexts, so tolerate that.
// https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/WindowOrWorkerGlobalScope/setTimeout
if (typeof delay !== 'number') {
if (typeof delay === 'undefined') {
delay = 0;
} else {
throw new TypeError('invalid delay');
delay = Math.max(evloop.minimumDelay, delay);
if (typeof func === 'string') {
// Legacy case: callback is a string.
cb_func = eval.bind(this, func);
} else if (typeof func !== 'function') {
throw new TypeError('callback is not a function/string');
} else if (arguments.length > 2) {
// Special case: callback arguments are provided.
bind_args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 2); // [ arg1, arg2, ... ]
bind_args.unshift(this); // [ global(this), arg1, arg2, ... ]
cb_func = func.bind.apply(func, bind_args);
} else {
// Normal case: callback given as a function without arguments.
cb_func = func;
timer_id = evloop.nextTimerId++;
id: timer_id,
oneshot: true,
cb: cb_func,
delay: delay,
target: Date.now() + delay
return timer_id;
function clearTimeout(timer_id) {
var evloop = EventLoop;
if (typeof timer_id !== 'number') {
throw new TypeError('timer ID is not a number');
function setInterval(func, delay) {
var cb_func;
var bind_args;
var timer_id;
var evloop = EventLoop;
if (typeof delay !== 'number') {
if (typeof delay === 'undefined') {
delay = 0;
} else {
throw new TypeError('invalid delay');
delay = Math.max(evloop.minimumDelay, delay);
if (typeof func === 'string') {
// Legacy case: callback is a string.
cb_func = eval.bind(this, func);
} else if (typeof func !== 'function') {
throw new TypeError('callback is not a function/string');
} else if (arguments.length > 2) {
// Special case: callback arguments are provided.
bind_args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 2); // [ arg1, arg2, ... ]
bind_args.unshift(this); // [ global(this), arg1, arg2, ... ]
cb_func = func.bind.apply(func, bind_args);
} else {
// Normal case: callback given as a function without arguments.
cb_func = func;
timer_id = evloop.nextTimerId++;
id: timer_id,
oneshot: false,
cb: cb_func,
delay: delay,
target: Date.now() + delay
return timer_id;
function clearInterval(timer_id) {
var evloop = EventLoop;
if (typeof timer_id !== 'number') {
throw new TypeError('timer ID is not a number');
/* custom call */
function requestEventLoopExit() {